Hard to believe it's been eight years since Swarthy burst onto the scene with his exuberant solo set. Enlisting the musical services of some old pals from the jazz and Americana crowd, he birthed a power pop juggernaut. All capable songwriters, the band shines brightly as a whole.
You'll Dig It If You Dig: Elvis Costello, the Beatles intricacy
(Written by Ezra Waller. Excerpted from "Cincinnati CityBeat," September 26-October 2, 2007, p. 34.)
- Lightborne Publishing, Inc.
The Swarthy Band did a set chock full of songs to be found on their imminent new disc called "How They Look To The Skies." Swarthy is a little bundle of energy, a master of the dramatic hipsway and the grand rock gesture. About midway through their set, Swarthy lost his shirt, inspired, he said, by his viewing of the recent live Jesus Lizard DVD, a cavalcade of half-naked David Yow moments.
On the musical side, the Swarthy Band's set was high energy and vastly entertaining, with engaging ringmaster Swarthy cheerleading great performaces out of his crack band. With this gig as evidence, "How They Look To The Skies" is going to be a big rock album with more hooks than a Bass Pro Shops outlet mall. Look for it in early Novmeber.
(Written by Brian Baker. Excerpted from www.citybeat.com: Spill It: A Music Blog: Thursday MPMF: On a Wing and Teenage Prayers.") - Lightborne Publishing, Inc.
Local pop/rock master Swarthy led his self-titled band through a set full of songs from their forthcoming "How They Look To The Skies," due next month. And he must've been burning up under the stage lights, because he took his shirt off during his set. But it wasn't to show off his buffness (well, maybe a little) -- our Jason Gargano says Swarthy told the audience it was a tribute to a post punk legend. "I watched the live Jesus Lizard DVD the other night," Swarthy said. "If David Yow can take off his shirt, so can I."
(Written by Mike Breen. Excerpted from "On Point: The Best, Worst And Weirdest Of The MidPoint Music Festival," "Cincinnati CityBeat," October 3-9, 2007, p. 41.) - Lightborne Publishing, Inc.
"How They Look To The Skies" available now from two locations, and their online stores, in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA...
Shake It
Everybody's Records
And now...
iTunes Store
Feeling a bit camera shy
Bass. Guitars. Drums. Vocal melody. Rock and roll. We're the Swarthy Band. How are you?
Watch the live video recorded last year for "Take This Apology" on YouTube!
Purchase the LP at iTunes Store at www.apple.com! (Think Apple CEO Steve Jobs has some new favorite tunes?)
Click on the "Calendar" link to see the live dates booked.
This was updated on Tuesday,August 12, 2008.