From a killing to aggrivated assault of the eyes, thanks to the disco king get-up of Dr. Spock ageing lead singer. He´s matched a see-through shirt with a fur coat an improbably tight leggings. Musically they are System Of A Down shed of the politics. After 24 hours of watching mournful singer songwriters, we´re ready to admit that a grown man with his cock cling-wrapped in pink spandex might just be what the doctor ordered. Henry Barnes - Grapevine
But it's DR SPOCK (KKKK), Iceland's National Treasures who get the warmest welcome of the night. The eclectic six-piece spend the next hour bombarding the writhing drunken audience with their frantic and absurd compositions and get the whole of NASA moving. This is one highly entertaining and innovative band, and for that you've got to love them. A fitting end to a brilliant night. Odin would be proud.
Lucy Williams
- Kerrang
Dr. Spock The Incredible Tooth Of Dr. Zoega ****
EFTIR að hafa verið rekin meira eins og klúbbur, sem meðlimir sóttu í er sköpunarþráin reyndist þeim um megn, hefur skrýtirokksveitin Dr. Spock tekið á sig mynd fullnuma sveitar undanfarin misseri.
EFTIR að hafa verið rekin meira eins og klúbbur, sem meðlimir sóttu í er sköpunarþráin reyndist þeim um megn, hefur skrýtirokksveitin Dr. Spock tekið á sig mynd fullnuma sveitar undanfarin misseri. Rokktónlist sveitarinnar, þar sem bókstaflega allt er leyfilegt, virðist falla nokkuð vel í kramið hjá landanum og tónleikar Dr. Spock þykja mikið sjónarspil. Hömluleysi Dr. Spock kallar kannski helst fram í hugann sveitir eins og Mr. Bungle eða Naked City, en framreiðslan er þeirra og engra annarra, og einstök sem slík.
Þessi fjögurra laga stuttskífa er opnuð með laginu Skítapakk, einum óvæntasta útvarpssmelli undanfarinna ára. Hér gengur allt upp, hvort sem litið er til texta, uppbyggingar, uppbrota, "hallærislega" hljómborðsins, trommuleiks, gítarriffa eða bakradda. Stórkostlegt lag. Önnur lög eru ívið súrari, í "Evangelista" keppast draugfullir sjóarar á karnivali og snarbiluð þungarokkssveit um athyglina á meðan "Sons of Ecuador" býður upp á teknóhljómborð frá ca 1990 og gítarriffasúpu í bland. Kaflaskiptingar þar hvassar og óvæntar. Plötunni lýkur með súrrealískri ballöðu, "The Ballad of San Pedro Del Norte", þar sem söngvarinn Óttarr Proppé syngur hugljúfa vögguvísu til grátandi karlmanns. Afar "Spocklegt" lag og viðeigandi endir á vel heppnaðri skífu.
Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen
- Morgunnbladid
To round things off in epic style were Dr Spock. No words could aptly describe this band. In some kind of recreational electro-thrashing, American wrestling style they peddled a perverted and surreal show based around a washing up glove. With seething electronic bass lines, thrash guitar, demented roaring, theatrical stage show it was as much a spectacle as an exploration of the possibilities in sound. Any fears that this was pure novelty were dispelled by the capacity crowd who clearly hold these entertainers as heroes. With terrace styled songs ABOUT the band reverberating around the venue between songs Clash were bursting to know what was being said; yet another reason why this place holds such intrigue. - Clash Magazine
There are a few examples of this type of music in Iceland at the moment with a group called Dr Spock being the current expert exponents of this sort of noisy cabaret. They're a band not to be missed if they ever come your way and don't be scared when you see that the band brings a whole box of pink or yellow rubber gloves to every gig - they're all clean(ish)
Ben Murray
- Virtual Festivals
Dr. Spock was much like the Ultra Mega guys; there is something in the water here that turns people crazy, and Dr. Spock drink a lot of water. Imagine rock, metal, costumes, lots of sweat, jumping, screaming etc.
- Drowned In Sound
Oskaborn Thodarinnar - OST (2000)
Sándtékk Compilation (2003)
Dr. Phil - LP (2005)
The Incredible Tooth of Dr. Zoega - EP (2007)
Laugardagslaugin Compilation (2008)
100 Eurovision Songs Compilation (2008)
Falcon Christ w / DVD (2008)
RWWM - OST - 2009

Born from the seed of an idea. It was the idealism of crazy rock and roll, laced with humor and a liberal dose of outrageous stage antics, that gave birth to Dr. Spock, fully equipped to kick the complacent collective asses of what we used to call rock and roll.
The rise of Icelandic finest is a tale of unity. In the final years before the millennium there was only a group of artists who met randomly to discharge the energy flowing between them. Dr. Spock was born. Dr. Spock remained underground for a few more years only to emerge once in a while to play live shows.
To many it seemed that Dr. Spock would eventually fade away into obscurity, only to dwell in the collective memory of the lucky concertgoers who witnessed the live explosions of energy.
Enter a freak coincidence. Dr. Spock was asked to donate a track for the film Oskaborn Thjodarinnar starring the Icelandic rock singer legend Ottarr Proppe. Dr. Spock asked Mr. Proppe to sing on the track not knowing that a mystical course of action was in motion. Mr. Proppe joined the band after that fateful recording session.
Finally the restraints would give in. At the Iceland Airwaves 2004 festival, Dr. Spock unleashed their material in front of a frantic receptive crowd. The Director of Smekkleysa records witnessed the havoc and offered the band a record deal.
Dr. Spock recorded the debut album Dr. Phil live in the studio. The birth of Dr. Phil took 20 hours. Smekkleysa released Dr. Phil in the summer of 2005. The album received rave reviews from the music press and the band was shot to Iceland rock stardom.
Dr. Spock followed the release with a string of hectic live shows around Iceland playing both the smallest and biggest venues around as well as the only high security prison in the country.
In 2006 Dr. Spock were invited to play the Eurosonic festival in Holland as well as South by Southwest in Austin, Texas. Dr. Spock also played dates in other US cities as well as Scandinavia.
At home Dr. Spock supported Alice Cooper and Iggy Pop & the Stooges on top of a string of local festivals and gigs.
Dr. Spock was nominated for an Icelandic music award for best live performance. They also received 4 nominations at the XFM radio awards and walked away with the award for best live act. In 2006 Dr. Spock worked with singer/songwriter Mugison on a track for the Icelandic crime film Myrin.
Dr. Spock recorded the 4 track EP, The Incredible Tooth of Dr. Zoega in 2007. The first single of the release, Skitapakk hit the charts and secured the number one spot and stayed there for six weeks.
Dr. Spock were approached to write and perform a song in the Icleland Eurovision Song Contest. The song and performance landed the band the 3rd place in the Icelandic Finals.
Dr. Spock recorded the highly anticipated second full length album Falcon Christ in the summer of 2008. Mixed and Mastered in Los Angeles by S. Husky Hoskulds (Fantomas, Tom Waits, Norah Jones). The album will be released in Iceland by Smekkleysa in november 2008 (W/ special Live DVD). First single Falkinn hit the charts in its first week of release entering the national radio (Ras 2) at number 10 and Alternative radio station Xid977 at number 14.
Dr. Spock played themselves in a scene for the shock horror film Reykjavik Whale Whatching Massacre and contributed the song Depodiva and one cover song which will feature on the soundtrack released by One Little Indian. The film RWWM will enter the silver screen in fall 2009.
Dr. Spock are currently in the process of infiltrating a creative vein for a future release.