"Land of the Blind, our favorite band for this event, will again grace the stage for our "rite so good party" so of course, we will be trance-dancing the energy about. ...Land of the Blind with Cyoakha Grace are ready to lead you.. This tribal-trance ensemble promise that their 6th Witches Ball will be quite wicked, as they pull new rabbits out of their little pointed hats.
"Big fat beats" is where she is going now says red headed ringleader Cyoakha...she's been in the studio in San Francisco creating like a madwoman, adding new world dance beats to Blind's wonderfully witchy songs. They feature exotic instruments such as the didgeridoo, sitar, dulcimer, harmonium, for a bed for Cyo's suborbital award-winning vocals."
- Wow Hall
"this album is really cool...I would recommend it to people who like "world music", Middle Eastern or Native American. It is like mixing Dead Can Dance with the vocals of Tori Amos and Siouxie and the Banchees. I am so inept and unable to categorise here! They are so awesome though. I have seen them four years in a row at the Eugene Witches Ball, this year I missed them, let me just put it this way, my night was ruined! They are so creative, great dancing, trancing music! - amazon.com
"Lead vocalist Cyoakha wails with the intensity of Kate Bush, sparse and haunting, her voice alternating between breathy whispers and nots of startling clarity. Like Laurie Anderson is singing with the Women's Bulgarian Choir." - WFXN, Boston
"San Fransisco band Land of the Blind will headline the Eugene Witches Ball. Blind creates a sound that is much larger than the sum of it's parts, bringing the inner world of spirituality to vibrant life.
They call themselves "tribal-trance-world-dance" but no string of adjectives can adequately discribe their intent. Cyoakha Grace, who formerly called Portland home, has won the ASCAP award for young songwriters two years in a row based on material from two self-produced CDs, OM and Chaos. OM is the third cd and includes songs that appear in the film TREESIT about Julia Butterfly Hill's environmental activism.
Grace creates what has been called "pop music for druids", an exotic melange of inspirations from this world and beyond. The group's music expands upon their own inner spiritual worlds, attempting to build a bridge for the listener from our consumer-based disppposable culture to a deepr tribal sense of community and responsibility.
An impressive array of instruments from around the world contributes to the sese of global idenity, including the didgeridoo, sitar, african hand drums and the most persuasive instrument of all, the voice. - Eugene Weekly
"2 things about OM, it's worth the wait and it's a lot more than ordinary! Church of the Holy Trees, a song written for Julia Butterfly, is a spiritual chant celebrating the holiness & sacredness...they are avant-guard cutting edge creations, full of intellence, insight, innovations and exploration...
Laurie Anderson, the angst of Diamanda Galas, the unquie signture of Kronos Quartet...I hear the far-off exotic sounds of remote & distant countries and ancient civilizations. I feel drawn into another universe, strange, unfamilar, exciting, frightening, elements of creation, no solid ground to stand on. Basically, it's the kind of music that really excites me, the kind of music I want to tell other people about and share it as much as possible. We have a treasure in our midst, Land of the Blind. Jack Sutton, Harmony Ridge - Harmony Ridge Women's Music Catalog
"A free-wheeling, high-spirited caravan of world beat rhythms, shivery chants, esoteric instrumentation and atmospheric pop...all chased by the soaring sub-obital voice of Cyoakha Grace. World music, yes, sure, pick a world, any world..." - The Rocket, Seattle
"Land of the Blind is great live! While I quite like the albums, seeing them live (especially Cyoakha!) was a revelation. They're almost electric. I will never miss them again when they come to Seattle. Musicially, they were crisp and tribal, both. I'd like to say it's what Dead Can Dance would be like if they weren't dead." - Ectoguide to Good Music
Years ago, Melbourne singer Wendy Rule was off on her first adventure overseas...folks on the east coast of America suggested meeting musician Cyoakha Grace, one half of San Francisco's electronic duo, LAND OF THE BLIND. The pair met by email, discovered they were both Wild Scorpio Witch Singers and had to meet and play music together. So they did. And it was Ace. On the eve of their shared Lammas celebratory gig at The Grand Central, in Melbourne, here's the latest.
"I write the beats and the music, but closely with partner Krystov because I consider his didjeridu to be the equivalent of the Western bass, an intricate part, keeping the groove going, adding the bottom or the earth sound. He also plays the dulcimer, which adds a homey folky flavor to our electronic side. I sing, but in some songs I use my effects to become more like a violin part than a traditional singer. I also play my looper, in the way that I layer up live, creating new parts to a song right in front of the audience, so that no two performances are ever exactly the same. It's a delightfully fun tool for me to harmonise with myself, layering up until we hit ecstatic heights."
"I finished my first full length soundtrack, a H.P. LOVECRAFT movie then put out an album of the avant music from the movie, which is doing great. I am creating a soundtrack to a zombie movie right now, as well as releasing a new live BLIND album called EDGEWALKING BLIND, uber chill music, on this tour of Australia! "
" My outlook is a real mix, strong political activism to save what is left of the natural world, along with a pagan witchy belief that we can actually change our ways, learn and grow, mixed in with a West Coast hippie laid back attitude of "it will all work out how it's supposed to man". My lyrics express my spiritual being, an odd combo of Paganism, Activism & Christianity, (I call it PAC) and the need to connect, love and be in touch with higher forces, whether you call it God, Goddess, Mother Nature, Allah, Grandfather or Grandmother." - INPRESS, Melbourne,Australia
ONE EYE, co-produced by Bobby Torres, (SANTANA) Billy Triplett (MEREDITH BROOKS, PRINCE) and Cyoakha Grace, it features 3-part fem harmonies & a stellar line up of who's who in world music NW. Blind started a tradition of one cover per album and this one's a beautiful version of JANE SIBERRY'S Calling All Angels that fans just love!
OUT OF CHAOS, Produced by Cyoakha Grace, an award-winning cd...YOUNG AMERICAN COMPOSERS AWARD, A.S.C.A.P. New York. Downtempo trance, alt rock, middle eastern & celtic with touches of Classical piano. A true world fusion mix, a pyschedelic carpet ride...an outstanding CD ahead of its time. The cover this time is a tranced out verion of a BLACK SABBATH "National Acrobat"! (OZZIE APPROVED!) This second CD won songwriting awards for Cyoakha! "A freewheeling magic carpet ride" The Rocket
ORDINARY MAGIC, Produced by Cyoakha Grace, 3rd cd, best combo of light & dark/world & trance/magic & music/ stellar line up of Portland Blind musicians plus adding some of San Francisco's best world masters including S.K. THOTH (Academy Award winner) on violin, ARYEH FRANKFURTER on violin, SORIAH (Portland) Tibetan Toning/Tuva Throating singing on Blind's cover of THE DOORS "The End" !!! "Worth the wait, very far from "ordinary" this is Blind's best so far!" Harmony Ridge Music
EDGEWALKING BLIND LIVE, live concert recorded the power trio of Cyoakha, Krystov & the fabulous Regina LaRocca (M99) on Middle Eastern style acoustic guitar. This live album creates a dreamscape, long tranced out jam version of Blind songs, ala Cowboy Junkies meets Morcheeba!
SHAMANS OF SOUND!!! Brand new CD of trance dance INCLUDES: Church of the Holy Trees Dance re-mix, Ancient Family (Pagan Theme song hit), and Burning Man dance fav, TRIBE OF DANCE! Also featuring trio partner RHAN WILSON on funk bass, hand drums and psychedelic guitar!
GREEN FAERIE DREAMS: A magical mix of sweet fae faerie songs on Dulcimer and deep earth sonic healing meditation songs with Didjeridu, Dilruba, harmonium, toning. Deep Drones of Transformation.

From Portland, Oregon to San Francisco, BLIND's Tribal-Trance sound is the first World Fusion to mix organic grooves with loops & electronic effects. Master Didjeridu player KRYSTOV is fat bottomed funk and adds the tribal feel while world class award winning Singer-Songwriter CYOAKHA GRACE O'MANION adds the deep trance haunting voice. Rhan Wilson brings in the soulful funk bass, african hand drums, Kalimba, guitar!
Currently Blind tours the world mixing Ancient music with Modern, folk instruments playing Dance, World mixed with strong vocals and Celtic melodies played on Indian instruments! It's a groove trip around the world! Take a chill pill.
BLIND is well loved by college fans, College Tours include: Lewis & Clark, U of Oregon, Reed College, Portland State, Menlo College and more!! Known for their transformational live concerts from Burning Man to Adelaide Fringe Festival, Australia, to Oregon Country Fair, FaerieWorlds, Pantheacon and New York's Starwood, they share with their many fans the experience of Earth instruments creating World-Trance-Dance. BLIND also has 6 award winning albums selling internationally!
Blind moves from Deep Earth meditational music to acoustic faerie funk grooves, then all the way up into Ethno-Exotica Jam & Ecstatic Dance!! Concerts can include beautiful psychedelic Celtic video projections by Jen Delyth!
"One of a kind moments in concert are created with live looping", says Grace, "songs are never staid but always alive and changing. My lyrics reflect my concern for the environment, plus BLIND has always been Green, we can play any college square or park to the middle of the deser, because we perform powered by re-chargable batteries!".
ELECTRONA SHEMANA-- is how fans describe their current Tribal-Trance-Druid Dance. It's mid-tempo World Dance Music, never thumping disco beats! Dreamy & Chill yet totally danceable! Tribal in the simple organic heartbeat of universal Burning Man rhythms, Earth lyrics & Trance into Ecstatic Dance.
GREEN FAERIE: is their more folky side, featuring Appalachian dulcimer for folk venues, Celtic Fests & Ren Faires, with delightfully Fae Irish songs!
MAGICAL MEDITATION MUSIC: Years of formal study & sound vibrational healing, Didjeri-Doc brings Deep Earth sound healing power while Cyoakha's channeling vocal toning will lift you and take you on a transformational journey.
Cyoakha Grace, singer, songwriter uses her award winning amazing 4 octave voice and Poetic-Eco lyrics as the call to the ever expanding Tribe. Mid-tempo, powerfully shamanic, Deep Earth yet suborbital soaring. "She moves from a pure Kate Bush soprano, to a howling angel made entirely of wind, to a tranced out Shamana of Sound." THE ROCKET, Seattle
Krystov Bock, didjeridu master, comes from Russian-Slavic music, combined with Funk. He adds the bottom, the big deep earth sounds. He plays the Didjeridu as bass and percussion. He believes the Didj is a sonic healing tool using vibrational alignment techniques. He teaches Beginning Didj workshops as well, and is featured on Didj Planet 3. He also plays the Indian dilruba and Appalachian dulcimer.
"Pop music for Druids" The Oregonion
"Dead Can Dance if they weren't dead" Ecto guide
"Grace's background reads like a who's who in avant" MetroMag Santa Cruz
"CYOAKHA is the women's answer to Robert Plant" ProgReview
"A magic carpet ride of Middle Eastern feels, a free wheeling caravan of music" The Oregonion
"BLIND are creating their own genre', don't miss the chance to be blinded!" Willamette Weekly, PICK OF THE WEEK
"Unlike most neotribal ensembles, BLIND stars the nascent pop sensibilities of songwriter singer CYOAKHA GRACE", SF WEEKLY PICK OF THE WEEK
BLIND's toured all the major cities of Australia in a one month long tour with WENDY RULE to rave reviews in & ended the tour with a concert at the prestigious world renowned Speigeltent (Germany 1930s) at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, Adelaide, Australia. "I've never heard anything like Blind in my life" said one overcome Bellingen Aussie fan, deeply touched with tears running down her face.
BLIND uses organic-acoustic world instruments with modern feels & looping live layers creating ecstatic dance, is so new and magical that fans go wild for this unusual combo! Fun and Heartfelt.