Human Human
Gig Seeker Pro

Human Human

Montréal, Quebec, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | INDIE

Montréal, Quebec, Canada | INDIE
Established on Jan, 2012
Band Alternative Pop




"RUN Human Human"

Montreal synth-fuelled rockers Human Human have come up with a novel way to release a new album. To follow up last year's eponymous debut EP (produced by Besnard Lakes mainman Jace Lasek) , they are packaging Run in the form of a 72 page magazine that comes with a download code. The group recruited artists to create visuals to accompany each song.The album/mag reprises four cuts off the EP, adding six strong new tracks, including the title song. HH launched the album at Cabaret du Mile End this week. - New Canadian Music


Voilà un beau concept de mise en marché de la part du quatuor montréalais Human Human. Il lance son premier RUN sous la forme d’un magazine de 72 pages où se cache un code de téléchargement unique. Il donne accès à des chansons sombres électros, à d’autres plus légères et brit-pop, avec une forte dose de refrains salvateurs et de mélodies à la The Killers propices aux grands rassemblements. Human Human donne un spectacle-lancement gratuit ce soir au Cabaret du Mile End. - La Presse

"Human Human 'Run' (album stream)"

Tomorrow (April 22) Montreal's Human Human are releasing their album Run in magazine format, and while you'll have to pick up a psychical copy to check out all of the visual artwork, the music is now available to stream.

These 10 tracks sport lush, atmospheric production. Opener "Forest" swells from its sparse intro to a cinematic groove and "Youth" keeps the momentum going with its buoyantly poppy bounce. Most of the songs are similarly sweeping and urgent, although "Love" is a little slower and mellower.

The album includes several cuts from the band's self-titled, Jace Lasek-produced EP from last year.

The magazine can be ordered here. Human Human will celebrate the release tomorrow night with a Montreal show at Cabaret du Mile End. -

"Human Human lancera un album sous forme de magazine"

Nouvelle Que vaut un album, et comment contrer l’exode des consommateurs vers le numérique afin de sauver les disquaires ? Cette question a occupé une partie de la journée, jeudi, lors des Rencontres de l’ADISQ. Les vinyles ? Un baume temporaire. De « beaux objets accompagnés d’un code de téléchargement » alors, suggérions-nous en commentaire sur Twitter ? Les disquaires invités au panel ont balayé cette idée du revers de la main. Eh bin on apprend aujourd’hui que le groupe montréalais Human Human abonde en notre sens…

Le quatuor montréalais Human Human roule sa bosse depuis un petit bout de temps sur la scène locale et ailleurs. Au moment de lancer son premier album officiel, RUN, le 22 avril prochain, les gars de Human Human annoncent un concert le même jour au Cabaret Mile-End, ainsi que la forme que prendra cet album : un magazine de 72 pages, contenant un code de téléchargement unique.

Comme le souligne le groupe sur Facebook, Human Human a fait appel à une série d’artistes afin « de créer un support visuel personnalisé pour chacune des chansons » : Peter AV, Naomie Tremblay, Yola Van Leeuwenkamp, Le Massi, Pier Yves Larouche, Le Bicar, Gabrielle Laïla Tittley, LM Chabot, Clara Palardy, Zoe Pelchat & Andy Hooker et Mikaël Cardin.

Sur le site officiel du groupe, on peut d’ailleurs voir ce gif animé qui semble donner un aperçu de l’objet :

Il est déjà possible de pré-commander pour le recevoir quelques jours avant l’évènement :
Le lancement, lui, est gratuit, dès 19h30, le 22 avril, au Cabaret Mile-End. Par ici les détails.
Chapeau pour l’initiative. On a bien hâte de voir le résultat. D’autant plus que le groupe n’est pas vilain du tout… - Sors-tu?.ca

"Human Human to Deliver Debut Album as Magazine"

Montreal pop rock outfit Human Human have been drumming up anticipation for their full-length debut album, Run, since last year, and now they've announced that it will be arriving in a unique format: as a magazine. They will celebrate the release on April 22 with a hometown gig at Cabaret du Mile End.

The magazines consist of 72 pages and come with a download code. To bring this project together, the band collaborated with artists to create visuals to accompany each song. In a way, this reminds us a bit of Malcolm Jack's "album-zine" from last year.

Four of these songs previously appeared on Human Human's self-titled EP from last year, which was produced by Besnard Lakes member Jace Lasek at Breakglass Studios.

Scroll past the tracklist to hear the soaringly romantic, expansively synth-driven "Lips." Also stream the aforementioned Human Human EP, which consists of the tracks "Forest," "Control," "City" and "Home."

Pre-order the Run magazine right here.


1. Forest
2. Youth
3. City
4. Lips
5. Love
6. Run
7. Hearts
8. Home
9. Control
10. Woods -

"Dans tes /// Human Human, le nouveau projet de GIRL"

Les membres du groupe GIRL sont de retour sur la scène montréalaise avec un tout nouveau projet : Human Human. L’essence reste inchangée – on retrouve cette même énergie et cette sonorité qui les définissent. Ils ont toutefois approfondi leur son, en travaillant notamment avec le producteur Jace Lasek. (Patrick Watson, Besnard Lakes, SUUNS, Islands, Wolf Parade, Land Of Talk, Young Galaxy, Final Flash)

Aujourd’hui, le groupe nous dévoile un premier aperçu du projet. On connaîtra la suite au courant des semaines à venir. Un EP sera disponible le premier novembre, ils seront en concert avec le groupe Hands and Teeths le 16 octobre au Divan Orange et la formation participera au Festival M pour Montréal le 17 novembre au Quai des Brumes.

Une vidéo et une chanson en streaming sont disponibles sur leur site officiel via

Consultez leur nouvelle page Facebook ici - Dans tes

"Scène 1425 /// Human Human naît des cendres de GIRL"

Date: Vendredi 12 octobre 2012
Auteur: Eliane Sauvé
Catégorie: Actualité

Anciennement connus sous le nom de GIRL, le quatuor montréalais fait maintenant peau neuve avec non seulement un nouveau nom, mais aussi un nouvel EP à venir. Qu’on t-il à proposer maintenant ?
Human Human. Le même noyau, la même philosophie, avec un son peaufiné et cette même énergie qui leur est propre. Avec un concept innovateur et une approche qui les caractérise, les anciens membres du band GIRL reviennent en force sur la scène musicale. C’est ici que la vraie aventure débute. Ils lancent aujourd’hui un projet sur lequel ils travaillent depuis deux ans. S’alliant au producteur Jace Lasek (Besnard Lakes, Patrick Watson, Islands, SUUNS, Wolf Parade, Land Of Talk, Young Galaxy, Final Flash), ils s’inscrivent au tableau des grands joueurs. Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter le nouveau projet des membres de Human Human.
Pour le moment, très peu est dévoilé. On connaîtra au compte-gouttes le cheminement du groupe. Soyez à l’affut – un spectacle avec le groupe Hands and Teeths aura lieu le 16 octobre au Divan Orange et la formation participera au Festival M pour Montréal le 17 novembre au Quai des Brumes.

Une vidéo et une chanson en streaming sont disponibles sur leur site officiel.

Consultez leur nouvelle page Facebook, ici. - Scène 1425

"Pat White /// Le groupe montréalais Girl lance son nouveau projet Human Human"

Les quatre gars montréalais de Girl se métamorphosent en Human Human, leur nouveau projet.

Ils sortiront leur EP le 1 novembre prochain. Cependant, ils ont concocté un petit spécial pour les impatients et adeptes de musique planante et entrainante tout à la fois. Leur premier single « Home » est disponible dès maintenant sur youtube.

C’est un vidéoclip dans lequel le visuel se fait très simpliste ce qui lui confère un certain raffinement. On nous propose des images dans les teintes de blanche sur un fond noir et sur lesquelles sont projetées par moments d’autres images. L’esthétisme du vidéoclip représente bien le reflet d’une musique vaporeuse empreinte d’une rythmique mature qui nous apaise et nous éveille.

Pourquoi les gars de Girl lancent-ils un nouveau projet? La réponse est simple, pour le simple fait d’avoir un nouveau départ. Cependant, ils assurent garder le même style musical tout en approfondissant ce dernier, afin de détenir une sonorité dite plus recherchée et que je qualifierais de mature.

Le lancement officiel se fera début novembre. Sinon, ils seront sur la scène du Quai des Brumes dans le cadre de M pour Montréal le 17 novembre prochain. Pour voir la page facebook de l’événement cliquez ici :

Sinon, je vous invite à visiter leur site officielle, leur page facebook ou encore les suivre sur twitter @wearehumanhuman - Pat White

"Indecent Xposure /// Human Human - Home (video)"

Montreal-based pop rock group Human Human (formerly GIRL), was formed in 2005 and is quite the busy bee right now. They have an upcoming EP that will be released November 1st, they just played a show Tuesday here in Montreal, and they’re playing with Pif Paf Hangover plus Husbands on November 17th (more info here). To boot, they've recently released a glorious music video for the song “Home” off their upcoming EP.

Check out the old-school looking video for the Roxy Music-esque "Home" down below. - Indecent Xposure

"The Ladies Toilet /// Human Human"

Hailing from the city of beauties and extraordinarily talented people, these boys have kicked off the Montreal music scene with their youthfully charming indie-pop. Inspired by 80's, their harmonies and liveliness create illustrious songs that are highly enjoyable. - The Ladies Toilet

"500 KHZ /// Human Human - EP"

Human Human — EP

Human Human s’est adjoint les services de Jace Lasek (Besnard Lakes) à la coréalisation et à l’enregistrement de ce premier maxi. La formation montréalaise propose une pop éthérée, rappelant Stars dans l’approche mélodique, mais aussi U2, notamment dans les espaces et les ambiances. Avec sa splendide progression, City marque l’écoute. C’est toutefois les accents 1980 et la précision de Home qui permettent à Human Human de ressortir du lot. Disponible en téléchargement gratuit.

Page Bandcamp : - 500 KHZ

" /// L’album à découvrir de la semaine : Human Human – EP"

Ils ont laissé pousser la moustache, les cheveux, la barbe… Pour toutes ces bonnes raisons peut-être, et plus sûrement parce qu’ils en avaient simplement envie, les 4 garçons dans le vent (montréalais) de GIRL ont changé de nom. Il sont désormais Human Human et ont débarqué il y a quelques jours avec un nouvel EP.

Et dès la première écoute, on peut également se rendre compte qu’ils ont laissé pousser leur talent !

Si en 2009 (déjà !), ils délivraient de l’énergie pure à travers des chansons bien rock et immédiates, on découvre sur ce 2ème opus un univers bien plus vaste et travaillé. L’immense talent de ces jeunes hommes, que l’on percevait déjà il y a 3 ans, éclate aujourd’hui au grand jour : une finesse de composition et d’arrangement qui confèrent une ambiance incroyable à chaque titre, un son ample et imprégnant, une section rythmique toujours aussi subtile et au service de chaque morceau, des parties vocales parfaitement maîtrisées… et tout cela sans sacrifier leur don pour les mélodies entraînantes !

Maintenant qu’ils ont fait entrer leur son dans notre époque, qui saura résister à la musique de Human Human ? Quel amoureux de rock mélodique teinté de pop sera capable de faire la moue devant la délicieuse montée en puissance de Forest, l’énergie organique de Control, les errements de City ou l’imposance de Home ?
Je pense vraiment que cet EP est annonciateur de grands moments à venir pour Human Human… et pour nous ! J’avais trouvé qu’il y avait un peu de U2 période Boy/War dans l’EP de GIRL. Toutes proportions gardées, je dirais qu’ils en sont rendus avec celui-ci à The Unforgettable Fire … et il va sans dire que j’attends avec impatience leurs The Joshua Tree et Achtung Baby !

Un énorme et sincère MERCI à eux pour continuer à diffuser leurs œuvres sous licence Creative Commons. N’hésitez donc pas à diffuser cet excellent EP autour de vous : copiez-le, partagez-le, donnez-le, diffusez-le, remixez-le (tout ceci dans la limite de clauses non commerciales et partage des conditions initiales à l’identique, bien entendu)… Vu qu’ils ne veulent même pas de don (un « Free Download » et pas d’option « name your price » sur la page Bandcamp de l’EP), les faire connaître est le moins que l’on puisse faire !

"Skeletory /// Tune // Human Human – Home"

Home. What is home? Having lived in four different cities, my perspective of home is considerably different from many. I am very much at home in London, nevertheless my true home is with my family and friends back in Montreal. Human Human is a four-piece band hailing from the suburbs of Montreal. Initially, I met these boys on an intoxicated night (a few intoxicated nights actually) where even the slightest mention of music wasn’t present, however, after seeing them live, their ability to musically woo me was astonishing, more than the initial “I’m in a band” jibber jabber I was first introduced to. What is it I like so much about this band other then my connection to home? Other than the fact that they’re all good looking, their cinematic charming, 80's indie-pop sound rattles my music cage. As does their genuine love and dedication to their passion.

Lucky for you they’ve just released an EP free to download you can get here.
- Skeletory

" /// Le groupe montréalais Girl devient Human Human et joue à M pour Montréal demain"

Vous avez sûrement déjà croisé les membres du groupe Girl dans un de leurs shows ultras festifs. Attention, ils font peau neuve sous le nom Human Human. Leur premier EP éponyme, réalisé par Jace Lasek au BreakGlass Studio (Besnard Lakes, Patrick Watson, Land of Talk), est fraîchement disponible sur le Web. Les 4 musiciens t'invitent à le télécharger gratuitement. À vous de le découvrir!

Good to know, ils font partie de la sélection de showcases pendant M pour Montréal, et jouerons au Quai des Brumes demain (samedi le 17 novembre), à 22H.

Écoutez leurs tounes pour vous faire une idée de leur nouvelle sonorité plus travaillée, mais ne tardez à les voir en show pour mieux les découvrir. vous surveillera de prêt Human Human! -

"Le Devoir /// Disque - Human Human, Human Human -EP-"

Human Human -EP - Human Human

Ce premier EP propose des mots lumineux sur fond de pop-rock. Les chansons racontent un premier baiser, cette ville qui vous connaît par coeur et le monde qui va changer. Sur ces thèmes, Human Human plonge dans la joyeuse insouciance et l’incertitude latente qui marque la vingtaine. Jouant du synthétiseur, ce groupe montréalais réactualise cet instrument qui évoque les années 1980. Sous le nom GIRL, les quatre jeunes hommes ont tourné au pays et en Europe. Avec Human Human, ils changent d’identité, mais conservent une esthétique bien définie : habits blancs impeccables en spectacle, vidéo promo tournée sous l’eau et même un magazine à venir où les chansons seront imagées par des photographes d’ici. Réalisé par Jace Lasek (Patrick Watson, Suuns, Young Galaxy), ce disque qui porte leur nom est parfait pour donner le ton à tous les moments festifs. Si vous aimez Coldplay et The Killers, Human Human va vous plaire. - Le Devoir

"The Concordian /// New Music Canada: Human Human Montreal Indie-pop band previously known as GIRL reveals plans for new album in 2013"

Talent, dedication and friendship are what make Montreal’s Human Human a band to look out for in 2013. With their eponymous EP released just a month ago and an appearance at this year’s M for Montreal festival, Human Human wowed the city with a sound reminiscent of ‘80s pop.

Full of promise and talent, Human Human, which is comprised of lead singer and songwriter Félix Roy, drummer Olivier Larouche, bassist Maxime St-Jean and guitarist and keyboardist Louis Lupien, have been playing together since their early teens when they were just high school students in St-Bruno.

“We’ve been rehearsing in Lupien’s parents’ basement for a long time,” said Larouche. “For a couple of years we were just playing for fun.” The band’s earliest performances included Battle of the Bands and high school awards ceremonies.

Now in their early 20s, the quartet ditched their old name GIRL when they recorded their EP last winter. The band agreed that the name change was necessary.

“We ended up with an album that was totally different: the sound, the feeling, the concept,” said Roy.

Influenced by some of the most infamous acts of all time, including The Cure, The Smiths and Coldplay, Human Human feels that their sound is true to the organic indie-pop sounds that shaped their youth.

“Our album talks a lot about our youth,” said Roy. “Like when we were young and going to high school. Just four really close friends, playing around.”

Though the band writes their music together, Roy writes the lyrics. When asked about songwriting, Larouche said: “Our songwriting process is really natural, we jam from hard rock to jazz, we just have fun.” Eventually, the songs come together to fit their vision.

“I would love to be poetic,” said Roy. “But our lyrics are very grounded. Morrissey has always influenced me. When you read his lyrics, it’s poetic but grounded at the same time, you can understand what he means.”

Despite being francophone, the band doesn’t have any worries about singing in English. “It wasn’t a choice to sing in English,” said Larouche. “It just came out that way. We always listened to Brit and American bands.” Roy added, “We tried singing in French but it just didn’t work with our sound.”

Though they’ve played in Montreal since they were teenagers, the band still feels like they don’t fit into the city’s music scene. “We don’t fit into the indie-hipster crew of Montreal,” said Larouche. “It’s hard to fit somewhere, but we have a really nice following of fans in Montreal.”

Human Human revealed that their full-length album, produced by Jace Lasek, who worked with Patrick Watson and Wolf Parade, should be released next fall.

Visit Human Human’s Bandcamp to download their latest EP and like them on Facebook for info on upcoming shows. - The Concordian

"Dans tes /// Listen & Watch : Human Human"

Les membres de Human Human (anciennement GIRL) aiment faire les choses différemment. Depuis que je les connais – c’était quelque part il y a deux ou trois ans – ils m’ont toujours épaté avec des concepts qui sortent de l’ordinaire. Ok, on doit se l’avouer, un show dans la piscine du Bain Mathieu devant 600 personnes, c’est #cool. Dans la veine du Do It Yourself, je pense que la formation s’y connaît. Production d’affiches, de chandails, de cartes d’affaires, auto-promo, auto-booking, auto-fais-le-toi-même-si-tu-sais-bien-le-faire.

Cette fois-ci, ils proposent un magazine pour accompagner leur EP. Oui oui, un joli journal en papier qui tâche les doigts. Les quatre chansons de l’album sont illustrées par différents photographes de Montréal. (Clara Palardy, Zoé Pelchalt et Andy Hooker de Tafaceengros, Naomie Tremblay et Le Massi). Comme le EP est disponible gratuitement sur les Internets, l’idée de créer un support physique pour l’accompagner est une initiative très chouette, et surtout, originale. Le mag est beau, vraiment beau.

Il sera offert gratuitement ce lundi 4 mars lors du lancement officiel du EP, à la Sala Rossa. Ne manquez pas Beverlay en première partie!

Portes à 19h - Dans tes

"Huffington Post Quebec /// Human Human sort un EP gratuit et un magazine le même jour ! (VIDÉO)"

Amis depuis qu’ils ont 12 ans, Olivier Larouche, Louis Lupien, Félix Roy et Maxim-St-Jean ont roulé leur bosse avec le groupe GIRL pendant des années, avant de former Human Human. Aujourd’hui âgés de 23 ans, les quatre gars originaires de la Rive-Sud de Montréal viennent de lancer un EP éponyme où leur fascination pour les années 80 côtoie la jeunesse désinvolte de 2013.

Que les fans de la première heure se le tiennent pour dit : GIRL est mort et enterré. « Quand on est entré en studio pour enregistrer le dernier EP, on s’est rendu compte que notre style musical avait pas mal changé depuis nos débuts », explique Olivier Larouche, batteur du groupe. « GIRL faisait de la musique pop très simple, du genre tout le monde est heureux. Mais avec Human Human, on offre quelque chose de plus profond. »

Le musicien décrit le nouveau son de la formation comme un mélange d’indy, de pop et de rock, avec plusieurs influences issues des années 80. « On écoute souvent The Cure, The Smiths ou Echo & the Bunnymen. Quand on avait 12 ans, on a commencé à faire de la musique parce qu’on trippait sur Coldplay en malade mental. Mais avec le temps, on est allé chercher un côté eighties. Dans le vidéoclip de la chanson HOME, on est allé à fond dans la symbolique de ces années-là, avec des visages sans émotion et un look ultra léché. »

Partisans de la philosophie do it yourself, les membres de la formation travaillent depuis leurs débuts sans agent, ni maison de disque. « On est un peu control freak et ça fonctionne très bien comme ça. Étant donné qu’on est des francophones qui chantent en anglais au Québec, c’est un peu plus difficile de trouver du monde qui veut embarquer dans notre projet. Pour l’instant, on va à Toronto et on joue pas mal dans les universités américaines. Je pense qu’on est légèrement snobé ici. On ne fait pas partie du courant indy hipster des groupes anglophones qui ont beaucoup de succès présentement. »

Le quatuor n’en est pas moins sérieux dans son désir de percer au Québec et un peu partout ailleurs. « On se voit jouer sur des scènes énormes toute notre vie. Notre album de 11 chansons est déjà prêt, mais on y va une étape à la fois. C’est plus difficile de lancer un album complet sans équipe. Pour le moment, on souhaite que le EP circule le plus possible. »

En plus d’offrir sa musique gratuitement sur Internet, Human Human tenait à produire un livret sous forme de magazine. « Comme on est des gros trippeux de photographie, on a demandé à quatre artistes montréalais qu’on aime beaucoup de s’inspirer des chansons du EP. Par la suite, on a monté un magazine de 28 pages avec les textes de nos chansons et leurs photos. »

Après leur lancement à la Sala Rossa le 4 mars, les quatre gars de Human Human seront en spectacle au Divan Orange le 18 avril prochain.

Pour le téléchargement gratuit du EP, on clique ici. - Huffington Post Quebec

"U&I Music Magazine (April 2013 Issue) /// EP Reviews Human Human"

A recommendation from our Canadian based music network, we have been listening to this EP for the last few months and it was officially released on March 4th. It is an excellent piece of music and it evokes a lot of things with the way they build their sound throughout. The oponer here is ''Forest'' and it keeps things firmly in check. There is a way in how it rises that shows a detailed build that catches everything in an imaginative way. By keeping the synth aspect of their sound in the background on it the playing retains a smart and sensible run that serves well. The sound here draws comparisons with the Killers and Arcade Fire, but on its own merits is what it deserves to be judged on. The visionary way that they style it commendably brings something to the table that is carried across on it finely. Up next is ''Control''. One of the things that stand out on it is the manner that they fetchingly deliver to it on the rhythm front. There is finesse to it from intro and they then drop back on it to allow the vocals come in to the reckoning. Then when the playing all comes in those catchy hooks take over and bring out the playing. There is a teasing way that the band does it that lingers on it in a precise way. With all the catchy side of it springing forth from the rhythm they deliver.

On ''City'' the entire body of work is there to be admired. A scorching synth comes to the fore over tempered drum roll. That creates a lavish landscape to how it all sounds. This leaves a lasting impression about all of this. A shooting bass line is another descriptive feature about this one that brings them the credibility that their music is deserving of. It is in the final track of the EP here that you see how good the band is. The electro elements of it seem to capture something that is driven by the integrity of how the arrangement sits on it all. There is an exuberance is felt from it here on all fronts. The strength in how the playing fixates all of the rich qualities shows here, and it shows in an impressive way that leaves you astounded when you hear it. - U&I Music Magazine (April 2013 Issue)

"Violent Success /// Human Human: Human Human EP"

Human Human: Human Human EP — In picking out what to review this week, I decided I wanted something to ride my bike to, something to keep me energized while cruising around the suburbs on my old two wheels, nothing too cerebral or crazy. I found Human Human’s new self-titled EP, the band’s first official release, a four track collection totaling 19 minutes of music. I’ll admit, when I finally got out on the open road I felt really good about my choice to review this album.

It’s hard to describe Human Human better than the bio on their website: “Human Human is the result of a long time friendship between four high school pals. They were, and still are mostly influenced by Brit music, 80's slick aesthetics as well as the whole Montreal vibe and underground music scene.” I read that and thought, “Yes, that is exactly what this sounds like.” It feels like these guys are just having fun, writing music for the sake of making people feel good; the kind of music you’d jam out to as an adolescent; the best band at your high-school coffeehouse; the soundtrack to a summertime montage. God forbid, if anyone were to reboot a John Hughes film, I’d want to hear this music in it.

The first track, ‘Forest’ starts out with a unison guitar and bass pattern in 4/4, setting the stage for the soft vocals to tell the age-old story of two teens sneaking out of their parents house: “come to me now / no one’s awake / no one will care if you’re not in your bed anymore / just take my hand / don’t say a word / no don’t say a word til we get past the door / oh honey, watch your step / come to the light / I just wanna see you and touch you before we get out / my heart beats so fast / I feel yours too / I know I’m not dreaming, I know when my feelings are true / because together we’re so beautiful.”

These songs don’t do much traveling, by that I mean you know what’s coming around the corner while you’re listening– and that’s not a bad thing, sometimes it’s really comforting, and I think that’s what Human Human is going for. This band’s strength lies in both their lyrical storytelling, and their ability to maintain emotion in the music. Another one of my favorite moments in this EP is in the last track, ‘Home’ an upbeat, open hi-hat tune with forefront synths– a song very close to my own heart. As a college student who has just returned from the big city back to my hometown to spend the summer with my parents, this was the lyric that stuck out to me, “anywhere I could be living / there is one place I will never forget / it’s the only place that knows my name.”

I’ve no complaints about this band. I totally know where these guys are coming from. Their sound is very young, genuine, and I look forward to hearing them evolve. Keep your eyes peeled for Human Human’s first album on the horizon… 9.5/10 - Violent Success

"Ride the Tempo /// [LISTEN] HUMAN HUMAN- HOME"

Human Human have recruited The Besnard Lakes’ Jace Lasek for an upcoming LP. Right now they’ve teased us with a 4 song EP titled Home which includes a few tracks from the upcoming album and “City”, an EP exclusive. The four tunes demonstrate their ability to make a synthy atmosphere seem organic and have enough rock n’ roll energy to keep things interesting. Stream the title track “Home” below. - Ride The Tempo

" /// HUMAN HUMAN Human Human"

This EP from Montreal quartet Human Human features three songs destined to appear on an upcoming full-length release, plus one exclusive new track, "City". The band's catchy and keyboards-heavy sound is perfectly captured by The Besnard Lakes leader Jace Lasek at his BreakGlass studio. This definitely takes you back to the golden era of Brit synth-pop. After two recent NXNE shows, they're readying for a July 25 set at MEG in Montreal. -


NXNE has finally passed and I decided to only have a select few guests pop on by the studio. One of those guests was a 4-piece synth pop-rock band called Human Human from Saint Bruno, Quebec, which is a off-island suburb of Montreal. The guys (Oliver Larouche, Louis Lupien, Felix Roy & Maxime St-Jean) are all childhood friends and are now based in Montreal. They released a 4 track self-titled EP a few months back with the help of Jace Lasek of the Besnard Lakes at his Montreal studio, Breakglass Studios.
The first single off the EP is “Home” and it comes with a very captivating video that was quite easy to shoot, and inexpensive according to the band. The guys are planning on releasing their full length at some point this year that will carry a similar continuity as their EP.
Check out the interview I did with the guys as they discuss the one word naming of the songs, the pride of a Habs fan, the Quebec music scene and working with the Besnard Lakes frontman, Jace Lasek.
You can follow the band on twitter @WeAreHumanHuman and on Facebook for the latest updates on their doings. -

"Vancouver Music Review /// Song of the Day: Home by Human Human"

There’s a lot of buzz in the city right now about The Besnard Lakes after their big show last night, and if you’re craving more… check out Human Human, produced by BL’s Jace Iasek. The music video is pretty cool, it reminds me a lot of Jordan Klassen’s new one for Go To Me. The music rides the synth hard, has a great solid beat, and I bet would be fantastic live at a theater show. It’s the definition of dream pop, with a Brit influence thrown in since the guys spent a month in London with Iasek before recording to have fun and hang out, but ended up re-working a lot of the music while they were there. It’s a great story, great music, and if you’re into it you should buy their self-titled EP for a whopping $3 on iTunes. - Vancouver Music Review

" /// Human Human 'Human Human' (EP stream)"

By Alex Hudson
Besnard Lakes singer Jace Lasek has taken on numerous production gigs in recent years, and this includes Montreal pop-rock outfit Human Human (whose members were formerly known as GIRL). Their new Lasek-produced EP is self-titled and will be out on May 28, but it's available to stream ahead of time on

The four-song collection was recorded at Breakglass Studios in Montreal and includes three tracks from Human Human's forthcoming full-length RUN, plus the EP-only "City." The songs mix sprightly pop rock with atmospheric synths and epically earnest moods, as '80s-influenced songs are given a modern sparkle.

Check out the entire EP below. -


Human Human could pass in somewhere in between The Killers and Joy Division, but with the four of them dressed in white, the band rather resembled a vocal band of the 60's. However, their infectious, sing-along hymns catch instantly, surfing between space rock and pop, and little electro experiment. From Montreal, indie-rock city, they have got an this extra-dose of talent potential fellow bands would envy.
- Indecent Xposure

"Soft Signal /// VIDEO: HUMAN HUMAN — “FOREST”"

Montreal’s Human Human has turned in this rousing, live rendition of their EP opener “Forest,” just in time for folks to warm up to the band ahead of catching them in the opening space on Young Galaxy‘s forthcoming Canadian tour. Try out the full four-track EP over at Exclaim!; YG tour dates here. - Soft Signal

"Scène 1425 /// Human Human | Nouvelle vidéo + tournée avec Young Galaxy"

Le quatuor pop-rock Human Human part en tournée dès demain! Si le groupe s'arrête d'abord dans les Festivals locaux FAST et FME, c'est vers l'Ouest canadien que HH se dirigera dès le 18 septembre, avec comme compagnon de route le groupe dream pop Young Galaxy.
La revue canadienne Exclaim! a d'ailleurs récemment publié en exclusivité une vidéo live, où l'on peut voir les garçons répéter la pièce Forest:

Cette chanson ouvre le plus récent EP de HH, dont les quatre pièces sont disponibles en écoute intégrale ici. Enregistré au Breakglass Studio de Montréal sous l'aile de Jace Lasek des Besnard Lakes, le EP contient trois pièces qui se retrouveront sur le futur album de Human Human; RUN.
Human Human |
Page Facebook
17 août | Pub O'Callagan | Festival FAST de Sorel-Tracy
30 août | Broadway Pub | FME de Rouyn-Noranda
Tournée en première partie de Young Galaxy:
18 septembre | WECC | Winnipeg
19 septembre | Exchange | Regina
20 septembre | Amigo's | Saskatoon
21 septembre | SAIT | Calgary
22 septembre | Avenue | Edmonton
25 septembre | Lucky Bar | Victoria
26 septembre | Electric Owl | Vancouver - Scène 1425

"Hot Soup /// Montreal Electronique Groove | MEG Festival 2013"

Human Human also played at Divan Orange, and they are a group of four young gentlemen that really like to dress in bright white Canadian tuxedos (jeans and jean jackets, for the ignorant among you). They play rock songs with synthesizers over the rock, and they have drumming that drums. The drums were actually a high point for me, as they were skilful and tight. Their staccato basslines offset the indie cock-rock guitars throughout the set, and I liked the passages when they went for a dual-synth attack. The vocals were smooth, graceful, and had the right amount of grit. The crowd felt good about them, and so did I. I would give Human Human a report card with a scratch & sniff sticker of a smiling banana on it if I was able.
- Hot Soupe

"ISSUU Magazine /// Human Human"

@The Exchange Wednesday 19
... - ISSUU Magazine

"Panic Manual /// Festival Review: Festival de la musique emergente en Abiti-Temiscamingue August 29 - September 1 2013 Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec"

After that, it was off to the Broadway Pub for Human Human, a group that connects the dot between the Arcade Fire’s visceral pop and Pulp’s dramatic tales of romantic longing (live, the anthemic “Lips” matched the desperate urgency of anything from His ‘n’ Hers) while also evoking the young, brash U2. Some seasoning will allow Human Human to move beyond their at-times obvious influences, but on this night they already looked and sounded like a band poised for much bigger stages. - Panic Manual

"AncharShop /// Interview: Human Human – FME 2013"

By: Juliette Jagger (@juliettejagger)
Tell me a bit about your love of Brit rock, your trip to London, and how that all came together to inform your debut record?
Well, we went to London without any gear or any talk of music. We were just four friends. We’ve all been huge fans of British music for a very long time, so the trip didn’t necessarily influence our sound. That being said, we did book our studio sessions with Jace Lasek at Breakglass Studios and had a whole bunch of songs prepared before we went away, but after that month, we came back fresh and wrote 10 new songs in 2 weeks, and threw all the other ones in the garbage. That trip really wrapped everything up for us.

Being from Montreal, do you find that the city informs your music at all?
We’re actually from the suburbs of Montreal, so yeah, I think that seeps through our music. We’ve lived our best years there so I think for all of us those British influences and the other musical influences we each had in our childhoods, as well as our friendship, are really the key informants.

This is something I ask a lot of bands to chime in on, but with music being what it is right now, especially with the existence of such a large independent online community, what is one of the biggest struggles you guys have faced as an independent band today?
It’s probably a question of money mostly. When you get signed to a label that’s a question you can let go of because they have that revenue. When your independent you have to do everything yourself – your sound, your image, that’s all you.
We’re kind of control freaks so being independent has actually worked out well for us. Even though as an Independent band you evolve slower and it’s a lot more work, now we’re at the place where we want to be.

You guys were recently booked on the Young Galaxy Tour, will this be your first cross-country?
Yeah, and we’re really psyched about it. We like Young Galaxy a lot, and it’s really great timing for us right now with our new EP. This tour is just a great way for us to take steps in the right direction with this band.

Participating in FME?
We’ve wanted to participate in FME for a few years now. Montreal is a very closed circuit in terms of the emerging music industry, it’s just very small, so we were able to meet a few people and were eventually invited to come out.
What’s great about this festival is that, if you put Osheaga aside because it is something like a huge machine, FME is one of the only other really great festivals in Quebec that involves such great bands – it’s like a little Austin, Texas.
The people who are on top of this festival are awesome. As a band we have a nice place to stay, we’re fed and given beer, we get paid to play, and we have just been so well treated. It’s almost like a gift you know? Here are these people on top saying, ‘you guys are struggling, you guys are awesome, and you need to get your music to the ears of the people, so let us help you.’ These are probably the best conditions you can ask for as an artist. - AnchorShop

"Alan Cross /// An Interview with Human Human"

[Last weekend, I dispatched correspondent Juliette Jagger to the FME festival in Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. She managed to nail down Human Human for a chat.- AC]

Tell me a bit about your love of Brit rock, your trip to London, and how that all came together to inform your debut record?

Well, we went to London without any gear or any talk of music. We were just four friends. We’ve all been huge fans of British music for a very long time, so the trip didn’t necessarily influence our sound. That being said, we did book our studio sessions with Jace Lasek at Breakglass Studios and had a whole bunch of songs prepared before we went away, but after that month, we came back fresh and wrote 10 new songs in 2 weeks, and threw all the other ones in the garbage. That trip really wrapped everything up for us.

Being from Montreal, do you find that the city informs your music at all.

We’re actually from the suburbs of Montreal, so yeah, I think that seeps through our music. We’ve lived our best years there so I think for all of us those British influences and the other musical influences we each had in our childhoods, as well as our friendship, are really the key informants.

This is something I ask a lot of bands to chime in on, but with music being what it is right now, especially with the existence of such a large independent online community, what is one of the biggest struggles you guys have faced as an independent band today?

It’s probably a question of money mostly. When you get signed to a label that’s a question you can let go of because they have that revenue. When your independent you have to do everything yourself – your sound, your image, that’s all you.

We’re kind of control freaks so being independent has actually worked out well for us. Even though as an Independent band you evolve slower and it’s a lot more work, now we’re at the place where we want to be.

You guys were recently booked on the Young Galaxy Tour, will this be your first cross-country?

Yeah, and we’re really psyched about it. We like Young Galaxy a lot, and it’s really great timing for us right now with our new EP. This tour is just a great way for us to take steps in the right direction with this band.

Participating in FME?

We’ve wanted to participate in FME for a few years now. Montreal is a very closed circuit in terms of the emerging music industry, it’s just very small, so we were able to meet a few people and were eventually invited to come out.

What’s great about this festival is that, if you put Osheaga aside because it is something like a huge machine, FME is one of the only other really great festivals in Quebec that involves such great bands – it’s like a little Austin, Texas.

The people who are on top of this festival are awesome. As a band we have a nice place to stay, we’re fed and given beer, we get paid to play, and we have just been so well treated. It’s almost like a gift you know? Here are these people on top saying, ‘you guys are struggling, you guys are awesome, and you need to get your music to the ears of the people, so let us help you.’ These are probably the best conditions you can ask for as an artist. - Alan Cross

"Consequence of Sound /// Top 10 MP3s of the Week (5/24) 10. Human Human – “Forest”"

Not to be confused with the too-gender-specific Man Man, Montreal’s Human Human produce epic indie rock of the type that has the dizzying energy that can only be generated by a double-mortal entity. “Forest” is the latest example of that loping pulse, opening on an Andrew Bird-esque pastoral, only to dive deeply into the mirror-pool beauty, rich strings and dense electric guitar dreamily rippling from the point of impact. Every line drips with emotional resonance (“My heart beats so fast / I feel yours too”), the song an encapsulated shot of new love. “Forest” is an early taste of Human Human’s debut self-titled EP due May 28th. -Adam Kivel - Consequence of Sound


HUMAN HUMAN - RUN (1989 Records)
Release Date: April 22, 2014
Produced by Jace Lasek (Patrick Watson, Wolf Parade, Land of Talk, Suuns) and Human Human at Breakglass Studio
Mixed by Jace Lasek
Mastered by Ryan Morey (Arcade Fire, Half Moon Run, Stars, Grimes)

HUMAN HUMAN - LIPS (Single) (1989 Records)
Release Date: April 1, 2014
Produced by Jace Lasek (Patrick Watson, Wolf Parade, Land of Talk, Suuns) and Human Human at Breakglass Studio
Mixed by Jace Lasek
Mastered by Ryan Morey (Arcade Fire, Half Moon Run, Stars, Grimes)

Release Date: May 28, 2013
Produced by Jace Lasek (Patrick Watson, Wolf Parade, Land of Talk, Suuns) and Human Human at Breakglass Studio
Mixed by Jace Lasek
Mastered by Ryan Morey (Arcade Fire, Half Moon Run, Stars, Grimes)



Human Human is the result of a long time friendship between four high school pals. They were and still are mostly influenced by brit music, 80's slick aesthetics as well as the whole Montreal vibe and underground music scene.

Switching from guitar player to singer, drummer to bassist, violinist to keyboards, each and everyone of them found their sound and voice performing in front of their schoolmates. Back then, they wanted to be a band more than anything.

In their early 20s, all Human Human members discovered a big strength being all together on stage. After a few gigs at partys, events and bars, they decided time has come to record their first album.

On the journey to their first EP, they met with Jace Lasek from BreakGlass Studios (Patrick Watson, Wolf Parade, Land of Talk), a talented producer who helped put everything together. Few days later, they started working on their first songs.

After three months of pre-production, songs are ready to be recorded. Although, they decided to take a month off and flew to London to get back to basics. No instruments, no music, just them.

Back in Montreal, fully inspired from their English odyssey, they started over. In two weeks, they wrote the ten songs of the upcoming Human Human record. A way for them to seal the deal with this once in a lifetime trip.

As of today, Human Human is known for their large organic synthesizer pop sound and their typically american rock'n'roll energy.

Band Members