New York City, New York, United States | INDIE
Performing Monday night at Fat Baby bar on the Lower East Side, the four members of Hypernova almost made it through their set before distinguishing themselves from the many other hip and hungry young talents who come to New York seeking musical recognition.
“We have no idea how good or bad we are — we’ve just been playing in Iran,” blurted out Raam, the group’s 25-year-old songwriter and frontman, to howls of encouragement from an audience of about 30 people stacked with Iranian-American friends and supporters. Nonchalance is a hard act to master...
You can read the full article @
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/28/arts/music/28band.html?ref=arts - NY Times
As the British hostage crisis comes to a close in the Gulf, in New York a young indie band from Iran celebrates a different kind of freedom, reports Freya Petersen
The title of the song sounded innocuous enough, but when the Iranian rock group Hypernova launched into Lesser of Two Evils in a packed New York nightclub on Monday night, the audience seemed receptive to the message...
You can read the whole article @
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/arts/main.jhtml?xml=/arts/2007/04/05/bmhyper105.xml - Telegraph
When Americans speak about an Iranian invasion, few are referring to a rock band. But here they are in New York, four young Iranians who call their band Hypernova.
The group is enjoying unexpected popularity during its first tour of the United States. The band played a packed show Monday night at Arlene's Grocery, on New York City's Lower East Side...
You can read the whole article @
http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/story?id=3001583&page=1 - ABC news
When Hypernova first started playing shows in Iran's secretive rock scene, lead singer/guitarist Raam would always keep one eye on the door. In a country where playing rock music is forbidden, he and his band would need to sprint away from the authorities if they raided the gig.
"It was scary," Raam says. "We had to sound-proof everything we did when practicing and basically live in an underground room," he recalls. "But art strives off of fear and struggle. We were lifting spirits in an environment where people couldn't express themselves."
To read the rest of the article visit:
http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/underground/hypernova-1003935203.story - Billboard Magazine
Watch video @
http://www.myfoxla.com/dpp/news/Iranian_Band_Hypernova_Performs_at_Henry_Fonda_Theater - Fox News
The best rock shows are often the ones where you feel like something dangerous could happen at any moment — whether it's the singer plunging headlong into the crowd or a scuffle breaking out between security and overzealous moshers. The air of menace can help make a show that much more exciting.
But what if the very act of stepping to the mic means taking your life in your hands?
That's how Iranian rockers Hypernova feel every time they plug in for a gig in their native country, where cultural repression is a daily reality and rock concerts are forbidden...
You can read the full article @
http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1556532/20070405/hypernova.jhtml - MTV
There's something slightly different about Hypernova, one of the young indie rock bands currently playing the New York club circuit, and it's not only that they come from the Islamic Republic of Iran.
With their long, shaggy hair and torn jeans they could easily be just another of the hundreds of punk bands that come to New York in search of 15 minutes of fame and maybe more.
There are the occasional expletives in their lyrics, the harsh underground sound, and the reverb screeching through their Marshall amps, but Hypernova are surprisingly well-behaved and articulate for a young rock band.
The group cut their teeth playing in underground clubs in Tehran, where they tread a fine line playing Western-style music that - officially at least - is banned...
You can read the full article @
http://www.metimes.com/storyview.php?StoryID=20070408-054625-7145r - Middle East Times
Hypernova have played a grand total of four US gigs, and are already getting the kind of attention that most young bands would sell their siblings as well as their souls to attract.
They’ve been the subject of a profile in the New York Times and have been interviewed by MTV at its Times Square headquarters.
ABC News has come calling. So too has Vanity Fair magazine.
It must all seem a bit dizzying to a four-piece whose youngest member is 17 and who are more used to playing at house parties for their friends than in hip venues in Manhattan...
You can read the full article @
http://archives.tcm.ie/businesspost/2007/04/15/story22648.asp - The Post
You can read the full article @
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=11182793 - NPR
For Music from our upcoming album "Through the Chaos" visit:

What is this all about? Five musicians, Chiming guitars and driving rhythm, appealing baritone vocals, one great
album, a couple of videos, tons of press, packing clubs in the Los Angeles area, and the usual love of playing rock n roll.
Sick of politics? When thinking of Iran you probably don't consider that region of the world as being an alternative-rock
hotbed. After all, the simple act of performing rock music there can lead to public flogging, time in prison or harsh
fines. That's where Hypernova is coming from. After playing numerous secret gigs in underground parking lots in the late
hours of night, the band decided to leave their homeland and let their music take them on a journey to Los Angeles, where
they ended up recording their debut album, Through The Chaos, produced by Herwig Maurer and mixed by Sean
Beavan (NIN, Marilyn Manson, No Doubt).
Where are they now? Recently relocated to NYC from Los Angeles, Hypernova have been rapidly winning over
fervent new converts while also receiving an impressive amount of press from the likes of MTV, Billboard, New York
Times, NPR, ABC, FOX, Playboy and the UKʼs Telegraph newspaper. The band has just finished their North American tour
supporting the Sisters Of Mercy, and preparing for another cross-country tour in mid 2009.
Where are they going? Best said in their song “American Dream”
I know that I'll never go back home / To the life I had, the life that I had known / They put me on the cover of their
Magazines / Scarlet skies and broken dreams / They promised me that we would change the world / For better or for
worse / All I wanted was to rock n roll / All I wanted was to see the world / The happenings on the streets / And mingle
with the kooks and beats