"Nostalgia" full bodied rock sound crusted with pop styled lyrics, Nostalgia holds a very tasty melody and a catchy chorus like a breath of fresh air.
"Open Eyes" punk beats fuse a very rock/pop sound very American teenage band sound, this could be one for the skaters!
The final track on the EP is "Liar" lead singer Martin O'Neill should be very proud of himself on this track his vocals are superb and the dynamics in his voice are crafted to perfection, the song gives off a cool post modern rock anthem feel excellent stuff. This is one act to watch and listen out for.
5 out of 6! - Music Review Unsigned
Nostalgia opens with the title track, a big hook-filled rock tune with a soaring chorus. The vocalist, Martin O'Neill is a pleasure to listen to and I wouldn't be surprised to find that this song had already been licensed for television placement. Open Eyes tries to bring back the big rock anthem. Built around great guitar hooks, Open Eyes harkens back to the days of 1970's heavy rock. Froud finds a killer sound here that's also danceable. Lair is the highlight of the disc, allowing O’Neill to really show off his pipes. Lair is a wonderfully dark, down-tempo song built on major progressions with minor-key accents. While this isn't commercial radio material, it's the sort of song that can help a band build a dedicated core following pretty quickly.
Froud is an old-school rock band for the third millennium. The ability and willingness to step out of ABAB or ABACAB song construction and do it well opens up numerous avenues to creativity for a band. Froud seems to do this as easily as breathing. Be sure to check out Nostalgia. You'll be hooked from the opening notes.
4.5 stars (Out of 5) - Wildy's World
Froud has a classical Alternative Rock Sound that you’re always in the mood to listen to, it’s hard to say who they sound like which i guess can be good because that means they’re different....They have catchy lyrics and a good sound that you can listen to whenever you’re in the mood for some classic alternative rock. - Sweptawaytv.com
Their overall sound has a top-drawer, crunchy, alt-rock feel to it. There’s a real radio-friendly vibe to them without being caught up in the commercial mishmash of cheap indie rock with with a solid edge to their tunes. - kilkennymusic .com
With a killer sound, electrifying guitars, and soulful rock vocals, each member of Froud nicely blends together to make solid entertaining music! - Isaac Davies Jr. - www.juniorscave.com
Strident guitar chords,a tough mainstream rock sound and confident vocals mark ' Nostalgia' from Froud. It has a tasty guitar break. - Hotpress Magazine
"Radio Friendly Rock" - Hotpress Magazine
Single: Nostalgia - 27th Feb 09 on itunes, 7digital, napster
Nostalgia reached No1 on Irish Independant Download Chart & is recieving national regional radio airplay in Ireland following the its release.
Over Again - Released 31st July 09
Open up Your Mind - Release Date May 2010
There are songs streaming http://www.myspace.com/Froudmusic

Froud are a alternative rock outfit from Ireland. Songs provide tuneful verses, and anthemic chorus combined in a layered alternative rock sound. Debut Single "Nostalgia' reached No.1 on the Independant Irish Download Chart on its release and remained in the Top 10 for several weeks! The Music Video for which is being feature in Music Mix USA in June/July 09 - broadcasting to 40 million homes on NBC, CBS & FOX