MerleFest 2009 - Chris Austin Songwriting Contest
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Have your songs heard by a panel of professional songwriters and other music industry professionals from the Nashville Music Community as well as earn the chance to perform at MerleFest by entering the 17th annual Chris Austin Songwriting Contest. MerleFest now involves more than 80,000 participants including some 100 artists and bands that perform on one or more of the festival's thirteen stages. All 2009 songwriting competition finalists will receive lodging for 4 nights at MerleFest, with first place winners receiving a performance slot at the Cabin Stage at MerleFest. All finalists will receive cash and other prizes for their winning entries (see prizes below). The volunteer Chair of the Chris Austin Songwriting Contest is Jim Lauderdale.
Entrants must submit songs in one of four categories country, bluegrass, gospel, and general. We received nearly 1,000 entries for 2008. The Chris Austin Songwriting Contest invites three finalists in each category based on judging by a panel of Nashville music industry professionals, to come to MerleFest for the finals on April 24, 2009.
The Chris Austin Songwriting Contest is open to those whose primary source of income is not derived from songwriting or publishing. Finalist will be asked to sign an Acknowledgement of Eligibility. First place winners during the past five years may not re-enter in the specific category in which they won. Co-writers are subject to the same eligibility requirements as the entrant.
All finalists will receive lodging for four nights at MerleFest and all access MerleFest credentials for three individuals.
Past Winners:
Gillian Welch was one of the winners of the initial Chris Austin Songwriting Contest at MerleFest in 1993. Recent winners have included Tift Merritt, Michael Reno Harrell, Adrienne Young, Martha Scanlan, David Via, and Johnny Williams.
The 1st place winners of the 2008 Chris Austin Songwriting Contest were:
General Category: When It Comes My Turn by David Myles
Bluegrass Category: Famous For Doing Something Bad by Brandon Story
Country Category: Runaround by Wendy Newcomer
Gospel Category: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John by Phil Ruff
Net proceeds from the Chris Austin Songwriting Contest go to support the Chris Austin Scholarship.