They All Have Legs
Chicago, Illinois, United States | SELF
"TAHL brings it. They're a large ensemble but work together like a band with half their members. They've got a mellow sound, but you can tell they enjoy what they do. They're smart but accessible. This is a band to look out for. "
- Joe Kwaczala
They all have legs
December 1, 2010 By faultmagazine
FAULT: What’s the story behind They all have legs?
JOSH PRICE: Tony and I were looking to form a project showcasing original music. Tony was in a cover band at the time, so the first time we noodled around together I expected to hear a bunch of catchy guitar hooks and Hendrix-type solos peppered into each song. But as I listened to him play I was surprised by the difference of musical stylings that were coming from his guitar. We wrote our first song in about a week and started playing open mic nights where Tony met Jeni (bass), and from there the project exploded into an eight member tribe.
TONY: The band has progressed with very little structure guiding its development. Honestly, it feels like it is always in a state of happening, constantly progressing. It’s a very dynamic relationship and even though we are very open with our communication, I don’t think any of us have a firm grasp of what kind of band we are becoming.
FAULT: What’s the creative process when writing new material? Is it a collaborative effort?
JOSH PRICE: It is a collaborative process. It seems the more familiar the band becomes with playing a song, the more ideas will surface from one of the eight members. We all create vocal harmonies, time signatures, and ideas for individual parts and sounds. This leads to each song being in a continual state of evolution.
TONY: Having 8 members in the band has its challenges and benefits. Generally Josh and I put an idea together, but it is really just something to work from. It’s the structure to work ideas into or carve into whatever it is that happens when ‘They All Have Legs’ puts their stamp on a song. A song can be quite chaotic at first. Often it’s a process of throwing everything we have at the song and then stripping it back down.
FAULT: What is the most challenging aspect of being a musician?
TONY: I’m not sure I am a musician, that title sounds foreign to me. Writing is challenging but in the best of ways. Being heard is the challenging part that seems very disempowering.
JENI: As with any profession in which your “dream” is the same as your “job”, there is a lot of external negativity to digest. Also, in the midst of all the art that is out there right now, we have to find a way to convince people that it is worth their while to click on one more link, to listen to one more band.
FAULT: Does your music reflect your personalities?
JOSH PRICE: Our songs are heavily character based. Within these characters you will find similar traits of our individual personalities, perhaps a more accurate reflection of our true personalities. Instruments are used as tools for expression. There exists a wide array of emotions that individuals have difficulty communicating to one another. Our music is used to, secondarily, communicate these emotions. Our personalities sort of bleed through in the process.
TONY: I agree with Josh but I’ll add that the music maybe reflects us in that it is diverse, but the often dark shadings of the songs certainly doesn’t represent our personalities within the band. We have much more fun together than the mood of the songs may convey. Then again the moods of the songs are more diverse the more I think about them.
FAULT: Are you inspired by music? What are you currently listening to?
JOSH PRICE: Peter Gabriel-Genesis, Radiohead, Sigur Ros…
TONY: I’m inspired by the songs and the possibilities of the band. I’d like to be able to capture everything from epic to intimate, but ultimately we let the songs and the players dictate the inspiration. Those are the things we have that are unique to us, so I feel they are the best guide for keeping us sounding like us. I think it’s important to remember the broad spectrum of music. Even within the category of rock n’ roll, the possibilities are inspiring and exciting.
OLIVIA: Music will greatly affect how my day starts, drives on, and ends. I listen to almost anything I can my hands on. Pink Floyd, ELP, ELO, Blue Meanies, Alkaline Trio, Ryan Adams, Kathleen Edwards, Reggie and the Full Effect, Burning Luck, Mozart, Beethoven, Grieg, Tchaikovsky.
GREG: Jeff Buckley & Damon Albarn are definite influences. I am also currently listening to Simian and Keane.
FAULT: How do you prepare yourself before a live show?
TONY: I’m not sure I do much immediately before a show to prepare. I love playing in front of a crowd but I don’t focus on a show as the culmination of our efforts. I focus on the development of the songs and the band. If we keep up on those the live show falls into place.
GREG: At shows, we all hang out like family and have a great time watching the other acts. Personally, I find I play just a tad better if I’ve had a shot of whiskey, or a nice milk stout.and if neither is available I either meditate or panic.
OLIVIA: The best part of before a live show is when we’re all just sitting together, listening to what’s going on and talking to each other. Generally it’s a relaxed and very funny atmosphere. By the time we play, it’s still just like hanging out at practice.
FAULT: What does the next year hold for you?
TONY: Ahh, the great beyond. Not sure what the future holds for us. More shows and more material is all I have in mind. I’d also like to expand the band’s visuals for live shows and for other media. I think a full length album will be in the works for 2011.
GREG: We will be doing shows in the U.S., and possibly some parts of Canada, to support the EP coming out. We are looking forward to reaching out to new groups of people and showing them what we are about.
FAULT: What is your FAULT?
JOSH PRICE: Any looks of confusion when people see a tricycle on stage…
TONY: Both as a band member and in my personal life, communication is my biggest fault.
JENI: Personally, many. But as a band, I think we are doing well.
OLIVIA: Practicing/playing… I never do enough of either one.
GREG: That I didn’t find this project sooner.it is a blast.
Lost In The View (EP) 2010
Flat Effect (Single)
Played on various regional radio stations including WXRT 93.1FM in chicago.

They All Have Legs formed in early 2009 out of a singer-songwriter collaboration between founding members Josh Price and Tony Santucci. Eight members at last count, the band continues to evolve, taking liberty with instrumentation and the broad envelop that is Indie Rock.
Live, they engage the audience, their sets playing out as a soundtrack to intimate lyrical stories that are reciprocally beautiful and disturbing. A TAHL performance is both mercurial and hypnotic, often within the same song.
In 2010 the band garnered radio play on WXRT 93.1FM in Chicago, an interview in FAULT Magazine (UK), and a featured artist spot on ReverbNation. In a short period of time, They All Have Legs has become a staple in Chicago’s music scene, playing notable clubs including: The Double Door, Martyr’s, and the Cubby Bear. In late 2010 the band released the EP “Lost in the View…Look at the Math”. The recording is a testament to the band's variety in sound and song.