Nashville, Tennessee, United States | SELF
Congratulations! As a result of some very enthusiastic reviews from GarageBand.com members, "The Grind" will be Track of the Day at GarageBand.com.
For 24 hours on Friday, the 8th of February, 2008 (PST) "The Grind" will be featured on GarageBand.com's Modern Rock front page. The address for this page will be:
So make sure you've got a current photo of November nashville uploaded, and then enjoy your time in the spotlight.
We've created a nifty "Track of the Day at GarageBand.com" badge which you're eligible to display on your own website. It's just one more way to get the word out about how good your stuff is. Just click on the following link to pick up a GarageBand.com Badge for your website.
Click Here For a Track of the Day Badge
You'll find instructions on how to use these buttons at this page.
Best wishes from all at GarageBand.com and keep up the great work!
Band Services, GarageBand.com - www.garageband.com
November- Superstar Parades
Produced by Chad Brown and Michael Dale.
Engineered and mixed by Chad Brown.
Superstar Parades from Nashville’s November delivers a hearty dose of melodic hard rock music, suitable for inclusion in any rock lover’s CD collection.
The impressive musicianship of drummer Michael Dale and Jeremy Brashears on bass, combined with the dual guitar assault from Albert Zampino and Erik Lundquist, are topped off by the powerful vocals of Hunter Briley, ensuring that every song here packs an adrenalin punch. The listener not only gets to hear the music but feel every note in the songs.
The songs are diverse and well crafted on this sophomore release. The anthemic “New Years Day” opens the CD perfectly with its rousing guitars and catchy lyrics, “We can break out, we can be free / Stand on a mountain you and me / We can let go, say it’s OK / Forgive and forget like New Year’s Day.”
The rest of the CD unfolds releasing gem after gem from the slight punk influence and screaming guitar solo in “The Grind” to the guitar-fueled energy in “Puppy Dog” and “Runaway.” Even the less heavy beginnings of “California,” “Mr. Wonderful” and the title track have an ebb and flow to the hard-hitting musical layers giving each song its own intense character.
From the edgy guitar intro of “New Year’s Day” to the tribal drum beats of “Burn,” the musicianship and solid production would be enough to carry the listener through the entire CD, but the lush vocals of Briley take the music to a higher level, making it a need to have CD. (Self-released)
-Kat Coffin
((http://www.performermag.com/sep.recordedreviews.0805.php)) - Performer Magazine (May 2008)
Our video has been selected by Carson Daly to be his featured music video on his website.
Check it out at
AMAZING!!! - www.carsondaly.tv
Listen to program director, Murphy from Undiscovered Radio Network talk to November outside the convention center in Austin, TX during this years SXSW event.
Listen to November discuss their new album, Superstar Parades, the Nashville music scene, the origins of the band and much much more.
For the full interview, click here:
http://www.undiscoveredradionetwork.com/URN/NovemberInterview.html - www.undiscoveredradionetwork.com
The Belgian edition of the world famous Free Hugs Campaign.
We wish you all the greatest of luck!
Sometimes, a hug is all what we need. Free hugs is a real life controversial story of Juan Mann, A man whose sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger to brighten up their lives.
In this age of social disconnectivity and lack of human contact, the effects of the Free Hugs campaign became phenomenal.
As this symbol of human hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs campaign BANNED. What we then witness is the true spirit of humanity come together in what can only be described as awe inspiring.
In the Spirit of the free hugs campaign, PASS THIS TO A FRIEND and HUG A STRANGER! After all, If you can reach just one person...
Music by November, both songs ('Superstar Parades' and 'The Grind') were taken from their latest album 'Superstar Parades'. Keep on rockin' guys!
Thanks to everyone who has been part of this!
We'll see you next year! - www.freehugscampaign.org
A band comes along every so often that I automatically dig. I was introduced to this band, November, through Sonicbids.com and I have not turned back. These guys reside in Nashville, TN but their sound resonates far beyond. My buddy Mark Tortora who is the band’s manager hooked Stoli up with the exclusive on what’s up with November! Check out the bands new album, Superstar Parades, out 4/12/08!
Stoli: How did the five of you come together to form the band?
Michael, Albert and I (Hunter) all knew each other from previous restaurant/bar gigs. We all started working together at once, and Michael eventually asked Albert to simply start playing good rock music together but they still needed a singer. I was bartending at the time, the bar was incredibly busy one night and Mike heard me scream out across the bar that we needed more Bud Light. Mike says that he heard me hit a “High C”. He immediately asked me if I sang or not. I had been in previous bands before and was glad to start jamming with the guys. We met Erik or “E” as we call him on a group trip to Florida one year and before we even heard him play, we knew he had to be in the band. We started playing every week at Erik’s house, got 3 songs together and then Mike asked his long-time best friend and bass player Jeremy to join the band. Mike and Jeremy had been playing in a band together before November was born and Mike knew the rhythm section wouldn’t be complete without him. So, we started having supper club night every Monday until one day Albert came in and said “we have a show in 3 weeks!” So from then on we were officially November.
Stoli: You are based in Nashville, TN. Does that offer you an advantage to being based in NY or LA?
(Hunter) I wouldn’t say it’s an advantage, but I will say it is not as much of a disadvantage as it used to be. Especially in today’s Internet based DIY music world, location is not as important as it used to be back in the 90’s. Nashville is a real hotbed for great rock music, not just Country with all different genres of music succeeding on a national level like Kings of Leon, Paramore, Luna Halo and a lot more.
Stoli: As the lead vocalist does Hunter come off as the leader of the band as the stand out member?
(Hunter) Every member of the band is just as important as the other. We all play different roles in making November what it is. First and foremost we are all best friends and brothers. If you removed one of us, November wouldn’t be November anymore.
Stoli: How do you make sure to keep egos in check and to keep the bands union in place?
As I said, everyone has a very defined role in the band and that is key to our success. We all have a firm grasp on that.
Stoli: When you are creating new music, do you like to improvise & jam or do you go in the studio knowing exactly what you want to record?
Studio magic is something you pray for. There were several beautiful mistakes that were kept in the recording, and helped make the record what it is now. We do however have a pretty good idea on what we want to do and how to execute it in the studio. But we also have been in the studio and Albert might throw down something new on the guitar right on the fly that fits perfectly with what Michael has been working on lyrically and then watch it turn into something completely new.
Stoli: How much does your real life experiences play out in your songwriting?
(Michael) Some people have therapists, I write songs. It usually starts with an unbearable emotion. Once I get it out on paper, I can set that emotion aside and work on creating the music. Inspiration hits me at anytime and just like that my songs are born. If I don’t have something to write the lyrics down with, I will call my phone and sing the lyrics and music back to my voicemail so I don’t forget.
Stoli: The indie scene has become saturated these days which is great for music as a whole. How do you make sure to keep November different from the rest?
We can’t concern ourselves with what other people do. Are we influenced by popular culture past and present…yes but we have to stay true to what we know in our heart is good music and good music will always stand out from the rest. Think GNR mixed with Duran Duran - heard anything like that recently?
Stoli: Does your band have groupies and has your status in the band ever got you lucky with a hot fan?
That would be a question you would need to ask Jeremy!
Stoli: Skope Magazine represents music enthusiasts that listen to a wide array of genres, would you say that is a plus for a band like yours?
Absolutely! In this day and age, music enthusiasts are consuming more music than ever (legally or not) from all different genres. Our new record, Superstar Parades (April 12th, 2008) is packed with kickass rock songs that will speak to many different types of fans. We love Led Zep, The Beatles, Duran Duran, GNR, Johnny Cash, Sonic Youth, Portishead, and Miles Davis. There’s an array of genres for you!
Stoli: When you are on the road what specialty do you need to help keep you sane mentally & physically?
Everyone’s got their own thing. Thirty minutes of meditation before each show and control of the radio keeps me as close to being sane as I can get! Michael runs 2-4 miles in the hotel gym. Erik’s a big fan of the snacks. Snack sanity. Done deal. Jeremy? Our commander-in-chief on the road. Forget On-Star, it’s On-Jeremy that get us across the country in one piece. Just let that boy sleep! Hot wings and hot girls for Albert. And we all can’t make it to our next gig without Michael’s interstate comedy routine. And a trailer hitch that stays CONNECTED to our truck will keep us all sane!
Stoli: Has the digital age in the music industry altered your strategy when you are putting out a record?
Absolutely, the standard industry model for the way to “make it” in music has been blown out of the water. In today’s age, we have more and more power to get our music out to the masses than ever before with the Internet and all the technology out there but record sales are still dropping and record labels are still suffering so it’s definitely an ‘interesting’ time for everyone. We can’t just send our music out to labels and sit back and wait for the call. We are constantly using all the digital technology to keep moving forward. Although, who wouldn’t love a tons of labels knocking down their door! Now, we just need to see who gets smart to the new “way” and can live to tell about it.
Stoli: What can we look for from November in the next 6 months or so?
Continue to tour in support of our new album, Superstar Parades. Working with our CD Release Party Sponsor, Coors Light on other exciting opportunities. Record deal, endorsements, Billboard cover, Rolling Stone cover, worldwide audience, world domination. Standard stuff. Keep checking back on our myspace page, - Skope Magazine
Hard rock has fallen on, er, hard times lately.
The only acts that seem to care about hooks are also the most sterile and safe (Daughtry, Nickelback), while other hard acts that are clinging to integrity seem determined to steer away from catchiness.
Left in their wake is an ocean of frustrated rock fans simultaneously bemoaning the fact they just don't make bands like Soundgarden anymore, then deriding new bands for sounding too much like Soundgarden.
It's into this fragmented, contradictory world that Nashville rockers November plunge with their new EP, and they weather the storm pretty well.
The band's approach is firmly modern — high-speed rockers like "The Grind" have the stiff charge and Weiland-y sneer of Velvet Revolver, and "California" is a textbook example of the post-grunge power ballad.
But even when certain songs fit a certain mold well, they stay away from modern rock's silly extremes. Lead singer Hunter Briley's husky pipes might be dangerously close to those of Hinder's Austin Winkler, but Briley reminds you that it's actually a fine vocal tone to have once you stop growling all over the place.
There are also a few neat, milder moments where the band flirts with boundaries. "Puppy Dog" jolts from neo-new wave chorus to Bowie glam-rock verse and Pixie-ish "wooo" breaks, tied together in a consistently macho alt-rock package.
With that in mind, November should be a good fit for all those lost, bitter alt-rock listeners. They don't know where all this is going either, but they're going to enjoy themselves anyway.
November celebrates the release of Superstar Parades at 9:30 p.m. Sat., April 12, at 12th & Porter. - Dave Paulson, ALL THE RAGE
One of Nashville's hottest rock bands is partnering with Positive Spin for the CD release party you won't forget.
12th & Porter will be THE hot spot this Saturday night with November's release of Superstar Parades. Check out the music video for "The Grind".
The Grind
November has this to say of themselves on their Myspace. Based out of Nashville, Tennessee, November combines a mixture of classic hard rock riffs with contemporary songwriting. Pounding drums, raucous guitars and soulful vocals make this band one that will be celebrated by many in the music world for years to come.
Tired of playing hired gigs in other bands, drummer Michael Dale decided to start the ultimate rock band. After crossing paths with singer Hunter Briley, and guitartists Albert Zampino and Erik Lundquist, the four began honing the sound that would become November. In search of the final element to complete November, Dale called on his long time friend and rhythmic partner Jeremy Brashears. After only one rehearsal, it was obviuous that the final piece was in place.
"For us, being in November is a realization. A realization that, despite extremely diverse influences, it all comes down to rock. November crosses hard driving guitars with huge infectious melodies that shove energy and invite a fiery whirlwind that defines rock for today"
Positive Spin Music is a production company and radio show (WRVU Sunday nights at 10pm) based out of Nashville. They primarily book, build & promote live music shows from Tennessee to Michigan. They have and continue to work with some of the biggest names in the business and have a great reputation for delivering some fantastic shows at the finest venues. Dj Whitness and Big Poppa will be hosting the CD release party. Hardcore Glamour Society will supply the models featured in the show. How they will be incorporated? You will have to be there to find out.
Pre-sold tickets are already sold out. Special guests are Sour Jane and and the rock goddesses of Nashville, Atomic Blonde. Coors Light is sponsoring the event at 12th & Porter starting at 9:30 pm with doors opening at 8.
Stay tuned for all of the Edge's post-event coverage.
- NashvilleEdge.com
"...Superstar Parades from Nashville’s November delivers a hearty dose of melodic hard rock music, suitable for inclusion in any rock lover’s CD collection...The songs are diverse and well crafted on this sophomore release. The anthemic “New Years Day” opens the CD perfectly with its rousing guitars and catchy lyrics...The rest of the CD unfolds releasing gem after gem from the slight punk influence and screaming guitar solo in “The Grind” to the guitar-fueled energy in “Puppy Dog” and “Runaway...the lush vocals of Briley take the music to a higher level, making it a need to have CD" - Performer Magazine 2008
"...The band's approach is firmly modern..high-speed rockers like "The Grind" have the stiff charge and Weiland-y sneer of Velvet Revolver, and "California" is a textbook example of the post-grunge power ballad.....But even when certain songs fit a certain mold well, they stay away from modern rock's silly extremes. Lead singer Hunter Briley's husky pipes might be dangerously close to those of Hinder's Austin Winkler, but Briley reminds you that it's actually a fine vocal tone to have once you stop growling all over the place..." - All The Rage 2008
"...A band comes along every so often that I automatically dig. I was introduced to this band, November, through Sonicbids.com and I have not turned back. These guys reside in Nashville, TN but their sound resonates far beyond..." - Skope Magazine Interviews November 2008
November has been selected as the Spotlight Artist for 1001. FM Lightning 100 in Nashville, TN.
April 7, 2008 through April 13, 2008
January 14, 2008 through January 20, 2008.
Listen at 100.1 FM or at their website
www.lightning100.com - 100.1 FM Lightning 100
November - Superstar Parades
"New Year's Day," "The Grind," "California," "Runaway," "Superstar Parades," "Mr. Wonderful," "Burn." For lovers of hard, righteous rock, these tracks from November's Superstar Parades should start your head banging and reaching for the volume knob. It is only a hope that the boys of November don't loose this momentum, and in the future continue to release the kind of kick-ass rock that can be heard here. With a top-notch sound, solid production, excellent mixing, the right amount of guitars, rich but powerful, ("powerful" being the key word,) vocals, fancy drum lines and underneath it all, a concrete bass guitar. Picture all that which is good about Kill the Alarm, Staind, Trapt, Shinedown, 10 Years or Taproot and you have the hard rock band November.
Formed in Nashville, Tenn. by drummer Michael Dale after growing tired of the same type of bands that he had become associated with, it was his inspiration to form what he called, "… the ultimate rock band." After bringing on board the band mates that would help him visualize his endeavor, November was born, and the journey started to bring their brand of hard rock to the ears of America and beyond.
What becomes immediately evident is the level of musical professionalism that comes while hearing this. This is about as good as anything out there. With only one out of the eight tracks heard here, that could use a minor re-adjustment; ("Puppy Dog,") this speaks volumes about the songwriting and musicianship of November. It stays focused and flows smoothly from one to the next; with the hard rock drive staying true throughout it's almost 30 something minute playing time.
Pick this one up, and get ready to hear what needs to be a collection of tracks that will please even the most ardent of hard rock fans.
Hunter Briley - vocals
Michael Dale - drums
Albert Zampino - guitar
Erik Lundquist - guitar
Jeremy Brashears - bass
Track Listing:
New Year's Day
The Grind
Puppy Dog
Mr. Wonderful
Superstar Parades
Hardrock Haven rating: 8.9/10 - Franco Wissa
SUGARFREE (May 2010)
"102.9 " HOT WINGS HOOTENANNY 05/2010
Best Live Rock Performance
Artist of the Year
"Wide Open" aka NEW YEAR's DAY"
Superstar Parades (April 12, 2008)
(SUPERSTAR PARADES - IN THE MIDDLE /Limited Edition(Re- release w/ additional sides JULY 2, 2009)
Begin The Fall (2007)
Radio Play:
Iradiola - Internet radio
AOL RADIO - New Rock First Channel "THE GRIND"
RadioBracknell.com - UK
Midnight Special Blues Radio - Internet " THE GRIND , JAMIE"
100.1 FM WRLT Lightning 100 - Nashville, TN
Local Spotlight Artist - 04/07/08 - 04/13/08
Local Spotlight Artist - 01/14/08 - 01/20/08
LOCAL SPOTLIGHT ARTIST 11/7 - 11/14 2009
Nashville, TN
107.1 FM WLIR - Long Island, NY

November, a rock ‘n’ roll six-piece from Nashville, had a unique inception. Michael Dale, who, along with Jeremy Brashears, used to play in Capricorn/Mercury Records band The Honeyrods, was in a local bar in 2004 when Hunter Briley, the bartender, yelled for more beer. Dale, seeking a singer for a band he was forming with Albert Zampino, formally of The Billy Goats, swore Briley hit a perfect high C and immediately asked him if he could sing. It turned Briley could not only sing but he could sing well. The trio called in Brashears and began writing songs and rehearsing together, eventually rounding out their sound with Erik Lundquist and Jon Denney. Zampino scored the group an opening slot for local band Horse a few months later, and November was officially solidified as a hard-working, ego-free rock band whose members believe music is a career not a hobby.
The group followed an initial EP with their debut full-length, Superstar Parades, in April
2008, which the band self-recorded and funded with help from their family and friends. In July 2009 Niko Bolis and Richard Dodd re-mixed and re-mastered the record, and November released an updated version of the record (with a few additional tracks), entitling it Superstar Parades- In the Middle. The songs began to get noticed: “The Grind” found its onto NBC drama Friday Night Lights and Carson Daly TV while “New Years Day” was featured as the theme song for the 2009 Indy 500 and as the theme for MMA Champion Fighter Dustin West in 2010. The band has toured all over the U.S., finding eager fans in cities like Detroit, Chicago, New York and Cleveland. They’ve open for Janus, Three Days Grace, Pop Evil, and in December of 2009 had the honor of setting the stage for DMC (of Run DMC)’s performance at the Nashville Hard Rock Café.
“That record was a foot in the door for us to get to where we are right now,” Briley says.
“With that record we wanted to get a management deal and some placements, and we got a management deal and we placed several songs. It taught us that we could get the things we wanted if we worked hard and put our minds to it.”
Between all this touring and excitement, Dale, the band’s primary songwriter and lyricist,
began conceiving ideas for a new album, entitled Sugar Free. He penned several songs a
week for nearly two years, formulating them on a single guitar string before taking them to the rest of the group to be fleshed out into the dynamic rock songs for which the band has become known.
“If I can make it great with one string and a voice, at the simplest level, then it has to be a
good song,” Dale explains. “Our songs stand up whether you play them on one string or
acoustic or with full production. I think that’s important for any song, and it’s something we aspire to.”
The album was recorded in two separate bouts to accommodate the band’s busy schedule. The first session, in March of 2009, took place at Cleveland studio the Lava Room, an 18-hour work day fit between tour dates during which the band tracked instruments for six songs. Dale and Denney spent the next four months sculpting those tracks into song in their home studio. Then in October musician Lee Davis offered the band a weekend of free recording time at his
studio in Maysville, GA, where November tracked eight more songs in two days. Dale and Denney took the new tracks home and spent three months refining the album, which they finally sent to be mixed by Mills Logan (Toby Keith, Sister Hazel, Collective Soul) in early 2010.
The resulting eleven-song album represents massive growth for the musicians, both
individually and collectively. The disc is a complete narrative, reflecting what Dale and his bandmates have learned—and now want to convey— over the past several years. The
grandiose nature of it themes are mirrored by the grand nature of the music, which surges with propulsive layers and is driven by compelling melodies, recalling bands like Soundgarden and The Stone Temple Pilots. It’s a cohesive collection of massive rock songs that take its listener on a musical journey, penned by a musician who has only recently found his true voice. The disc’s first single, the raucous “Plain View,” encompasses that central theme, centering on what Dale explains are his two contrasting addictions—music and alcohol.
“A lot of this record is me feeling comfortable in my own skin,” Dale says. “It’s about the complete uphill battle of feeling like you have something valid to say, working through that self-doubt and being sober and standing on my own two feet. It has a lot of self-realization on it. It’s about feeling comfortable with who you are and realizing you have something to say and hoping people want to hear it.”
Like Superstar Parades- In the Middle, the band hopes this new album ascends them to the next level, providing fresh opportunities to share their music and message with the masses. They hope to bring back that “just push play” qu