Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States | SELF
"It is truly a remarkable and refreshing presence when Prayz1 Ministers...one that our ministry will never forget. Growing up in a conservative religious household, I have long held the notion that rap has no place in the church until a promotional CD of Prayz1 was hand delivered to me that truly changed my life. I heard sincere ministry...a heart for souls and evangelizing through a means that testifies to the true ability of God to utilize any avenue He chooses to reach souls. It wasn't long afterward that we invited Prayz1 to minister in Baltimore Maryland, and he ministered, brought the most uniquely humble musicians, staff members, and most importantly---the spirit of worship---forever etching the awesomeness of God on our hearts. We continue a long-lasting partnership to this day, and I recommend with the highest honor that any pastor, music ministry, church, or organization serious about evangelizing and reaching a new Joshua Generation make every effort to share in worship with this anointed minister of The Gospel. I assure you, and the entire city of Baltimore will agree---you will be blessed."
Pastor Ken Patterson
Grace Evangel Church
Baltimore, Maryland
Contact: www.myspace.com/kenpatterson
“After experiencing Prayz1’s ministry, it is clear to see that both his lyrics and anointing are birthed out of an intense intimate relationship with God; and in saying that, his possibilities are therefore endless.”
-Precious Mines
Youth Leader/Youth Events Program Coordinator
Philadelphia, PA
Contact: effectiveelect@yahoo.com
James Frager, AKA Prayz1, is in step with the Spirit of God. His New CD 'The Difference', looks to bring, attention to what Jesus said, about no one fountain can bring forth sweet and bitter
water at the same time. Very energetic, Prayz1 has a quiet side reflective of Jesus. Radical; yet reserved. Radical when it comes to kickin' some devil butt, but reserved and forceful when it comes to giving God the Prayz! It's the kind of person you are when no one else is a round that measures integrity. Either you have it or you lack it. I'd say Prayz1 has and shows it through his music. Preach brother, preach!
Tim Wicks
Director, Psalmistryonline.com
Philadelphia, PA
Contact: tim@psalmistryonline.com
- None
For anyone that is grading Chrisitan Hip Hop, this brother just skewed the grading curve. It must be something in the water in Philly, because "The Difference" is another banger from the city of brotherly love. His sound is unlike any other album that I have heard in the genre. I find myself struggling with actually labeling this a hip-hop album. Even through Prayz1 is rapping, this album is better off labeled praise and worship music. A self-described rapper/singer/songwriter, he seamlessly blends Hip-hop and R&P (Rhythm & Praise).
Prayz1 seems to be performing for an audience of one, the Lord Jesus Christ; we just happened to be blessed enough to have the opportunity to listen in. One very impressive element of this album is that every type of listener will be left satisfied. Tracks like "Heavenly Father", "Life", and "Locks it Down" will hold the attention of real hip-hop heads. While other soulful tracks "God Has a Plan", and "God's Love" will grab admirers of R&B.
Nearly every track subtly weaves the Holy Scriptures with slick metaphors and tight production. Whenever I listen to Christian hip-hop artists most of the time I end up cringing over the use of corny metaphors. The difference with "The Difference" is Prayz1 delivers his punch lines with emotion and sincerity, therefore avoiding, this particular dilemma.
Every current and aspiring Christian Hip Hop artist needs to examin the track "Life", listen hard, take it in and inspect your self. Others like "God's Love", "The Spotlight", "Sunny Days" and "Church Fan" would probably be title tracks on other artists' albums and actually garnered consideration as album highlights. Go get the CD, download it, get the ring tones, what ever, you need to get your hands on this one. "The Difference" will bless you, without question.
Posted @ January 25, 2007 @ www.commissionmag.com - The Commission Magazine
By Dafney Tales (11/2/2007)
Prayz1 photo used as cover picture in the print edition.
- Philadelphia Daily News
April 3, 2007 (www.thaassembly.com)
Thaassembly:So how long have you been rapping?
Prayz1:I’ve been rapping for a little over 9 years, but it’s been gospel hip hop for about 5 years.
Thaassembly:What made you decide to put out an album has this always been a goal for you?
Prayz1:I didn’t always welcome the idea of putting out a gospel hip hop album when I made the transition into the church. I just didn’t see it being at all possible to be effective as a gospel rapper until I heard Cross Movement’s Album entitled “Human Emergency”. Before then I was totally oblivious to what Christian Hip Hop was. However, I’ve always wanted to do an album where I was able to sing, because that’s what I loved the most.
Thaassembly:Being from Philly how are you different from the many other Christian rappers from the city?
Prayz1:I would say that we all have some things in common in terms of our culture & what we see everyday out here. The difference between me the other artist I would have to say is the fact that I’m who God made me to be and they’re who God has made them to be. It’s nothing to deep.
Thaassembly:Rob Hodge recently said that he wants to infiltrate secular hip-hop do you think that this can be done successfully?
Prayz1:Well, I think that anything is possible with God. However, if we continue to support secular Hip Hop rather than God’s kingdom there’s absolutely no way. It’s almost like playing against another basketball team but every now and again shooting a basket for them. That doesn’t add up to me.
Thaassembly:Would you ever put out an album specifically targeting those who are not into Christian hip-hop?
Prayz1:I don’t personally think that I would ever target just that one group of people, but if God led me that way I would.
Thaassembly:What is it about Philly that seems to breed Christian rappers?
Prayz1:I think it’s in the cheese steaks’ lol… just kidding. The best answer I could give for that question is that Iron sharpens Iron. I’m not personally into modeling my craft after another rappers craft, but I do believe that we keep each other on our toes. Quiet as it’s kept.
Thaassembly:Who would you say are your musical influences because your album is real soulful? You can tell by the production that you’re very musical and not just somebody who can rap.
Prayz1:My number one musical influence is Karen Clark-Sheard, even though she’s a singer. She has a way of presenting God with everything she has whether on stage or on an album. She dares to be different than other singers. TWyse from Philly is another one of my influences. He is also a gospel hip hop artist and he demonstrates his praise for God at an extremely high level when on stage. There are a few others as well. My music has a lot of soul attached to it because by nature I’m a singer. Also because I’m not comfortable with a record until it feels just as powerful as the words.
Thaassembly:Do you play any instruments?
Prayz1:It’s true I’m not just a rapper. I’m the drummer for my church. I play the keys by ear and as well dip my foot into production a lot.
Thaassembly:“I hear it clear He’s telling me to speak truth /
Matter of fact He’s in my ear like a Bluetooth/
Oops I forget He aint hands free /
I’m in His palm eating word like a pantry/”
Sample “Locks it Down” here
Sound familiar to you?
Prayz1:Yeah, that sounds familiar. Some people call me a punch line rapper, if it feeds them I’m sort of a lunch line rapper.
Thaassembly:“Locks it down” lyrically is one of the best songs I have heard in a while. Do you consider yourself a lyricist?
Prayz1:I definitely consider myself a lyricist. From the beginning of a song until the end I focus on being detail & precise.
Thaassembly:Is that you singing on “Gods Love”?
Prayz1:Yes, that is me singing on God’s Love, which I believe may be my personal favorite on the album.
Thaassembly:When listening to your music I feel a bit of urgency like you are trying to get out everything that God is saying to you as if he is speaking to you while you’re writing. What is your writing process?
Prayz1:Normally when there is something laid on my heart I’ll have the concept in my head to later on put it together as a song. For about 95% of this album I vibed off of my producer (Eric “booty” Greene). Each song that he produced on the album was written right there on the spot as he was creating the beat. From the kick drum to the finish. I have this thing where I try my best to become one with the beat. Other songs such as God’s Love for example, I wrote three years ago. I just needed that producer who was going to take the song to the next level (Bj “blacktoven” Shores) was the man for the job.
Thaassembly:What are you trying to accomplish with your music?
Prayz1:I am trying to get people simply to hear what God has to say to them. What he has to say is what ultimately counts in the end. I set forth a goal for myself to please God with my sacrifice of praise. The bible says that “If I be lifted up from the earth I’ll draw all
men unto me” (John 12:32). The key thing in that scripture to me is that he says “I will draw all men” which lets me know that I don’t have to be someone that I’m not to try and draw a particular type of audience to God, because he’s going to handle that part.
Go out and cop “The Difference” you can get it here
- Tha Assembly Magazine
By Eunice Moseley
January 10, 2008
Minister turned gospel rap artist releases debut album
Philadelphia rapper turned minister, Prayz1 (James Frager) said God gave him the ok to return to rap in order to spread his Gospel. The result: his debut gospel rap release, “The Difference.”
“I never heard Gospel rap,” Prayz1 said about his return to rap since being “born again.” “I come from a church where you’d think they wouldn’t accept it, but I got the Elders approval.”
Prayz1 use to rap secular lyrics on the corners and one day he wanted to go to church and asked his three rap members to come with him. They decided to stay but Prayz1 went. That same day all three of his friends where killed by gun fire. Since that day he has made a home at that church; today he is a minister.
“I’m 24 and have been at my church for eight years,” Prayz1 points out.
The former high school basketball MVP, said with this release, “The Difference,” he “simply wants to win souls. I do believe what God gave me needs to be taken out of the walls of Philadelphia. I’m a minister…I’d like to bring the words of God…it’s just a vehicle.”
Prayz1 believes the life that he has lead makes him able to give a good testimony, the fact that he came on his own and that he is sincere. You can hear his sincere emotions in this album. His delivery, lyrical creativity and rhythm mirror that of Jay-Z and NAS. A great talent I can most diffidently see fitting on both gospel/inspiration and Hip-hop radio stations. Visit Prayz1 at www.myspace.com/1Line.
- www.Eurweb.com
Prayz1 has released to albums: The Difference, 2006 and Seat Music, 2009. Both CDs are available on Itunes and CDBaby.

While some young people are dreaming about fancy cars, large amounts of money and fame; there are some young people that are simply yearning to grow in God. Twenty-something year old Philadelphia native, James Frager, heeded God’s call on his life and put aside a potentially promising career as an athlete to pursue his musical ministry. He was in love with music by the age of four. By his teenage years he was a well known rapper, but his music was secular based. However, in 1998 he witnessed the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and his life has never been the same. Going by the name of Prayz1, he is poised to take the world to a new level of praise.
His album, “The Difference”, is an eclectic mix of rap and rhythm and praise, with songs like “Church Fan”, “Locks It Down”, and “God Has a Plan”. His pulsing rhythms, soul stirring lyrics, and melodic voice are not the only reasons that Prayz1’s fast-growing fan base loves him. As he travels across the country, both fans of Gospel rap and those who normally prefer traditional Gospel music can not deny the anointing that God allows to flow from his lips. This anointed singer, songwriter, rapper, producer, and drummer understands that his musical talent is a gift. It is because of this knowledge that he leads a life reflective of Proverbs 15:33; “The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor is humility”.
Whether it is an elementary school or a college, or sharing a stage with the likes of Tye Tribbett & Greater Anointing, JJ Hairston of Youthful Praise, and Kierra “Kiki” Sheard, Prayz1 uses his vocal and rapping talents to spread a word of hope, healing, and salvation to the young and young at heart. With his talented band, Tha UnderDogz behind him, Prayz1 knows how to usher in the spirit of the Lord. He is determined to be a living epistle for those in the world. Young and old, brought together by a versatile Christian artist to worship together…to praise the one [God] that makes the difference.