Paulina Logan
Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
From Ukiah, California; Paulina Logan is a songwriter with a guitar and a voice that flows perfectly with her songs.
Date Published: 7/3/2008
Interview By: Daryl Green
1. NSM
Right now you’re a solo-act. Do you have any plans of putting a band together?
Paulina - Some tentative plans, yes. I like playing as a solo artist, but it certainly has some limitations. A guitarist friend of mine is thinking about putting a band together so that we can play some bigger shows.
2. NSM
What inspired you to be a musician, more specifically, what inspired you to write music and play the guitar?
Paulina - I’ve always loved to sing, but it’s only been within the last couple of years that I’ve started seriously writing and performing and marketing my songs. I remember seeing Jewel play live and I suddenly thought, “you know, I think that THAT is what I want to do!”
3. NSM
How did you learn to play guitar?
Paulina - I had a few guitar lessons when I was in college, but I just couldn’t get the hang of it and I gave up. I tried again a couple of years later, and I guess the timing was better because all of a sudden it started to make sense. I learned Am, Em, and C, and decided that that was enough to start writing songs!
4. NSM
When did you start recording music?
Paulina - In 2002 I made my first demo. It consisted of five songs that I wrote with an Orlando-based producer, Dax Baumgartner. It was so wild to hear my voice coming out of the speakers in the studio! To be honest, I’m still not used to that.
5. NSM
What was your first gig like for you? Were you nervous?
Paulina - In 2005 I got a residency at a local coffee shop. Every Wednesday afternoon I would plug in my guitar and play for anyone who happened to be around. In the beginning it was a little awkward and I was completely terrified! But after a few weeks I started settling into the rhythm of it and started playing around with the set list. It ended up being really fun.
6. NSM
"Stay" is a beautiful song. Where did your inspiration for this come from?
Paulina - Thank you! “Stay” is a song that I wrote about being afraid, and about the importance of having people in your life who help you move through that fear.
7. NSM
You list several musical influences on your website. Pick a few and tell us why and how these people have an effect on you and your music.
Paulina - I listen to a lot of different artists. Pink is one of my favorite rocker girls. I’m always really inspired by her energy and attitude, and she’s got this amazing vulnerability that I really admire. I also love Ani DiFranco. The way she puts words together is just incredible. And I don’t know how she gets all of those gorgeous sounds from her guitar. I also adore Tristan Prettyman. She’s incredibly talented and she has a great relationship with her fans. I really respect the way she is handling her career.
8. NSM
What is your favorite song to perform?
Paulina - My favorite song to perform (at the moment, anyway!) is called “Write You as Song.” I’m actually in the studio right now recording it; it will be on my next CD. There’s a sustained note near the end that’s really fun to sing.
9. NSM
What is your ideal environment to write music?
Paulina - I usually write when I’ve had a bad day. For some reason, stress really fuels creativity for me. Not that it’s ideal, but I find that it’s a good way to analyze my feelings. Once all the emotions are in the song, I can let them out of my head and heart. I’m super introverted and I have a really hard time communicating outside of music, so I’m really grateful to have writing as an outlet.
10. NSM
If you could choose one musician/band to perform with, who would it be and why?
Paulina - If I could perform with anyone, it would definitely be Jewel. She’s my favorite artist. Ever. Her songs have gotten me through a lot of dark moments. I was just listening to her “Spirit” record earlier today, and I was thinking about how much her song “Barcelona” has helped me.
11. NSM
Can you describe how you envision this performance?
Paulina - Maybe at a festival or something. I remember seeing some footage from the Lilith Fair with Jewel and all these other amazing artists, and thinking about how cool it would be to be a part of something like that.
12. NSM
What do you hope you’ll be doing musically in 5 years?
Paulina - In five years I hope to have at least two more full-length records out, and to be really comfortable performing in all types of situations.
13. NSM
Is there anything you would like to say to the people reading this interview?
Paulina - I would like to say THANK YOU for reading this! And anyone who wants more info can go to www.paulinalogan.com - New Sound Magazine
With influences like Jewel, and Norah Jones; Paulina Logan, a new California-based artist, writes and performs music that packs lots of emotion. When I say a lot of emotion, I mean, I got goosebumps upon first hearing her voice on the track “Lovely.” Complemented with some beautiful guitar harmonies, the lyrics are deep, and her voice perfectly expresses the emotion of her songs to the point where they can almost be felt. The lyrical message, and its music as a whole, supports the same message, creating a story, or a sort of sonic map. Other great examples of this are the songs “Write You As Song,” which creates and expresses a melancholic atmosphere, “Road Trip,” with its story like shifting ranges in tone, or “Sorry,” with its more uplifting tonality. Overall, a great aspect that creates a great deal of expression.
Another aspect I found intriguing upon listening to many of her tracks, is the sonic immersion the listeners will experience listening to the instrumental arrangements. Listening to the track “Disturbing Behavior,” off her Wallflower album, I felt an euphoric feel of immersion into those great sounds, perhaps due to the openness of the sounds. This is further helped with the quality of production, where all the little details show up clearly, decorating the sound for a very pleasant listening experience. Although different from Pink Floyd and such, it reminds me of that feeling I get listening to their music. There are many small details that help create some sort of sonic atmosphere.
Also worth noting- Paulina Logan’s albums show great variety in her songs, displaying great songwriting across various aspects of the genre. As previously mentioned, the songs range from slow and soothing, to pure rockin’. “Shut the Door,” one of her more “overdriven” tracks, has a very punchy rocking sound, which many will probably associate with the 80s. It includes some really catchy galloping riffery, once again led by her smooth, unique voice.
Paulina Logan is definitely one of the most intriguing songwriters I have heard as of late.
Be sure to check her out at www.myspace.com/paulinalogan
or at http://www.paulinalogan.com - Guitar Living
Singer/Songwriter Paulina Logan is one of the new voices of Indie music. Her sweet tunes, fun lyrics, and gentle voice certainly make her a sensational act not to miss. Junior's Cave recently caught up with Paulina who was willing to speak with us in this ultra cool interview.
Isaac: Please take a moment to elaborate on who you are and your upbringing in Northern California.
Paulina: I'm a 25-year-old singer/songwriter. I moved to Ukiah (from Central California) when I was thirteen. It's a really great area for the arts, both visual and performing. There are a lot of art galleries, community theater programs, and some restaurants and bars that host live music. There are a lot of really talented people in Ukiah, and that's really inspiring.
Isaac: I read in your bio that you have just released your first full-length album, "Wallflower." Expound on the creative process of seeing this project come to life.
Paulina: Creating "Wallflower" was a really exciting experience. It was produced and engineered by Gilli Moon and Matt Thorne in Burbank. The process began when I brought my songs to Gilli in rough demo form. We worked on arrangements and she brought in incredible musicians. It was an intense time of learning for me, both in terms of recording and songwriting.
Isaac: Expound on what you believe is the current state of Indie Artists.
Paulina: With the marketing opportunities available through the Internet, being an indie artist these days is pretty awesome. I can get my music in lots of places that, in the past, only major labels could access. Sites like MySpace and Taxi (and Junior's Cave!) are incredibly beneficial. With tools like electronic press kits, indie artists can get the attention of labels and fans alike.
Isaac: Was there any one musician that spoke to your heart so profoundly, you were inspired to do your own thing as a Pop Singer?
Paulina: Definitely Jewel. She's my favorite. She's the one performer who made me want to become a musician.
Isaac: Which singer/group would you say you would most like to do a duet with?
Paulina: I just discovered Ingrid Michaelson a couple of months ago when she released "Be Ok." That record is amazing. I would love to do a song with her someday!
Isaac: What singer/songwriter do you most connect with?
Paulina: I really adore Tristan Prettyman. Her music is beautiful and she seems like a really cool person- she's very accessible to her fans, like through MySpace, and I really like that.
Isaac: Out of your entire song collection that you've written thus far, which song(s) would you say is/are the most personal/meaningful to you?
Paulina: A song that I'm recording right now, "Forever," probably has the most personal lyrics that I've written. Most of my songs are actually about other people. I use the word "I" a lot, but usually I'm writing about my observations of other people and situations. "Forever" is about recognizing my own limitations, and wanting to change, but being too afraid to.
Isaac: Which singers/groups do you enjoy/like from some of today's music genres?
Paulina: I like a lot of music! I listen to lot of Shakira, India Arie, Alexz Johnson, John Mayer, Anna Nalick, Nelly Furtado, Jason Mraz, Kelly Clarkson, Ani DiFranco, Tony Lucca, Sara Bareilles… I could go on all day.
Isaac: What charities are you involved with or support and why should people get involved?
Paulina: I support anything that gets kids excited about reading. I've always been a reader; I carry at least one book with me at all times. I work with kids, and my favorite part of my job is helping them pick out books to read, and talking with them about what they're reading. I think that a love for reading develops into a love for learning that can last forever, so it's important to nurture that.
Isaac: Have you (or would you ever consider) writing a song about any of today's particular world issues/problems? If so, what world issue would speak to you the most to write about?
Paulina: I wrote a political song last year called "Bleed." I'm not sure if it will ever end up on a record, and I don't play it live very often, because it's kind of heavy and doesn't necessarily fit in well with the rest of my set list. It was one of the instances where the song just needed to come out. I really admire songwriters who are unafraid to take a stand on controversial topics and get involved with political issues.
Isaac: What is the main reason why should people listen to your music?
Paulina: To be honest, I would be making music whether people listened or not. It's just something that I do. I hope that people can find something in it that is enjoyable.
Isaac: Do you believe that the Pop music genre is dying? Why or why not?
Paulina: Pop music will be around forever! It will evolve into different sounds, but there will always be a pop genre.
Isaac: What have been the biggest challenges to get your music out there - Junior's Cave Magazine
Interview with Paulina Logan
by Crysteena Douglas
I had the pleasure of interviewing a lovely artist by the name of Paulina Logan. Her insightful and honest responses definitely leave me hoping
that her star continues to rise and rise. She’s not a pop tart, but a full-bodied Cali girl! LOL! Enjoy and experience why interviewing her was
so much fun.
D.A.M.: When did your interest in music become a passion? Was there a singular moment where you knew you wanted to pursue your music as a career?
Paulina: Well, I’ve ALWAYS loved to sing. It wasn’t until I was in my early 20s that I started writing and playing guitar and figuring out how to
market myself- all that stuff. But I remember very clearly, at age ten, thinking, gee, I wish I could be a singer when I grow up. And then having a very intense moment of clarity where I thought- hey, I CAN!
D.A.M.: Do you come from a musically inclined family?
Paulina: Actually, my mom says it must have skipped a few generations! But there was always music being played in the house- as a kid, as silly
as this sounds, I was always excited for housecleaning days because it meant I could put on our Andrew Lloyd Webber CD and belt out “Tell
Me On a Sunday” while I dusted the furniture.
D.A.M.: You tout Alanis Morrisette, Norah Jones, and India.Arie as influences. What is it they all have in common for you?
Paulina: They are all amazing ladies who have achieved incredible success by doing their own thing their own way. I think they’re really inspir-
D.A.M.: Regarding new up and coming artists what sets your sound apart from the rest?
Paulina: Well, my music reflects me, so in that case it’s an individual creation. I have a pretty eclectic mix of influences, so that’s represented in
my work, too.
D.A.M.: Why should anyone purchase your album?
Paulina: Well, I am admittedly not super-comfortable with the whole self-promotion thing, BUT even my awkward self can say that “Wallflower” is a good record. I had a great time making it (Gilli Moon of Warrior Girl Music produced it) and I’m really happy with the final product. I think that there are some songs on there that people really connect with.
D.A.M.: I noticed on your myspace blogs you always mention a book you’re reading and I’ve found some interesting titles. Have you always been a book junkie or is this a new affection?
Paulina: YES, my book addiction started at a very young age. I have boxes and boxes and boxes of books stored away because long ago I ran
out of shelf space. I definitely buy books with a shopaholic sort of mentality, that “gee, I can’t really afford it but somehow I just know that my life will be better if I own that book!” kind of thinking. I like young adult fiction (anything by Meg Cabot I buy immediately, LOVE HER), TV show novelizations (the Monk books are awesome) and I also read a lot of memoirs.
D.A.M.: Is there a song that was inspired by something you read?
Paulina: Nothing that I can think of specifically, but my lyrics are definitely inspired by what I see in the world in general. So I suppose stories that I’ve read could influence that.
D.A.M.: Do you write most of your music? In your opinion does not writing make for a less legitimate artist? What makes you the “real thing”?
Paulina: Yep, I write everything, and sometimes a co-write session will help improve things. And in the future I hope to write with other people more often. I definitely learn a lot as I go. It’s so exciting to be able to express my thoughts through music, but I don’t think someone needs to be a writer in order to be an artist. There certainly are incredible vocalists who don’t write, and that’s cool. There are different skills. I think that if a singer is not interested in writing, he or she shouldn’t feel pressured to spend time on it.
D.A.M.: What’s your take on stardom? Is there a musical artist that you feel carries their success with grace and class?
Paulina: My guess is that stardom is something that would be really exciting for a few weeks, and then get really stressful. I think that KT Tunstall is a good example of someone who has become really successful but seems like a very cool, interesting person.
D.A.M.: You have a few songs on the compilation “Bad Girls Don’t Cry.” Would you label yourself as a ‘bad girl’? Define the 2009 ‘bad girl’ in your own terms.
Paulina: My friends would totally crack up if I called myself a “bad girl” but I think that in this case it’s more about following your own rules
than about being “bad.” Like if one path to your goal isn’t working, instead of giving up, you figure out a different path.
D.A.M.: Where do you envision yourself in 5 years?
Paulina: Hopefully with a couple more studio releases done. I’d like to learn how to put together a tour and be a more confident performer. I’ll be happy as long as I can keep on creating! - The D.A.M. Magazine- Feature Interview
Paulina Logan does a fantastic balancing act between world music and adult contemporary genres on her album Wallflower. The production of Wallflower is overwhelmingly stellar. It's one of those albums with a ton of sounds going on, but nothing muddying up the mix.
Logan's writing is fun and energetic. You can't help but have a good attitude when you're listening to her art.
True standout highlights are Too Far Gone, Stay, and Fly Away. Each of these I believe showcase her vocal talent in their best light.
The instrumentation throughout utilizes some non-traditional sounds, but crafts them all easily for a completely enjoyable album. The next time you're in California, look Paulina Logan up and catch a live show!
- Awaken Music
Paulina Logan does a fantastic balancing act between world music and adult contemporary genres on her album Wallflower. The production of Wallflower is overwhelmingly stellar. It's one of those albums with a ton of sounds going on, but nothing muddying up the mix.
Logan's writing is fun and energetic. You can't help but have a good attitude when you're listening to her art.
True standout highlights are Too Far Gone, Stay, and Fly Away. Each of these I believe showcase her vocal talent in their best light.
The instrumentation throughout utilizes some non-traditional sounds, but crafts them all easily for a completely enjoyable album. The next time you're in California, look Paulina Logan up and catch a live show!
- Awaken Music
This California performer produces a sound that puts her squarely in the folk/acoustic genre. That should satisfy people in the industry who have to categorize each and every artist as part of the marketing scheme. Logan puts a slight twist on the classic folk sound in such songs “Write You As Song.” The production is solid, with a sharp drum track and a second line of instruments that doesn’t detract from her strong voice.
There have been comparisons to Jewel, which is fine with Logan, apparently. There is something softer about Logan, based on “Write You As Song” and “Lovely.” In addition to being on a couple of nice compilation CDs, Logan sent her own collection, 'Wallflower', out into the world. She is reportedly working on a second CD, which is much anticipated by those who enjoy her strong and melodic voice.
For the listeners who haven’t experienced Paulina Logan, expect some Norah Jones and Sarah McLachlan (good company indeed).
Logan is unsigned and should hook up with a good mid-sized label soon (opinion only).
Check out this lady in a couple of California gigs in May, including one in Ukiah. She’ll calm the nerves with the above-mentioned songs and then probably pick things up considerably with the rocker “Shut the Door.” Good stuff, Paulina. - Indie Update
This California performer produces a sound that puts her squarely in the folk/acoustic genre. That should satisfy people in the industry who have to categorize each and every artist as part of the marketing scheme. Logan puts a slight twist on the classic folk sound in such songs “Write You As Song.” The production is solid, with a sharp drum track and a second line of instruments that doesn’t detract from her strong voice.
There have been comparisons to Jewel, which is fine with Logan, apparently. There is something softer about Logan, based on “Write You As Song” and “Lovely.” In addition to being on a couple of nice compilation CDs, Logan sent her own collection, 'Wallflower', out into the world. She is reportedly working on a second CD, which is much anticipated by those who enjoy her strong and melodic voice.
For the listeners who haven’t experienced Paulina Logan, expect some Norah Jones and Sarah McLachlan (good company indeed).
Logan is unsigned and should hook up with a good mid-sized label soon (opinion only).
Check out this lady in a couple of California gigs in May, including one in Ukiah. She’ll calm the nerves with the above-mentioned songs and then probably pick things up considerably with the rocker “Shut the Door.” Good stuff, Paulina. - Indie Update
The problem with the music industry is that everything has to be put into an envelope and be categorised. Fortunately for Paulina Logan this works in her favour as she gets to tick most boxes- acoustic, indie, country, folk, you name it, whilst maintaining a contemporary feel thanks to an electric pop sound which runs through most of her work. Wallflower is Logan’s first full album and takes you from the sunshine of her native California very much into the shadows with songs such as the title track ("Wallflower") with its dark lyrics and haunting melody or "Fly Away" which is has raw emotion coursing through it from the outset highlighting an impressive vocal range. The tempo is lifted with tracks such as the melodic "Sorry" which has all the makings of a very catchy pop song and "I Hate 3 am" is a rocky and punchy 4 minute 15 second musical experience, complete with funky bass line working nicely with incredibly energetic drums and some well used yet subtle trumpets. Paulina Logan’s ability to combine multiple musical styles with strong and meaningful lyrics and some top-notch, well polished production, result in Wallflower being a listening pleasure and hopefully a taste of things to come for future releases. - Hubbub UK
The problem with the music industry is that everything has to be put into an envelope and be categorised. Fortunately for Paulina Logan this works in her favour as she gets to tick most boxes- acoustic, indie, country, folk, you name it, whilst maintaining a contemporary feel thanks to an electric pop sound which runs through most of her work. Wallflower is Logan’s first full album and takes you from the sunshine of her native California very much into the shadows with songs such as the title track ("Wallflower") with its dark lyrics and haunting melody or "Fly Away" which is has raw emotion coursing through it from the outset highlighting an impressive vocal range. The tempo is lifted with tracks such as the melodic "Sorry" which has all the makings of a very catchy pop song and "I Hate 3 am" is a rocky and punchy 4 minute 15 second musical experience, complete with funky bass line working nicely with incredibly energetic drums and some well used yet subtle trumpets. Paulina Logan’s ability to combine multiple musical styles with strong and meaningful lyrics and some top-notch, well polished production, result in Wallflower being a listening pleasure and hopefully a taste of things to come for future releases. - Hubbub UK
Paulina Logan is blazing a trail of original thought in music, following in the footsteps of artists such as Ani DiFranco, Sarah McLachlan and India.Arie. Logan mixes deep lyrics and a musical patois of Country, Americana and Rock. Wallflower, her first full-length album (third release) runs the gamut between Pop to Country and even a bit of Celtic thrown in.
Wallflower (the title track) is dark and confrontational, coming off as very cold with all of the electronic instrumentation and light-industrial influences. Sorry is a decent pop song with Americana undertones. Letter breaks into the Celtic/Country realm in a surprising and pleasant turn. Logan’s Too Far Gone has a Country/Folk vibe and an almost Reggae-like rhythm that made me chuckle at first until I realized it worked.
It’s clear that Logan is talented with an authorial voice that is likely to produce more good material over time. Wallflower is a positive introduction to Paulina Logan for those of you haven’t heard of her before. - Wildy's World
Paulina Logan is blazing a trail of original thought in music, following in the footsteps of artists such as Ani DiFranco, Sarah McLachlan and India.Arie. Logan mixes deep lyrics and a musical patois of Country, Americana and Rock. Wallflower, her first full-length album (third release) runs the gamut between Pop to Country and even a bit of Celtic thrown in.
Wallflower (the title track) is dark and confrontational, coming off as very cold with all of the electronic instrumentation and light-industrial influences. Sorry is a decent pop song with Americana undertones. Letter breaks into the Celtic/Country realm in a surprising and pleasant turn. Logan’s Too Far Gone has a Country/Folk vibe and an almost Reggae-like rhythm that made me chuckle at first until I realized it worked.
It’s clear that Logan is talented with an authorial voice that is likely to produce more good material over time. Wallflower is a positive introduction to Paulina Logan for those of you haven’t heard of her before. - Wildy's World
We live in a place in time where music has taken a backstage to most other forms of media and entertainment; record sales have dissolved for most artists who chose to keep their integrity and originality. Only those who appear on 'American Idol' seem to see any of the limelight today and who, in all honesty, can call them musicians when, in reality, they are only a fleeting memory in a ratings war of commercialized redundancy?
That being said, Paulina Logan, a California singer/songwriter, is a breath of fresh air with her enthusiastic and eclectic styling. Her voice is at times angelic and other times it has a raw edgy feel that ranks her high on the list of up-and-coming musical acts of today. She has the potential for greatness.
Listening to her music for the first time is like arriving in heaven, an overwhelming euphoria takes hold of you and it's impossible to shake it. There is a hypnotic rhythm to her voice that exudes enormous undertones of sexual energy. You can sense the growl of something special is in the air. Dim the lights, loosen your collar and enjoy.
She has been compared to the likes of Jewel and Joni Mitchell, but in all honesty I don't see it. She is truly an artist who has invented her own unique and original sound. It's only a matter of time before she is a household name unlike any 'Idol' star you care to name.
With songs like "Too Far Gone" her musical range is explicitly displayed with a rare expertise not often found in today's music industry. The listener can only hope that Logan's music plays on forever.
I encourage you all to give Paulina Logan a listen. Her first record, Wallflower (2007, Warrior Girl Music) is available through her website: www.paulinalogan.com. She is currently in the studio working on her second record.
Review by Darryl Salach - Target Audience Magazine
We live in a place in time where music has taken a backstage to most other forms of media and entertainment; record sales have dissolved for most artists who chose to keep their integrity and originality. Only those who appear on 'American Idol' seem to see any of the limelight today and who, in all honesty, can call them musicians when, in reality, they are only a fleeting memory in a ratings war of commercialized redundancy?
That being said, Paulina Logan, a California singer/songwriter, is a breath of fresh air with her enthusiastic and eclectic styling. Her voice is at times angelic and other times it has a raw edgy feel that ranks her high on the list of up-and-coming musical acts of today. She has the potential for greatness.
Listening to her music for the first time is like arriving in heaven, an overwhelming euphoria takes hold of you and it's impossible to shake it. There is a hypnotic rhythm to her voice that exudes enormous undertones of sexual energy. You can sense the growl of something special is in the air. Dim the lights, loosen your collar and enjoy.
She has been compared to the likes of Jewel and Joni Mitchell, but in all honesty I don't see it. She is truly an artist who has invented her own unique and original sound. It's only a matter of time before she is a household name unlike any 'Idol' star you care to name.
With songs like "Too Far Gone" her musical range is explicitly displayed with a rare expertise not often found in today's music industry. The listener can only hope that Logan's music plays on forever.
I encourage you all to give Paulina Logan a listen. Her first record, Wallflower (2007, Warrior Girl Music) is available through her website: www.paulinalogan.com. She is currently in the studio working on her second record.
Review by Darryl Salach - Target Audience Magazine
The most suprising thing about Wallflower by Paulina Logan is the way it seems to be all over the place, yet remains consistent at the same time. While Paulina seems to have found her own style and voice, the music never seems to be in one place for long. The beginning of the album starts with a slow, echo-y electronica song, a feeling that continues through the first half of the second song. But as the song comes to an end, the direction of the mood and tone of the album takes a complete u-turn. While the first song and a half are slow, intense and wholely electronic, the second half of the second song reveals an upbeat, playful and acoustic Paulina Logan. The diversity of this album really amazed me- Wallflower is what I would consider to be literal 'world' music at its best. While many of the songs take on a sort-of adult contemporary feeling to it, it is important to understand that each song takes on its own style. While I did notice that Paulina's voice seems to contain a sort of alt-country style to it, the actual music of each song takes from a wide variety of styles from around the world. In fact, after listening to the album as a whole, I noticed that this album almost felt like a concept album- the concept being to pull styles from around the world into one album. From the first song, Wallflower, taking influences from European electronica and trip-hop, to the traditional American pop in Sorry (track 03), the Irish fiddle and mandolin work in Letter (track 04), and the So-Cal influenced surf guitar style (a la Dick Dale) in Disturbing Behavior (track 05).
What was so consistent about this album, that made it actually feel like an album, and not just a collection of randomly recorded songs, was Paulina herself. She consistently maintains an upbeat and playful demeanor. While looking in to her further, I noticed that she seems to be quite free spirited, which certainly shows through her playful vocal style. As an album, Wallflower in an interesting listen, and even more so, an interesting experience. There is a lot to offer here, and while I found some songs more appealing than others, that may have been the intended point. This album does in fact have something to offer for anyone looking for new music. From electronica, to hip-hop, to punk rock guitar riffs to a jazz style trumpet solo, Wallflower by Paulina Logan is bound to catch you off guard, wanting to explore her music further. - MicControl
The most suprising thing about Wallflower by Paulina Logan is the way it seems to be all over the place, yet remains consistent at the same time. While Paulina seems to have found her own style and voice, the music never seems to be in one place for long. The beginning of the album starts with a slow, echo-y electronica song, a feeling that continues through the first half of the second song. But as the song comes to an end, the direction of the mood and tone of the album takes a complete u-turn. While the first song and a half are slow, intense and wholely electronic, the second half of the second song reveals an upbeat, playful and acoustic Paulina Logan. The diversity of this album really amazed me- Wallflower is what I would consider to be literal 'world' music at its best. While many of the songs take on a sort-of adult contemporary feeling to it, it is important to understand that each song takes on its own style. While I did notice that Paulina's voice seems to contain a sort of alt-country style to it, the actual music of each song takes from a wide variety of styles from around the world. In fact, after listening to the album as a whole, I noticed that this album almost felt like a concept album- the concept being to pull styles from around the world into one album. From the first song, Wallflower, taking influences from European electronica and trip-hop, to the traditional American pop in Sorry (track 03), the Irish fiddle and mandolin work in Letter (track 04), and the So-Cal influenced surf guitar style (a la Dick Dale) in Disturbing Behavior (track 05).
What was so consistent about this album, that made it actually feel like an album, and not just a collection of randomly recorded songs, was Paulina herself. She consistently maintains an upbeat and playful demeanor. While looking in to her further, I noticed that she seems to be quite free spirited, which certainly shows through her playful vocal style. As an album, Wallflower in an interesting listen, and even more so, an interesting experience. There is a lot to offer here, and while I found some songs more appealing than others, that may have been the intended point. This album does in fact have something to offer for anyone looking for new music. From electronica, to hip-hop, to punk rock guitar riffs to a jazz style trumpet solo, Wallflower by Paulina Logan is bound to catch you off guard, wanting to explore her music further. - MicControl
Still working on that hot first release.

200+ gigs booked on SonicBids!
Paulina is on the cover of the official Indie Bible!
Check out Paulina's website at www.PaulinaLogan.com
*SonicBids Artist of the Week
*Burbank International Film Festival
*Hollywood Book Festival
*North Park Music Thing
*Method Fest
*Live at The Gap
Paulina Logan is a Los Angeles-based singer/songwriter who creates and performs an eclectic mix of folk/pop/rock music. She released her first full-length record WALLFLOWER independently in 2007 and the IF YOU TRY EP in 2009. In 2014 she released her latest album, NEED THIS LIKE BREATHING.
Paulina's songs are in rotation on radio stations throughout the world and many have found homes on internationally-released compilation CDs, including Bad Girls Don't Cry, which also features Amy Winehouse and Duffy. Her songs are featured in many recent films, including Lifetime's "Taken for Ransom" starring Teri Polo, "Broken Roads" starring Sally Kirkland, and MTV's "Teen Mom." She also contributed music to the independent film "Secrets in the Snow" and its sequel "Secrets in the Fall."
Paulina has been featured in a variety of magazines and blogs, including Awaken Music, Guitar Living, and Indie Update. She is endorsed by Daisy Rock Guitars and recently won first place in the acoustic category at the Rising Stars Competition. Paulina tours regularly and has opened for a variety of artists, including folk singer John Craigie, alternative rock artist Gilli Moon, and pop boy band O-Town.
"Everything is working together: the vocal, which is exceptional, the melody, the production, everything. This is all so seamless and instinctive, with everything just following the vibe, and pushing it forward, like trapping a wild spirit. I would buy this. And, I would play it a lot."
- Taxi Music review of Paulina's song "Stay"
"Logan has had huge success in placing her songs in television and film, and proved it with a stellar performance."
- Examiner.com review of Burbank International Film Festival
"I love this song!!"
- Madalyn Sklar (GoGirls Music), about Paulina's song "L.A."
"If you haven't heard the soulful voice of Paulina already, you're in for a treat. Her voice and original material will give you goosebumps!"
- Cherie Sheraque, KWNE 94.5 DJ
"Starting things off was Paulina Logan, giving us an update on her album projects and showing off her beautiful singing and her pink guitar, leaving some of us wondering how such a deep and powerful voice comes out of such a petite lady!"
- Rod O'Riley, Orange County coordinator for Songsalive
"Now for those of you out there in the indie music world who dont believe that your hard work can and will eventually pay off pay close attention to the flowing success of Paulina Logan. Of course, her songwriting skills and the talent she delivers is exceptional but this is a mentor you can rest assured wont lead you astray."
- Duss Rodgers
"(Logans) voice is outstanding and (her) vocal style has a sexy swagger and confidence to it."
- Foley Entertainment
"Paulina Logan is definitely one of the most intriguing songwriters I have heard."
- Guitar Living
"(She is) a very talented performer. We would love to have (her) back!"
- Milee Beaulieu, entertainment booking, Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival
"She has a powerful voice that can belt a rock tune then drop into a sultry croon."
- Skope Magazine
"This is a very special artist. She's got a unique, yet familiar 'voice,' sounding like a cross between Joni Mitchell & Sarah McLachlan, depending on which song you listen to. Being a great singer with high quality production is just icing on the cake."
- Taxi Music
"I had the pleasure of interviewing a lovely artist by the name of Paulina Logan. Her insightful and honest responses definitely leave me hoping that her star continues to rise and rise. Shes not a pop tart, but a full-bodied Cali girl!"
- D.A.M. Magazine
"Paulina Logan is playing right now and she is a top talent."
- MusictogoUSA
"Paulina Logan does a fantastic balancing act between world music and adult contemporary genres on her album 'Wallflower.' The production of 'Wallflower' is overwhelmingly stellar. It's one of those albums with a ton of sounds going on, but nothing muddying up the mix."
- Awaken Music
"Singer/Songwriter Paulina Logan is one of the new voices of indie music. Her sweet tunes, fun lyrics, and gentle voice certainly make her a sensational act not to miss."
- Junior's Cave Online Magazine
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