Montréal, Quebec, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | INDIE
Auresia’s voice is something completely out of this world and packs a hell of a knockout punch. It’s songs like this that should be blasting out of every radio, instead of Miley Cyrus.
From here, the record contains several highs and lows, beginning with a song ironically titled "High”, but one in which it can't find it's particular genre. Nevertheless, the vocals are top notch. If Auresia could find better production to highlight her vocals and forego the somewhat conflicting melodies behind her, to my ear the material would sound better.
“CHoCoLaTe” is a very radio friendly song with a heavy Latin feel, and is possibly the radio single that will be pushed instead of more deserving tracks. “Thinkin’ of Your Love” feels like the song that’s going to be very popular with bloggers and YouTube wannabes. Again, the vocals shine through strong and that’s the best thing about the whole damn album; regardless of what is going on behind her musically.
“Quiero Bailar (Solita)” is a Latin anthem that’s sure to have a nice shelf life on the dance floor. “Mistake” is perhaps just that, a blip of a song that comes off as filler; however, the record picks up again with “Just Another Kiss,” another dance floor track with a beat that doesn’t make it feel like an average dance track.
- See more at: http://www.lithiummagazine.com/auresia-risin%E2%80%99-%E2%80%93-album-review#sthash.TMdVr6FZ.dpuf - Lithium Magazine
“Auresia infuses her music with the soulful, vibrant sounds of reggae and on her new album she brings a little something more. “ Latin-infused music with seductive vocals and brass section is both powerful and enticing. You’ll want to put on your dancing shoes. Auresia brings heart and soul.” - Soul Matters Mag
“Her first single Risin’ gives a taste of her pop side and sounds similar to Nelly Furtado with language blends and strong connections to cultural backgrounds.” - The Griff
Her astonishing vocal range, power, and rawness in this recording set her apart from other artists. This record is definitely worth checking out. The album is cathartic, with intense swells of emotion and excellent points of release. - Excalibur Publications
AURESIA/Risin': Widely recognized for her Canadian reggae,
Auresia is more of a pop/world beater than a reggae infused
popster. With heavy doses of white street soul/funk, this hip,
genre blender of electronica/erotica serves up a nu kind of soul
that's tasty and fun. Sassy and sexy no matter where she turns
her compass, Auresia is a singer you've got to pay attention too,
she's the real deal. Well done. - Midwest Record Entertainment-Chris Spector
By Pete Crigler
A word to the wise: this is not something that I would normally be reviewing, but I decided to do
something out of my comfort zone and what I got was a very eclectic-sounding record with several
different genres not only on the album, but seemingly within each song. One listen to the first and title
track, threw me for a complete loop. The song has a driving beat but doesn’t sound like some
dubstep inspired dance knock off. In fact, it sounds like something from the early 2000’s, when dance
music actually sounded like music. On top of that, Auresia’s voice is something completely out of this
world and packs a hell of a knockout punch. It’s songs like this that should be blasting out of every
radio, instead of Miley Cyrus.
From here, the record contains several highs and lows, beginning with a song ironically titled "High”,
but one in which it can't find it's particular genre. Nevertheless, the vocals are top notch. If Auresia
could find better production to highlight her vocals and forego the somewhat conflicting melodies behind her, to my ear the material would sound better.
“CHoCoLaTe” is a very radio friendly song with a heavy Latin feel, and is possibly the radio single that
will be pushed instead of more deserving tracks. “Thinkin’ of Your Love” feels like the song that’s
going to be very popular with bloggers and YouTube wannabes. Again, the vocals shine through
strong and that’s the best thing about the whole damn album; regardless of what is going on behind
her musically.
“Quiero Bailar (Solita)” is a Latin anthem that’s sure to have a nice shelf life on the dance floor.
“Mistake” is perhaps just that, a blip of a song that comes off as filler; however, the record picks up
again with “Just Another Kiss,” another dance floor track with a beat that doesn’t make it feel like an
average dance track.
Regrettably, the one track that seemingly tries harder than others but loses something in the delivery
is “Fuel Up (on Love)” which feels rather forced, right down to the reggae-tone tacked onto the end
which does nothing to help the song. If producers had been going for a good remix, they’ve could
taken Auresia’s vocal track and put a solitary piano behind it – now THAT would have been shocking!
“Let the Love In” is a tune that blasts out sunshine, rainbows and absolute total happiness. Just look
at it as a semi sequel to Natasha Bedingfield’s “Pocketful of Sunshine.” The closing track, “Show Me
Throne” perhaps wasn’t the best way to close out the album.
All that being said, Auresia's voice is amazing and one of the finest female voices I’ve heard in quite a
while, with the biggest problem on the album being its ever-changing nature, which makes it difficult
to categorize this artist. However, many an artist has developed a successful career by incorporating
more than one genre into their music, so who am I to say. The fact is, Risin' is an album with
potential, and if Auresia's career path is nurtured properly, hopefully she will have a bright and
amazing future in the industry. - Lithium Magazine
by Vee Manzerolle
With the release of her sophomore full-length album, Risin’ Montreal-based artist
Auresia is personally rising on a whole new musical level herself. Auresia infuses her
music with the soulful, vibrant sounds of reggae and on her new album she brings a
little something more. Connecting her fans to diverse musical roots, Auresia brings
heart and soul to Risin’.
Risin’ follows Auresia self-titled debut album (2008) and two EPs - 2011’s Fuel Up (On
Love) and the more recent release, So In Love With You. Risin’ is a trilingual album
with songs sung in English, French, and Spanish. Collaborators on the album include
musicians from Cuba, Jamaica, and more. Not only does Risin’ fuse multiple
languages, but it also brings together a collection of sounds: pop, rock, salsa, flamenco, R&B, and of course, reggae.
Singles include “High,” “Quiero Bailar (Solita),” and “CHoCoLaTé.” “High” will have you grooving in no time with its upbeat
melody and harmonic vocals, there’s no resisting its jubilant charm. “Quiero Bailar (Solita)” brings in Latin-infused music
with seductive vocals. The brass section is both powerful and enticing. You’ll want to put on your dancing shoes for this
track. The French vocals in “CHoCoLaTé” are sensual to say the least. The song balances playful lyrics in both French and
English. It’s safe to say that chocolate lovers have finally found their anthem.
Auresia is an independent artist who controls the rights to her music entirely. She releases music without the help and
support of a record label, which in turn gives her musical freedom from the pressures of a record label dominated music
industry. With the help of Indiegogo (an international crowdfunding site), Auresia raised money for her sophomore album,
Risin’. Auresia is both talented and driven. She manages her own publicity, promotion, music video production, tours,
social media, and more. The money raised from Indiegogo will help her pay for promotional support and the actual
manufacturing of the album. You can support Auresia and buy Risin’ via iTunes and other outlets. - Soul Matters Mag - Music for the Soul
Auresia réchauffe nos oreilles et nos orteils avec ses rythmes latins et reggae dans ce troisième album, Risin’. La chanteuse d’origine ukrainienne, qui vit à Montréal, est une des rares artistes d’ici qui s’aventurent dans ce style musical. Bien que la majorité des pièces aient comme air de fond un reggae soft, Auresia nous sert quelques bons morceaux reggaeton (Fuel Up On Love) et salsa (Quiero Bailar). On est loin du reggaeton de Daddy Yankee; aucun son commercial, un beat naturel qui fait un grand bien! On craque pour la première chanson, Risin’, avec son refrain à la fois doux et entraînant. Juste un petit bémol : si la voix d’Auresia est toujours impeccable, les arrangements musicaux sont parfois trop convenus.
- Daphnée Hacker-B. - Metro
The 13-rack CD blends in sounds from urban-pop, soul, salsa, reggae, flamenco, and Caribbean flavours sung in French, Spanish, and English.
The lyrics to her songs, which she composed herself, convey an immense amount of positive messages that include environmentalism, being genuine with
one another, and empowering oneself.
“This record focuses in on love; fun love, long-distance love, planetary love, risqué love,” said Auresia, describing the album in a
promotion video.
Her astonishing vocal range, power, and rawness in this recording set her apart from other artists.
This record is definitely worth checking out if you feel like dancing the night away to groovy Latin salsa vibes such as in her track, “Quiero Bailar (Solita).”
Alternatively, Risin’! can work as a therapeutic medicine if you’re going through a nasty breakup or long-distance relationship. The album is cathartic, with
intense swells of emotion and excellent points of release.
Either way, the great level of versatility grounded in this record is sure to satisfy at least some aspect
Risin’! Up | Excalibur Publications http://www.excal.on.ca/arts/risin/
1 - Excalibur Publications
Auresia - Risin’!
Montreal-born Auresia combines a fusion of R&B, Reggae and Latin sounds in her sophomore
album, Risin’! While these are not sounds I typically listen to or even review, the opportunity
presented itself, and I thought why not? I was pleasantly surprised to hear that the album is
not dominated by any of the three particular sounds, instead creating a fusion that sounds
organic without being forced, and a auditory surprise and not a loud mess.
Auresia sings in English, French and Spanish on this record, and while I can only speak for
the English vocal tracks, the entire album sounds strong. It’s a pro-female album without being
aggressive about it, with Auresia choosing to be more subtle with her empowerment message,
such as “Fuel Up (On Love)”.
Recommended tracks: “Fuel Up (On Love)”, “Rising” & Think‘ of Your Love” - Scribbles Rocking the Mike
With musical roots as diverse as the world’s music lovers, Montreal, QC’s Auresia, whom has been nominated for Favorite World Artist at the 2010 Independent Music Awards and for four awards at the Canadian Reggae Music Awards for her self-titled debut album, is proud release her new EP ‘So In Love With You’ out today, November 13th via Moonsplash Records and now available at the following location here.
“I’m so thrilled to be releasing my new EP ‘So In Love With You’ as it truly captures the experiences I’ve come across during my travels. Plus working with such a variety of amazing producers out of Toronto, Montreal, Jamaica and Cuba, I couldn’t ask for better!” comments Auresia.
Listening to the Edmonton raised and now Montreal based singer / songwriter’s eclectic mix of Caribbean, soul, R&B and pop flavors, you can definitely hear her perfectly blended and empowering eco-conscious lyrics that make her so diverse and internationally demanding. With the release of her new EP, the songstress will be preparing for later to be announced tour stops in Central and South America followed by Canadian dates.
The first single off the EP ‘Rising’ is now available for FREE DOWNLOAD and supported by the following music video.
Auresia’s music video and first single ‘Rising’
EP Stream - http://auresia.bandcamp.com
Free Download Links - http://soundcloud.com/auresia/01-rising - http://auresia.bandcamp.com/track/rising - - ASHER MEDIA
She’s Ukrainian, plays reggae and – for some songs – sings in Spanish. A mix stranger than Matisyahu. Auresia opened her set at Clinton’s on Wednesday acoustically, playing the kind of chords on the kind of guitar you’d expect to hear in a café. If the crowd didn’t know of Auresia before this song began, it would have been understandable to assume she were a folk artist. It would have been like only ever hearing Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song” and making assumptions on the legend’s music from there. But just once expectations would have had time to form (after about a minute, approximately), Auresia pulled out the upstrokes on her guitar, a stylistic signature to the reggae genre. With that queue, another song later, Auresia’s accompanying band joined her on stage with an electric guitar, a keyboard, melodica – and later a flutist. A greatly heightened crowd response seemed to join the musicians. - Spill Magazine
“Montreal has produced an artist who can run the range of Jamaician influence- AURESIA. Tunes like “Give a Little Time” and “Jah Goddess” are emblematic of Auresia’s golden-era styled reggae, reaching back to the 1970’s, melodica and all- though she adds in a little contemporary influence, her sweet, soft voice becoming a little less so on a track like “What is Right.” A competent debut from a talented artist who knows how to combine a folk-driven style with the roots of reggae. 8/10!" – Erin MacLeod, Montreal Mirror. - The Montreal Mirror
This Montreal singer's debut is a thoroughly captivating disc, with more inventive hooks and melodic touches than most roots albums. When it all comes together on majestic tracks like the Augustus Pablo-flavoured "Jah Goddess" and the heartfelt and focused tribute to her mother, "Echoes of Fall," it's obvious that Auresia is a talent worth watching. Every track on this album is deep and delicious, with bass sweetness and dub-informed production.
- David Dacks, Exclaim.ca - Exclaim!
AURESIA donne au reggae roots des petites touches nordiques et féminines.Certaines choses dans la vie sont plus difficiles à trouver que d'autres: du bon reggae roots, du bon reggae made in Montréal et du bon reggae où les femmes n'occupent pas seulement le rôle de choristes. Des faits qui, en gros, s'expliquent par l'exiguïté des communautés reggae à l'extérieur de la Jamaïque et le fait qu'il s'agisse de milieux souvent traditionnels.
La chanteuse et guitariste Natalya Koziak change la donne. Originaire d'Edmonton, mais établie à Montréal depuis plusieurs années, elle donne dans un roots authentique à souhait, tout à fait conforme aux enseignements de Bob Marley et porteur d'une délicatesse bien féminine qui rappelle celle des quelques rares grandes divas du genre, comme Marcia Griffiths et Sister Nancy. En même temps, elle arrive à donner à sa musique une petite touche contemporaine sans pour autant recourir aux rythmes numériques ni emprunter de sentier commerciaux. Ses textes ont beau comprendre quelques lignes de patois, elle ne fait pas semblant d'être jamaïcaine et on sent dans son chant une couleur bien nordique et
urbaine, qui n'affecte cependant en rien le cachet authentique de sa musique.
Active dans le milieu depuis maintenant sept ans, elle a fait ses premiers pas à Montréal avant de retourner à Edmonton, où elle a dirigé & the Constellation-ites. Elle est ensuite revenue chez nous et c'est en tant qu'artiste locale qu'elle lançait, fin 2008, son premier album éponyme. Enregistré entre Edmonton et Montréal, l'album est une co-réalisation d' et de l'ex-Kali & Dub Dave Lines et comporte la participation d'une variété de musiciens d'ici et d'Edmonton.
Pourvu de trois groupes différents d'accompagnateurs pour mieux lui permettre de voyager (un pour Edmonton, un pour traverser le Canada et l'autre pour Montréal, au sein duquel on retrouve notamment l'ex-Planet Smashers Tim Doyle), l'artiste a passé la dernière année à sillonner le pays et a même joué en Jamaïque ainsi qu'en Europe. Comme quoi elle n'est peut-être pas un cas rare qu'ici.
-Par Olivier Lalande - NightLife Magazine
Auresia donne dans un roots de qualité, bien
mis en valeur ici par une réalisation sobre et épurée, riche en basses fréquences... avec Nice Day, Hot Spot et What Is Right, Auresia induit des moments de grâce que ne renierait pas Marcia Griffiths. Le 10 décembre aux Bobards. 3/5
-Par: Olivier Lalande - VOIR
Quebec steady
Remi L. Roy
Female reggae artist Auresia stays the course in a male-dominated genre
Auresia isn't your average reggae artist. A woman of Ukrainian origin, now living in Montreal via Edmonton, Auresia (pronounced Au-re-sha, "like presha and fresha," she assures me) grew up in a household in which her mother played piano and her dad an accordion.
A white girl with Eastern European roots, a Canadian upbringing and what seems like, over the phone, a faint French accent, Auresia is an unlikely candidate for, perhaps, the first female reggae producer to spawn from Quebec.
Even over the line, her confidence is evident. Asked if she feels, in some circles, she may take flak for being a Ukrainian-Canadian woman making a name and money off a culture she didn't help to create, she writes off the question with one fell swoop.
"Nah, not really, it's more praise than flak. I feel most of the time it's respect. There'll be more female musicians and singers rising up in the reggae realm [even though] it's a male-dominated industry," she prophesizes.
Nominated this year for four Canadian Reggae Music Awards, including top newcomer, singer and producer, Auresia lost in all four categories. She says she sees the loss as a stepping stone in her career, not an experience to frown on.
She's no stranger to turning tragedy to triumph. Echoes of Fall, from her self-titled debut, is written in response to the murder of her mother. Auresia thanks music for being as much a pleasurable pastime as it is a cathartic process.
"When I wrote that song [Echoes of Fall], it was a really intense year for me. Everything I wrote had something to do with my mom," she says. "For me, now seeing those songs, it gets me through and I remember now why I'm here."
That reason, she says, is to make music. With praise being lobbed at her from every direction and successful gigs logged all over the map, from Kingston, Jamaica to Charlottetown, PEI, the sky seems to be the limit for Auresia. But she admits, "There are a lot of barriers to break."
"It wasn't a direct choice," she answers when asked why she decided to start writing and producing reggae. "I've always liked an organic, real feel, so I wanted to keep that alive in my music. I fell in love with reggae in my late teens, but I definitely have influences in folk and roots, and even some Ukrainian harmonies."
@ Babylon July 2, 10 p.m. - Ottawa Xpress
Auresia’s debut record
turns tragedy into treasures
Taking a wee gander at recent dancehall videos, it wouldn’t be surprising if one came to the conclusion that a lot of current Jamaican music is pretty male-oriented. Montreal’s Auresia challenges this notion through her music and her attitude. Inspired by artists like Tanya Stephens and Queen Ifrica as well as Jill Scott, Ani DiFranco and Björk, her sound is difficult to pin down. It’s certainly rootsy, but doesn’t shy away from elements of new reggae and even a taste of dancehall.
On a recent trip to Jamaica, Auresia ended up not only performing in Jamaica but recording and getting attention from the island’s flagship reggae station, Irie FM. “People commented that my music was quite unique. Irie FM really liked it and put it on regular play. Where I was staying, people who had seen me play a club came up to me and said they’d heard my song ‘Jah Goddess’ on the radio.”
And how do her songs come to be? “I just channel my emotions into song and it just kind of comes out that way. I guess it’s more roots-based, but there are definitely melodic, contemporary influences.”
And her songs are exactly that—her songs. For her new album, Auresia wrote all but one of the tunes, arranging them with her partner David Lines. Music has always been a part of Auresia’s life, though it wasn’t always reggae. Originally from Edmonton, her father played accordion and her mother, piano. “I am Ukrainian, I went to Ukrainian play school and I was in the church choir, so there’s a lot of harmonies and beautiful melodies there already. I think that integrated into my music a bit. My dad sang and we’d have parties and jam together.”
Her move to Montreal exposed her all the more to music. “I really fell in love with Montreal when I first moved here. I love how the music scene is so diverse.” But, as she began to piece together all these experiences and start recording, immense tragedy struck.
“After I recorded the first song, ‘Jah Goddess,’ here in Montreal, my mom was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. My whole life changed. I went home in a flash, not knowing when I was coming back. I ended up staying a lot longer than I expected to. I started not focusing on the album so much as just trying to get through it. I played a lot of music and wrote a lot of music at that time. I decided to put some of the newer songs on the album.”
Speaking to Auresia, it’s clear that her music has been instrumental in helping her to maintain hope. “I don’t want to make it the whole focus of my album, but I definitely want to acknowledge that it happened. It’s my story. It was so intense for me—all the songs I wrote in that year were all about my mom in some way. I know that some of the lyrics are pretty intense, but I feel like there is a positive outcome or vibe. I just hope that it might raise awareness and help other women that have gone through similar situations, through that hardship and injustice.”
The self-titled album that has emerged is one that is resoundingly and determinedly hopeful. It’s emblematic of the restorative power of Jamaica’s most famous export. On “Jah Goddess,” listeners are asked to “give grace to Jah Goddess ’cause she doesn’t stop.” It would seem that Auresia just might be speaking of herself. - Montreal MIRROR
Auresia’s debut record
turns tragedy into treasures
Taking a wee gander at recent dancehall videos, it wouldn’t be surprising if one came to the conclusion that a lot of current Jamaican music is pretty male-oriented. Montreal’s Auresia challenges this notion through her music and her attitude. Inspired by artists like Tanya Stephens and Queen Ifrica as well as Jill Scott, Ani DiFranco and Björk, her sound is difficult to pin down. It’s certainly rootsy, but doesn’t shy away from elements of new reggae and even a taste of dancehall.
On a recent trip to Jamaica, Auresia ended up not only performing in Jamaica but recording and getting attention from the island’s flagship reggae station, Irie FM. “People commented that my music was quite unique. Irie FM really liked it and put it on regular play. Where I was staying, people who had seen me play a club came up to me and said they’d heard my song ‘Jah Goddess’ on the radio.”
And how do her songs come to be? “I just channel my emotions into song and it just kind of comes out that way. I guess it’s more roots-based, but there are definitely melodic, contemporary influences.”
And her songs are exactly that—her songs. For her new album, Auresia wrote all but one of the tunes, arranging them with her partner David Lines. Music has always been a part of Auresia’s life, though it wasn’t always reggae. Originally from Edmonton, her father played accordion and her mother, piano. “I am Ukrainian, I went to Ukrainian play school and I was in the church choir, so there’s a lot of harmonies and beautiful melodies there already. I think that integrated into my music a bit. My dad sang and we’d have parties and jam together.”
Her move to Montreal exposed her all the more to music. “I really fell in love with Montreal when I first moved here. I love how the music scene is so diverse.” But, as she began to piece together all these experiences and start recording, immense tragedy struck.
“After I recorded the first song, ‘Jah Goddess,’ here in Montreal, my mom was murdered by her ex-boyfriend. My whole life changed. I went home in a flash, not knowing when I was coming back. I ended up staying a lot longer than I expected to. I started not focusing on the album so much as just trying to get through it. I played a lot of music and wrote a lot of music at that time. I decided to put some of the newer songs on the album.”
Speaking to Auresia, it’s clear that her music has been instrumental in helping her to maintain hope. “I don’t want to make it the whole focus of my album, but I definitely want to acknowledge that it happened. It’s my story. It was so intense for me—all the songs I wrote in that year were all about my mom in some way. I know that some of the lyrics are pretty intense, but I feel like there is a positive outcome or vibe. I just hope that it might raise awareness and help other women that have gone through similar situations, through that hardship and injustice.”
The self-titled album that has emerged is one that is resoundingly and determinedly hopeful. It’s emblematic of the restorative power of Jamaica’s most famous export. On “Jah Goddess,” listeners are asked to “give grace to Jah Goddess ’cause she doesn’t stop.” It would seem that Auresia just might be speaking of herself. - Montreal MIRROR
“ Auresia has a style of her own, and explores a surprising variety of reggae sounds in her album. Her album launch was a unique opportunity to see the talented young singer/songwriter live in all her splendor.” -- Isabelle Sauriol & David Meffe, The Plant, Montreal, QC (04.12.08) - The Plant, Montreal, Qc
“ If there ever was a time, since Bob Marley where Reggae could actually penetrate popular music, Auresia definitely has the potential” -- Duke’s Pick of the Week, CBC Radio 1, Home Run - Home Run, CBC Radio 1
Award winning Canadian world and reggae artist Auresia joins Cameroon's Flo in Nanaimo as part of their
cross-Canada "Chocolaté" Tour.
Both performers are promoting their music and are now venturing across Canada.
Though Auresia is a seasoned traveller that has toured Canada from East to West, this will be Flo's first
Canadian tour.
Their show is Friday, Aug. 22 at the Vault.
The Montreal singer-songwriter's album has been described as a new breed of reggae for the urban soul, with
deep roots rhythms, swathed with the melodies of Auresia's sweet and haunting voice.
Her albums blend soulful pop melodies themed around love, be it playful, long distance, planetary love, risky
and even love of chocolate.
Three years in the making, Auresia's album Risin'! is dedicated to the empowerment of women, specifically
her mother, who died as a result of domestic violence.
Her melodic voice and original style help her to stand apart as an artist, and she is expected to make big
waves with her new album.
"I am excited to tour across Canada this summer with my newest album Risin! as part of the Chocolaté Tour,"
she said in a release.
"I am looking forward to reconnecting with old fans I met during my last Canada Love Tour in 2010, and make
new friends along the beautiful vast country roads of Canada."
Her tour includes several Vancouver and Gulf Island stops. "After performing excerpts from my new album in
Jamaica this past winter and spring, filming my music video for my single 'Chocolaté' on a roots cocoa farm, I
am excited to share my sophomore effort with the rest of Canada this July and August along with my epic
five-piece band and Flo."
Flo is a Cameroon roots reggae artist. A lyricist, composer and performer, Flo has toured Africa, France and
the U.S.
He draws inspiration from the greatest names in reggae, folk, blues, hip hop and electronic. Flo is promoting
his album How Are You Doing, mastered at Jamaica's Tuff Gong studios.
Adding to Auresia's U.S. tour experience, South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina,
Brazil), Auresia spent time in Jamaica this past winter to perform show dates with artists such as Andrew
World music artists cross Canada on tour - Entertainment - Nan... http://www.nanaimodailynews.com/entertainment/world-music-a...
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Tosh, son of reggae superstar Peter Tosh, Jah Bouks and Louie film star and dancehall artist Rankin.
That's where she wrote, recorded, and film her latest music video for "Chocolaté," on a cocoa farm in St.
Mary's Parish at the Likle Dunn Falls in St. Anne's.
Her latest album Risin! was released last September with the first single, "High," getting airplay across
Featuring collaborations with an international cast of musicians from Montreal, Cuba, Toronto, Jamaica and
beyond, the album is a fusion of reggae, salsa, R 'n' B, dancehall, rock and flamenco. With lyrics in English,
Spanish and French, Risin! illustrates Auresia's evolution since her 2008 self-titled debut. - Nanaimo Daily News
THIRD ALBUM: 'RAÍCES'- Released November 29th, 2016.
Bringing forward the sounds of traditional acoustic instruments from Cuba and her native Ukraine, Raices is fully comprised of organic instrumentation, impressively blending Roots-Reggae and Afro-Cuban rhythms with folk-pop lyrics and melodies paired by Auresia’s sweet-as-honey voice.
Recorded between Cuba and Canada, Raices, is a true labor of love. Trading in the simple fun of her first two records for a more refined sound, Auresia delivers a raw, truthful interpretation of everyday life and the realities of being a strong woman. The one thing that hasn’t changed, however, is her deep-rooted passion for Reggae and Latin music. Although most of her lyrics are sung in English, she masterfully weaves in Spanish phrases, as well as words in Lakota, the native tongue of the people of the Sioux tribes.
Auresia is not the kind of artist you encounter every day. It’s this very element of surprise that makes this singer-songwriter one of the most exciting young Canadian talents emerging in the industry today.
SOPHOMORE ALBUM: 'Risin'!' -September 3rd, 2013.Description: Bursting with soulful pop melodies and tackles the themes of love : playful love, long distance love, planetary love, risky love and something we can all relate to: love of chocolate!
Featuring collaborations with an international cast of musicians from Montreal, Cuba, Toronto, Jamaica and beyond, the album is a fusion of Reggae, Salsa, RnB, Dancehall, Reggaeton, Rock and Flamenco. With lyrics in English, Spanish and French, Risin! illustrates Auresia’s evolution since her 2008 self-titled debut.
EP: FUEL UP (on LOVE) - 2011

“If there ever was a time, since Bob Marley, where Reggae could actually penetrate popular music, Auresia definitely has the potential to do it” -- Duke Eatmon, CBC Radio 1, Home Run.
*** 2014: Award for Best New Artist at the Canadian Reggae Xclusive Awards
*** Fuel Up (On Love)* selected as one of the Top 3 for the Best New Song Competition: www.mmgmusic.tv.
*** 2010: Auresia Nominated for Favorite World Artist @ Canadian Independent Music Awards and for 4 Canadian Reggae Music Awards.***
Auresia is an artist with a
hauntingly angelic & soulful voice whose music contains intricate melodies,
beautiful harmonies,sincere lyrics and an eclectic mix of genres, from
Reggae to Latin and Soul. A singer, songwriter and guitarist, this
Edmonton raised musician of Ukrainian descent sings in 4 languages
(English, French, Spanish & Ukrainian) and has been charming audiences since the age of three!
Auresia’s shows prove to be energetic, extremely groovy, dance-able
and heartfelt and her uplifting songs often result in the audience
feeling positive and inspired. Auresia has performed in
Jamaica (2014. 2015), Cuba (2016), South America (2012, 2013) and after touring Canada
from East to West (20 + dates in 2009,2010, 2014, 2015), she is developing a strong global fan base.
Auresia showcases her unique musical stylings’ on her third full-length release, titled Raices. The follow-up to her sophomore album is titled after the Spanish expression for “roots” and is a musical love letter that traces us back to our roots.
3rd ALBUM: 'Raíces' - November 29th, 2016
Description: Bringing forward the sounds of traditional acoustic instruments from Cuba and her native Ukraine, Raices is fully comprised of organic instrumentation, impressively blending Roots-Reggae and Afro-Cuban rhythms with folk-pop lyrics and melodies paired by Auresia’s sweet-as-honey voice.
SOPHOMORE ALBUM: 'Risin'!' -September 3rd, 2013.Description: Bursting with soulful pop melodies
and tackles the themes of love : playful love, long distance love,
planetary love, risky love and something we can all relate to: love of
Featuring collaborations with an international cast of
musicians from Montreal, Cuba, Toronto, Jamaica and beyond, the album
is a fusion of Reggae, Salsa, RnB, Dancehall, Reggaeton, Rock and
Flamenco. With lyrics in English, Spanish and French, Risin! illustrates
Auresia’s evolution since her 2008 self-titled debut.
** 'Raíces' LP hits #3 on the International Ear Shot Radio Charts, Jan & Feb 2017.
** First single off the album - "High" was tracked
from June 2013 for 20 weeks and hit 12 weeks on the Palmares and Adisq,
# 12 in Top 50 week of September 13 and September 27, # 12 Top 25 Pop-Adult over 5 weeks, #14 Top 25 Pop-Rock and Top 50 ranking
*** "Fuel Up ( On Love)* track on the REBEL VIBEZ TOP TEN CANADIAN REGGAE CHARTS for 20+ Weeks including @ #1 for 2 weeks in August, 2011.***
*** Fuel Up (On Love)* selected as one of the Top 3 for the Best New Song 2011 Competition: www.mmgmusic.tv. ***
*** Spotlighted Artist of the Week on CBC Radio 1, Home Run.
*** Aired in South America (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, Brazil)
*** Auresia's 'Jah Goddess' received regular airplay on Jamaica's Irie FM
*** Auresias live performance featured on Global TV, January 2017 & in June 15th, 2009; along with a 5 minute interview and live footage of her show.
*** Spotlight feature on CTV's Alberta Prime Time show, June 21, 2010
*** D' Anise Show- Spotlight Feature on the D'Anise Show (ThatChannel.com) 2 times. January 29th and March 12th, 2010. (Over a million viewers each show)
*****MUSIC VIDEOS***** YOUTUBE CHANNEL LINK : www.youtube.com/moonsplashrecords
** ON THE ROAD AGAIN ** 2016
** CHOCOLATé ** 2014
** HIGH ** 2013
** RISING ** 2012
** JAH GODDESS ** 2011
Band Members