The best kept secret in music
With witty lyrics and quirky surrounding sounds, "Instant Smile" by Rod Webber will give you just that.
Rod Webber’s quirky mix of mainstream and madness will surely keep you coming back for more. Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, Rod has found time to write and direct films while away from his music. In his career, Rod has managed to put together an impressive six solo albums, two musicals, and one feature length soundtrack CD. So what does Rod have in store for the future? He is putting the finishing touches on his seventh solo album and will tour with his back-up band shortly thereafter.
“Rod's unique sounding vocals mesh well with his lo-fi indie-rock style.”
"one of those utterly unassuming, ridiculously artistic people whose creative life seems to be the result of a series of unhappy accidents" - The Boston Globe
"Rod Webber is apparently a one man phenomenon" - THE NOISE
The Following are all full lengths:
Feeling a bit camera shy
Rod Webber, Rod Webber, Rod Webber- Eventually the name alone becomes as infectious as his catchy material.
Dubbed by The Boston Globe as being "one of those utterly unassuming, ridiculously artistic people," this maverick, Boston-based singer/songwriter is cracking the unfortunate bland typecast that has fallen upon his genre.
Writing and recording material at break-neck speed, Webber shifts through varying music styles effortlessly, but is always able to do it in his own highly identifiable way. His uncanny approach to songwriting has caught the attention of a wide range of people, from some of the powers that be in Nashville to die-hard Pink Floyd fans in Europe. All this despite having a voice that Roderick himself describes as sounding like he just chugged a jarful of hot tar and broken glass.
It seems as if there’s a sect in the music biz that agrees with there being a place for Webber. So far, this year, Rod has been selected to showcase at NEMO, Millennium, Dewey Beach and advanced as a finalist in the recent MOVA songwriting competition. Most of all he’s developing a fanbase from his recent West Coast and Deep South tours. There is a bit of anticipation developing for the release of his new single "Syd Barrett Blues" and his upcoming self-released album Eastertown. The single has been getting positive press from Pink Floyd fanzines in the US and Europe. Their support was very important, considering the song is about the band’s founder.
Also, with positive reviews in publications such as The Boston Globe, Music Connection, The Weekly Dig, Ink 19 & Northeast Performer, and having charted internationally on college radio, it’s no wonder why Rod Webber has performed in such known Boston venues as The Middle East & Bill's Bar, as well as NYC's Knitting Factory. On top of that, Rod has shared the spotlight with Bo Diddley and Kerry Campbell(of WAR) and was invited to join folk-legend Dakota Sid Clifford and his son Travors on stage at their annual Bendover party. Rod Webber is also a regular at Cirque Du Singe Brisé, a showcase of acoustic and eclectic talent that started in Boston and will soon be touring.
Of course the folks that listen to New England’s leading commercial alternative radio station, WFNX, know Rod for his work on their morning program, The Swasey Show. There, Webber penned and recorded its theme song along with an endless string of comedic tracks and on the spot music-gags.
Rod Webber has several self-released CD’s available and spends most of his time doodling and working on films when he gets away from the guitar. If you can catch him sometime, you’ll begin to believe that anything can happen if you follow this pie-eyed piper into his own little world. The path he’s on clearly leads to a cliff, but he makes you want to take the walk anyway.
Rod Webber is available for both solo performances or with his band.