"We saw a rising pop star last night. Her name is Daria Musk. Young, vibrant, super talented, and poised - she is pure love and joy, with a beautiful voice, original songs, and a dynamic presence. Plus, she killed James Brown's "It's A Man's World." Thank you, Daria for an electrifying evening!" - Howie Sann, Victory Ink
"Daria is so alive on stage and with a great connection to her audience.
Her music is wonderful and her voice and spirit are gorgeous!"
- Scott Wolfman, President, Wolfman Productions
"They sound incredible, professional, and Daria can sing the hell out of anything!"
-Bob Leone, Head of the Songwriter’s Hall of Fame
- Songwriter's Hall of Fame
One of southwestern Connecticut’s best kept musical secrets hailing from Newtown and boasting an amazing set of vocals is none other than Daria Musk. A genuine singer and songwriter, Daria Musk can ease even the most tangled mind with her poetic lyrics translated into soothing clever melodies.
Accompanied only by her bassist on stage, Daria’s guitar playing style perfectly matches her storytelling songs. With a very stripped down subtle sound, I was completely shocked the first time I saw her perform. I found myself wondering how in the world a person could generate a sound like that and I have been hooked ever since.
With a head full of memories and a heart full of emotion it is quite apparent that Daria Musk completely captures the attention of audiences as soon as she strikes up the first chord of her set. At the helm of a crowded club, it seems as if Musk is playing in front of a mirror as she just smiles and lets the stage blend into the crowd. As comfortable as if she’s playing alone, Daria Musk delivers her message beautifully.
Happy to share her story with anyone willing to listen, I believe that Daria Musk has the potential to make so much more great music. Fairly new to the scene, it is already established in my mind that this girl is a natural songwriter. Letting the music take over and casually floating along for the ride, I find that this is the type of music that makes me feel carefree as it temporarily steals my attention and mutes my inner monologue.
It takes a great, undiscovered artist like this to remind me that there’s still some soul left in the world and that the mainstream static hasn’t completely numbed the purpose of what music is all about. A true pioneer and creative voice in independent music, Daria Musk makes it seem too easy.
Definitely on her way to bigger things, one thing remains constant, Daria Musk’s message and sound comes directly from her heart.
- Andrew Swetz - The Informer - U of Hartford
What is the best local live music show you saw in the last year?
"The Daria Musk Trio. That was the best I've seen all year."
If you could sign any local music act to a national recording contract, who would you sign?
"I would say the Daria Musk Trio again. They're that good."
- New Haven Advocate
Fitz from Blogcritics Magazine posts, “When Daria Musk's self-titled debut arrived in my mailbox, I hadn't heard of her. And when I played the album for the first time, I wondered why the heck not. This girl can sing! And she makes it seem so damn easy! If you're looking for something new, upbeat, and classy to add to your collection, I'd definitely grab Daria Musk's self-titled album. She deserves a listen. And I can hardly wait to hear what she does next!”
- Blog Critics Magazine
Daria Musk is making all the right connections — with the industry and with fans
With the release of her debut EP, Bright As Night, Daria Musk has emerged as one of Connecticut's most promising young talents, selling out Fairfield Theater Company's StageOne and even earning a slot at this year's South by Southwest festival.
Her congenial and spirited personality mirrors the ambience of her songwriting, allowing listeners to connect with each word as if they were sung by a close friend.
"Rock and roll is about stripping away everything and being able to connect with your listeners and connect with your self," says the Newtown-based Musk.
Bright As Night is a 30-minute showcase of those powerful vocal chords and merely grazes the wealth of material that the 23-year-old has crafted over the course her lifetime.
"Just like a Star," the premier track and song responsible for the EP's title, is the best representation of Musk's musicality and songwriting ability. The song successfully combines classically arpeggiated chords and modern vocal melodies to achieve a sound that is rooted both in tradition and pop music.
Although Musk now considers herself to be a rock and roller with pop sensibility, she possesses a musical pedigree of sorts. Her mother, Wendy Musk, a Juilliard grad and classically trained flautist, encouraged her to take up a multitude of classical instruments before she finally discovered her talent for singing and passion for playing guitar.
"I played a lot of classical instruments growing up," says Musk. "I started on violin when I was four and I think I dropped that pretty quickly. My mom played flute, so of course I played flute for like three years. I was good, but it wasn't my thing. I discovered that I could sing around nine years old and I just wouldn't stop."
Her sound is influenced more by current artists like the French foursome Phoenix and alt-rockers Fiction Plane, but Musk also cites African musicians and late-'60s bands as influences.
Musk gets her edgier side from her only constant collaborator, a bass player by the stage name of R.A.M. She describes him as a "rock and roll composer guy". She has enlisted his talents as not only her bass player but also as a producer, engineer and confidant.
"Daria's talent caught my attention, and I was immediately drawn in," says R.A.M. "Her style of writing, her lyrics, her musical sensibilities were all exciting and fresh and totally in alignment with my musical tastes. I heard the potential for something great." They see one another as partners but he states that he is okay with playing "the supporting role in an exciting new career."
Spots on national music festivals, such as SXSW, have put Musk in touch with other young acts as well the record execs behind them, allowing the songstress to practice her networking skills.
"I'm just interested in working with people that really fit the vibe of what I'm doing and who are nice and just love music, and I met a lot of people like that at South by Southwest," she says.
Musk has always kept good company. Her renowned vocal coach Mark Baxter has worked with artists ranging from Steven Tyler to the cast of Rent, and the infamous Howard Lindeman (producer of rock royalty such John Lennon and R.E.M.) engineered her entire show at Fairfield Theater Company after hearing her sound check.
A full-length follow up to Bright As Night and a slot at this year's Gathering of the Vibes is on the horizon for Musk. She has also been taking small steps to better the environment by giving out download cards printed on seeded paper so one can enjoy her upbeat songs while planting some extra vegetation, making her the perfect candidate for the Vibes' "Solar Stage."
Musk's career is with out a doubt growing. "This year I feel like everything is taking off," she says. The future is certainly much brighter than night. - Fairfield County Weekly
"If there’s anyone to keep your eye on it’s her!" - PULP Magazine
"Daria Musk's debut release will be available soon, and from what I've heard, she's as distinctive a singer and writer as KT Tunstall or Sara Barellias. The initial tracks I heard rock with terrific emotion. One track, "Chalk on the Sidewalk" is going to be HUGE!" - theimproper.com
By Jennifer Layton:
"First sentence in my notes, once I picked myself up after being sonically thrown from my
chair: “Holy crap, this woman can sing.”
Yes, that’s how I earned my title of Assistant Editor at Indie-Music.com. Skillful
craftsmanship with words. Do not try this at home.
Daria Musk has one fantastic voice. It soars, whispers, laughs when she herself is not,
technically, laughing, and it could probably belt out hard rock with real credibility if it
wanted to. Combine that with creative, daring songwriting, and you have got a force to
be reckoned with. Now I understand why her album cover shows her with her guitar
plugged into a tree. She’s tapped into a creative Higher Power on this project. The fact
that no one else sounds like this proves she’s got the Muses’ full attention and support.
She can sing a song full of childlike wonder (“Mermaid”), and then on the very next
breath, break into an orchestral, jazzy, hip-hop-tinged number inspired by sidewalk
graffiti (“Chalk”). She can layer her voice over and over until you get such brilliant,
blissful harmonies, the musical instruments themselves are no longer necessary (the a
cappella “On Your Shoulders”).
She’s got it all covered. Perhaps recognizing that a voice like hers demands way more
than cliched lyrics, she writes words that connect with everyone who’s ever stumbled
their way along a creative path:
So I set a course for what I cannot see
And everywhere I go, people lay questions like bricks
And they begin to weigh down on me ...
I hear you, sister. Just stay on that course. You are definitely going in the right direction." - Indie-Music.com
One of southwestern Connecticut’s best kept musical secrets hailing from Newtown and boasting an amazing set of vocals is none other than Daria Musk. A genuine singer and songwriter, Daria Musk can ease even the most tangled mind with her poetic lyrics translated into soothing clever melodies.
Accompanied only by her bassist on stage, Daria’s guitar playing style perfectly matches her storytelling songs. With a very stripped down subtle sound, I was completely shocked the first time I saw her perform. I found myself wondering how in the world a person could generate a sound like that and I have been hooked ever since.
With a head full of memories and a heart full of emotion it is quite apparent that Daria Musk completely captures the attention of audiences as soon as she strikes up the first chord of her set. At the helm of a crowded club, it seems as if Musk is playing in front of a mirror as she just smiles and lets the stage blend into the crowd. As comfortable as if she’s playing alone, Daria Musk delivers her message beautifully.
Happy to share her story with anyone willing to listen, I believe that Daria Musk has the potential to make so much more great music. Fairly new to the scene, it is already established in my mind that this girl is a natural songwriter. Letting the music take over and casually floating along for the ride, I find that this is the type of music that makes me feel carefree as it temporarily steals my attention and mutes my inner monologue.
It takes a great, undiscovered artist like this to remind me that there’s still some soul left in the world and that the mainstream static hasn’t completely numbed the purpose of what music is all about. A true pioneer and creative voice in independent music, Daria Musk makes it seem too easy.
Definitely on her way to bigger things, one thing remains constant, Daria Musk’s message and sound comes directly from her heart. - The Informer - University of Hartford
"Daria Musk and her band bring a sense of fun and organic energy to their fresh and accessible sound. With skilled instrumentation, complex rhythms, and soaring vocals, they've established themselves as a band to watch."
Quinn Strassel, OurStage.com
March 2008
Ourstage.com is the most democratic place on the web for new music and their skill at helping great new artists rise to the top has gained them partnership with Bonnarro, The Newport Folk Festival, and AOL MUSIC to name a few. - Ourstage.com
"Watch out John Mayer--there's an up-county girl ready to replace you as Connecticut's next big singer-songwriter sensation."
-- John Voket, feature on Daria Musk "Breaking the Big Time At Last" - The Newtown Bee
It hasn’t been much of a leap for Connecticut native Daria Musk to dive into this ever expanding music industry – she comes from parents who are classically trained on the flute as well as more than experienced on how to rock the bass – and she spent much of her childhood working on everyone’s favorite: Sesame Street. (How surreal is that? Co-workers with Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch? Who could handle that?!) Anyway, Musk has made the “transfer” from the playground to folk-rock artist with the same upbeat attitude – so much that critics claim “You can hear her smile when she sings.” It helps that these same critics are down with her “killer” guitar skills as well.
She’s been nominated or won just about every songwriting award you can think of and isn’t done yet. Her viewpoint is refreshing: “I think unless you’re Bono or Beyoncé maybe you’re always still ‘breaking into the music business.’ Every step forward is a really fresh exciting experience, and I’m definitely still at the beginning. And for me, the most important thing is to remember that it’s all about the music. I’m totally in love with writing songs and playing shows.” She’s now preparing to launch her debut record, something she says “You can expect something honest and open and from the heart… that also rocks. I hope to create an album of songs that listeners can relate to and also can feel inspired by.”
Personally, I was surprised to learn that Musk had yet to even release an official album – the singer/songwriter has already captured a tone and style all her own. Listen for yourself. Without a doubt, once that record hits stores, Daria will be on the road in full force. She’ll be bringing her band out, so don’t miss it. Check for tour dates near you. There’s so much more below, so get into the XXQ’s.
XXQs: Daria Musk
PensEyeView.com (PEV): Only three years into your career, having a very large fan base and following, did you think you would having so much success, so fast? Was this something you envisioned, right off the start?
DM: I’ve always visualized having a great adventure with music and with my career. I’m a big dreamer and I’m so excited to see people starting to catch onto the music I’m doing. I’m grateful for every single person who listens, or comes out to a show, and for all the people who’ve believed in my sound and encouraged me from the beginning. There’s always more to learn and a lot more ground to cover and I’m looking forward to seeing what’s around the next corner!
PEV: Hailing from the small New England town of Newtown, Connecticut, what kind of music were you listening to growing up?
DM: Well, with a classically trained flutist Mom and a rock bassist / composer Papa there was always a lot of music playing and being played in the house. There were a few CD’s on constant rotation in the car when I was little: The Beatles- Abbey Road, Paul Simon- Graceland, Bobby McFerrin- Medicine Man, James Taylor- Sweet Baby James, and Sting- Ten Summoner’s Tales. Then as I got a little older I discovered Ella Fitzgerald, Dave Matthews Band, The Police, Joni Mitchell, Bjork, Jimi Hendrix, U2 and more.
PEV: First taking to the stage in an unlikely place, at the age of four and continuing for seven years, you were a Sesame Street cast member. What was it like performing on such a legendary show?
DM: It was a really formative experience. I went from watching the show with my cereal before school to standing under big lights and meeting the guy walking around with big bird’s stripey legs on! It didn’t ruin the mystery of the characters or the show for me, I thought it was even more exciting getting to see how it all worked. And when you’re that young it’s not even really “acting” you’re just a kid hanging out on Sesame Street. J
PEV: What was it like for you when you were first breaking into the music business? Before you were getting press, regular gigs and touring around the country?
DM: I think unless you’re Bono or Beyoncé maybe you’re always still “breaking into the music business”. Every step forward is a really fresh exciting experience, and I’m definitely still at the beginning. And for me, the most important thing is to remember that it’s all about the music. I’m totally in love with writing songs and playing shows. So really inside that doesn’t change, it just grows. And with the business part, I’ve found, it’s best to be yourself, be professional, learn from those around you, and be brave enough to reach out to people!
PEV: What can fans expect from a live Daria Musk show?
DM: Expect an ever-evolving show that can incorporate simple singer/songwriter set-ups, and then morph into electric guitar sounds, crazy keyboards, and string loops! We’re always following what we think the song wants. Sometimes it’s intimate, sometimes full band rocking out with drums.
You can expect me to sing my heart out every night and definitely expect gorgeous brilliant performances from bass player Rich.
PEV: How have your shows evolved from when you first started out?
DM: When I first started out it was just me and a guitar and I only had a couple of songs. I wasn’t even old enough to be in the bars and clubs I was performing in! So the shows have really grown up with me.
PEV: Any embarrassing or crazy live show stories? There have to be tons, I'm sure…
DM: Something really crazy happened recently when we played a show opening Melissa Manchester (Grammy-winning vocalist/songwriter). We sound-checked and the sound in the venue was excellent, the soundman was so attentive and helpful and it helped us put on a really great show… afterwards we asked around to find the sound guy to thank him. It turned out that the sound tech traveling with Melissa’s tour heard my voice and decided to mix our entire show for us. His name is Howard Linedman, and he’s worked with John Lennon, recorded “Songs in the Key of Life” with Stevie Wonder, and toured with REM!
PEV: If you could collaborate with one artist out today, who would it be and why?
DM: Ooh, it’s hard to pick just one! I would love to collaborate with the Edge from U2 because I think his songwriting sensibilities are innovative and classic at the same time. I’d love to work with Imogen Heap because I think I’d learn so much from watching her work with all her fantastic gadgets and studio gear. I’d love to write with Dave Matthews because he’s a hero of mine. I’d love to write with KT Tuntsall because she’s a fanatsic rockin’ girl (like me) and I think she’s a great songwriter. And I’d love to collaborate with Ladysmith Black Mombazo because I grew up with Paul Simon’s Graceland album and the sound of their voices hasn’t left my heart since.
PEV: As well, is there an up and coming artist right now that you think we should all be looking out for?
DM: There’s some great singer/songwriters in NYC right now that I’ve gotten to meet and perform with. I think Ian Axel and Amber Rubarth are really amazing performers and artists.
PEV: Tell us, what can fans expect from your upcoming release?
DM: I don’t have a name for it yet. The album we’re working on now will be what I’m calling our “true debut”, as we haven’t officially released record yet. I am so excited about the creation of this project. I can really see all my musical experiences and influences and growth taking shape as a complete idea. You can expect something honest and open and from the heart… that also rocks. J I hope to create an album of songs that listeners can relate to and also can feel inspired by.
PEV: How is this work different from other music out today?
DM: I’ve been told I have a unique voice and songwriting style. I’ve taken the time to develop and grow as an artist and when I look at the charts and music industry today I don’t see anyone that reminds me of me. I think my songs are relatable and also imaginative. They’re heartfelt and uplifting and come from a unique set of experiences. I’m inspired by life, and love, and the mysteries of the universe, and many different styles of music… so it all gets filtered through and it comes out in a unique way. I’ve also taken the time as guitar player to really find my own sound.
PEV: What's the first thing that comes to mind when you step on stage? What is going through your head?
DM: Nothing. That’s the perfect bliss of being “in the zone” or “in the flow”. When I play I let the music take over and thinking stops.
PEV: When you sit down to write a song what kind of environment do you surround yourself in?
DM: When I write I’m either in my room staring out at the woods or the stars, or I’m in my little studio jamming with my bass player. It’s usually very very late a night. I’m totally nocturnal. I usually write with guitar, and I’ve begun to write on piano/keyboard and I’m loving that too. One of my newest songs, “On Your Shoulders” is my first piano-written song, then I perform it on a crazy keyboard that harmonizes my voice using the chords I play.
PEV: What's one thing we'd be surprised to hear about Daria Musk?
DM: I’m a big football fan. Even my friends don’t really believe it until they see me cheering and screaming at the TV on Sunday. J
PEV: How have your friends and family reacted to all your success? What is it like for you when you get to go home?
DM: I have a fantastic home base. I’m very close with my family and they’re a big part of my life and my career. My friends and family and still my main circle and are with me all the time, so home is where we are. Everyone in my family is amazingly talented, my brothers are writers my parents are musicians, so performing, creating, it’s the normal every day thing for us.
PEV: When you are not touring and performing, what can we find you doing in your spare time?
DM: I write and practice all the time… but when I’m not working I love to do outdoorsy stuff in the summer, lake swimming, hiking, etc. I do yoga. I’m a master salad chef. A devout fan of the TV show LOST. And when I’m not playing shows I spend a lot of time going to shows! I’m a huge music fan at heart.
PEV: How is life on the road for you? Good parts? Bad parts? Any fun stories?
DM: I’m really looking forward to touring in 2009 and seeing what it’s like to be on the road for longer periods of time. I think at my age it’s the perfect time to head out on an adventure, and a tour is a crazy fun adventure. I think one of my favorite recent memories was the layover in Dallas on my way to SXSW in Austin TX. As the gate for our flight filled up it became more and more obvious that the people getting on this flight were a little out of place… it was one group of people wearing skinny jeans and leather jackets with wild hair cuts and guitars on their backs… in a sea of cowboy hats…. Eventually an older gentleman wearing a particularly large cowboy hat with cowboy boots that matched leaned over and asked me, “Where y’all goin’?!”
…And the night we were so tired after the show that we put the wrong kind of dishwashing soap in the little dishwasher in our hotel room and then didn’t notice that the entire room was flooding with soap suds until we realized the room suspiciously smelled like soap.
PEV: In your opinion, is there a certain city (US or International) that you find to be the best city for music?
DM: I played at the South By Southwest Music Festival this year in Austin TX. That was the most incredible music environment. Music everywhere!
PEV: As well, where's one place (city and/or venue) you haven't played, you would like to? Why?
DM: I would love to play in London or Paris. And one day I’d love to play the Red Rocks Ampitheater in Denver where the living mountain is literally the venue. I hear it’s a totally unique experience sonically.
PEV: So, what's next for Daria Musk?
DM: And then I’ll be recording my album and preparing for it’s release! We’ve got a lot of amazing stuff planned for 2009, so everyone can visit my myspace page: www.myspace.com/dariamusk to find out where I’m performing and what I’m up to.
Posted 12/17/2008
By Richie Frieman - Penseyeview.com
When Daria Musk's self-titled debut album arrived in my mailbox, I hadn't heard of her. And when I played the album for the first time, I wondered why the heck not. This girl can sing! And she makes it seem so damn easy!
Daria has an amazing grasp of very different styles and a groove all her own. Opening with "Maybe" with soaring vocals and guitar licks, she transitions to the almost instrument-less "On Your Shoulders" which allows you to really get a feel for the range and quiet power of her voice. And once she has you, she doesn't let go.
Raised in the woods of Connecticut in a musical family, she has her own distinct style of vocals, guitar playing, and lyrics. Each lyric has a poetic quality that is lost on so many young stars focused more on pop stardom than on their music. With Daria, that doesn't seem to be the case.
The fans of Ourstage.com knew about her long before the rest of us did. She's been a consistent chart-topper since 2007, and that led her to playing a sold out show at the Paradise in Boston, The Mercury Lounge in NYC, among other venues. She's also won honorable mentions at a number of songwriter competitions in the last few years.
Among my favorite tracks, "Mermaid" has to be at the top of the list. What a groovy beat and guitar in the background, mixed with those flying vocals. Uplifting, fun, and amazing.
And then she follows it up with "Chalk" — a city beat, conversation that tells a story. Singsong with amazing instruments in the background that could all too easily take over, but even with this style she wrangles the beat and makes it her own. "Space" opens with a haunting guitar piece that blends into a Basia-like bassanova beat. Again, seamlessly blending vocals, poetry, and jazzy style.
And if the album wasn't enough, to honor the historic election of Barack Obama as President, she's released a new song - "Vote 4 Change" that you can hear on her MySpace page along with several other of her songs.
If you're looking for something new, upbeat, and classy to add to your collection, I'd definitely grab Daria Musk's self-titled album. She deserves a listen. And I can hardly wait to hear what she does next!
Check her out at MySpace, Sonic Bids, or Ourstage.com.
Be sure to check it out! Keep an eye on her MySpace page at MySpace.com/DariaMusk for details on when the album is to be released. It's worth your time!
Written by Fitz
Published December 12, 2008
- Blogcritics Magazine
"Daria's one of the most effortless singers I've ever heard. You can hear her smile when she sings. Killer guitar-player, too. Beautiful musicianship in the band. They're great. Was I ever pleasantly bowled over!"
-- Bob Power, Grammy-winning producer/mixer (India.Arie, Angie Stone, Erykah Badu) - Bob Power, Grammy-winning producer/mixer
The debut "You Move Me" EP Available now on iTunes, Amazon MP3 and Spotify
*Hit #22 on Amazon MP3 the night it was released!
Note from Daria:
My very first single, "You Move Me", was chosen by the G+niuses at my 2nd Hangout Concert and along with a few other songs it was recorded and released just in time for my 3rd Hangout Concert.
"You Move Me" has voices of G+niuses from all over the world saying the words "You Move Me" in Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish, Indonesian, Twi, Aramaic, Portuguese and more... It was the greatest honor to have my first song ever released begin with YOUR voices.

Before the summer of 2011 Daria Musk was a young singer/songwriter with big dreams, an entrepreneurial streak, a global-sized heart. A weekend of lugging her guitar amps through the rain and an invitation to Google+ sparked the idea to perform a live concert via Google+'s video chat feature, "Hangouts".
Girl in the woods of Connecticut turned early-adopter and went global overnight. An instant world-wide hit and inspiration to coders and engineers, Daria became the voice that launched a thousand lines of code and the model for major tech innovations and Google engineering evolutions including the new “Hangouts On Air” broadcasts by Google.
Because a Hangout is limited to 10 people at a time, Daria and her "G+niuses" (what she calls new fans) created an etiquette of rotating the audience from around the world in and out of those "front row seats." Her 2nd and 3rd Hangout Concerts were also streamed live to unlimited viewers online. Hangout Concert 2 was watched by 9,000 people in 100 countries.
Hangout Concert 3 used tech so new that the numbers are still being crunched. By integrating with YouTube Live, embeddable live players flooded Google+, Facebook, blogs and sites across the internet. It is estimated that the viewership was well over 200,000 people. All of this happened in two months.
Daria is breaking new ground, pushing the boundaries in music, tech and social media, and she’s doing it in an grass-roots and heart-driven way. It’s her genuine enthusiasm, passion and voice that seems to inspire hope and an unprecedented level of engagement. She’s now been featured in Billboard Magazine, Official Google Events, Social Media Panels (BMI, CrushIQ and more), just performed live and simultaneously in Hangouts at The CMJ Music Festival and is looking forward to giving her first TEDtalk performance in November.
Her Hangout Concerts (6.5hrs, 7.5hrs and 8hrs long each) created a world-wide fan base that is growing exponentially and Daria took the connection with them a step further into collaboration. New fans from China, Australia, Ghana, Norway, UK, Indonesia, India, Argentina, Italy, France, Portugal and all over the US helped Daria pick her first single “You Move Me” and recorded the title in their own languages via Soundcloud to create a multilingual intro for the song. Her “G+niuses” also chose the cover, an Instagram self-portrait, and her debut EP hit #22 on Amazon MP3 the night it was released.
"Global Give-Back" is also at the heart of Daria’s budding career. By partnering with The ONE Campaign she helped attract thousands of people to sign a UN Petition to aid Somalia and The Horn of Africa, it was ONE's biggest night of that campaign and helped turn a concert into real tangible global change.
Through song, face to face encounters, her own brand of “Fierce Joy” and a "Laughing In The Face Of The Lion" attitude, Daria is pioneering a new age of interactive, international, interpersonal entertainment and connection.
"A force to be reckoned with" - Indie-Music.com
"She has something everyone needs to hear. Her heart first and then her amazing voice, songs and spirit.” -Howard Lindeman, Grammy-winning Sound Engineer (Stevie Wonder, John Lennon, Ravi Shankar)
"Daria's one of the most effortless singers I've ever heard. You can hear her smile when she sings. Killer guitar-player, too. Beautiful musicianship in the band. Was I ever pleasantly bowled over!" -Bob Power, Grammy-winning producer/mixer
"If there’s anyone to keep your eye on it’s her.” -PULP Magazine