Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | SELF
"Luke O'Connor and his band, really hit the spot. Originally from Queensland, Luke has a wonderful voice that harks to Jeff Buckley. One song had me thinking, 'One Crowded Hour' by Augie March. He has a warm, soulful voice and the band stood behind the voice, not overpowering it, giving it space to shine, but always keeping the songs on course. I can hear something going on with this guy and his band. Watch out for Luke O'Connor."
"Luke O'Connor and his band, really hit the spot. Originally from Queensland, Luke has a wonderful voice that harks to Jeff Buckley. One song had me thinking, 'One Crowded Hour' by Augie March. He has a warm, soulful voice and the band stood behind the voice, not overpowering it, giving it space to shine, but always keeping the songs on course. I can hear something going on with this guy and his band. Watch out for Luke O'Connor."
Oh The Light is the passion filled debut from Melbourne five piece SteelBirds. 'Oh The Light', lays the band bare; demonstrating an eclectic bent, equal only to the unusual yet serendipitously thrown together musical backgrounds of the five members. With the blue-eyed soul of Luke O'Connor’s vocals and the sometimes bombastic yet intensely delicate delivery of each tune, 'Oh The Light' deserves its place alongside Wilco's 'Blue Sky Blue' or Elbow's 'The Seldom Seen Kid'.

Songs with heart, earnestness without sentimentality and meshing strange bedfellows rock, alt-country and soul with aplomb; SteelBirds hatched with songwriter Luke O’Connor returning from the wild in pursuit of the chemistry that would elevate the songs trapped inside above the usual run of the mill. Tunes made authentic by the powers of experience, swell of hammond, the glisten of guitar and the whispered, sometimes shouted voices of five.
SteelBirds have a reputation for outstanding live shows, performing alongside the likes of ‘The Beautiful Girls’ and ‘Washington’, and released their debut album, ‘Oh the Light’, on May 5. 'Oh The Light', lays the band bare and deserves its place on the shelf alongside Wilco's 'Blue Sky Blue' or Elbow's 'The Seldom Seen Kid'.
Taking inspiration from the great cerebral rockers of old and the avant garde of the new, SteelBirds bring their own polish on stage and in the studio.