Taylor McMahon
Lafayette, Louisiana, United States | SELF
Selected as an "Artist to Watch" for Oct-Dec. 2012 issue for Skope magazine; a national web based publication for the music industry. - Skopemag.com
"Memory Music is a feel good album. The songs on the album are youthful and infectiously catchy. McMahon's fun loving attitude and humor come out in each track. The album is also a good representation of McMahon's instrumental talents. He is crafty with the guitar and well calculated." - Where Y'At Magazine (New Orleans, LA.)
"No doubt about it. Taylor McMahon's four track EP, Memory Music, is perfect summer music. The acoustic alternative pop tracks resemble the upbeat tunes of Jack Johnson and Jason Mraz, leaving listeners bobbing their heads and humming along with the catchy chorus. Unforgettable." - The Independent Weekly (Lafayette, LA.)
"Highly recommended. Charming acoustic pop that lies somewhere between Jack Johnson and Ben Kweller with an emphasis on catchy and simple meodies" - Powerpopaholic.com
Biweekly list of 5 artists chosen by the staff at Tunecore. Each biweekly list focuses on a particular genre. This recommendation list focused on Singer-Songerwriters and was published August 2, 2011.
[NOTE: Tuncore is the largest digital distributor of music in the world]. - Tunecore
In May 2011, Taylor released his first record; a four song EP entitled “Memory Music”. The track Hey Now is infectious falling somewhere between The Shins and John Mayer, quickly becoming a Kings favorite.
- Kings of A&R
I’ve got to say, it’s both relaxing and addicting. Check it out!
- Good Morning Good Night Blog
Memory Music - EP (2012)

Taylor McMahon (birthday- December 10, 1992) was born in Shreveport, Louisiana and moved to Lake Charles, Louisiana at the age of 10. His father, who taught him to play guitar, exposed Taylor to the wide variety of music present in Louisiana and the Gulf South. At the age of 16, Taylor began to write songs. Deciding that he wanted to record some of his songs, Taylor worked for the next two years doing whatever odd jobs he could find in order to save enough money to record. In 2012, Taylor released his first record; a four song EP entitled “Memory Music”. The Louisiana native has crafted a collection of songs that recall the innocence of adolescence, the reality of adulthood, and the moments that mark the journey. Built on infectious hooks and simple melodies, the songs feel like a summer day spent with friends.
Shortly after its release, “Memory Music” was selected as a Staff Recommendation by Tunecore. Tunecore is the largest distributor of digital music in the United States and distributes music for over half-a-million artists. Every 2 weeks, the staff selects 5 artists as Staff Recommendations out of all their new releases.
Later that year, Taylor was selected as a “Favorite Pick” by Kings of A&R which is a website geared toward record industry personnel and which features new, up and coming artists.
Taylor was also featured on Goodmorning Goodnight which is a best-of-the-web site which focuses on music and art.
In November, MTV’s Real World: San Diego featured “Rhyme & Rhythm” by Taylor McMahon in Episode 5.
In February of 2012, Powerpopaholic.com reviewed “Memory Music (EP)” by Taylor McMahon. They gave it a “Highly Recommended” status and described Taylor’s music as “charming acoustic pop” and that “lies somewhere between Jack Johnson and Ben Kweller with an emphasis on catchy and simple melodies.” Powerpopaholic.com is the premier music blog site for power pop and melodic rock.
In March of 2012, “Hey Now” by Taylor McMahon was selected as a semi-finalist in the International Songwriting Competition (ISC) which is the world’s leading songwriting competition with over 16,000 entries from across the globe. “Hey Now” was selected in the “Unsigned Artists” category.
To close out 2012, Taylor McMahon was selected as one of 12 "Artists to Watch" in the October-December 2012 issue of Skope magazine; a national web based music industry publication.
Free downloads of the entire “Memory Music” EP are available on Taylor McMahon’s Facebook fan page.
Taylor’s musical influences range from folk to alternative pop. Taylor currently resides in Lafayette, Louisiana.