Shyan Selah
Los Angeles, CA | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | INDIE
“Shyan Selah is interviewed by Music Industry Vet and INDIEPOWER CEO Jay Warsinske about the continuation of The Cafe Noir Tour, his musical influences, and the overall state of the music industry on Indiepower Radio.” (Video) - IndiePower Radio
““A lot of people just think they can go buy a guitar and it just happens,” Selah said. “But you have to have a respect and a good understanding of the industry, and then you have to have qualified people who know what they're doing – the lawyers, the agents and the managers. I can't say enough how critical that is. Then you have to have a great talent and a great drive to see it through."” - Tacoma Weekly
““Shyan Selah epitomizes what IES is all about”, states IES Founder / CEO Jay Warsinske. “He is building an entertainment empire, utilizing independent & non-traditional means, with a bold entrepreneurial style for the future!”” - PR Log
“The soulfully progressive performing and recording artist Shyan Selah concludes his exclusive Cafe Noir Tour in Los Angeles with a National Anthem performance at University of Southern California's Dedeaux Field on Saturday, May 23, 2015.” - EntSun news
“Musical artist, Shyan Selah will be returning to the Los Angeles area launching a unique community outreach tour via Starbucks the week of November 19. This is an unprecedented and unique experience that he and his company, Brave New World (BNW) Global has created and the coffee juggernaut has supported by offering the store locations for him to perform and meet with customers.” - Los Angeles Sentinel
“As a great year in music ends, we take a look back at some of the artists who broke through and made it big in the industry. Ones like Frank Ocean, Carly Rae Jepsen and Kendrick Lamar come to mind in terms of how truly big they made it in such a short period of time. For the 2013 calendar year coming up, the one artist that should be like those three and then some is BNW Global recording artist Shyan Selah. A self-described "Rock vocalist with hip-hop roots", Shyan defies what it is to be the norm in today's music world. On top of being a phenomenal musician and vocalist, he has spent quite a good amount of time giving back to several different charities and organizations…” - New York Examiner
“Shyan Selah and his band, the Republic of Sound, have become known for a more eclectic sound that incorporates elements of rock, pop and R&B. His next local performances are at Seattle Hempfest, at 1 p.m. Aug. 18, and at 8 p.m. Aug. 31 at Tacoma's Jazzbones. Those will be followed by a national Starbucks tour, and we hear something about him going Hollywood after that. Could this be the year he breaks through nationally?” - Tacoma Weekly
“With his unique approach to life, Shyan Selah is a man who lives in a constant state of abundance and opportunity. Mastering the art of music and entertainment, as well as diverse and multiple forms of business, this music artist, CEO and activist has made quality, exclusiveness, distinction, purpose and philanthropy as integral pieces to each and every project, product, and event that bears his name in the marketplace. As a hip hop artist and vocalist who left a promising football career to pursue music in Hollywood, he soaked up everything he could about the entertainment business and subsequently created his own… ” - Shine On Hollywood Magazine
Today’s generation of youth is more apt to know lyrics written by Lil Wayne than poems by Maya Angelou. They can sing along to a Chris Brown hook but are not able to pick key themes out of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech. They recognize the name Tommy the Clown, creator of the Krump dancing movement, but have never heard of Debbie Allen. Older generations call them lost souls, ignorant of their history and identity, left to the trappings of corporate greed and unreachable to those who don’t own a MySpace or Facebook page. All too often it is parents, educators, ministers and care providers that are the makeup of these older generations — the very same people charged with leading these young people into adulthood. However, it would seem that they do not know how to reach this new generation through the maze of internet networking sites, text messages and web podcasts that make up basic communication for today’s youth.
These young people are often left to feel as though no one but their peers understand them and quite often they’re right. This is an age where a student can find any piece of information on the Internet very quickly, but their teacher doesn’t know what the Soulja Boy dance is. It is an age where half the brain stays in cyberspace and the real world moves at a snail’s pace. It is also an age where, according to US Today, 51% of 18-25 year olds’ number one goal is to become famous.
Shyan Selah, Founder and CEO of the Seattle entertainment company Brave New World, Inc., is aware of this. He also knows that there are way too many parents and educators who may not be.
“There is a generational gap between educators and the kids,” says Selah. “Traditional ways are failing, especially in inner-city areas. We want to bridge that gap.”
For full article, visit: http://www.seattlemedium.com/News/search/ArchiveContent.asp?NewsID=92947&sID= - Seattle Medium
Brave New World, the Album is "a passionate album that still holds some mainstream-like hip-hop production."
- Urb Magazine
Skope: What does it mean to be featured in a music community as diverse as Skope:
Shyan Selah: It’s refreshing. It seems that Skope has a good handle on not just today’s music scene, but the entirety of the music platform – a place where both connoisseurs and creators can co-exist and meet each other’s needs.
Skope: Would you say that the warm summer weather makes you more inspired to create music?
Shyan Selah: Not necessarily. It helps my mood in general, of course. But I find inspiration to create in any place at any given point in time.
Skope: What is the most exciting aspect of being an independent artist in 2010?
Shyan Selah: You truly control your own destiny. You can create freely and deliver to a market place through so many mediums. It’s nice to have all the options.
Skope: What other bands and musicians are you listening to right now?
Shyan Selah: My listening tastes are inundated with classics right now. Everyone from the Beatles to the Fugees.
Skope: Has the Internet leveled the playing field between indie and major label artists?
Shyan Selah: In a lot of ways, yes. And in some ways it makes it more difficult. The Internet provides an opportunity for anybody to deliver music to the world. But you still have the core aspects and pillars of the music business working on your behalf such as live shows, marketing promotions, radio play, etc. A lot of indies get washed out in that mix and their artistry suffers. At the same time, if the right campaign is developed on a MySpace or a YouTube you could be discovered by the world overnight. It’s a weird time to be alive as a musician.
Skope: What is coming up for you and where can readers learn more about you?
Shyan Selah: Tours, shows, appearances on TV and film. People can stay hip to what I got going on by becoming a friend on any of my social networks or by going directly to my album site: www.bravenewworldalbum.com.
- Skope Magazine
Shyan Selah, Brave New World and the Brave Foundation will present Shyan LIVE! at 6 to 8 p.m. Dec. 19 at The Commons mall in Federal Way. This all-ages event will feature new music by Selah and performances by Team Avengers, M.A.S. Coalition and dance teams from Federal Way high schools.
Former Seattle Supersonics player Dean Tolson will speak about the importance of education. Isa Nichols, executive director of the Maxine Mimms Academies for Suspended and Expelled Youth and author of “Genesis: The Bullet Was Meant for Me, The D.C. Sniper Story Untold,” will speak on issues of domestic abuse and violence.
Attendees are encouraged to bring toys, food and clothing to benefit Goodwill and the Seattle Children’s Hospital.
The event is intended to send a positive message about education and healthy living. On Dec. 5 at The Commons mall, Selah and Tolson spoke with local youth about such virtues.
“One thing that worked for me is mentorship,” said Selah, a product of Federal Way. Tolson, who learned to read and write as an adult, urged students to stay in school: “The most serious thing we can do in this society is get an education.”
Selah and Brave New World are holding a talent search for local rappers, singers and dancers Dec. 12-13 at The Commons. Registration required. Learn more: www.the
bravefoundation.com and www.myspace.com/shyanselah
To view video footage from Shyan LIVE visit www.youtube.com/thebravefoundation - Federal Way Mirror
hen my day job at the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Youth Services and music intersect, the results are often magical. Earlier this summer, the Seattle Youth Opportunity! movement hosted the first Seattle YO! Summit, and rapper Shyan Selah kept it real at South Seattle Community College's Brockey Center.
Seattle is one of 36 communities nationwide funded by a 1999 grant from the US Department of Labor. YO! grantees work to help youth, particularly those most in need, to acquire the necessary skills and work experience to grow into successful adults and explore careers, further education and training. This summit honored the achievements of Seattle's first year of a five- year grant and attracted nearly 200 young people, in addition to teachers, counselors and administrators from a variety of local youth programs.
Selah began with a brief history lesson in hip-hop.
"The art of hip-hop speaks to generations directly before us," said Shyan. "Hip-hop has taken over the fields of business, the styles and images of athletics and entertainment. Just look at some of the more popular fashions out there: it's 100% hip-hop across the board."
I glanced at the young people in the auditorium - many wore the urban uniform of the new millennium, stylin' with Fubu straight from the www.y2g.com website, large necklaces or sagging a la Dr. Dre. I knew I was square when young ladies were talking about ice and I thought about the stuff you put in a glass and not the jewelry they wore around their necks.
"A lot of young people love Jay-Z and Nas," Selah continued. "It's important to know about the guys that started this music. It stemmed from a lack of knowledge and a lot of young people started to ask questions. Questions like: 'why do we have to live like this?,' 'why don't I know my dad?' and 'is this the way I want to be treated?'"
"Hip-hop helped me come face-to-face with reality," he said to rousing applause. "Some of you may be bearded, some of you may be braided, but I don't care. You've got something to say and your voice is important."
Selah focused on the teachers and challenged them to think of hip-hop in terms that they would understand.
"Many teachers out there don't realize the educational potential of hip-hop," shouted Shyan. "There are many things that set hip-hop apart. First of all, the format of hip-hop is accessible. Communication is the key here: it's the link between the gaps of generations."
"In the sixties and seventies," continued Professor Selah. "Bob Dylan, The Eagles and country and western were all talking the same trash. Same stuff, different era. That's the same stuff that hip-hop talks about. But, with hip-hop, you have another dimension. Athletes entered and it became powerful. You had Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon and Magic Johnson, the first dream team from basketball. Just think about sampling, one way that people exchange beats or music. Speaking of sampling, sampling is one way to make money - you do not have to reinvent the wheel. One mark of success is to mimic what successful people do. Find out what made Michael Jordan get up at 5:00 AM to shoot baskets every day. This type of work ethic, these types of habits, can be extremely powerful." ...
For full article visit http://www.cosmik.com/aa-july01/shyan_selah.html - Cosmik Debris Magazine
What happens when you have an individual who’s a community leader and a rapper? You get an independent song writer and producer who embraces the extreme, freedom and truth. Living by his theme “be brave,” Shyan Selah is breaking in the industry with a brand of music that he can collectively call his own unique style. The Federal Way Washington native Shyan Selah is a young entrepreneur who hustled his way to become an entrepreneur and CEO of Brave New World LLC. The west coast rapper grew up with a taste of all aspects of life from religion to alcohol and drugs.
The 31-year-old left home at the age of fifteen only to become his own self and to find his own unique niche of a music style. Inspired by Prince, Marvin Gaye, Quincy Jones, Jay-Z, Shyan is a fiend for true stories. The passion of being real and deep led him start The Brave Foundation, his charitable organization. As most artists don’t experience the life of popularity and fame before they come up, Shyan has always stood out and been the popular guy. Concrete City proves that as being one of the theme songs of “True Ballers” One Love 2 DVD. On Concrete City, Shyan shines his light on what’s real.
For full article visit: http://www.fevermagazine.com/interview/2008/04/30/shyan-selahs-brave-new-world - Fever Magazine
by Kate Vandeveld
One of the most important things for us all to understand is that social impact is not relegated to one particular sector or job. If you’re interested in bettering the world, you can absolutely find a way to do it.
Seattle-based musician Shyan Selah is an inspiring example. Rather than use his passion for music to pursue fame, he chose a different path: Through his Café Noir project, he is leveraging music to bring communities together and offer hope and healing to those who are struggling.
Café Noir is a series of live performances held at different Starbucks locations, in which members of the local community come together to enjoy Shyan’s music, and talk about the issues they’re facing, and how they can work together to solve them.
We recently had a chance to connect with Shyan to learn more about him, his music, and his community empowerment work – here’s what he had to say... - Why Whisper Collective
Cafe Noir Live - Album (Brave New World Records/INGrooves) 2015
Previous titles:
Brave New World, the Album - LP (Brave New World Records/Highpowered/Koch Entertainment)
Concrete City - Single
Godd Game Volume Won - Mixtape

Shyan Selah embodies the essence of the most trendsetting music icons from his hometown of Seattle having been inspired by the likes of Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix and Kurt Cobain. A master at blending the classic with the cutting edge, he’s at the forefront of ushering in a new era of modern musicians with the creation of his band, The Republic of Sound, an act that is designed to fully embody his specialized fusion of rock, soul and hip hop music as the perfect backdrop to his throwback soul-rock vocal and eclectic rhyme style.
“We create and play music on the edge. Hard, liberated and sexy.” says Shyan. “Our only intention is to take people to another place.”
Shyan Selah and The Republic of Sound have already sent aftershocks throughout the West Coast from Seattle’s Moore Theater to the World Famous Whisky A Go Go in Hollywood before hitting the nation at large. Easily moving from hypnotic intimate club performances to rocking the stage for thousands, Shyan Selah & The Republic of Sound is a band with a type of universal appeal that has created wide spread anticipation throughout the industry based on their intrinsic connection to life and music, philanthropic mission and soul touching sound.
Café Noir Live Album:
The Cafe Noir Live album is the first release from Shyan Selah's Cafe Noir Project - a multi-year tour featured at exclusive Starbucks locations worldwide. What started as an in-store experience with Starbucks has now become a growing relationship with Apple retail stores and other major retailers including Barnes & Noble and Goorin Bros. Hats. Stripped down and intimate, Cafe Noir Live is a potent, heady mix of R&B, blues, soul, and hip hop that moves, entertains, and inspires.
About Shyan Selah & Brave New World:
Shyan Selah is a well-respected industry entrepreneur and singer/songwriter who’s successfully licensed his music to major networks including FOX, CBS/Paramount, and special projects for the NBA and NFL such as the Tru Ballin’ DVD series. A featured panelist and performer at NAMM, CES, and the Indie Entertainment Summit (IES), he is slated to perform in 2016 at SXSW, MIDEM, and the Warped Tour for the second year in a row with his band, Shyan Selah & The Republic of Sound. His label, Brave New World, formerly had its distribution deal with KOCH Records (now Entertainment One), which in 2008 released his Brave New World Album in conjunction with High Powered Entertainment. In 2015, Brave New World entered into a label partnership agreement with industry powerhouse INGrooves.
Band Members