Walk off the Earth
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Walk Off The Earth
By Ric Taylor
w/ Keepin’6
& The Johnstones
Friday, October 12
Walk Off The Earth offer one of the strongest debuts of the year
but it’s no wonder given the trio’s history in the local music
Gianni Nicassio (or Luminati) formed his own recording
studio at 19 after he realized he’d learned quite a bit in three
years of recording his solo debut with Steve Ashley. Instead of
going to recording school, he’d end up working on his own
projects like the Zappa influenced funk metal of G–Spot Tornado
(Lee Williamson of Sector7) and the comedic hip hop of
RoleModelz (with St. Alvia Cartel’s Ben Rispin). But as bands like
Idle Sons, Apples Apples and In All Honesty were enlisting his
recording studio, The Stoodz; a recording project would
particularly interest Nicassio enough to join in the fun.
Drummer Ryan Marshall and guitarist Pete Kirkwood (ex–
PinkBelly) were introduced to Nicassio via mutual friend Ryan
Barkwell (Idle Sons) and when the pair began recording at The
Stoodz, Nicassio was immediately struck by the quality of
musicianship and the quality of the songs.
“It was during these sessions that I realized how unique
Marshall’s voice sounded, how talented both these dudes were
and how original and straight up fun these songs sounded,”
recalls Nicassio. “After working on the tunes for about a month I
got really into the project and asked Pedro if they were interested
in me playing bass for the project.”
With the trio complete, the tracks recorded for Smooth Like
Stone On A Beach (Slap Dash Records) showcase solid
musicianship and a keen sense of pop sensibility but the humour
and energy of WOTE’s ska-tinged reggae rock is undeniably
infectious. The fact that these guys are professional party makers
oozes on every track.
“We may have only been a band for just over a year, but Gianni’s been a musician for over 10 years and Marshall and I
have played together for over 6 years,” explains Kirkwood on the
chemistry between the band members. “It already seems like
we’ve been together for years because our tastes and goals are so
“We don’t have a real dark side cause life’s too short and we
don’t want kids leaving our shows angry at the world,” adds
Kirkwood on the mood of the music. “Life’s underrated. It kicks
ass, we’re just trying to provide part of the soundtrack to that
part of people’s lives.”
“The reggae ska scene is growing around here, but I think
it’s been steadily growing for awhile and now that there’s an
opening where we’re pretty sure emo used to be,” reflects
Nicassio. “Kids are gravitating towards party tunes. I hope it’s a
good sign of things to come. There’s always going to be music
for every mood. We just prefer a good mood.
WOTE are determined to leave audiences with impact, even if
it’s meant some interesting marketing moves including giving
away upwards of 800 sampler CDs over the course of their last 60
shows. But the band’s serious approach to partying is proving
successful. Touring is the next step, and the members of WOTE
hope to perhaps follow in the success of like minded bands like
illScarlett or Bedouin Soundclash but with their own distinct
“It’ll all be happening in the next few months,” smiles
Kirkwood. “The CD is done, so it’s time to show it off. We’ve
played shows in our underwear, with sharpie moustaches; we’ve
been too drunk to remember songs, we’ve done a lot of the
stupid things that bands often do. The main thing that
differentiates us from other bands, and the one most likely to be
measured and hopefully remembered, will be the album Smooth
Like Stone On A Beach.”
Walk Off The Earth play this Friday October 12 at Philthy McNasty’s on Brant St. in Burlington with Keepin’6 and The
Johnstones. The licensed / all ages show starts at 8pm and $10
gets you in with a CD.
- The View
A review of Walk off the Earth’s March 14th performance at el Macombo in Toronto
When I was first asked to go check out a Walk off the Earth show, I literally had no idea what I was in for. The crowd there to see them apparently did. I could tell by their back-up singing that they’d all been to previous shows and had gotten their hands on one of the approximately 2000 + free CD’s that the boys in WOTE have been giving out for about 4 months now.
A little description of the boys:
The bass player Gianni slaps his bass like it owes him rent money. Petey hits his drums like a guy who rolls his own cigarettes and the lead guitarist and vocalist who goes by only Marshall, rocks his guitar like he’s trying to cause crib death.
This was one of the most fun times I’ve ever had at a show. I equate it to watching all 6 Star Wars movies at the same time. Its overload, but it’s fuckin delicious.
There’s only three guys up there! Not since the last Green Day show was I this blown away by such a big stage being filled by 3 dudes running around like Angus Young and spitting lyrics like Easy E. They’ve got a weird vibe that crosses a lot of genres. There’s a lot of soul up there for white guys. I’d check their cookbooks, cause I bet there’s a lot of recipes for chicken soup. They’ve got elements of reggae, rock, dance-hall, funk, soul, blues, big beat and ska – and it’s a melting pot that Bugs Bunny would jump right into and throw carrots and pepper on top of.
They seem to be having so much fun up there, like they just found the instruments for free and they’re playing hooky while they’re up there. You’d think they knew that the girls in the crowd were gonna wait for them after the show. There’s more energy up there than in a hundred cans of exploding redbull.
They’re tight! I asked Pete what he was listening to up there with those head phones on. “Celine with Questlove back beats” he said, then added “sometimes books on tape,.. nah. Click track. If I’m on time – Gianni and Marsh can sing and play better and if they play better we all have more fun. It’s the standard these days. People expect to hear what they hear on the album. Just look at Linkin Park. We wanna bring the CD and the live show together for the best of both worlds… The headphones are comin off though when I need to hear every decibel.”
That’s a good tip – take your headphones off, get down to a live show and catch one of Burlington’s best new bands.
Walk off the Earth are playing all over Ontario with plans for a tour across the great white north. Head to a show, grab a free CD a t-shirt and do what I did… become a whore for a band you barely know but knew that you’d been waiting for all your life.
Their “CD” hasn’t left my ipod. (Don’t tell them)
5 out of 5
- On the Cusp
Wake up. Open your eyes. Rub the sleep crumpets from your tired oracles and really take a look at what’s happening around you. It’s early – you have to go to work. Luckily, your alarm woke you up today because you managed to set it last night even though you passed out.
The weather, the happenings of the world mean nothing to you right now. You’ve got to take a piss, wash your face and get your body to agree that it’s time to wake up.
Thing is… this is way fuckin easier today. Something’s different. Something’s changed. You woke up and opened your eyes slowly and it felt like the sun used a fish hook lined with lotion covered cotton swabs to lightly lift your lids. Your head felt like breasts were heaving it up between their milky softness. You don’t look at the time, you just turn up the volume. You’re listening to something that makes this day feel like it just could be the best day of your life. It’s Monday, but it’s Friday. You’re single, but you’re a player. You’re poor, but you’ve got enough money to buy the next round. Things are damn good and Walk off the Earth is damn proud to be a part of that feeling.
Their latest single is pumping through your stereo. They’ve just woken you up and given you a reason to log onto MSN extra early and start making plans for their show this weekend. You’re still in your boxers or pajamas and you’ve got plans for Friday night. You shower – singing every word. You blow your hair dry and brush your teeth while stomping out the beat. You eat your toast and spray crumbs everywhere booming out the bass line. You’re smiling the whole way into work. Windows cranked open and you’re looking into each window of the passing cars wondering if they’re having as good a morning as you. You used to hate people like you because you could never understand how a morning could feel so good.
You know though that it is possible and you’re so glad you’re there now.
The first two tracks that Walk off the Earth released were so blatantly original I thought they were from another planet. They were using the same instruments but using them in combinations that made me more excited than the first time I saw HDTV, or let’s face it – boobies. The harmonies bring the Beach Boys to mind, but if the beach boys were actually on their surf boards instead of popping pills, eating, lying in bed and smoking crack. These harmonies won them awards at their local church where they beat out the previous champs – the entire choir. Just kidding. But all jokes aside, you have to hear this duo. Marshall’s raspy drawl combined with Gianni’s vocal range from Tenor to Soprano would scare Tony’s whole family into double checking their birth certificates. These two go together like steak and fine wine, or crack and a hooker – add this with Petey’s drummin and you’ve got the world’s first and only non-gay ménage e toi.
From Gianni’s cymbal kicks to Petey’s stick flips, these boys will entertain the hell outta ya. Christ, the first time I saw them they were funneling beers on stage with fans, taking shots, drawing on handlebar moustaches and somewhere along the line their pants came off. It was hilarious. But these guys don’t need a gimmick. That was what they were feelin that night. I can’t wait to see what happens when I catch them next. Make sure you’re there. They’ll be the ones on stage rocking your mutha effin socks off.
- Artist Profundy
100 Proof Life - Single on indy hour 102.1 The Edge
Broke - regular college airplay
Gotta Go - regular college airplay
Smooth Like Stone on a Beach - full LP
Streaming on myspace - various tracks from the album

Walk Off The Earth is an unconventional, multi-talented five-piece musical phenomena that is currently taking the world by storm. Based in Burlington, Ontario (just outside of Toronto), their brilliant 5-people-playing-one-guitar interpretation of Gotye's "Somebody That I Used To Know" recently exploded on Youtube garnering well over 35 million views in under 2 weeks. The massive fan response quickly drew attention to their collection of innovative songs and videos spanning their last 5 years and generated an unprecedented flood of media interest. New fans from around the world immediately fell in love with the band's organic, independent, sincere and honest original songwriting, cover interpretations and beautifully filmed videos. For the past 5 years, the band has built a massive following of dedicated fans from around the world through their unique and heartwarming approach to songwriting, filming and constant, open interaction with everyone their music touches.
The chemistry between the members of Walk Off The Earth is undeniable. Marshall, Sarah and Gianni's individual vocal stylings mesh seamlessly with Taylor's haunting harmonies and keys all the while soaring over epic melodic arrangements held together by Joel Cassady's driving and prolific percussion work. Their independent spirit, unstoppable work ethic and awe-inspiring creativity has catapulted Walk Off The Earth into new and uncharted waters with only bigger and better things on the horizon.