This band has no press
"already your favourite EP" ep, 2005
"Down to earth", cd 2007

Exploding out of the eclectic Bergen Scene (Datarock, Kings of Convenience, Annie, Bjørn Torske) on the west coast of Norway KAKKAMADDAFAKKA demand your attention from the get go. Whether it´s with indoor fireworks, gangstarap intros, onstage dancing choirboys, or a wind section dubbed The Blowjobbers this young band guarantee you one thing - you will be entertained.
Classically trained musicians with a flair for everything from rap to rock, Dixie jazz to funk, techno to indie, KAKKMADDAFAKKA have been thrilling audiences the length and breadth of Norway since 2005. Having already racked up an impressive list of high profile festival shows in their home country and internationally, and a new album release in March, 2010 promises to be the year that the band break out big time.
Led by über-charismatic front man Axemax (aka Axel Vindenes) this (up to) 11 man strong steamroller of pop come over like a collaboration between The Polyphonic Spree and The Blues Brothers conducted by Snoop Doggy Dog with a set design by Martin Scorsese. Debut album ‘Down To Earth’ showcases the songwriting talents of Axemax and the other three core members of the band Pål Vindenes (cello, choir), Stian Sævig (bass, choir), and Jonas Nielsen (piano, choir) and perfectly captures the live experience as well as presenting some more mellow material, making it the perfect pre- and post-party album.
But it´s live that KAKKMADDAFAKKA really come into their own, tapping into a rich Norwegian tradition of shockingly good live bands. Turboneger, Kaizers Orchestra and Datarock all have their disciples but the latest word from those in the know is that it won´t be long before KAKKMADDAFAKKA will not only be appearing, but exploding on a stage near you. And you´d be a fool to miss out!