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The Boy Next Door - The L WORD Season 3 episode 11

The Bastard Fairies could be termed an oxymoron. If this is the case then their music is most definitely oxymoronic. Naughty but nice, sweet and sour, beautifully macabre, wonderfully morose. Like a baby with a razor blade, it'll hug you then cut you with no warning. Lead singer Yellow Thunder Woman, fiercly intelligent and clearly disturbed is that baby, assigned to take you through the many trials of life and understand that, no matter who you are, or where you've come from, we are all f**ked up and twisted and each of us a bastard fairy in our own little way. She is Native American, a direct decendant of the Great Ponca Chief Standing Bear, an Indian princess and member of the Yankton Sioux. In the Lakota language sioux means snake in the grass and Yellow Thunders inner soul is just that. She's the sort of girl who you could take to meet your ultra conservative, christian parents and appear to them to be the most perfect sweet little thing. Then, just when you think you're safe, up jumps that snake and bites into your mothers neck. Injecting her central nervous system with venomous tales of how to give great blow jobs and having extra marital affairs. But before you know it, shes served up an antidote of pure cute and all fellatious thoughts are gone. However, be aware that like herpes of the mouth it lurks in the shadows of one's concience waiting to strike and there is no cure. Life is very short and death is very long so come on friends lets embrace our own little peculiarities and become part of the Bastard Fairy family.