Image of the Mind Studios
Southampton, Pennsylvania, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | MAJOR
For those of you who are engaged in Puppet theatre, we are developing a puppet show which will be available for rental. The package will include the puppets, sets, drops and all music and scripting materials. We will provide one supervisor with the show, who will accompany the shipment of the materials to you location.
This package is in the works, so if you have interest in this please contact me.
Arthur Greisiger/Image of the Mind Studios - Image of the Mind Studios
For those of you who are engaged in Puppet theatre, we are developing a puppet show which will be available for rental. The package will include the puppets, sets, drops and all music and scripting materials. We will provide one supervisor with the show, who will accompany the shipment of the materials to you location.
This package is in the works, so if you have interest in this please contact me.
Arthur Greisiger/Image of the Mind Studios - Image of the Mind Studios
The songs presented here on SonicBids are the final mix instrumental selections which comprise the album "Gnomespheres".
These selections are drawn from the twenty-nine compositions which make up the music from Act One of;
"The Gnomes of New Hope: Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure"
More discussions about the show and the advancements in production activities can be found on the blog affectionately called The IMS Virtual Studio. The title to this posting links you to that page.
Composition of the music for ACT TWO is nearing completion and the selections will be presented here when that if finished.
We are beginning to look at recording the lyrics and invite musical theatre vocalists to inquire if they like.
We are looking for business partners to engage in producing the numerous aspects of this project and invite inquiries. A good amount of the pertinent information is posted on the blog, but there are many other activities which are not addressed there as well.
Connect via eMail, Linked-in, or Facebook
AG - Image of the Mind Studios
The songs presented here on SonicBids are the final mix instrumental selections which comprise the album "Gnomespheres".
These selections are drawn from the twenty-nine compositions which make up the music from Act One of;
"The Gnomes of New Hope: Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure"
More discussions about the show and the advancements in production activities can be found on the blog affectionately called The IMS Virtual Studio. The title to this posting links you to that page.
Composition of the music for ACT TWO is nearing completion and the selections will be presented here when that if finished.
We are beginning to look at recording the lyrics and invite musical theatre vocalists to inquire if they like.
We are looking for business partners to engage in producing the numerous aspects of this project and invite inquiries. A good amount of the pertinent information is posted on the blog, but there are many other activities which are not addressed there as well.
Connect via eMail, Linked-in, or Facebook
AG - Image of the Mind Studios
Little did they know, that when they performed together as two congressmen from Delaware in "1776" with Bryn Athyn Community Theatre (BACT) that they would be working together off-stage as well.
Greisiger is the Artistic Dirtector of Image of the Mind Studios (imagemindag@verizon.net), formed in 1977 and based in New Hope since 1990. He has more than 350 productions in theatre and film to his credit, working in many capacities.
Rose has performed in numerous productions with BACT including Bernado in "West Side Story" (what he calls his first and favorite role) He is a much sought after accompanist, working regularly on high school and college musicals, choral classes in the Academy of the New Church, swing, rock, and formal concerts and Contemporary Worship Services of The Bryn Athyn Church.
Rose's most recent work in musicals has been "Into the Woods" , "Wizard of Oz" and "Crazy For You" . He is more interested in improvisational original music lately, partly because he runs the open mic at the Alden Road Cafe in Bryn Athyn, but also because of the work he and Greisiger are doing on "The Gnomes".
Greisiger began making notes on "The Gnomes of New Hope" around 1989, shortly after returning from Hollywood, where he and his wife lived for four years.
Initially, the script was written to be performed as a marionette show. This came as a result of Greisiger's work with Middle Earth Marionettes and his desire to create a street fair presentation for The New Hope Arts Festival. The Lambertville Public Library suggested conducting a marionette workshop for children.
Shortly after his return to Pennsylvania, Greisiger began working for The New Hope Performing Arts Festival as the Technical Director. He worked with Paul Licitra, Director of the New Hope Arts Commission as far back as 1980 when he served in the same capacity for Adi Kent Jefferies' production of "Ghosts in the Valley" which she and Paul produced at the Towpath House Restaurant.
Greisiger worked for two seasons with the Arts Commission at the Solebury School Theatre before they moved the festival to the Stephen Buck Theatre.
Greisiger was working with Bob Gerenser on the recovery of his paddle-wheel tour boat, which was stuck down-river when he started thinking about putting "The Gnomes of New Hope" up in The Gerenser Theatre, now The New Hope Arts Center.
Greisiger asked Rose if he would be interested in working on the music for "Gnomes" and he said yes. What started out as a drama with music has increased to become a full musical.
As work progressed on the show, Greisiger recruited Jency Latta to create illustrations that would become the image of the Gnomes.
Greisiger invites theatre people living in the area to consider participating in helping the original musical to come to life. He wants to point out that another aspect of "The Gnomes of New Hope" is the concept of a theme park centered around "Gnomeville", a stop along the New Hope - Ivyland Railroad.
(a photograph and a few more lines remain in the article, which will be added later)
- The Bucks County Herald, 2007
Little did they know, that when they performed together as two congressmen from Delaware in "1776" with Bryn Athyn Community Theatre (BACT) that they would be working together off-stage as well.
Greisiger is the Artistic Dirtector of Image of the Mind Studios (imagemindag@verizon.net), formed in 1977 and based in New Hope since 1990. He has more than 350 productions in theatre and film to his credit, working in many capacities.
Rose has performed in numerous productions with BACT including Bernado in "West Side Story" (what he calls his first and favorite role) He is a much sought after accompanist, working regularly on high school and college musicals, choral classes in the Academy of the New Church, swing, rock, and formal concerts and Contemporary Worship Services of The Bryn Athyn Church.
Rose's most recent work in musicals has been "Into the Woods" , "Wizard of Oz" and "Crazy For You" . He is more interested in improvisational original music lately, partly because he runs the open mic at the Alden Road Cafe in Bryn Athyn, but also because of the work he and Greisiger are doing on "The Gnomes".
Greisiger began making notes on "The Gnomes of New Hope" around 1989, shortly after returning from Hollywood, where he and his wife lived for four years.
Initially, the script was written to be performed as a marionette show. This came as a result of Greisiger's work with Middle Earth Marionettes and his desire to create a street fair presentation for The New Hope Arts Festival. The Lambertville Public Library suggested conducting a marionette workshop for children.
Shortly after his return to Pennsylvania, Greisiger began working for The New Hope Performing Arts Festival as the Technical Director. He worked with Paul Licitra, Director of the New Hope Arts Commission as far back as 1980 when he served in the same capacity for Adi Kent Jefferies' production of "Ghosts in the Valley" which she and Paul produced at the Towpath House Restaurant.
Greisiger worked for two seasons with the Arts Commission at the Solebury School Theatre before they moved the festival to the Stephen Buck Theatre.
Greisiger was working with Bob Gerenser on the recovery of his paddle-wheel tour boat, which was stuck down-river when he started thinking about putting "The Gnomes of New Hope" up in The Gerenser Theatre, now The New Hope Arts Center.
Greisiger asked Rose if he would be interested in working on the music for "Gnomes" and he said yes. What started out as a drama with music has increased to become a full musical.
As work progressed on the show, Greisiger recruited Jency Latta to create illustrations that would become the image of the Gnomes.
Greisiger invites theatre people living in the area to consider participating in helping the original musical to come to life. He wants to point out that another aspect of "The Gnomes of New Hope" is the concept of a theme park centered around "Gnomeville", a stop along the New Hope - Ivyland Railroad.
(a photograph and a few more lines remain in the article, which will be added later)
- The Bucks County Herald, 2007
UPDATE 11/13: Refer to the IMS Virtual Studio page at www.imagemindag.blogspot.com for the most recent updates.
"Completely" is the first lyrical song we have recorded from The Gnomes of New Hope: Zach & Zebby's Grand Adventure. It is a Love Song between the characters of Zach & Ferny and performed for us by Nathan Odhner & Justine Brannon Buss. We present it here for your enjoyment and to exemplify the difference between a n instrumental version and a Lyrical version. I am currently reworking the piano reduction and will post the piano and instrumental versions in the near future, as a means of comparison.
We are moving into recording the lyrical music and the show contains a total of 70 musical numbers. Quite a few of those numbers are short bridges for set changes and background music, but there are over 35 lyrical songs which consist of duets, trios, quartets, quintets, sextets and choral numbers. There are also instrumental segments designed to back up dance and choreographed business.
"Gnomespheres" is the name for the instrumental version of the music from "The Gnomes of New Hope"
The music is written for a 24 piece pit orchestra and is composed and arranged by Arthur Greisiger & Shawn Rose.
The samples posted here are produced using MIDI and will be changed from time to time as needed.
Volume I, represents ACT I of the show and contains 18 tracks which are nearing completion, requiring only two more songs. The completed work is currently being Mastered and scored. The Libretto of Act One is complete.
Volume II, representing Act II of the show, will have approximately the same number of tracks. The Libretto for Act Two is tentatively complete, as changes are expected to occur when we move to focus on Act Two. Much of the material for Act Two has been confirmed with numerous notes sketched out, which will ultimately cause changes to be made. Only a few more concepts/songs are required for completion of the script.
The story is much more extensive than the stage show will allow for and so other product lines are being developed to take advantage of this expanded story.
Ultimately, this music will become part of a Companion CD for the Illustrated Storybook with two narrators and character voices acting out the dialogue and singing the lyrics. (currently in production)
We are working toward laying down the lyrics, but this will require numerous performers as per the specs for the show.

Image of the Mind Studios is a producing organization involved in development of material in various genres. IMS has been in existence since 1977.
Arthur Greisiger is the Proprietor & Artistic Director.
The current, and relevant, project is a Broadway Musical titled: "The Gnomes of New Hope" with the instrumental album of the music from this show being titled: "Gnomespheres".
Shawn Rose, an accomplished pianist, has partnered with Arthur Greisiger, an improvisational flutist, to create this music, which is designed to service the needs of the stage show. Together they have composed, arranged, engineered and scored this music using Digital Performer and Reason.
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"Image of the Mind" might be construed to be a "band", but rather, it is the name under which a numerous creative endeavors are produced. In the future, the improvisational Flute music of Arthur Greisiger may become a part of this creative expression
For now, this site is being used to promote "The Gnomes of New Hope" and present the developing music.
Details regarding activities at Image of the Mind Studios can be gained from the IMS Virtual Studio at www.imagemindag.blogspot.com
REFER to the Discography below for updates about new music which has been posted on this site.
The Gnomes of New Hope blog www.thegnomesofnewhope.blogspot.com is being restructured to contain the most recent production information and images of the production process. As this proceeds, redundant or outdated information will be purged from this site.
The Libretto, (which is fully illustrated) is complete and will be made available to investors on DVD. I am currently engaged in publishing the extensive score and producing piano reductions of the music which has been orchestrated for a 24 piece orchestra. This in preparation of recording the lyrical music.
Image of the Mind Studios is currently setting up a production facility with a scene shop, puppetry shop, exhibition gallery, product showroom sound stage, green screen, film & video editing facilities and a recycling yard for production materials for use in producing this show.
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This show will be rented out to producers and shipped complete from our facility to your location as both puppetry and live performance products. Live performance rental will be available after the Broadway First Class run. The puppetry product will be available after the television special is released. Producers participating in mounting these productions will have the first right to reproduce the show at the location of their choice.
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Most of the Publicity and Images are being removed from this site posted to be posted on THE GNOMES OF NEW HOPE site. Please review that site for the most recent updates
Band Members