The Regattabar
Cambridge, MA
October 22, 2003
THE KATIE VIQUEIRA GROUP IS A SHINING EXAMPLE OF international relations at its best. Led by singer/songwriter Viqueira, a native of Buenos Aires, her ensemble featured music director and pianist Nando Michelin of Uruguay, percussionist Bertram Lehmann of Germany, bassist Fernando Huergo of Argentina, and violinist Laura Arpiainen of Finland. Referencing the multicultural make up of her band, which performed two sets of tangos and other Latin styles, Viqueira told the audience, "This is exactly why the tango is so international!"
Viqueira is a small woman with a giant voice. While fiercely proud of her Argentine heritage and the music that comes from that country, her delivery is reminiscent of the German cabaret style: determined, brash, and powerful. Viqueira's Spanish articulation is remarkably clear, even for those in the audience who studied the language but don't often have the opportunity to enjoy it; she is wonderfully capable of evoking the language's natural musical cadences.
All of the works performed were marked by a rhythmic complexity that was adeptly handled by that section of the ensemble. With the exception of Michelin on piano, the rhythm section remained largely in the background during the show. This was a bit of a disappointment; the few solos performed by Huergo demonstrated his chops as an improviser, and one would have welcomed the chance to hear more from him.
Although she clearly enjoys singing numbers that are fast and upbeat, Viqueira's skill at performing an emotional slow tune is outstanding. The first set featured a setting of a work by the poet Jorge Luis Borges (with whom Viqueira expressed an affinity as he lived in Cambridge for a time). This original composition by Michelin opens with a duet between the piano and violin. Arpiainen's tone is rich and lovely in this number, although there were some occasional intonation issues in the upper register. Viqueira moves back and forth between quiet and plaintive and loud and emotional with apparent ease, and her practice of manipulating the microphone to create a fading sound in her voice is an effective one.
The Regattabar performance was held in conjunction with the Tango Society of Boston, and to celebrate this fact, four dancers from the organization danced on a tiny floor set up at the back of the room. These dancers further established the emotional aspect of the tango, and to watch them perform to the live music was a unique treat.
Guitarist Julio Santillán joined the ensemble for "El Día que me Quieras" ("The Day You Love Me"), a poignant ballad that provided both Santillán and Viqueira with opportunities to shine. "Amores Torcidos" ("Twisted Love") demonstrated attitude right from the start With melody by Michelin and lyrics by Viqueira, the tune basically says "I know he loves me... but maybe he doesn't... but I'll give him another chance..." and ends with a chorus declaring that in spite of everything, "La gente baila tango" ("The people dance the tango"), implying that come what may, the capacity to make music and dance can get one through it all!
The dancers returned in the second set for a number called "Barrio de Tango" ("Neighborhood of the Tango"), which showcased Aipiainen, in a melody that is percussive at one moment and melodic the next. Her use of double stops enhanced the emotional aspects of the melody as well. One of the evening's highlights allowed Arpiainen to show the audience exactly what she can do as a performer. This tango had an almost Slavic quality to it in terms of the sound of the violin; classical music aficionados in the audience may have been reminded of the Bruch Violin Concerto. The most powerful moment of the piece a tribute to the versatility of the violin and the violinist featured Arpiainen in a quiet pizzicato section, paired with Viqueira singing in her low range.
After thanking the enthusiastic audience, Viqueira finished the set with a fun number that brought Santillán back to the stage. It was easy to spot those in the audience who were truly dedicated to Latin music they knew how to clap in the syncopated style that is a hallmark of these works!
For more information about Katie Viqueira, visit her website, www.katieviqueira.com
Katie DeBonville
January 2004
Northeast Performer - Northeast Performer. Katie DeBonville
"A hot Tango star.¨ Boston Globe.
"An accomplished singer.¨ Boston Globe
"Viqueira is a small woman with a giant voice. Her delivery is reminiscent of the German cabaret style: determined, brash, and powerful.¨ Northeast Performer.
"Viqueira's skill at performing an emotional slow tune is outstanding.¨ Northeast Performer.
"The Other Side is a most distinctive and thoughtfully designed session and is arguably the only recording in existence which successfully juxtaposes modern improvisational influences with an awareness of the dramatic and poetic elements of Argentine tango and folklore. . . The Other Side is proof of Ms. Viqueira's uncanny ability to synthesize seemingly disparate genres.¨ Jazz Now
"Without sensationalism, without fake emotionality, but with just the right amount of passion and highly sophisticated arrangements, 'El Otro Lado' in fact offers the other side of "Latino-hype" and pseudo-folklore. . . clever, competent, and very atmospheric music.¨ Jazzpodium (Germany)
"At times she sounds tender, at others tough, at times radiating with tremendous erotic charm, at others her voice dances about on top of the music.¨ Jazzdimensions
"Viqueira doesn't really need any particular instrument to help her make a song complete, her voice can stand on it's own. The fact that the musicians that back her are excellent makes this all the more enjoyable, and an equally fulfilling musical experience.¨ MuzikMan
"Katie Viqueira has a beautiful voice which she knows how to use, articulate and graduate quite suitably, according to different styles in her singing." Buenos Aires Herald
"Originality, that you don't fall upon too often. Yes, there's the drama, mystery, tale and all else one would expect from the big country in the most southern part of South America, but this time it's different . . . pure fusion . . . world music that we all can come home to and enjoy.¨ JazzZine
"Ms. Viqueira has an original voice, dynamics, taste and is able to restrain her strong range ¡K This singer has so much to offer and can reach your sensibilities so easily." JazzZine
"One of the most beautiful voices on the planet¨ JazzZine
"Pueblo Joven is an ever-relevant composition for the Argentines and the entire world, sung here by a brilliant Katie Viqueira.¨ Today (New York)
"A haunting, soulful voice." Northeast Performer - Various reviewers
Right now Katie Viqueira might be living in Boston, but she belongs to her native Buenos Aires. At least musically. That is because her CD 'The Other Side - El Otro Lado' contains 12 Tangos and Milongas from Buenos Aires in idiosyncratic interpretations, which are inspired by this city at the La Plata. Together with her Trio (Nando Michelin, piano; Gustavo Amarante, bass; Bertram Lehmann, drums), she presents a quiet, affectionately made homage to her home. Without sensationalism, without fake emotionality, but with just the right amount of passion and highly sophisticated arrangements, 'El Otro Lado' in fact offers the other side of "Latino-hype" and pseudo-folklore. Indeed, with choice material (e.g., a lot of Eladia Blasquez and Astor Piazolla ) and refined jazzy accompaniment. While this kind of clever, competent, and very
atmospheric music probably won't turn Katie Viquera into a megastar, it hopefully will reward her with lot's of true friends.
Thomas Wörtche
- Thomas Wörtche
One might well just wonder a little who’s ‘other side’ this is about: hers, the music’s that is being made otherwise, or Argentina’s – on her CD “The Other Side” Katie Viqueira presents us with twelve compositions and texts of various Argentinean artists from Eladia Blasquez to Astor Piazolla.
Based in traditional Argentinean music the artist mixes Tango and Folklore with jazz–influences, finding great support in pianist Nando Michelin, who wrote the arrangements.
Now what is the exceptional? Katie Viqueira has the ability to engage each song individually – at times she sounds tender, at others tough, at times radiating with tremendous erotic charm, at others her voice dances about on top of the music. As she allows herself to be swept away with heart and soul, she succeeds in carrying along the listener as well – to “recount” the tales of Argentina. Unfortunately, the actual meaning of the lyrics remains hidden to us, as their printing – or even translation – presumably would have been beyond the scope of the booklet.
Strictly speaking, we are really not dealing with a jazz here, but a worldmusic CD that offers us an Argentinean sound blended with contemporary ingredients of jazz.
A “message from the past” in the guise of today’s music – least we forget how effervescent Argentinean Tango truly is!
By Carina Prange © Jazzdimensions 2000 - Carina Prange
Katie Viqueira
The Other Side *El Otro Lado"
Katie Viqueira has put together an exceptional CD of Contemporary Tango and Folklore from Argentina (as the cover states) entitled "The Other Side * El Otro Lado." Hailing from Buenos Aires, Katie now resides in Boston, Massachusetts. The other members of The Other Side are; Nando Michelin (piano), Gustavo Amarante (bass), Bertram Lehman (drums and percussion). The absence of the guitar simply is not a factor on this recording. Viqueira doesn't really need any particular instrument to help her make a song complete, her voice can stand on it's own. The fact that the musicians that back her are excellent makes this all the more enjoyable, and an equally fulfilling musical experience. Michelin's lovely piano creates a perfect backdrop to the vocals while Amarante's bass gently leads the way to drummer Lehman, who sets the table. Without those elements the grand rendezvous of voice and music would be incomplete. The strongest instrument the group has is Ms. Viqueira's voice. She can vocalize with a delicate and airy touch, or excite and stir your emotions with powerful and focused inflections of her native tongue. The attraction of a foreign singer creates a mystery and sultriness that will envelope you in a song. Music like this has a far reaching universal appeal. You don't have to be bilingual to get the message. You can tell by the ambiance and tone of a song what it's all about. It's amazing how language barriers can be transcended by the power of music. Let the music entice you and sweep you away into the romanticism of Tango.
MuzikMan April, 23, 2000 - MuzikMan
It happens one day while driving south on the 215 freeway. I slip the new CD into the disc drive expecting some typical dark and brooding tangos, sung from a husky voiced interpreter from Buenos Aires. Instead, this lovely voice fills my Camry with originality. Originality, that you don't fall upon too often. Yes, there's the drama, mystery, tale and all else one would expect from the big country in the most southern part of South America, but this time it's different. La voz de Buenos Aires, opens the CD and I ease my foot from the accelerator. I realize this is not going to be for casual listening.
Fusion is a word that I sometimes have problems with. It's supposed to be a mixture of two products. In jazz, the word has had some loose connections from other forms of music. The results, to me, are often disastrous and hardly jazz. With, The Other Side, there is pure fusion. The references toward jazz are deeply inherent in this music. There's a rich vitality from the musicians chosen to accompany Ms. Viqueira. They blend together so well and become one with her and the music. Gricel, could very well have been a jazz ballad. It's clearly the music of Argentina, yet one senses jazz. In other words, this fusion works.
Ms.Vigueira has an original voice, dynamics, taste and is able to restrain her strong range without becoming a pop diva, a la Mariah Carey.
This singer has so much to offer and can reach your sensibilities so easily. Como pájaros en el Aire, moved me to tears and my Spanish is so very limited. It's that kind of quality that comes forth and touches something inside even when it's sung in a language you don't understand. In this case, the music is the language.
The sensitivity and the blending of voice with piano from Uruguayan, jazz pianist and composer, Nando Michelin is strongly felt. This is so purely evident on Vuelvo al Sur. I should add how this trio complements each other. It's been a long time since I've heard such tasty and imaginative accompaniment from bass and drums.
After hearing Balada de Astor Piazzola, I remembered one Summer afternoon in Montreal at a concert with the great Argentinean musician and composer Astor Piazzola. Gary Burton had joined him and the concert resulted in some fantastic interpretations of very complex musical changes. It was at that moment that I became enchanted by the direction Piazzola was taking the music of Argentina.
The beat on Detrás del muro de los Lamentos is intoxicating and I'm no longer able to sit still behind the wheel and realize that I have to finish listening to this alone at home, where I can properly react. The Chanting "Tu Corazon" with the rhythm cooking in the background has a worldly reminiscence to that of Thelonious Monk's music.
Adiós Nonino, is an astounding track. This is an incredible blending of the music of two worlds. There's the brooding language of the tango sung with so much elegance capped off by a swinging piano solo.
De Fiesta en Fiesta, has a nice lilting South American feeling to it. While sounding like a folk song of sorts, the treatment by the trio sparked by Nando Michelin takes it up to another level.
Llevo Conmigo is a lovely ballad with those kind of changes that have to make you feel good all over.
Razon de Vivir is a lyrical journey with Katie singing backup to herself. The trio gets to expand with an interesting drum solo following around typical rhythms of Argentinean music.
All of the music on this CD I found to be surprising and original. The only thing predicable is the good taste, sound and dynamics of Ms.Viqueira and this very engaging trio. This is world music that we all can come home to and enjoy. - Peter LaBarbera
AMORES TORCIDOS. Produced by the prestigious label Fresh Sound Records/Blue Moon Production, based in Barcelona (Spain), in the newly launched collection "Bandoneon XXI", devoted exclusively to contemporary tango. Amores Torcidos was released in late 2004, and has won the renowned INDEPENDENT MUSIC AWARDS, in the World Music Category.
THE OTHER SIDE-EL OTRO LADO. This album offers a fresh approach to the well-known classic Tangos of the past, reinterpretations of Nuevo Tango masters such as Astor Piazzolla, as well as premiere interpretations of Argentina's best contemporary tango composers. 1999, Boston, USA.
TANGO DREAMS. Triángulo. Triángulo plays the Music of Astor Piazzolla with guest vocalist Katie Viqueira. 2002, New York, USA.
FROM DOWN THERE. Pablo Ablanedo Octet. Katie Viqueira, guest vocalist.
Producer: Frederik Rubens. 2001, Barcelona, Spain.
CHANTS. A CANDOMBLÉ EXPERIENCE. Nando Michelín Group with Jerry Bergonzi. Katie Viqueira voice in #7. 2000, New Albany, USA.

Katie Viqueira is a brilliant troubador of a new generation of Argentine Tango vocalists. Her style traces the musical roots of her native Buenos Aires in a contemporary setting. Ms. Viqueira has been hailed as a "hot tango star" and a "diva" by the Boston Globe, recognition founded in a long and successful career that started many years ago in her hometown of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Her vast experience as a singer includes working with some of Argentina's leading pop artists (Diego Torres, Alejandro Lerner, Valeria Lynch, Manuel Wirtz), with international bands (Air Supply), performing live in radio and TV, and touring nationally and internationally.
Viqueira was awarded twice in the prestigious OTI Song Festival. Between 1994-1997 she presented in Buenos Aires with great success her musical show entitled "Entre la voz y el alma." After moving to Boston in 1997, she quickly became "one of the most visible Tango singers" on the US scene (Elijah Wald, Boston Globe).
She has recorded various CDs, both as soloist and as guest artist. Her first Tango-Jazz album in the US market, THE OTHER SIDE, won great acclaim by critics and the public. Her latest record, AMORES TORCIDOS (Freshsound Records), which includes original compositions, has won the renowned INDEPENDENT MUSIC AWARDS in the World Music category. As a result of the IMA prize, Amores Torcidos was exposed to more than 6 million Borders Books and Music customers. Her 1997 record KATIE VIQUEIRA CANTA LOS GRANDES ÉXITOS DE MARIA ELENA WALSH (Leader Music, 1997) sold over 200,000 copies.
Katie Viqueira has delighted audiences in Latin America, Europe and the US. She has toured various US states--such as New Mexico, Michigan, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Washington, Tennessee, Georgia, Pennsylvania and the District of Columbia, among others--and continues to do it on a regular basis. She has performed at some of the US most prestigious venues, such as Boston's Regattabar and Scullers, New York's Brooklyn Academy of Music, the Knitting Factory, the Smithsonian Museum and the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, in DC. Ms. Viqueira is among the few tango vocalists who have interpreted both of Piazzolla's best known pieces for orchestra: the tango-oratory PUEBLO JOVEN, and the opera-tango MARÍA DE BUENOS AIRES. In 2002, Mrs. Viqueira participated in the US premiere of Pueblo Joven at NY's Town Hall Theater, with the Cosmopolitan Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Pablo Zinger. Three years afterwards she was summoned to interpret the leading character of "María" in María de Buenos Aires, accompanied by the Seattle Chamber Players, also under the direction of maestro Zinger.
Ms. Viqueira starred in the musical show TIEMPO DE TANGO (Time of Tango) presented at the New York Theatre Workshop in 2004. This musical received the "Hola Founders Award" as Best Latino Theater production. She has performed at a number of world class music festivals, such as the BOSTON INTERNATIONAL TANGO FESTIVAL, the BELLEAYRE MUSIC FESTIVAL, the RHODE ISLAND JAZZ FESTIVAL, the prestigious CHICAGO WORLD MUSICAL FESTIVAL, among others.
Katie Viqueira leads her own band, where is supported by a set of outstanding musicians: Nando Michelin (piano and arrangements), Fernando Huergo (bass), Bertram Lehmann (drums), Laura Arpiainen (violin), and Héctor del Curto (bandoneon). At the same time, Ms. Viqueira is also associated with other premiere ensembles in the US and Argentina. Among them is AVANTANGO, a highly successful NYC-based tango group led by Pablo Aslan, as well as TRIANGULO, a chamber trio led by Grammy® Award winner Pablo Zinger. Viqueira is also associated with TANGOLOCO, a quintet led by pianist-composer Daniel García, winner of the Martin Fierro-Argentina's most prominent radio and TV award.