Looking For Talent (Apr-Jul 09)

Posted by:  Your Local HD Band


This gig is not currently accepting applications. We think you might like these similar gigs.

Summary looking for new talented bands and artist to add to their website. Selected artists will be listed on their website at free of any additional cost to the artist. All of their bands and artist featured on their site are looked at before adding them./n/ is looking for new talented bands and artist to add to their website. Selected artists will be listed on their website at free of any additional cost to the artist. The site does not list just anyone. All of their bands and artist featured on their site are looked at before adding them.

Selected artists will need to:

  • Sign an agreement with to let them distribute the music on their web site

  • The music must be sent to them in MP3 or WAV format, or mailed with a CD to the promoter

  • Send your art work/cover of the CD (less than 80KB)

  • Send a profile/description of you as the artist or band will pay artists a royalty for every song downloaded from their website. Also, they will demo a song for you in HD+ technology. Selected artist's songs will be sent to their partners at HD+ Music laboratories to re-master your song. Artists need to tell them what song you want a demo for (done when submitting). This is the next generation in technology for Audio!

Why you should send them your information?

  • Because they have thousands of hits on their website per day from people looking to buy music and scouts looking for talent! Also, this will give you further exposure to get your music out there and to get noticed. Plus it is free!

  • Artists get paid for doing nothing

  • They will also provide you with your own website link to your music store for people to view. This enables artists to list their music on all the popular social networking sites like Facebook, MySpace, BeBo, Hi5, Blogger, etc.

  • They are connected with labels and could possibly land you a big contract; as of today, they have put 12 artist in contact with labels

  • They don’t retain any rights to your music, just the right to distribute it

  • They think your music is great!

  • Finally, they will demo one of your songs in HD Music + Technology; go to and read about this under T Stone Productions, and view HD+ Music

For further questions, you can email, President and CEO of