New York City, New York, United States | SELF
author: Stanley El
'I AM' greatly encouraged that positive themes are being released through familiar sounds in an extraordinary way.
- CDBaby.com
author: carol blount
- CDBaby.com
author: The House Of Earl
The entire CD is truly a master piece. I play it while creating my designs; doing housework and when I need peace in my being and world. You've got to get this CD that way you will know what it means to "RISE ON BELIEF". I will use this CD in my runway shows. Thank-you ROB
- CDBaby.com
author: Sabir
BIG BIG UP, To Brother Rob. "The Chosen One" Chosen From the Sun. I WIl Fight.... All Is Peace
- CDBaby.com
Category: Music
"Rise On Belief"
Style (Rock)
Influences of rock and R&B permeate throughout this CD with the general sound rather reminiscent of Lenny Kravitz. Coincidentally, ROB too is African American which in itself isn't helping to create enough separation from Mr.Kravitz sound and popularity. Attempting to pull away from contemporary similarities I found the songs to have plenty of solid guitar work, excellent vocals (lead and backing), and a good groove reverberating from quality musicianship. As for the artwork, some CD's I'm left shaking my head wondering why. Aside from the cover image, which fits well with the music style on this CD, the other photo's give the impression ROB is a new age / contemporary jazz musician. This has me wondering about the core "in the blood" rhythms ROB as a musician has or if this disk was produced to take advantage of the similarities between ROB and Kravitz sound.
Rating 2 ½
Style: hard rock
Label: Rising On Belief Productions
Year: 2007
Home: New York City, New York
Members: ROB Hoagland ~ vocals
Ronnie Drayton, Mario Rodriguez ~ guitars
Richie Harrison ~ drums
Mark "Abishai" Brooks ~ bass
Laree Williams, LaJune ~ b. vocals
Glamorous is a word that comes to mind when first hearing the debut from this New York City frontman. The second word is positive message. I might be wrong on both accounts, but it's hard to deny that ROB & his band is aiming for a breakthrough into the mainstream commercial landscape & not eternal garage band status with a highly polished & intricate sound melding hard rock &funk sensibilities with a big city groove. & his songs seem to share a positive message & vibe, even in the choice of the Hendrix cover 'Freedom'. There's enough variety in his songs that it's obvious ROB doesn't want to be pidgeon-holed, albeit, if anything, he wants to be pidgeon-holed as a high energy powerhouse of an artist putting lots of ideas & enthusiasm into his music. I guess that's not too bad of a thing to be pidgeon-holed for! Further, that's probably one of his biggest assets, as at times the band over powers & draws focus away from his singing - which might be more the fault of the mixing - & one starts to wonder how much of the music is reflective of Rob Hoagland & how much is a producer's creation of what he wants ROB to be. Whose ever ideas are in the air, ROB's vocals have such energy you know he's a creative force of his own. Behind his singing out such lyrics as "I am the chosen one, I will fight .... like the sun, I bring the light" is music aiming for a big impact with a chorus & lots of guitar solos & fills. 'The Chosen One' actually reminds me a bit of KISS when they performed with a symphony. Big & bold & at times a little messy. In many ways ROB even has a very New York sound, which is something many might say doesn't exist, compared to a San Francisco, sound, until you hear ROB & know that the sound is big, textured & a little funky & a little raw. It's a mix of cultures like the city, balancing the wall between individuality & group popularity. The only thing missing from this album to make it perfect is legendary New Yorkers funkmaster T.M. Stevens or Joe Lynn Turner on backing vocals. Then it would really be big & bold & at times a little messy. ROB also wears some of his influences on his sleeve. His advertising quotes the Rolling Stones as a strong influence, alongside Kravitz, the Chili Peppers & Hendrix, but as someone whose heard every Rolling Stone album I don't know where they are in ROB's music, but I will say that the Kravitz influence is right with a bit of 80's funk made famous by the Chili's. ROB is one of those musicians who I believe probably sounds better on stage & I wouldn't mind seeing the next time he's in the area, so I can add to this review that what you hear is only part of the story & the flash & polish is as much alive onstage away from a producer's watchful eye.
Review by: Aaron Joy - Aaron Joy
Rise on Belief
If Jimi Hendrix and Lenny Kravitz somehow had a love child and let the Red Hot Chili Peppers raise it, ROB would be it.
These are some big names to compare a new artist to, but ROB is every bit deserving of such accolades.
ROB’s debut album Rise on Belief starts out with the song “Freedom,” which has guitar stylings, and even vocals, that sound like ROB directly channeled Hendrix, and Hendrix complied.
Although there is a definite reminiscence of Jimi Hendrix in ROB’s songs, there isn’t the feeling that ROB is simply trying to imitate Hendrix’s sound.
It often happens that artist who can easily be compared to other artists tend to be void of a sound of their own, and instead just come across as wanting to be that artist. ROB manages to avoid falling into being just a Hendrix knock-off and have a distinct style of his own.
While the instrumental aspect of ROB’s music tends towards Hendrix, ROB has a voice very similar to that of Lenny Kravitz, although with more of an edge to it. Both artists have a raw quality to their voices that adds power to their vocals, but where Kravitz’s voice tends to have some smoothness to it, ROB’s has a gravelly roughness that actually plays on the ear quite nicely.
Having guitar similar to Hendrix and vocals similar to Kravitz, listeners can already expect an aural pleasure. Throw in just a dash of Red Hot Chili Peppers to both the instrumentals and vocals (particularly the styling on backing vocals), and you get the sound of ROB—a truly exceptional blend of already familiar styles that results in something new and thoroughly enjoyable to listen to.
Particular standouts on the album include “Freedom,” “When I Have You (By My Side),” and “The Chosen One,” but from the first track to the last, Rise on Belief is an excellent listening experience. Everything about the music itself fits together perfectly, with heartfelt lyrics to match. Rise on Belief is definitely an album to check out.
Carly Doenges - MuzikReviews.com Contributor
November 8, 2009
For Questions Or Comments About This Review Send An Email To info@muzikreviews.com - MUZIK REVIEWS
Skope: How does it feel to be chosen as an A2W artist on Skopemag.com?
ROB: It is a great feeling to be chosen as a Skopemag.com ‘Artist To Watch.’ Skpokemag.com is an online publication that is viewed by thousands of people. This opportunity opens up my music to many viewers and possible fans. This affords them the opportunity to learn more about me, my music, and my band.
Skope: What have you been working on and promoting recently?
ROB: I have been working on promoting my album ‘ROB Rise On Belief’, my music video “The Chosen One,” and my official website www.robriseonbelief.com, merchandise and most of all performing. I am also promoting my perfomance at Fonatanas on January 21 2010 at 9pm in New York City and The Apollo Theatre on March 17, 2010 at 8 pm. This is a part of the Emergenza Festival for emerging artist. Other bands will be performing that night as well. I am also promoting several other shows and tours that are now in the works for 2010 and beyond.
Skope: What about your music do you feel sets it apart?
ROB: I feel my music sets me apart because it comes deep from the soul. It is rock music that incorporates all styles of music. You can understand everything about my music. From the vocals to the guitars, to the drums, to the bass. It is music that doesn’t go over your head. Every member of my band also brings a different personality to my music. This very important when you work with musician who have worked with many great artists. They help bring out the true essence that sets me apart from others. Ten years from now you can play my music and it will relate to what ever is going on at that time.
Skope: How did you start creating music and what are your long term plans with your band?
ROB: I started creating music at a young age. I come from a musical family an I’ve learned how to sing and write songs from listening to my family members. I also write poetry. This helped me to develop my song writing and muscial skills. I studied vocals at the Brooklyn Conservatory of Music and The Nubian Consetvatory of Music as well. These skills strengthen my voice and my ability to work with other musician. I also started working with my musical partner Mark “Abishai” Brooks, my manager Jeff Crews and together we developed my sound of today. My long term plans for me and my band is to sells millions of records, write and produce for other artist, tour, manage other artist, open a record label, create music that is timeless and get as many Grammy Awards as possible.
Skope: When you are creating music what do you use as inspiration for lyrics & instrumentals?
ROB: When I create lyrics my inspirations comes from past and present experiences, love, nature, the state of the world, other peoples stories, the heavens, a car, the sound of a train, the sound of a plane in other words everything inspires me to write lyrics and instrumentals. Music is everywhere. If you listen to the sounds that are around you, creating lyrics just come natural. This is how I create lyrics and music.
Skope: What is the most exciting aspect of being a musician in the digital age?
ROB: The most exciting aspect of being a musician in the digital age is you can reach millions of people without being signed to a record label and you can control the rights to your music. You can also make a great living in the digital age of music. You can also use Pro-Tools to help you write and record or do pre-production before you go into a major studio. This makes it easier for getting your ideas across to your band. There is nothing like being in control of your music and the digital age allows you to be in full control of your career.
Skope: What can we look forward to that our readers should know about?
ROB: Everyone can look forward to a new album now in the works. More touring, television appearances, merchandise, writing for other artists and acting. Also, making ROB a household name. Remember ROB stands for Rise On Belief and thats exactly what you can look forward to seeing me do in the future. Rising to the top. Rising On Belief.
- Michael Friedman
Album Release - ROB Rise On Belief
Album ROB (Rise on Belief recordings) debuts Top 20!!!
Playing Singles - Freedom and Rise On Belief on Internet Radio Station, Cracklin Radio
ROBs album has now been added to these new radio stations. They are now playing the single Freedom the the album.
KTCL/Denver, Alf-
City of Glass Radio, Robert McClarren
*WKGB/Binghamton, Tim Boland
KUPD/Phoenix, Jonathan L
KFMG/Des Moines, Brian Joens
KACV/Amarillo, Lacey Dean
WRN/Syndicated, Amber Kuhl
KKUP/Cupertino, Don Campau
Mondo Blu, Paul Di Micheli
Notorious Radio, Liz cousins
Album ROB (Rise on Belief recordings) debuts Top 20!!!

ROB Biography
"ROB" the slamming rock artist whose name is the acronym for his self titled debut CD "Rise On Belief." Rise On Belief is an album filled with the influences of legendary rock artists Jimi Hendrix, Bon Jovi, The Rolling Stones, Queen, Living Color, Creed, Lenny Kravitz and Sly and The Family Stone. ROB wrote and CO-produced several songs on the album, along with musician and composer Abishai Brooks. He also incorporated the musicianship of Ronnie Drayton, a guitarist who studied under Jimi Hendrix; Mario Rodriguez guitarist from the metal group Havoc Hate and rock out drummer Richie Harrison. He also commissioned mastering engineer Ted Jensen to put the finishing touches on the album. Together they helped create that in your face rock out groove.
After completion of the album, the single Freedom received radio played on stations WKGB/Binghamton; KUPD/ Pheonix; KFMG/Des Moines; KACV/Amarillo; WRN/Syndicated; KKUP/Cupertino and Notorious Radio and it debuted at 41 on the top 50 singles independent music charts. The Chosen One was played on internet radio stations across the globe and the single “UP In The Air” was played in England. The radio play and press peak the interest of music critics and ROBs music was reviewed in All Access magazine. He was reviewed by Carly Doenges Of Muzikreviews.com and was given a 5 star review and Jimmy Rae of Skopemag.com and received a 4 stars. He also was interviewed by Micheal Friedman for Skopemag.com Artist 2 Watch.
The true essence of ROBs music is captured in his guitar slamming and vocal jamming crowd pleasing performances. ROB has rocked out in New York’s Legendary CBGB's, The Cutting Room, S.O.B.'s, Triads, The BitterEnd, Mercury Lounge and The World Famous Apollo Theater, where he left the crowd screaming for an encore. He rocked the MEANYfest at Arlenes Grocery. He jammed at the Rusty Rudder in Dewey Beach Delaware for the Dewey Beach Jamfest in April 09. He returned to the Rusty Rudder in October 09 to ROCK OUT at the Dewey Beach Music Conference. He also jammed in the Emergenza Music Festival for emerging artist in 2010 at Fontana’s in New York City. He also played Crash Mansion and Webster Hall in New York City for the Emergenza festival as well.
ROB continues to dig deep into his soul to rock you out with his powerful sound and thought provoking lyrics. This is quality rock music from a quality artist. Now, get ready to ROCK OUT! Get to ROCK ON! GET READY TO "Rise On Belief!”
Band Members