Jake Nannery
Seattle, Washington, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2000 | INDIE
Jake Nannery is a singer-songwriter with a style similar to that of the tireless wanderer, the balladeer, and the story teller. Born in the shadows of the Mountains of the Great Northwest, Nannery has traveled the world playing shows and singing 'round campfires. When backed by his Wooden Nickel Brass Band, his shows are lively, tight and all-inclusive.
Nannery and company are currently recording their first full-length effort (32 songs so far) with Grammy winning engineer Bubba Jones at Critical Sun Recordings. Wanting to capture the energy and personality that the band has in their live performance, they hired out the studio based on the project, instead of paying by the hour or the day. "Recording with Bubba Jones and his staff at Contact Create has been a great experience" says Nannery. "Bubba has created an environment where the band and I aren't pressured by time. This allows for us to be very comfortable, and try new things, and really explore these songs as we're putting them down."
Nannery also made the decision to leave in minor imperfections in instrumental performance, or what he calls 'Happy accidents,' "Unintentional deviations from the original composition that are still musically accurate. For example, in High Time, I chuckle a bit in the delivery of a lyric. I didn't mean to, but i was really thinking about what that lyric meant, and it struck me as funny. Instead of re-taking it, we left it in."
While recording 32 songs all at once may seem excessive, Nannery has decided to release them over the next few years in different EP packages allowing him to focus on playing gigs and touring. He will be producing tour-specific EPs, with art and images focused on the towns he'll be traveling through and playing, creating that shared experience that he feels is so integral to connecting with new friends and supporters.
Next year the band plans a full year of gigs and performances around the Northwest, including Music Week in Austin, TX. "Every year I aim to increase how many gigs we play, in 2013 we played twice as many shows as we did in 2012. I'd be thrilled at the opportunity to double that number in 2014, but we'll see where the road takes us. I'm just happy to be able to do this, and make new friends along the way, constantly rediscovering how much we all have in common." - Lesley Daunt | Examiner (.com)
Jake Nannery: This local songwriter’s gruff-voiced acoustic folk-rock is highly earnest. - Seattle Weekly
Over the course of the last few months, Seattle Wave Radio has been giving local talent to strut their stuff and show what they go by hosting an American Idol type music contest at local venues. The competition was open to both bands and solo artists. Last Thursday (11/28) at The Hard Rock Cafe, Jake Nannery was selected as the winner of the 2nd annual Seattle Wave Radio Jammin’ Challenge. - Mocha Charlie | Seattle Music Insider (.com)
Date of Interview: July 20, 2009
Being the music junkie that I am, I have attended numerous concerts, have downloaded thousands of songs by both the known and the unknown, and have also dabbed a little in some songwriting myself. Can't say that I've actually showcased anything I've written, though - the songwriting is just a work in progress.
Songwriting is a gift, talent, and ability that has always fascinated me. Furthermore, being able to sing and write is admirable and impressive altogether. I am a fan of the singer-songwriter. The music world gave us the likes of Dylan, Mitchell, and Lennon. Today, music lovers might name Beck, Buckley or Bareilles as their favorites.
Let me tell you a little something about Nannery.
West Coast based Jake Nannery is a singer-songwriter, originally from Seattle, and now residing in New Zealand. He sings from the soul, telling stories that you can relate to and can follow from beginning to end. Some say he sounds like Louis Armstrong, or Dave Matthews. He might be called a balladeer. Another John Mayer maybe. Jake Nannery is one of my favorites and better yet - my longtime friend.
He grew up listening to Simon and Garfunkel and being the Seattle native that he is, who can forget the impressionable grunge era of the 1990's? According to Jake, it is easy to be influenced by so many amazing musicians.
Being a songwriter is basically a formula of words that fit with the music. The self-proclaimed "guy and his guitar" writes about, well, whatever crosses his mind. As is the case with most singer-songwriters, songs are usually autobiographical, even if non-truth. Songwriting can be considered the proper medium for "emotional venting" - the necessity to get something off your chest. Similar to film scripts, songs also follow a story arc - a beginning to end. Is it intentional? Maybe. Listen to a few of your favorite albums and judge for yourself.
But it isn't always easy. The current music market is bombarded and flooded by the new "next big things". Talent is everywhere, whether it's heard in street corners or coffee shops, bars, or birthday parties. Competition has always been fierce in the music industry, but its imperative
to keep playing. To some, music can be as powerful as a drug. If it doesn't move you or worse yet, feel that it doesn't make you any money right off the bat, then maybe you have to reconsider why you are even doing it in the first place.
Here's the case with Jake. He loves it, and it is his life. It's been a lifelong passion -since his days playing trombone in high school, to playing open mic nights in Waiheke, New Zealand. He's had the privilege of performing in front of thousands and the humility to chug down a beer with you after a short set. Most of his fans would say that with Jake, what you see is what you get. And what you get is a performance that's honest and true, and most of all, comfortable. Watching Jake perform is like singing songs around a campfire with your best friends. Oh, and he's strummed his guitar around a few campfires, too.
So, what's next for the singer-songwriter? Definitely more music. Jake is definitely looking and thinking ahead. He is working to make music more full-time and will most likely be recording soon. But that doesn't mean that he won't pop in on an open mic night every once in a while.
Grateful for the people who have supported him his whole life, Jake remembers those who have counted on him to entertain them and enlighten them with his words, chords or offbeat joke that might casually slip out of his mouth. From his band teachers in the 4th grade, to the friends and musicians who have shared the stage, Jake is extremely thankful and always appreciative.
So the best way to describe Jake is this: if he doesn't play, he'll explode. Okay, so I exaggerated a little, but the point that's being driven across here is that music is that one constant in his life that always brings a smile to his face. Although it is hard to be a working musician, his greatest pleasure is to see his fans moving and shaking right along with him. That, he says, is the greatest compensation that he can receive as a musical artist.
This singer-songwriter has most definitely mastered the art of storytelling. He might one day be classified as one of the most influential or inspiring. No telling what the future might bring. However, one thing is for certain. No matter what the circumstances are, you can always count on Jake to entertain you, humor you or most importantly, be your friend. - Written by Kathrine Bryan - Featured Arts & Entertainment Contributor - Kathrine Bryan - Associated Content (.com)
"...Next up in the night was Jake Nannery, a seasoned professional with a gravelly voice of someone much older; he’s travelled the globe playing his guitar to the tune of Ray Lamontagne and a tad Johnny Cash. This local is destined for greatness as he can command a crowd with his lively shows. Using the momentum built off the opening band, Nannery and friends continued the upbeat rock vibe with a kicked up addition to include a trombone and upright bass and ending out the set with a rousing rendition of When the Saints Go Marching In. "
- Brienna McWade | My Seattle Night Out (.com)
"...Next up in the night was Jake Nannery, a seasoned professional with a gravelly voice of someone much older; he’s travelled the globe playing his guitar to the tune of Ray Lamontagne and a tad Johnny Cash. This local is destined for greatness as he can command a crowd with his lively shows. Using the momentum built off the opening band, Nannery and friends continued the upbeat rock vibe with a kicked up addition to include a trombone and upright bass and ending out the set with a rousing rendition of When the Saints Go Marching In. "
- Brienna McWade | My Seattle Night Out (.com)
"This local [Jake Nannery] is destined for greatness as he can command a crowd with his lively shows. " - Brienna McWade | My Seattle Night Out (.com)
"This local [Jake Nannery] is destined for greatness as he can command a crowd with his lively shows. " - Brienna McWade | My Seattle Night Out (.com)
There is nothing wrong with a little back up. And by “back up,” I mean a bass guitar and a set of drums.
I have listened to Jake Nannery’s voice, accompanied by nothing but an acoustic guitar. The added sounds provided by bassist, Ramon Salumbides, and drummer, Mike West was excellent. The slap of the bass and the solid percussion was the perfect touch to Nannery’s signature bluesy, rock style.
The three have been playing and creating music for three to four years, and the opportunity to tour as a group was an exciting and fulfilling experience. Between April 16 and April 20, they traveled down America’s west coast, and camped in beach towns between shows.
“We mapped out the entire tour. Excited to play past the backyard,” Nannery said.
They did well. The trio played in coffee shops and bars, much to the enjoyment of familiar faces and new friends. Having recently returned to their home base of Seattle, WA, it is back to recouping, and preparing for what is next.
Nannery has enjoyed and appreciated the effort and talent that Salumbides and West contributed. As a solo performer, it was just a “guy and his guitar.” He has written a multitude of original songs, and being able to incorporate additional musical elements has taught Nannery to let go and welcome new ideas.
“I’m not a bassist or a drummer. I don’t tell them how to do their jobs. It is always a collaborative effort. Those two add more depth and bring their own talents and skills,” Nannery says of his band.
The experience of sharing the stage with others has been positive. It requires more responsibility, yet offers the comfort of a safety net. Nannery has embarked on a new journey and has embraced it since the day he returned to the United States.
Prior to the tour, Nannery lived in Waiheke, New Zealand, for nearly two years. He relished the life of simplicity. Being miles away from the hustle and bustle of American life, it enabled him to focus on developing a better creative process to his songwriting. He envies the methods of others whose approaches are more concrete.
Nannery was able to apply what he had digested into his writing and performances. Traveling has opened his eyes widely and what he gained is a greater appreciation of where he came from and where he has been.
His songwriting ability has done anything but falter. Nannery’s fans have had the pleasure of hearing both old and new material at every show. His songs touch on a variety of entertaining storylines. For example, he could tell you a little something about drinking with the devil, or watching a girl leave in a beautiful summer dress. Regardless of the subject, what the listener gets is a good story, a catchy melody and a real and honest performance.
“I enjoy doing this and playing with others is awesome. I can’t even describe it. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Music is the vehicle to the experience.” - Katherine Bryan, Glide Magazine (.com)
"When Jake Nannery came out on stage people were drawn to his guitar. It was covered from top to bottom with writing. He called it “his road journal,” it was messages from people that he had met throughout his musical career. He told the crowd that he had quit his job three years ago to ride motorcycles and play music. Since then he has traveled all over the United States, and just recently spent 2 years in New Zealand — where he was recognized as one of the top 5 folk artist in New Zealand. By his performance you could tell that he was a seasoned musician. " - Lisa Jansen | My Seattle Night Out (.com)
"Seattle Wave Radio Jammin’ Challenge winner Jake Nannery (guitar, vocals & trombone) and his Wooden Nickel Brass Band (Mike West on drums & Ramon Salumbides on standup bass) kicked off the show with New Orleans funk inspired performance and brought a portion of the crowd to their feet with a spirited delivery." - Greg Roth - The Examiner (.com)
Jake has a great and Original Voice. He'll make any cover sound like he wrote it. - The Seatbelts (Aug 21, 2007)
Nannery, you're one of the coolest people I know. - KFI Radio, Los Angeles, (Oct 30, 2008
Still working on that hot first release.

Raised in the shadows of mountains in the Great Northwest, Jake fled the seasons at a young age and traveled the world, playing shows and campfires across the US, in Europe, and New Zealand. He is, at his very core, a traveling story teller who's themes of self-searching, loss, love, longing and redemption connect and resonate on an intensely personal level.
On his own, Jake's massive presence belies his slight frame, and because of an injury sustained as a child his rich baritone has the texture of the same gravel roads he so often seeks out. His intense energy is only barely contained: A young Mustang chomping at the bit, begging to run free. He's been known to hold cafe's and living room concert goers in rapt anticipation, or single-handedly fill 3-story rooms like B.B. King's Blues Club in Los Angeles with sound and energy.
When backed by his Seattle-based "Wooden Nickel Brass Band," the gates are thrown open, and his shows are even more lively, tight, and fun. The group, who have been playing together off and on since 2007, seamlessly fuse musical talent with joy of performance, and give the crowd every reason to keep moving.
Jake has had a stellar year in 2013, with highlights including the Choochokum Arts Festival, Play it Forward III (Sharing the stage with Alan White of the band YES, John Popper, Lee Oskar, and members of Heart), and most recently recording 30 + songs with Grammy winning producer Bubba Jones (Scheduled for release in March 2014)
Jake is eager to build on his good fortune by meeting as many new friends and fans as he can, hearing their stories and songs, while making and sharing some of his own.
Band Members