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Doug & Telisha Williams: Rope Around My Heart- No Evil Records- Due Feb '06
No Evil: No Evil- Rythm Hill Records- 2003
Feeling a bit camera shy
"Doug and Telisha Williams' music is as honest and heartfelt as they are. Their integrity and comittment to their craft shines through on this Album, which I was very happy to be a part of."
-Eamon Mcloughlin- The Greencards
"Made with love, like a fine quilt.
With each square a story sewed of many colors.
A true joy!"
-Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart
“The honesty in their lyrics and in the overall sound of their songs drew me in from the beginning. After one listen, I knew these folks were kindred spirits; after experiencing a live performance, I felt like part of their family--in the best possible way.”
-Bill Baldwin, presenter, The Gravity Lounge
Doug and Telisha Williams (Formerly No Evil) embody the true Southern songwriting tradition that so many others try to imitate. They approach their music with contagious energy, inviting, open personalities, and honest grit. First timers at their live shows feel like old friends and part of the family after just a song or two. A single set of their music can bring audience members to their feet in applause, to their knees in prayer, and back to the bar to buy another beer.
With countless touring miles and one record under their belt, the duo is now busy working on a second release with a stellar group of musicians including Darrell Scott, Dennis Crouch, Kenny Malone and Eamon McLoughlin. With Miles Wilkinson producing, this project promises to really be something great. The target date for setting this one free is early 2006.
“I’m excited about this record,” says Doug, “It’s very honest, almost raw. Some of these songs come from pretty shadowy places.” Of course, it isn’t all dark and depressing, “There are a couple of happy songs! Even a love song, and it’s honest, too!” notes Telisha.
Telisha met Doug when they were in their teens and there hasn’t been a time since that they haven’t been playing music together. Fourteen years later they have emerged with the passion and energy of a true calling. Now married and living in Southwest Virginia they are both accomplished players and singers. Telisha’s crystal-clear voice can float like a butterfly on a mountain breeze or thunder like a freight train, and Doug’s guitar playing lays the perfect foundation for either.
The past year has seen a lot of doors open for Doug and Telisha and the future looks to be even more promising for the duo. There is a strong sense of urgency and purpose. Doug and Telisha are looking forward to touring and traveling as much as possible for the remainder of the year and beyond in support of the new record.