Tadej Rozman, ki je vèasih igral baskitaro v skupinah Leeloojamais, Direndaj, Shyam in Moveknowledgement, je letos izdal svoj prvi avtorski album To Be Free. V javnost pa je pred dnevi pri¹la tudi Tadejeva nova pesem Free Love, ki jo je posnel s skupino Playfulness. ©estintridesetminutni album obsega vse od pravega rocka do disko in funk ritmov, ki kar vleèejo k plesu in zabavi. Na odru pa se Tadeju pridru¾ijo tudi kitarist Goran Bjeliæ, bobnar Mare Grumar in spremljevalna pevka Tina Marin¹ek. (jh)
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- Direkt-bulevar
Tale disko~pop~rock na instrumentalnem nivoju izpade resnièno 'sve¾' in dobrodo¹el, ampak kaj ko verzi spustijo celoto v sivo slovensko glasbeno povpreèje. ©koda. Teh borih 36 minut glasbe ima v sebi kar nekaj obèutja, ampak ne kaj preveè vsebine in pomena. Mogoèe bi moral Tadej prepustit pisanje besedil v celoti Jovanovièu in bi bila stvar nekoliko bolj privlaèna, kot sicer je. Tale prosta in 'la¾ja kot pero' besedila so me resnièna zmotila, saj se nagibajo kar proti zmotnim folk ustvarjalcem, in od ljudi, ki se jih oznaèuje kot glasbenike, sem in bom tudi vse svoje dni prièakoval veliko veè kot naslednje verze 'sex is good, sex is great / i think of you and i masturbate', 'i know i can touch the sky / with the sun i can fly / i know i can touch the sky / with the sun i can fly…'.
- RockonNet

He started playing electric bass as a young kid in band Slepa ulica. Playing abroad at 17 full of energy and ambition he already knew he was to become a musician. Later he played in Direndaj and with this band entered Rock Otocec festival. He played with Shyam after that, they recorded some demos and played a couple of gigs. Leelojamais musicians spotted him and eventually persuaded him to play with them. Choosing Leelojamais out of all the bands that wanted to play with him was a good decision. It meant playing with top schooled musicians and it brought a lot of progress. He started playing with Moveknowledgment at the same time, stayed with them for the next 3 years, made his first record and played about 100 gigs. To mention some big concerts: Rock Otocec, Kolpa fest, Exit in Novi Sad, Crni macak in Osjek...