I wanted to break away from the rock focus I have been on lately and found Solomia. Based out of Kiev, Ukraine, Solomia has had some success in her home country and starting to get noticed here in the US.
In many ways, Solomia is very reminiscent of Tori Amos, both in appearance and musically. "I Realize," the first song on her EPK, solidified the comparison with the piano accompaniment.
Solomia's music goes from singer/songwriter ballad to more pop, such as "Translation" which had a more uptempo pop/dance beat. "Simple Words," on the other hand, sounds like it would fit on a Disney animated movie soundtrack.
Most of the songs are sung in English, with some Ukraine mixed in with "Translation." The exception is "Prayer" which is sung entirely in Ukrainian. The language seems very suited to her singing style, which borders on the operatic.
The one off note was "My Alphabet" which attempts a more pop/urban approach. In the other songs, Solomia has strong command of English, but for some reason on "My Alphabet" the pronunciations are very jarring and unnerving. There is no flow and the song just doesn't work.
With that exception, Solomia's voice is strong and pronounced throughout all of her songs. She is a very talented singer and can go very far.
---by Sherrie Sigmar
- Inside Connection Music Magazine
…One more discovery was Helen Karpenko (Solomia) from Kyiv, who performed “Marianna’s Song” and “Mermaid” (extracts from poems “Whortleberry Marianna” and “Mermaid” by T.Shevchenko) in jazz style with the piano accompaniment of her own. Wonderful voice, creativity (melodies were composed by Solomia) – and, as a consequence, a first prize… - High Palace, Lviv, Ukraine
Ukrainian Singer, Song Writer, Composer
Solomia; is a singer/songwriter, who composes both lyrics and music for her songs. In her music Solomia, combines a classical voice sound with modern musical styles (Pop, Blues, Rock/Alternative, Folk). This combination creates a special Solomia’s style.
She is worldwide voice of Ukraine thanks to her awards such as: Best International Adult Contemporary Female Artist (Toronto Exclusive Magazine Awards, Canada , 2007). Honorary Mentions of Billboard World Song Contest ( USA , 2007). Winner and Laureate of National and International Contests in Vocals, Songwriting and Literature (1996-2007).
1. Can you talk about yourself briefly? Where are you from originally? Is there anyone affecting and inspiring you in your job?
Solomia: I started singing before I learned how to stand on my feet properly.
Imagine; my brother is singing near the piano, and my father is accompanying him (father composed songs for my elder brother). I’m holding my brother’s leg and am also singing - some strange back vocals which are funnier than beautiful, but I’m totally satisfied with myself, because all parent’s guests are applauding me. Laughing and applauding - that’s the best encouragement!
I’m 2 years old at this moment. On the question "Whom do I love the most?"; I answer: "Brother". On the question "What profession do I dream about?"; I answer: "Singer".
No doubts, no fear, no other variants. Just a dream which is so close to reality and actually is a reality in the child’s mind.
Time goes by, and I remember myself standing in front of the big Children’s Choir of the National Radio and Television of Ukraine. I was a soloist there for a few years.
The happiest moments of my childhood - it’s a kaleidoscope of rehearsals, make-up rooms and a view of a dark audience in front of me. And a sound... A happiness of creating a sound. When you find the sound in yourself, discover, bring it out and give, give it to people. Again, with no doubt, no fear, just with a happy belief that it is needed...
Time passed, and I graduated from the musical school, where I studied piano and met my "music mother" Lyudmila Fedorova. Then, I graduated from a high school. I studied well, and decided to continue my education on the Humanitarian Faculty of the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Kyiv, Ukraine). It’s one of the oldest universities in Europe, founded in 1632.
In 2002; I got my BA in Art Studies, three years later - MA in Journalism, and graduated as a top student of my faculty. My master thesis won a very huge national literature contest and was published as a monograph "Greek Horses of TV Advertisement. Language Manipulations" (2007). This book is devoted to the problems of mind manipulation, mass psychology, linguistics and psycholinguistics and is available in bookstores of Ukraine.
Even studying subjects, which are so far from music, I felt that I can’t live without music, without singing. I always heard music somewhere inside of me.
This passion brought me to the professor of vocals, Galina Sukhorukova, who was famous all over the world for her unique vocal school. And it was a great happiness for me to study singing in her class in the Kyiv Conservatoire which I entered. I studied opera singing for 5 years.
For all those years of studying, working and searching for myself and for my own style, I felt a great help and a deep love of my parents. They encouraged and inspired me on most things I did. I’m very grateful to them. They are first people to listen to my compositions. They are the most severe judges and the most attentive audience of mine. They know everything about me and my life.
I know that they will read those lines. And, using this chance, I’d like to say "I love you!" to them.
2. Do you have your own compositions?Do you have any award? Is there any national or international artist/singer you wish to perform duet/a mutual concert together?
Solomia: I’m a poet, I have 2 books of poems: "Touch" (1998) and "Necklace" (2005). I won a few literature awards in Ukraine for poetry and drama.
Poetry is as big part of my life as music. But, you know, those fields are so close, that no wonder that they meet once in a while.
Sometimes I hear poems with a music. Just words come through the melody flow. It’s a very powerful and strange feeling, which is quite difficult to describe...
But sometimes poetry comes "dry".
Songs started appearing one by one since I was 13. Not often, but constantly.
With one of the first songs - "No War" - I presented my native country, Ukraine, on The International Vocal Festival in Bulgaria. I was 13 years old then. In some time; the song "Make Your Step" became the hymn of the Ukrainian beauty contest. In 2004; "A Funambulist" became one of the face-songs of the Orange Revolution. "I Realize" was nominated on the Best International Adult Contemporary Song by Toronto Exclusive Magazine Awards (2007). Some of my songs were in the national and international Airplay (1998 - 2007).
Now I’m positioning myself as a singer/songwriter and perform mostly my own repertoire.
The year 2007 brought some good news to me. I received two Honorary Mentions of Billboard World Song Contest (USA), was named the Best International Adult Contemporary Female Artist (Toronto Exclusive Magazine Awards, Canada), won a huge National contest "Shevchenko-Fest" and met musicians I would like to work with.
Maybe; it sounds fantastic, even for myself, but one day I wish I could sing with Sting, Josh Groban, Lara Fabian, Sade... I love their music, the way they feel and understand the World. The way they express their feelings and outlook.
Maybe, it’s just a dream, like in childhood, but... I believe, I strongly believe that by means of dreaming we create an image of life we want to live. We formulate ourselves some basic ideas, crucial for us. Dream is a nice direction to follow in life. So, who knows? Maybe, one day, i will sing with some of them.
3. What is Ukrainian Music Culture like? What kinds of music do People of Ukraine like to listen more?
Solomia: It is well-known that Italian language is the most "singable", the most melodic language in the world. The second "singable" is Ukrainian.
In our language, we have a very beautiful combination of vowels and consonants. We even have rules, due to which we need to change the spelling of words to make sentences sound melodic. Music is a heart of Ukrainian language, and no wonder that we are a very "singing" nation.
All Ukrainian culture is built on music. A big part of Ukrainian modern music follows folk harmonies and rythmes. For example, Ruslana, who won the Eurovision Song Contest, held in Turkey in 2004, uses Ukrainian traditional music of Western Ukraine. Her harmonies, rhymes, specific traditionally-based lyrics often appear to be direct folk quotations. This makes her music recognizable.
What about contemporary academical music - here Ukraine is one of the leaders in Europe. The level of instumentalists and singers is very high. It is confirmed by a great deal of international contests where Ukrainian musicians participate and win. Ukrainian Conservatoires are famous all over the world. We have a lot of foreign students studying composition, vocals and instrumental music in Ukraine. Music of such composers as M.Skoryk, E.Stankovych, V.Silvestrov is widely recognized as the classics of the world contemporary academical music.
In popular music we have a very wide list of styles and tastes: R&B, Hip-Hop, Pop, Rock and so on... Mostly, Ukrainian market presents "clear" genres. While the most interesting and perspective trends, as to my point of view, are in the underground, unfortunately. But I hope that the situation will change in the nearest years. Because world is now overfilled with marketable formats. To my opinion, now it’s important to find ways to combine different genres and to bring musical tastes of the audience to the next level.
4. Do you have any idea of Turkish Music Culture and singers? Is there any Turkish singer you know and like?
Solomia: Thanks to the Eurovision Contest, I knew Sertab Erener. Her voice, passion and performing talent are outstanding. Unfortunately, her songs are not broadcasted in Ukraine.
But, Tarkan is really popular. Almost everyone knows his "Kiss".
I was glad to perform with Sedat Yüce, who presented Turkey on the Eurovision-2001. He has a wonderful voice, he gives a true emotional impact during the performance and "holds" the audience from the first to the last note. And, what is important, he composes the most part of his songs himself.
5. What do you think of Turkey and Turkish people?
Solomia: I visited Turkey only once, but I totally fell in love with this country. Sincere and beautiful people, amazing nature, deep and interesting history, unique art... Everything impressed me. My dream is to come there again and to visit more historical places, museums, to walk along narrow streets, to eat baklava and to drink a cup of traditionally-cooked coffee.
I wish I could visit Istanbul and Troya. I like history and almost everything there is overfilled with the spirit of history.
It seems, this land calls for me. Because I have some Turkish blood. My great-grand mother was Turkish. Family legend says that my great-grand father was a cossack. When one of the cities was occupied by cossack army, he saw a very beautiful girl and kidnapped her. She appeared to a be a sultan. They loved each other and lived a long life together. She born him 10 children, the youngest of which was a father of my grandmother.
6. Do we,as the community,read books enough? When have you read a book recently and what? What do you think of Turkish Novelist Orhan Pamuk, winner of 2006 Nobel Literature Prize, and of his books?
Solomia: Orhan Pamuk, is one of my favourite contemporary writers. I adore the way he writes, his language. I read his "Snow", "My Name Is Red", "White Tower" and "The House Of Silence".
Even in translation, which I understand, hides lots of pecularities; there are so many innovations, so much light. Pamuk tells about very complicated things in such an easy and "ordinary" manner.
Ordinary people think ordinary thoughts and want to live an ordinary happy life. But this external "simplicity" shows how complicated the world is, how "sketchy" we are, in comparison with universal laws.
One of the things that impresses me the most is that he introduces characters to us involving them into the event. And when the event comes to the culmination ,Pamuk just tells what happens, with minimun emotions, with minimum personnal attitude. And everything what the reader feels appears to be reader’s own feelings, without any dictate from the author’s position. Author becomes just a reporter. While the reader is free to think, to make conclusions and to feel. All culmination is held against a background of total, deep, universal silence. You close the book and feel that you lived a life.
7. We have seen that you have a photo with George Walker Bush, president of USA. When and how were you taken of it? What did you feel about him as a person and a leader?
Solomia: Yes, I had an honour to meet President Bush. It happened in November, 2007, during my visit to the USA.
I participated in the humanitarian mission, organized by John Wood Ministries (USA) and the charity fund of Katerina Yuschenko, our President’s wife, from the Ukrainian side.
I was very impressed with George Bush as a person. He is a charismatic personality. The manner he talks to people captivates. Almost every word brings an emotional impact. When the President spoke to me, I felt like this conversation was the aim of his life. I understand why people voted for him. He knows how to knock on each person’s heart.
8. What do you think of "Love"? Have you ever caught real love? With whom? Do you have any suggestions for lovers?
Solomia: Love is a God’s blessing. I believe that when the God wants to reward us, He sends us people. People to value, to respect and to love. Love makes us better, it makes us want to become better, it colours the world and makes the soul sing.
The worst thing is a lack of love. There are so many problems that have no other salvation, but Love. Unfortunately, often people are not ready to conceive that.
I’m against all wars. I’m against everything what hurts someone’s freedom. I think war is the greatest disaster humanity can cause. And it’s awful that people all over the world die from wounds, hunger, lack of medical care and elementary comfort conditions. It’s awful that children get accustomed to wars from the childhood - in reality, on TV or computer games.
Only Love can change the situation. Love is personal and powerful. Love forms us as personalities. It doesn’t have a goal to change the world. But, it can change a person. By changing each of us, it really changes the world in our eyes.
Living for another person, giving all your forces, thoughts and inspiration to someone - what can be better? What can be closer to the idea, common in all religions of the world - to love each other?
Thanks to love I started composing, and now it’s the way of my life.
My biggest love was unhappy for me. But, I’m truly grateful to that person of my dream. I changed a lot and understood a lot thanks to that love.
9. How can people reach your management for concert offers and where can they listen to your music?
Solomia: I welcome everyone to visit my page www.sonicbids.com/Solomia
You can listen to some of my songs there and send a letter from the site.
I appreciate all kinds of feedback and will be glad to receive propositions to perform in Turkey.
I told you, this land calls me. I have a dream to return to Turkey and to show its beauty to people, whom I love.
www.magazinway.com Editor: Ayşe Gökkaya - www.magazinway.com (Turkish show-business magazine)
- YOUNG STARS OF UKRAINE (2005), "A Funambulist" - Kyiv, Ukraine
- JUST TALENTS (2007), "My Alphabet" - North Miami Beach, FL, USA
- POSITIVE MUSIC (2007), "I Realize" - Oakland, CA, USA

Solomia is a singer/songwriter, who composes both lyrics and music for her songs.
In 2009 Solomia
- participated in the National selection for the Eurovisin Song Contest;
- received a Honorary mention of Billboard World Song Contest (USA) for "Not Perfect" (see video on this site or on Solomia's youtube channel: www.youtube.com/solomiamusic)
In 2007 Solomia
- was named the Best International Adult Contemporary Female Artist (Toronto Exclusive Magazine Awards, Canada);
- received Honorary mentions of Billboard World Song Contest, USA (for compositions "I Realize" and "My Love");
- became a runner up of the Song of the Year international songwriting contest (USA);
- won a prestigious Ukrainian contest "Shevchenko-fest" with her compositions "Marianna's Song" and "Mermaid";
- was nominated at the Best International Adult Contemporary Song for "I Realize" (Toronto Exclusive Magazine Awards, Canada).
When Solomia was 13 she presented her native country - Ukraine - on the international vocal festival in Bulgaria, where she participated with a song "No War", written by her own (1996).
In her childhood Solomia was a soloist of the National TV and Radio Choir of Ukraine (1985-1988).
Since 1998 Solomia's song "Make Your Step" has been a hymn of Ukrainian beauty contest.
In 2004 her song "A Funambulist" became one of the face-songs of the Orange Revolution.
Her songs were/are in the national and international airplay (1998 - 2007).
In her music Solomia combines a classical voice sound with modern musical styles (pop, blues, rock/alternative, folk). This combination creates a special Solomia's style.
- 1998-2002 - BA in Art Studies (History);
- 2002-2005- MA in Journalism
(National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy)
- 2003-2006 - vocal faculty (Kyiv Conservatiore).
Solomia won few national awards in literature for her poetry, drama and scientific works.
Published works:
- "Touch" (book of poetry), 1998;
- "Necklace" (book of poetry), 2005;
- “100 Young Poets of Ukraine: Anthology”, 2006
- "Grecian horses of TV Advertisement. Language Manipulations" (monograph ), 2007
(an investigation on the field of mind manipulation / mass psychology / linguistics / psycholinguistics / marketing, which won a National contest of scientific works).
Please, visit www.myspace.com/solomiamusic