Lions Ambition
Seattle, Washington, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF | AFTRA
Lions Ambition (Band)
Lion’s Ambition is a six member hip-hop/rock band based in Seattle, WA. According to their official Facebook page: ”Lions Ambition’s sound incorporates soulful rock vocals with dynamic rhymes which theme around: ‘Following your dreams and Defying obstacles’” The band list their influences as: Gym Class Heros, Linkin Park, The Roots, NERD, Kanye West, Talib Kweli, Incubus, Skillet - Americas Got Talent News
Lion's Ambition Featured in Quik Silver's/Roxy's France Podcast - Quik Silver
Section 1: What project are you currently working on?
We're heading into the studio for another 3-track EP - lookout for a re-released track for a NEW VIDEO!
What is the release date for the project?
We're hoping to get it out by the end of 2011.
Do you have jpg images of the project?
Not currently, but we'll have updates on all our social media networks. (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube and our website)
What project are you currently promoting? Our full-length LP "The Application" and our free online EP 'The Balance' When was the release date for the project?
'The Application' was released on iTunes in Feb of this year, and the 'The Balance' was released on SoundCloud this past May
What jpg images do you have of the project (cd covers, ad sheets, etc…)? What is the official website of the project?
You can find updates on all our projects and videos on www.lionsambition.net Section 2: What is your thought process when working on new music?
There's a combination of creative collaboration with band members, as well as putting fresh spins on some tracks from the vault. We try and base our releases on our fan response, and continue to convey a positive message with a sound for the masses.
What inspires your music?
Life. Simple as that. How would you classify your music?
I believe it's a refreshing spin on our favorite genres. Hip Hop music and Rock have both moved individually as well as collaboratively in so many directions. We're combining the two, and heading in a direction neither have been. How would you describe yourself as an artist?
As an collective, we all have individual skills that are very eclectic since we are all fans of multiple genras. So as a whole we create music that relate to multiple emotions. As artists we strive to inspire the people.
What sets your music apart from others in your genre?
I believe that even though the Hip-Hop/Rock sound has been attempted no one has gone the route we have. We blend melodic sounds with high energy tempos that touch of a variety of relatable topics. The dynamics and unique personalities of each band member give us an edge that leaves us standing alone in the mixed genre music category. When you are working on a new song… Do you already have a concept in mind or would you rather write on top of music/beats?
It happens both ways. What are some of your musical influences? Incubus, Kanye West, Green Day, The Roots, N.E.R.D, Skillet
What obstacles have you faced in the music industry?
Being unsigned probably has more disadvantages than advantages. We try not to let finances stifle our creativity or mobility. Social media has opened many doors. I would encourage any beginning or struggling artists to be viral to be relevant.
What hard lessons have you learned while working in the industry?
If it sounds too good to be true…. it probably is. It's not always easy to see the difference between a great opportunity and a waste of time and money. This isn't a lesson that you only learn once lol
Do you feel that people really understand the business aspect of the music industry?
A few people do… If you find them let me know haha In all seriousness, it is an ever-changing market. Keeping up is difficult, staying ahead is necessary.
What changes do you feel that need to be made in the music industry?
Any change is good change. Music is a consumers market and has the potential to be an honest one. But until that day, money still rules the world.
What direction do you see the music industry going?
The good news is, there are infinite creative possibilities for the art. The bad news is, industry and art don't always get along. What steps have you taken to market your music?
We have used social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to consistently update our fan-base on everything we do. From new projects, show dates, to how we live our everyday life, the marketing comes directly from the people sharing our story.
If you can have any collaboration with an artist who would it be and why?
This could go any way with so much talent out there... Probably couldn't pick one... But who wouldn't want to collaborate with someone like Michael Jackson??? If you can work with any producer who would it be and why? Can't really think of one in mind.
Who would you consider are the top 5 producers now? The hip-hop side would want to work with greats such as :
Kayne West
The Neptunes
With so many dynamic producers in both genres its hard to come up with a Top 5...
What song are you currently promoting? Who is the producer and how did the song come about?
Our songs 'Memories' and 'Flying Free' have been a big part of our recent success. Both songs emphasize on real life experiences and touch on relatable emotions.' Memories' was originally produced by Vocalist Richard Austria. And 'Flying Free' was a collaborate effort of all three band members: James Lobbett, Kenneth Jose, and Da - http://www.musicnowmagazine.com/
This is it. The big one. The world-famous Kollaboration movement's flagship show, Kollaboration 11, returns to Los Angeles this weekend with a stacked lineup of up-and-coming Asian American talent. Always a fun night.
This year's competitors include afterschoolspecial, Andrew Figueroa Chiang and the Blazing Rays of the Sun, Dawen, Emanon Dance Crew, Inch Chua, Monsters Calling Home, Noel Kunz and Lions Ambition.
Guest performers include Kpop star G.NA, comedian PK, singer/songwriter (and last year's Kollaboration winner) Clara C, opening act Ensemble Memo and more. The evening's guest judges are Jin Akanishi, Ashley Choi, David Choi, Ryan Higa and Kelly Hu.
It's all going down this Saturday, November 5 at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. Here are some more details about the show:
Kollaboration 11
Saturday, November 5, 2011
NOKIA Theatre L.A. Live
777 Chick Hearn Court
Los Angeles, CA 90015
Ticket Prices:
Pit - $60, Premium Orchestra - $45, Orchestra - $30, Loge/Mezzanine - $15
Purchase Tickets Here
Andrew Figueroa Chiang and the Blazing Rays of the Sun
Emanon Dance Crew
Inch Chua
Monsters Calling Home
Noel Kunz
Lions Ambition (poll winner based on audience online voting)
Guest Performers:
G.NA - Kpop Singer
PK - Comedian
Clara C - Singer/Songwriter
Ensemble Memo - Opening Act
and more!!
Guest Judges:
Jin Akanishi - Top-Selling Japanese Singer, Songwriter & Actor
Ashley Choi - Head of International Business and Marketing for Blvd 34 Music Group
David Choi - Singer/Songwriter
Ryan Higa - Youtube Star
Kelly Hu - Actress
I'm glad I'm not a judge this time around -- the competition is stiff. I'm very familiar with a few of these artists -- some of them are good friends -- while others I'll be seeing for the first time. Whatever the case, I always walk away from Kollaboration feeling like I just saw the next big star.
If you're in Southern California, I hope to see you this Saturday at Kollaboration 11. To purchase tickets, go here. For further information about the show, including performer bios and venue details, visit the Kollaboration website here. Empowerment Through Entertainment!
- Angry Asian Man Blog Spot
I know you’ve heard of the rock-rap genre, and I realize a lot of you are sick of it – bands like Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit just aren’t doing it for you anymore. Hell, I have a hard time even looking at Fred Durst. But hear me out on this one. Lions Ambition is different.
The Seattle-based crew of Richard Austria, Frankie Starr, Marlon Turner, David Beukema, James Lobbet and Kenneth Jose get it. They’re not satisfied with what we’re used to – they’re pushing into something much, much more tremendous. I’m talking about lyrics with a thought process, words that will get your mind and feet racing, sounds that are bright, completely new to you. Just check out “Everytime I Wake Up” – it’s a quick song, no doubt – but I can’t stop playing it. It’s a great ride, simply put.
You’ll be able to sample the band’s own version of Hip-Hop/Rock if you jump on iTunes and give their album “The Application” a go, or on SoundCloud to listen to their EP “The Balance”. If I’m wrong, let me know. But I guarantee this is a fresh destination for you. Read on before you listen, so you can learn more about Lions Ambition in the XXQ’s.
XXQs: Lions Ambition
PensEyeView.com (PEV): How would you describe your sound and what do you feel makes you stand out over the others in your genre?
Our sound is a mixture of hip-hop and rock. We blend together live instrumentation with elements of pop and soul. What makes us stand out is that our unique mixture has not been done before. We appeal to multiple demographics with a one of a kind mixing infectious choruses with thought out lyricism. And we also have a mascot.
PEV: Hailing from Seattle, Washington, what kind of music where the members of the band into growing up? Do you remember your first concert?
The band has six different unique individuals that listened to everything from: Rock, Hip-Hop, Pop, Punk, Soul and Alternative. We have been influenced from artists such as: The Notorious B.I.G, Skillet, Incubus, Nas, Paramore, Green day, Boyz 2 Men, The Roots, Michael Jackson, AFI, Wu-Tang and Linkin Park.
PEV: What was it like trying to break into the music scene when you first started out as a band? What was your first show like together as a band?
It was very difficult at first, very awkward starting out since we all came from different genera in previous musical experiences. The show's we're typically on a week day... We never noticed the importance of a Wednesday night after trying to convince people to come to our shows..
PEV: What can fans expect from a live Lions Ambition show?.
Energy. We keep the crowd engaged through strong lyricism, dynamic sounds, and a entertaining stage performance. We take every crowd seriously from 10 people to 6000. Still giving 150% at every show.
PEV: What is the first thing that comes to mind when you step on stage?
The first impression is finding our nerves prior to the performance. We all share the common understanding that when its time to be on stage its "go time" and we're here to spread our message to all who will listen.
PEV: How is living in Seattle – one of the most musically talented cities in the country - as artists different than any other city?
When it comes to Seattle, the music community is looking to find a representative to represent the city as a whole. Not since Nirvana has Seattle had an act with such an impact. Seattle has been craving for the next big act to emerge. In the past few years there has been great support for up and coming acts in both the Hip hop and rock scenes. We couldn't live in a better place.
PEV: What was the underlining inspiration for your music? Where do get your best ideas for songs?
Life experiences. Good and Bad times, moments that inspire us.. Real life emotions. We want to show the world that you can overcome any obstacle if you persevere through any difficult times. For us it's music that helps us guide the path for others to obtain their goals and follow their dreams.
PEV: Thinking back to when you first started out do you ever look back at your career and think about your earlier days and how you’ve arrived where you are today?
Absolutely. We've experienced so much growth both within ourselves and our team. We learned to work together as a team and form a strong brother hood. I mean, lets face it their's six lion heads and a pride. So we have learned to sort our differences for the one common goal of being successful together in music. We have fought, had creative differences and as our career has developed we are now reaching the point of understanding each others strengths.
PEV: What’s one thing we’d be surprised to hear about the members of Lions Ambition?
Hmmm.. one surprising thing about the band is that we're all from different galaxies.
PEV: Was there a certain point in your life when you knew that music was going to be a goal for you?
The day I got a real job.
PEV: Tell us about your latest work. What can fans expect - PensEyeView
Lion’s Ambition is a band with a very diverse, interesting sound that is hard to pin down to just one genre but is also hard to find fault with. This unique band has recently released their new album entitled, The Application.
One would not normally expect to hear acoustic rock and vocals mixed with rap/hip hop vocals, you also would not expect it to sound as good as it does either, especially on “Come Back Home (acoustic version).” The silky smooth vocals are well complimented by the skillfully rapped and hip hop inflections. Three singers are not normal for a rock group, especially three that sound so good together, but this is not a normal rock group. The guitar and piano combine nicely together as well and play a gorgeous melody at a slow tempo that makes for one heck of a well-rounded track.
The slick rap vocals and the silky smooth singing are not only good together on slow songs, they can also pull off a faster paced track. “Not Enough,” starts slow and instrumental for the first 50 odd seconds but then picks up quite a bit of speed, especially the rap. For most of the song’s duration, the drums play a beat that is slightly slower than the singers’ tempo allowing the instrument to be heard but not enough to overpower the interesting vocal arrangement.
The album also features a bit of classic sounding R&B with the track, “Flying Free.” The keyboard intro is played at a faster tempo and stays slightly quicker than the vocals throughout most of the song. The guitar and bass also are played in more of an R&B style as well. All the instruments combined with the vocals blend together quite well for a very smooth sound on this song.
Acoustic Rock, Hip Hop, and Rap are all blended brilliantly on Lion’s Ambition’s new album, The Application. The multiple vocal styles do more than just blend well, they make it sound natural. The keyboard, guitars, and drums help out by backing up the vocal arrangement with a good sound that does not clash with either singer. This is not a sound listeners are used to but its smooth overall sound should help them easily adjust to the diverse elements combined on this album.
Key Tracks – Come Back Home (Acoustic Version), Not Enough, Flying Free
Ashley Arseneau - Muzikreviews.com Staff
October 18, 2011
For Questions Or Comments About This Review Send An Email To info@muzikreviews.com - Muzik Reviews.com
Lions Ambition is a band of charismatic individuals who blend acoustics and live instrumentation. They reign from Seattle, WA and are out to light a fire in the city’s music scene. Their vibrant rock sounds with dynamic rhymes create an undeniable sound leaving music fans with no choice but to take notice — this time wowing the crowd with their newest creation, The Application.
The band now enters their second year of creating high energy and motivating music together, though separately they have been pursuing their own musical endeavors for over five years. Each year as they grow their music grows with them; they challenge each song and album to be better than the one before. The Application is no different. This time around the group pushed their talents to the max, breaking the mold with a complex album to showcase the many personalities that make them Lions Ambition, utilizing 95% organic instruments in their songs. Their new album reveals their internal aspirations and dreams through their lyrics, experiments with synthesizers, and caters to multiple audiences with aggressive rap-rock compositions, in addition to smooth vibes and traditional hip-hop melodies.
The new album was produced and engineered at the well-known Seattle recording studio, Jupiter Studios, where notable musicians including Kings of Leon, Dave Matthews, Death Cab for Cutie, REM, Modest Mouse, Blue Scholars, and Amber Pacific once worked out of to realize their own musical visions.
The Application is the band’s first professionally produced album following their latest, Fruition of a Dream, produced in their own garage. “This album will appeal to everyone. It’s a fusion of several music genres like aggressive rap-rock, mainstream sounds, as well as hip hop elements with modern rock,” explained Frankie Starr, one of the band’s leading MCs. The album is available on iTunes and Amazon.
Lions Ambition consists of band members David Beukema, Frankie Yaptinchay, James Lobbett, Kenneth Jose, Marlon Turner, and Richard Austria. Together they create a fusion of traditional hip-hop with modern rock melodies integrated with organic instruments and powerful relatable lyrics. The band was officially founded in 2006 however many members have known each other since childhood. For more information on Lions Ambition please visit: http://www.lionsambition.net - Pop Culture Madness
Lions Ambition is a band that is no stranger to the music scene in the greater Seattle area. The band – made up of members Richard ‘Magoh’ Austria, KC Jose, Marlon Turner, David Beukema, Frankie Starr, and James Lobbett – formed in 2008 and “incorporates a rock vocalist and two emcee’s combined with a live band to create a one of a kind fusion sound. ” They have played in front of sold out crowds in some of the area’s best known venues such as The Showbox at the Market, Showbox SODO, The WAMU Theater, and The Hard Rock Cafe. They have opened for artists such as Talib Kweli, Shwayze, and Ludacris on their resumes and have recently release a new music video for their song “Come Bck Home.” Check them out through their channels!
- Kollaboration Seattle
Seattle based six-piece Lions Ambition melds hip hop and rock with a high energy, stage show prowess. Two MC's, and vocalist are flanked by guitar, bass, and drums for a constantly shifting pop-funk spread. Crossing up genres and feels, their sound seamlessly weaves from tones of Tupac to Incubus to Marvin Gaye piano soul. "Live, Lions Ambition is at its multi-faceted finest, with a crowd feeding on their contagious fervor."
MC/vocalists Marlon Turner and Frankie Starr juxtapose the emotive singing of Richard Austria with a somber, gruffer conjugated rap. Drummer David Beukema and bassist James Lobbett lock in loaded beats and low end while guitarist Kenneth Jose coats sections in rhythmic chords and picked, earthen acoustic patterns. During shows, Jose may venture into the crowd wirelessly to deliver his sonic message up close, sweaty, and personal. When you look at the stage and don't see him, don't worry, he might be standing right next to you.
Earlier this year, Lions Ambition opened for Ludacris after winning a Washington State University battle of the bands. Their latest Balance EP sees the band at their most evolved. The songs capitalize on their ability to run between rap and rock, but the sound is more dialed in. Raw, but richer. Sleeker, innate, and complex.
Opening track "Real" juts between rap verse and singing, while vinyl scratchings corkscrew through different angles of the song. Turner picks his own lock with a rhyme-cheme confessional, "I was a youngster my heart was punctured, I can find the demons but still be the monster." Jose plays a classically fashioned acoustic and a voice orates the message, "A lot of people are scared to say what's on their mind about the things they've been through. But we're not." And from there Lions Ambition flies. - www.starstatic.com
Formed in 2006, Lion’s Ambition has been rocking the Seattle music scene with its melodic, high-energy sound and eclectic fusion of rock and hip-hop. Listening to Lion’s Ambition is like walking through a wind tunnel lined with 20-inch subwoofers – not only will your ears be ringing from the density of the sound but you’re also likely to have a smile plastered on your face.
The group initially formed out of a circle of close friends before merging with Richard Magow Austria, vocalist, and David Beukema, drums. Regarding their beginnings, Frankie Yaptinchay, vocalist, says, “A lot of us grew up together. Some of us went to the same high school. We shared a lot of musical interests. Magow had his own band, and I had my own band, and we met David and finished the group. It took three years for Lion’s Ambition to form.”
Part of what makes Lion’s Ambition’s sound so unique is the diverse blend of appealing lyrics and live instrumentation. In their song “Sorry to Say”, a catchy guitar loop energizes the vocals to create a rich, pounding melody that is instantly recognizable. Yaptinchay describes their music as “high energy, soulful music. Our message is about defying obstacles and overcoming struggles.”
Indeed, the group has had to rise above its own share of obstacles to get where they are. Besides trying to gain a fan-base and establishing themselves musically, the everyday tasks of managing a group also weighed heavily on the band. “It was tough to schedule with six people. It’s also expensive. Finding the right group specifically, the right six, was also hard.”
The band was able to overcome these obstacles with some determination and a commitment to making it work. Marlon Turner, emcee, jokes, “It took a lot of alcohol. A lot of trial and error.”
It also took some tinkering in a real studio to establish the band’s sound. Ken Jose, guitarist, says: “The best part of us forming our proper sound was going into a real studio and working with true producers. Our producer Joe Larosee at Jupiter studios provided an unbiased opinion and settled the discussion we had amongst ourselves.”
All that tinkering seems to have paid off. In addition to opening for Ludacris for Spring Fest at Beasley Coliseum, the band just released its album “The Application”, which features a fresh set of songs to listen to.
Ultimately, it’s the fans that push the band forward. “Though we’re not from a place with major acts or big hip hop artists, we have great fans.” Having overcome formidable obstacles along the way, a loyal fan base is more than enough to keep them going. Let’s hope this band grows into a phenomenon that can be embraced not only in Seattle but also the world.
You can find out more about the band here: www.lionsambition.net. - International Examiner
WSU’s annual Springfest concert brought one of hip-hops greatest Grammy award-winning artist to Pullman Washington. Along with three opening acts, the 6,000 person sold out crowd in Beasley Coliseum enjoyed one of the best shows WSU SEB have ever hosted.
Seattle-based band Lions Ambitions opened up the show with their own unique fast paced hip hop rock songs. Fronted by three singers, one guitar and bass, and backed by a solid drummer, Lions Ambition opened the show with the band getting involved with the crowd and arena audience.
The next act was pop artist Tony D’Angelo from Seattle Washington. Currently working on his debut album D’Angelo made his debut performance. Opening with his newly hit song “Wildcard”, D’Angelo was back by his band and dancers. Getting people up and off their feet D’Angelo made a performance he would not soon forget.
The final opening act brought Kevin McCall back to WSU were he played football for the school back in the day and was now back to perform for the 6,000 person sold out crowd. Mostly having produced songs for artist like Chris Brown, Kevin McCall played a few songs of his own for the crowd. Slowly taking his more layers of his clothes off as during his set, he ended his set shirt less in front of a piano with the spot light on him.
With the crowd getting more excited after three opening acts, Ludacris entered the stage. All dark except for the spot lights on him and bright sparks of blue and white light from above the crowd went crazy. With insane lighting it set the mood for the night. Singing along to every song at the top of their lungs it was easy to hear both Ludacris and the crowd sining to each lyric. Playing hit songs like “Everybody Drunk”, Act a Fool”, and “Stand-up” the entire audience enjoyed the entire hour and a half performance. Even taking a request from a girl in the front row, Ludacris played “Blueberry, Yum Yum,” to a pitch black arena lit only by lighters and cell phone from the crowd. The show was a sight to see and guaranteed to be the biggest concert that WSU has every had. It will be a long time before a concert this large happens again.
- by loganwestomphotography .
Many musicians gave their grade-A performances in the CUB Senior Ballroom Tuesday night for the 2011 SEB Battle of the Bands. Seattle hip-hop and rock fusers Lions Ambition emerged victorious to claim the opening act for Ludacris at Springfest 2011. Pullman hip-hop septet Genevieve placed second and Ellensburg alternative rock quintet Red Means Go took third.
The five judges for Battle of the Bands evaluated the music groups in several different categories. Judge Ray Schnedler, a DJ for Moscow radio station ZFUN 106, said judges used a 1-10 scale to determine the victor based on a group’s originality, vocal ability, musical ability, audience reaction and overall impression. In addition, acts were limited to a one-hour performance sequence: a half hour for setup and sound check and fifteen minutes each for the actual performance and taking down of equipment. Signs indicating ten, five and one minute remaining aided the bands in judging their time. Schnedler said he saw a great amount of talent in each of the performing groups and enjoyed each group’s performance.
Judge Colin Herold, junior wine business management major, said Lions Ambition was exceptional even in the face of the other highly talented groups playing that night. He said they put a twist to conventional rock and rap groups. “I thought the singer had a phenomenal voice,” Herold said. “It was a really interesting spin on the rap-rock genre. Lions Ambition hit on genuine notes of the hip-hop scene and feel, and the rock instrumentation complemented that aspect well.” What won Herold over was when the guitarist of Lions Ambition, Ken Jose, exited the stage during the middle of a song and, still playing through his wireless setup, walked among crowd members. Jose went unnoticed for several moments before the audience realized he was actually among them.
“The Lions Ambition guitarist was also phenomenal,” Herold said. “He floated seamlessly between taking control of center stage and acting as part of an ensemble.” Herold said he judged bands primarily on how the crowd members’ initial reactions from the performers compared to their enthusiasm at the end of each group’s set. Herold explained it was important for the bands to perform as they would for a large crowd instead of the relatively small amount of audience members who attended. Herold, whose second and third place choices coincided with the actual winners, noted Runaway Symphony as an honorable mention and called the band’s three-part vocal harmonies very original. Additionally, he said Runaway Symphony members were technically outstanding as musicians.
Judge Jessica Duren, junior hospitality business management major, said she thought Lions Ambition’s creativity with the Far East Movement hit “Rocketeer” was another reason they won. “I liked how they put their own verses into the song,” Duren said. “I thought it was really original.” Members of Lions Ambition were ecstatic upon hearing they won. The band was the sixth to perform that night, a placement Lions Ambition emcee Frankie Yaptinchay said aided the band’s victory.
“It was a good number to be at on the list,” Yaptinchay said. “The crowd was warmed up and ready and we played with a lot of energy. All the other bands were awesome, too. It was great.”
- The Daily Evergreen
Feb 17, 2011 11:17 ET
Lions Ambition, the Reigning Seattle Indie Band, Invites You to Listen to Their Newest Album -- The Application
Seattle Band Breathes Life Into City's Rich Music Legacy
SEATTLE, WA--(Marketwire - February 17, 2011) - Lions Ambition is a band of charismatic individuals who blend acoustics and live instrumentation. They reign from Seattle, WA and are out to light a fire in the city's music scene. Their vibrant rock sounds with dynamic rhymes create an undeniable sound leaving music fans with no choice but to take notice -- this time wowing the crowd with their newest creation, The Application.
The band now enters their second year of creating high energy and motivating music together, though separately they have been pursuing their own musical endeavors for over five years. Each year as they grow their music grows with them; they challenge each song and album to be better than the one before. The Application is no different. This time around the group pushed their talents to the max, breaking the mold with a complex album to showcase the many personalities that make them Lions Ambition, utilizing 95% organic instruments in their songs. Their new album reveals their internal aspirations and dreams through their lyrics, experiments with synthesizers, and caters to multiple audiences with aggressive rap-rock compositions, in addition to smooth vibes and traditional hip-hop melodies.
The new album was produced and engineered at the well-known Seattle recording studio, Jupiter Studios, where notable musicians including Kings of Leon, Dave Matthews, Death Cab for Cutie, REM, Modest Mouse, Blue Scholars, and Amber Pacific once worked out of to realize their own musical visions. "These guys were a blast to work with," said Producer, Joe LaRosee at Jupiter Studios. "I am very proud to have been a part of this record." LaRosee said the guys have a "great work ethic and willingness to try new things they maybe would not have thought of before and took ideas into the studio allowing them to develop organically -- they have truly made something special."
The Application is the band's first professionally produced album following their latest, Fruition of a Dream, produced in their own garage. "This album will appeal to everyone. It's a fusion of several music genres like aggressive rap-rock, mainstream sounds, as well as hip hop elements with modern rock," explained Frankie Yaptinchay, one of the band's leading MCs. Lions Ambition will reveal their newest album, The Application; live in Seattle at the ShowBox in SODO on February 26 with support from fellow bands Eclectic Approach, Eli Porter, and Ben Union. The album will also be released and available on iTunes and CD Baby. As the band would say at any one of their concerts, get ready to "Bang-A-Rang" with them as they unveil their newest project. The show is all ages; tickets can be purchased online at http://www.lionsambition.net/store.php.
Lions Ambition consists of band members David Beukema, Frankie Yaptinchay, James Lobbett, Kenneth Jose, Marlon Turner, and Richard Austria. Together they create a fusion of traditional hip-hop with modern rock melodies integrated with organic instruments and powerful relatable lyrics. The band was officially founded in 2006 however many members have known each other since childhood. Larry the Lion is the official mascot of Lions Ambition. For more information on Lions Ambition please visit http://www.lionsambition.net/.
Press Contact:
Britta Gidican
Email Contact
- Market Wire
GENE STOUT: At Seattle's first "Battle of the Tech Bands," a hip-hop group with links to Boeing beat out bands representing Microsoft, Adobe, Hewlett-Packard and other high-tech companies for "most innovative band" -- at least in the judges' view.
As for the audience favorite, it was a Microsoft-Adobe alliance that won the day with its bluesy, classic rock. And in case you're wondering, yes, tech geeks can rock. And rock hard. And don't call them geeks, especially the hair-swinging dudes from metal power trio Juda's Wake.
What started in Boston as an Xconomy networking event for music-minded techies made its Seattle debut Thursday night at the Pyramid Alehouse on First Avenue South across from Safeco Field. Co-host and organizer of the event was the Washington Technology Industry Assocation, which dubbed the rock 'n' roll party a "WTIA Summer Celebration."
Editor's Note: Veteran Seattle music critic Gene Stout, above, reviewed Xconomy's Battle of the Tech Bands on special assignment for TechFlash. Follow the former Seattle P-I writer's ongoing work on his blog, and contact him here.
A panel of judges -- music historian Peter Blecha, Vulcan Capital managing director Steve Hall and Microsoft Virtual Earth 3D program manager Jeff J. Lin, among others -- had winnowed a field of nearly two dozen entrants to five bands of widely varying styles, from fun-loving pop-rock group Afraid of Figs to hip-hop band Lions Ambition.
There was no dreck in this tech lineup.
Bands played spirited sets on a massive Car Toys portable stage hauled in on an 18-wheeler and set up in the parking lot.
The audience included hundreds of professionals from Seattle's high-tech sector, enjoying pints of Pyramid beer and hours of live music on a hot summer evening. Xconomy Seattle editor Greg Huang was pleased with the turnout, but envisioned a bigger event in 2010.
"Hopefully we can get more hard-core music fans next year," he said. Beneficiaries of the ticketed event included Jack Straw Productions and the Technology Access Foundation.
In many ways, "Battle of the Tech Bands" resembled Lawyerpalooza, a law-firm band competition that raises money for music education (the event wasn't held this year unfortunately). Each competing group in the "Tech Bands" showdown had at least one member from a Northwest technology firm.
Video: Excerpt of "most innovative band" Lions Ambition. Click for larger version.
And judging by the number of T-shirts, khaki shorts, tattoos and shaggy hairdos among contestants, dress codes are fairly lax at local technology companies.
Speaking of judging, the task of picking "most innovative band" fell to Huang, Blecha, WTIA CEO and president Ken Myer, Xconomy founder and editor-in-chief Bob Buderi and -- in the interest of full disclosure -- myself. (You can listen to clips from each of the bands here.)
Afraid of Figs took the stage first, and clearly had the wittiest songs of the five contenders.
The standout was "I Ate a Vegan," which made light of Seattle's political correctness and green-leaning lifestyles.
Also hilarious were "Rap Song," a parody of the rap idiom, and "Ritalin Barbie," an ode to an ex-girlfriend.
With ties to Morpho Trak and Robert Half Technology, the band drew comparisons to such fun-loving, hyper-kinetic bands as Barenaked Ladies and the Presidents of the United States of America.
Indigo Soul, a hard-charging band with a love of classic rock, featured vocalist Lisa Dawson, who added plenty of soulful energy to the band's 25-minute set.
Indigo Soul
The group, with links to Microsoft and Adobe, was led by singer-songwriter Mark Protus, a veteran of the bands Soup, Rope, Gun and Upstanding Members. Indigo Soul easily connected with the crowd, winning the "audience favorite" award (votes were cast via SMS text messaging from SinglePoint).
The prizes included one year of band promotional services donated by Boston-based Nimbit and two press releases from Marketwire.
Lions Ambition, representing Boeing in the high-tech pantheon, took flight with a powerful, melodic set marked by skillful, soulful rapping (the group plays Friday night, July 31, at El Corazon).
The group's cohesive sound, high energy level and beautifully intertwined vocals (oh, and cool plaid shorts) won over the five event judges, who annoited them "most innovative band."
Learning of their victory at the close of the evening, band members exploded in a frenzy of high-fives and big grins.
Juda's Wake, a trio of metal-loving brothers with Microsoft connections, was tremendously entertaining.
It was easy to imagine the band on the Ozzfest tour, headbanging its way across North America with a thunderous repertoire of ear-clobbering tunes.
Xconomy's Timmerman and Huang
The siblings looked the part as well, with long black hair, kilt-like shorts and rock-crushing boots.
The fi - WITA Tech committee
Techflash: The results are in from Thursday night’s “Battle of the Tech Bands” contest at Pyramid Alehouse.
Lions Ambition, a local hip-hop band with ties to Boeing, was the winner of the “most innovative band” honors. Indigo Soul, a classic-rock group, was chosen “audience favorite.”
The “Summer Celebration” event was sponsored by Xconomy.com and the Washington Technology Industry Assocation.
Read my review from Techflash.com. - http://www.genestout.com/index.php/indigo-soul-lions-ambition-win-battle-of-the-tech-bands-showdown/
Geek by day, rockstar by night
Friday, Jul 31 2009 |
WTIA broke the networking event monotony with a text-voted music competition at Seattle's Pyramid Brewery last night. The event featured five tech bands from a mix of genres. The Linkin Park-like Lions Ambition ruled the jungle with Audience Choice and Most Innovative Awards. These guys from Boeing did a great job of entertaining the crowd.
Lions Ambition - http://www.voxuspr.com/blog/files/category-lindsay-stril.php
SEATTLE, WA--(Marketwire - October 28, 2009) - Lions Ambition is the story of today's independent artists -- inspired and innovative, and on the verge of mainstream discovery.
The three-man trio lay lyrics over a live band and traditional DJ, giving crowds a refreshing sound of hip-hop in the Pacific Northwest. Audiences should anticipate an upbeat, soulful performance from their powerful combination of beats, rhymes, acoustics and vocals, which create their hip-hop and rock infused sound.
The band has opened for popular artists such as hip-hop icon, Talib Kweli and recently captured the title at the Battle of the Tech Bands competition hosted by Xconomy, a business and technology publication.
Frankie Starr and Marlon Turner, the two lead MCs, are known to rhyme about conscious topics surrounding middle class individuals, a reflection of their upbringings and the ability for hip-hop to influence across generations, social classes and geographic borders.
"We provide new energy and inspiration to a saturated hip-hop market," says Starr.
"Our music incorporates different aspects of life in which we all go through. The song concepts are the stories of our experiences and those of friends and family," says Turner, who has lived both in the United States and Japan.
The two MCs met in high school and began producing music to compete in talent shows and MC battles as a hobby. Their involvement in music slowly faded and was revived years later when they met their lead vocalist, Richard Austria, a front man for his own 'Magoh' rock band and shared their interest in producing across genres. Together, the group created an acoustic hip-hop track that propelled them into pursuing music together more seriously. Today, they are hometown favorites.
Lions Ambition's single, "Every Time I Wake Up" has been featured on "Sunday Night Session," a program aired on KUBE 93.3FM, Seattle's top hip-hop radio station. They also received constant play on University of Washington's Rainydawg Radio as featured artists in past years.
The broader music industry is also keeping their eyes and ears open, waiting for the group's next move. Their presentation and sound has caught the attention of several recording agency scouts. In 2008 the group received rave reviews and applause from an A&R panel in Los Angeles, CA. The band continues to make strides at home while perfecting their art for the rest of the world.
"Being an independent artist feels like a second job," says Austria, the group's producer and lead vocalist. "Your work day doubles with your commitment to your music. We all respect each other and share our passion together. That's part of what makes it all worth it."
The group released their official music video for "Dreams (don't let go)" in September. The video can be found on YouTube and the group's website.
Locally, Lions Ambition can be found at Crimson C in downtown Seattle's historic Pioneer Square neighborhood, where they are the resident act, often filling the club to capacity. The band also can be found playing in local venues & Colleges such as: University of Washington, Seattle University, Nectar Lounge, Chop Suey, and El Corazon regularly.
"Seattle has a great music scene for all genres. There are some great artists that got their start in the Pacific Northwest. We know if we work hard for ourselves and play hard for our fans, we'll continue to grow and make some heads turn" said Starr.
Discography: Fruition of A Dream EP (Growth Records) -- 2009
Lions Ambition talent:
Marlon Turner -- Lead MC
Richard Austria -- Lead Vocalist, Producer
Frankie Starr -- Lead MC
KC Jose -- Guitar/Percussion
James Lobbett -- Bass
David Bekuema -- Drums
Dj Eoscents and Dj Spam I am: Growth Records DJ's
Key Appearances:
Opening act for Talib Kweli at Quadstock XX at Seattle University
Winners of the Xconomy Battle of the Bands 2009 -- (Seattle, WA)
Seattle Fashion Week at Freemont Studios (Seattle, WA)
"Rhythm and Runway, Masquerade Ball Event" Fashion shows (Seattle, WA)
"Music for Life" University of Washington's Chi Sigma Sorority benefit show
(Seattle, WA)
Padiwang Festival at Seattle Center House, H.Y.P.E benefiting Asian/
American performers (Seattle, WA)
Music for the Masses 'Filipino Community Center' (Seattle, WA)
Asian Hip-hop Summit (www.asiaticempire.org) (Seattle, WA)
California Music Fest (Ventura, CA)
New Music Festival (Vancouver, BC)
Indie Week Canada 2007 (Toronto, ON Canada)
Pista sa Nayon (The largest Filipino gathering in North America,
Seattle, WA)
Links to view:
Watch Lions Ambition on YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEQv0EMz_24
Growth Records Recording Company, www.myspace.com/growthrecords
Lions Ambition website, www.lionsambition.net
Buy music at www.cdbaby.com
Listen and find free music at
www.myspace.com/lionsambition & www.sonicbids.com/lionsambition
Add: Lions Ambition on Facebook!
Isidro Francis Yaptinchay
- Marketwire
Lions Ambition recently decided to do something a little different. They reimagined their songs and set lists and stripped things down for a show at one of the only stages they had yet to perform in the city, The Triple Door. NYC based singer Briana Lobbett (a PNW native) opened the show.
A seated Lions Ambition shows is a bit out of the ordinary. Their shows are normally performed in front of screaming fans (their college venue shows draw crowds in the thousands) who wave their hands in the air while jumping around in sync with band members. Their show last week at The Triple Door was a performance that gave the band the ability to showcase their talents and provide more of a musical, storytelling event.
Lions Ambition sang songs from their catalogue, drawing from their hearts and passion for music and allowing their lyrics to take on a different vibe, The crowd loved it. Singers Marlon Turner, Frankie Starr Yaptinchay, and Richard ‘Magoh’ Austria took turns at the mic between songs to share life stories, musical influences, and behind-the-music style information with the crowd. They used the show’s set list and varied song structures to highlight individual band members, giving each ample time to shine. Yaptinchay joked that this was the first time Austria had brought a hot cup of coffee to the stage, drinking it between songs. As the show progressed, the stools on stage were used less frequently as the vocalists started to move about, and stage jumps were abundant in the end.
Lions Ambition will revert to their high-energy set next week when they open for 311 at Showbox SODO on August 17. - Seattle Music Insider (SMI)
2011 The Application
2013 Elegance of a Nightmare Vol.1
2015 Romantic Comedy
2016 The Balance

Lions Ambition is a diverse crew of musicians from Seattle. Fusing alternative hip-hop, rock and pop, Lions Ambition brings their love of music to the stage and studio with a sound that is truly their own. Think a touch of 'Gym Class Heroes' mixed with 'Incubus'. This band is non-stop Northwest energy that will keep audiences moving through thought provoking lyricism and an intense live show.
- Booking: Metropolis Management info@metropolismanagement.com 877.536.5374
- General Info: LionsAmbitionPromo@Gmail.com
Follow the band on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and on the official website: www.lionsambition.net.
Original Music Videos:
- Brighter Days: https://youtu.be/UJ8RqPybyhE
- Memories: http://youtu.be/OJ2jUElWCzg
- Irresistible You: http://youtu.be/m4ymQ8OopNk
- Everytime I Wake Up - https://youtu.be/JS9zw8I6iug
Live footage highlights: https://youtu.be/inWUs_tLCAE
Social Media Links:
- www.facebook.com/LionsAmbitionMusic
- Twitter: @LionsAmbition
- www.youtube.com/LionsAmbition
- www.sonicbids.com/LionsAmbition
"Americas Got Talent 2012" (NBC)
"Lions Ambition is the story of today's independent artists -- inspired, innovative, and on the verge of mainstream discovery."
'The International Examiner
"Crossing up genres and feels, their sound seamlessly weaves from tones of Tupac to Incubus to Marvin Gaye piano soul.Live, Lions Ambition is at its multi-faceted finest, with a crowd feeding on their contagious fervor."
"The Seattle-based crew gets it. Theyre not satisfied with what were used to theyre pushing into something much, much more tremendous. Im talking about lyrics with a thought process, words that will get your mind and feet racing, sounds that are bright, completely new to you."
Band Members