Melissa Otero
Paris, Île-de-France, France | Established. Jan 01, 1994 | INDIE
Throughout its 11 tracks Melissa runs the gamut of emotions as skillfully as always, with solid pop-rock sounds and hip urban dance beats, all courtesy of some fine production work to match. Singing with wild abandon, slow-burning passion and all the places in-between, she sinks her teeth into many themes. The soaring, graceful title-track mirrors some of her immense vocal and songwriting talents.
This album showcases Melissa’s true artistic talent and her willingness to stretch her relevancy as an artist in this modern age plagued by one hit wonders and pop garbage. It’s a stunning display of artistry and takes you through so many waves that you’ll be pressing replay so many times your fingers will go numb. Besides the title track, check out; Closer (feat Logikil), Spellbound, I Miss You and White Line Fever.
I am particularly in love with Melissa’s Spanish songs, With You, and Tu Corazon which remains my absolute favorite on the album. Few female singers have a voice that captures so much power and grace than hers and when she sings in Spanish she sends chills up my spine with her unique style.
“Angels and Demons” is an excellent album, but I would expect nothing less from a singer-songwriter like Melissa Otero. Expect to love this from the very first listen, yet be prepared as these songs also get better and better with each subsequent listen. I’m officially hooked on this album right now, and listen to it constantly. This album is a window into the world of an artist who knows exactly what she wants exactly what she’s got and exactly who she is.
Melissa Otero is destined for major success; don’t miss the chance to listen to an explosive talent in evolution… next time around you may just have to deal with ‘Sold Out’ signs! - Jamsphere
Amongst the metal onslaught this week resides this 80 MSP gem. Hailing from Puerto Rico, Melissa Otero’s newest single is a track that packs a hell of a punch. Recalling bands like Evanescence and even Lisa Miskovsky’s ‘Still Alive’, written for Mirror’s Edge, Angels and Demons has a fantastic vocal parts alongside a keyboard chart that’s as varied as it is satisfying.
The vocals, complete with understated but thoroughly enjoyable harmonies, are definitely front and center in the mix. The instrumentation is fairly sparse, giving the vocals prominence. An electronic drum beat pounds out the rhythm, deceiving you into expecting a thumping club classic. Once the first chorus hits you’ll realise that it’s a well-produced, catchy tune – the shiver down your spine as the chorus washes over you is what reminded me most of Mirror’s Edge and it’s main theme.
Keys are definitely the other highlight here – there’s enough variety to keep you interested. It’s always good when you can pick out melodies that might otherwise go unnoticed. Drums, bass and guitar shouldn’t be discounted, however – they all present a fairly easy set of note patterns but are well worth playing, if only to hear them boosted in the mix. I was pleasantly surprised with the song – something I’d probably pass over by name alone. However, on listening and playing Angels and Demons is a definite recommendation for those looking for more female-fronted vocals or just good songs in general.
(On the Lisa Miskovsky note, here’s hoping Still Alive makes it on the RBN someday!)
Sounds like: Evanescence, Lisa Miskovsky
Perfect for: Vocalists, keys - RockBandAide - James
We’ve been getting so many amazing submissions lately that we’re having a difficult time keeping up! Don’t worry though, we listen to every single song that gets sent to us, so don’t despair if we don’t respond to you right away.
Anyway, Melissa Otero is a really talented vocalist who possesses a voice not often heard in modern dance music. It has a little bit of a deeper pitch that reminds me of some 90s pop singers. While this is not the most intricate of productions, it is well done, and allows Otero’s voice really shine. Overall, just a great house track, and I do love the glitched out intro which really edges up the song. - Mike @3nVMusic
Independent Latina singer Melissa Otero is a girl with a very big voice indeed, and the release of her single “Angels and Demons”, which was produced by Stefan Moessle and Melissa herself, ceraintly certifies this beyond any reasonable doubt. The song released through Island Def Jam Digital Distribution was also penned by Melissa Otero, who wrote both the music and lyrics to this powerhouse pop ballad. Subsequently also conferming that over and above her already above-mentioned very big voice, she is a very big all-round musical talent to boot.
“Angels and Demons” instantly takes you on an all too familiar oddysey through the joys and agonies of love and betrayal, as Melissa leads you to the dynamic and forceful chorus line vocal:
‘Cos I’m no angel
I have two faces
I put one on for you
Put one on for me
These angels and demons won’t set me free’
The song is very reminiscent of some of the best vocal performance ballads by the likes of Celine Dion and Leona Lewis. The purity of Ms.Otero’s voice and the emotion in her delivery is perfect. In places during the soaring chorus arrangements of “Angels and Demons” her impassioned singing becomes almost spine chilling.
Quite seriously, if you scrutinize any current day Billboard Chart, you wouldn’t find many better a singer than Melissa Otero.
Industry insiders should be keeping a watchful eye on Melissa’s career moves, as her talent will no doubt allow her to make mighty musical waves in the near future. - JamSphere
Keneritz Media heralds the announcement of independent Latina singer Melissa Otero, and the release of her single “Angels and Demons”.
Melissa is already a hit among deejays and listeners in Caribbean and the US, and “Angels and Demons” will soon populate airwaves worldwide. Listen to the song and travel along familiar territory of love and betrayal, redemption and forgiveness.
What should you do when you’re unsure of yourself? What should you do when the line between good and bad is blurred? These are the experiences and feelings that permeate the song and eventually your mind. Melissa answers these questions with her powerful lyrics backed by Chris Caracciolo’s stirring electric guitar.
After her appearance at the 2010 Latin Billboards in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Melissa's exposure on the Telemundo event helped place her previous song “Fantasma de Mi Corazón” on several terrestrial AM and FM radio stations.
Melissa will be featured as one of the “Sonicbids Indie Showcase” artists and “Angels & Demons” will play US Airways Sky Radio during the months of July and August 2011 on national and international flights.
“Angels and Demons” was produced Melissa Otero and Stefan Moessle (Secret Sounds), music and lyrics by Melissa Otero. The song will be released through Island Def Jam Digital Distribution.
Download the track at angels.melissaotero.com - Keneritz Media
Skope: What does it mean to be an A2W artist?
Melissa Otero: Wow! It means I’m finally doing something right with my music and people are really digging my sound. It’s taken many years of music development to finally be considered an “Artist to Watch”!
Skope: What are you currently promoting the most via an album, tour, single etc?
Melissa Otero: I am still working on my second album but right now I am promoting two songs. The first single is “Angels & Demons” which has been by far the most popular one with it’s epic dark, sexy sound and deep lyrics. The second is my Spanish single “Tu Corazón” which the Latin community has embraced. It’s a “feel good” song about loving oneself and knowing that by achieving that love, you can then love others and only positivity would surround you. The song is also in English (“It’s You”) but we aren’t promoting it as of yet.
Skope: Does it bother you when fans download your music without paying?
Melissa Otero: Not really. I understand the industry is constantly changing and I believe there will be a time when music will no longer be sold. Artists will be making their money touring years on end and selling merchandise, doing meet and greets, things like that.
Skope: What drives you everyday to play & record music?
Melissa Otero: The therapy that comes with it. If I can make you feel good with my music, I’ve accomplished a part of my goal. I believe every musician should be emotionally attached to their music and most of my songs have been inspired by things that have either happened to me or I’ve seen happen with some of my closest friends and family not to mention it’s SO MUCH FUN!
Skope: Do you feel shows like American Idol and The Voice are legitimate and would you ever go on the shows?
Melissa Otero: Ha! I actually auditioned FIVE times for American Idol and then got bored of it. American Idol is a hard competition to even past the first round. I saw thousands of talented singers not pass the first round and well, it’s all luck in that show. Same goes for The Voice but I find that The Voice has a much better concept. To be mentored by one of your idols would be a DREAM! Celine, are you gonna be on The Voice anytime soon? ;)
Skope: What is coming up for you & where you at online?
Melissa Otero: I’m gearing up to go back to New York City to perform at the 116th Street Festival on July 29th and the Carnaval de Loiza Aldea on August 7th. In between that I have a radio promotion tour in the area and after that I go to Chicago to perform at Six Flags on Labor Day. To keep updated with all my gigs and such, you can find me at www.melissaotero.com and on www.facebook.com/melissaoteromusic - Skope Magazine
Skope: What does it mean to be an A2W artist?
Melissa Otero: Wow! It means I’m finally doing something right with my music and people are really digging my sound. It’s taken many years of music development to finally be considered an “Artist to Watch”!
Skope: What are you currently promoting the most via an album, tour, single etc?
Melissa Otero: I am still working on my second album but right now I am promoting two songs. The first single is “Angels & Demons” which has been by far the most popular one with it’s epic dark, sexy sound and deep lyrics. The second is my Spanish single “Tu Corazón” which the Latin community has embraced. It’s a “feel good” song about loving oneself and knowing that by achieving that love, you can then love others and only positivity would surround you. The song is also in English (“It’s You”) but we aren’t promoting it as of yet.
Skope: Does it bother you when fans download your music without paying?
Melissa Otero: Not really. I understand the industry is constantly changing and I believe there will be a time when music will no longer be sold. Artists will be making their money touring years on end and selling merchandise, doing meet and greets, things like that.
Skope: What drives you everyday to play & record music?
Melissa Otero: The therapy that comes with it. If I can make you feel good with my music, I’ve accomplished a part of my goal. I believe every musician should be emotionally attached to their music and most of my songs have been inspired by things that have either happened to me or I’ve seen happen with some of my closest friends and family not to mention it’s SO MUCH FUN!
Skope: Do you feel shows like American Idol and The Voice are legitimate and would you ever go on the shows?
Melissa Otero: Ha! I actually auditioned FIVE times for American Idol and then got bored of it. American Idol is a hard competition to even past the first round. I saw thousands of talented singers not pass the first round and well, it’s all luck in that show. Same goes for The Voice but I find that The Voice has a much better concept. To be mentored by one of your idols would be a DREAM! Celine, are you gonna be on The Voice anytime soon? ;)
Skope: What is coming up for you & where you at online?
Melissa Otero: I’m gearing up to go back to New York City to perform at the 116th Street Festival on July 29th and the Carnaval de Loiza Aldea on August 7th. In between that I have a radio promotion tour in the area and after that I go to Chicago to perform at Six Flags on Labor Day. To keep updated with all my gigs and such, you can find me at www.melissaotero.com and on www.facebook.com/melissaoteromusic - Skope Magazine
Con más de 10 años en la música
moderna, la cantautora puertorriqueña,
Melissa Otero, esperó pacientemente a
tener su primer disco en el mercado bajo
un título muy sugestivo “My Spirit”, que
representa específicamente el espíritu de
esta talentosa joven nacida en Yauco,
Puerto Rico, y quien desde muy temprana
edad denotó que había nacido para cantar,
y proyectarse en el mundo musical.
Nos reunimos con Melissa en las
oficinas de La Voz Hispana en la calle 116
en El Barrio, y puntualmente llegó a la cita
portando un portafolio con fotos, discos e
información sobre su carrera artística,
dispuesta a someterse a unas preguntas de
parte de un servidor.
Melissa es una joven con un porte
elegante, jovial, poseedora de una sonrisa
encantadora, aunque confiesa que está
pasadita de peso, y debe someterse a
ejercicio y dieta para superar la imagen y
comenzar a promocionar su producción
discográfica de la cual nos cuenta cosas
maravillosas que están pasando actualmente
a nivel internacional. “Me satisface
mucho ya tener mi primer disco, después
de grandes esfuerzos en poder lograrlo y
el cual me sirve como presentación a otros
mercados. Los 12 temas son todos de mi
autoría, y fue producido en diferentes
estudios de grabación en New Jersey, New
York y en México, donde realicé las
mezclas de algunos temas. Ahora mismo
las canciones “10:40pm” y “Mi primer
amor” se escuchan en la radio de Colombia
y Argentina, y en Europa; un locutor que
le encantó la producción, tiene programado
el tema “10:40pm”, que es uno de los más
fuertes en popularidad.”
Ella nos cuenta que cada una de esas
canciones que compone su primera
grabación, son basadas en su vida sentimental
y privada, reflejándose principalmente
en “10:40pm”, “My First
Everything”, “Free”, “You Save Me” y
“Libre”. Melissa se declara como una mujer
romántica, comunicadora, amiga, con una
fe muy alta después de haber salido de una
depresión, y dispuesta a luchar por lo que
se quiere y se puede obtener.
Nos revela que aunque su música no es
cristiana, su creencia la ayuda como una
terapia propia y definitivamente la hace
creer y crecer espiritualmente en su vida
conjugándose con su música. Por ejemplo
nos recalca que en el tema “My Spirit” la
ayudó enormemente a crear esa espiritualidad
de la que hace mención. “Realmente
me es difícil a veces cantar “My Spirit” y
otros de mis temas en la grabación, porque
ejercen en mí un sentir muy emocional
porque fueron escritas en momentos
difíciles en mi vida, y durante mi transformación
en la religión que profeso. Todavía
me es difícil cantarlas, pero siento que me
gusta interpretarlas y ponerles toda la
emoción requerida dentro del genero pop”.
Melissa Otero, nació en Elizabeth, New
Jersey; luego sus padres decidieron volver
a Puerto Rico donde fue encariñándose con
la música pop hispana. Recuerda que su
madre todo el tiempo bailaba y escuchaba
música deleitándose grandemente. Ese fue
el tiempo que comenzó a escuchar las
canciones de Gloria Estefan, y fue como
un respaldo a sus inquietudes de convertirse
en una figura de la canción pop. Así
empezó a estudiar piano y vocalización, y
hacer presentaciones en Puerto Rico.
Siendo ya una adolescente de 21 años de
edad, toma la decisión de volver a los
Estados Unidos, intalándose en Seattle,
New York, para luego mudarse a Astoria,
Queens, donde vive desde hace dos años.
Actualmente mantiene un trabajo con el
Circuito Musical de la ciudad de Nueva
York, hace presentaciones en algunos
centros nocturnos, y se encuentra entregada
tenazmente a la promoción de su nuevo
disco. Finalmente ella nos dice que no se
volvería loca si la fama alguna vez toca a
sus puertas, pero que admira grandemente
a sus ídolos Sarah McLachian, Celine Dion
y Gloria Estefan. - Julio Garcia
Latina singer and songwriter Melissa Otero celebrated the release of her debut album “My Spirit” in January. She finds it difficult to contain her joy, which is validated not only by her rising success, but also by a more personal triumph.
“My music is not Christian,” Otero said. “But my beliefs definitely helped me with my own therapy.”
Like many people, the Astoria resident has dealt with some emotional hardships — namely, depression. Though some turn to professional counsel for their blues, or even medication, Otero, 28, sought solace through something more spiritual: a new religious awakening. In doing so, she conjured up the inspiration to create and promote “My Spirit,” an honest collection of songs that emerge with a light contemporary feel and evolve toward a darker pop rock with the progression of the album.
“It’s still hard to sing some of these songs, but I feel like I needed to do it,” Otero said.
As it is, each song acts as a reminder of the darkest days of her depression. Otero wrote some of the tracks during her lowest moments, and some of them throughout her religious transformation. “My Spirit” encompasses the last five years of her life, hence the range of the album.
“Everything I write is because of Him. It’s my word, but through Him,” Otero said, referring to God himself. But there is another “him” in the equation, as there often is with women, especially artists. And it’s a heartbreaking “him” of this world — an ex. Many of the songs are derived from that whirlwind of emotion that comes with stepping away from someone close to your heart. This may be one of the reasons why fans find Otero’s music relatable.
“Once, while performing, this one girl came up to me after I sang the song ‘Free’ and said, ‘This is the song. This is the song that is going to help me,’” Otero said.
It may be Otero’s willingness to open up completely that will emerge as her great strength as a songwriter. She is quick to point out that this is a conscious element of her writing.
“My goal with the album is to relate to other people. Some songwriters are vague. Sarah McLachlan writes about personal experiences, but her lyrics are too mysterious for many people relate to. Mine are more direct,” Otero said, adding that she has experienced happiness and sadness, and would like to reach people going through similar problems.
Five years after her birth in Elizabeth, N.J., Otero’s family picked up and moved to Puerto Rico, the country of her heritage. Her encounter with Hispanic pop was the first kiss of her love affair with music.
“My mother was always dancing and had music on at that time. That’s when I starting listening to Gloria Estefan,” Otero said. Within no time, Otero voiced her dreams of becoming a singer and was met by warnings from her family of the difficult lifestyle they promised.
Regardless, the aspiring musician took vocal and piano lessons, and soon began performing at a local level in Puerto Rico. She sang mostly in Spanish but occasionally in English. Her bilingual ability drew attention to her performances.
“As a teenager I was able to perform in places all over the island, so I was pretty well known. I was the only one singing in English rather than Spanish. By the time I was a teen, American music was popular. So I could always find a venue,” Otero said.
But as her adolescence dwindled, so did her satisfaction with her modest career. At 21, Otero returned to the States to settle in New York, and it was here that her aspirations took off. An Astoria resident for two years, Otero has enjoyed riding the New York City music circuit, performing at various clubs throughout Manhattan.
“I’ve been around Greenwich Village — Kenny’s Castaways, Uncle Mike’s. Now that the album was released, I will build a schedule to perform around the city,” Otero said excitedly, adding “I love performing live, it’s such a therapy for me.” Otero took the fall and winter of 2008 to finish “My Spirit,” and is anxious to jump back into the limelight.
Otero also performs as a backup singer for the Latina pop singer Brendaly, who Otero says has the kind of financial backing with Universal records that she’d love to have. “[She] loves my music as well. So we’re talking. Maybe my next album will be interesting!” Otero said.
As for that next album, for the time being Otero is keeping her focus on “My Spirit.” But in six months, she plans to start writing her second album, with an anticipated release in 2010.
“I don’t need crazy type of fame. I’d love a career like my idols Sarah McLachlan, Celine Dion and Gloria Estefan,” Otero said, emphasizing her admiration for the sturdy, steady nature of their careers. “Every time they have a record, they sell the same amount of records because of their loyal fan base.”
“My Spirit” can be purchased on the Internet — iTunes, Rhapsody, CDBaby.com or on her website, www.melissamusic.com.
“I’ve wanted this since I was a kid. I did this almost - Morgan Rousseau
"Lo Que Pudo Ser" - May 2023
"Por Amor" - 2021
"Locura" - 2021
"Summertime Romance" - 2021
"With You (Contigo) - October 2014
"Rising" - July 29th, 2014
"Angels and Demons" - April 10th, 2012
"Tu Corazon" - June 2012
"Antologia" - June 2021
"Erotomania" - Spring 2019
"Angels and Demons" - September 2013
"My Spirit" LP - Released December 25, 2008
"My First Everything" EP - Released July 2006

Melissa Otero is an international Pop and Latin Pop singer/songwriter from Yauco, Puerto Rico. She appears on Lifetime TV's "Dance Moms," the video game Rock Band, Telemundo's "Reina de Corazones" and others. She is an artist who has transcended across many cultures with her epic power ballads and big, energetic, uplifting melodies. Her best-known songs are "With You (Contigo)", "No Soy Un Angel" (Reina de Corazones Telemundo), "Angels and Demons" (Dance Moms) and her radio charting single “Lo Que Pudo Ser” with Dominican urban artist Dany.
Band Members