URB Magazine's NEXT 1000 (February/March 2009 Submissions)
Posted by: URB Magazine
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This is your chance to be heard by an international audience of rabid music fans seeking out their next favorite band. URB Magazine editors will be selecting 10-20 Sonicbids artists each week to feature on their site. Over 6000 readers a month use the NEXT 1000 to discover, discuss and vote for their favorite new bands. The top ranked bands (as voted by fans) are featured in the magazine's Next 1000 spotlight each issue. And the very best will be considered for the Next 100 Issue in 2010.
For 15 years, URB Magazine's annual NEXT 100 list has been the industry-lauded forecaster of artists on the brink. From the first national coverage of The Fugees, TV on the Radio and Kid Sister, URB's NEXT 100 continues to be watched by industry insiders, tastemakers and fans alike to answer the eternal question, "Who's next?"
In 2007, URB took their infamous list online and expanded it to the hottest 1000 upcoming acts of the year. Today, the NEXT 1000 features over one thousand upcoming artists, ranging from hip-hop to techno, indie rock to dubstep. In two years, we've already discovered future hit-makers like Souljah Boy, Charles Hamilton and Crystal Castles before they struck it big. Don't miss your chance at becoming "who's next." Submit to URB.com NEXT 1000 now.