One of the signature tunes on this record - "The Hook" - came out in 2002. And reading the shouts, Dutch writes that "this album was created from 1997 - 2002." So let's do the math: the most recent stuff is two years old. Hmm… so what's the relevance of it today? In a market that finds a new trend every other month? Why even bother to listen to this old shish?
Okay now, settle down. Some stuff that Dutch addresses on here are actually even more pressing issues today than they were years ago. A great example of that is "Soul Searchin'" with PackFM. Dutch says: "great emcees are a thing of the past/ cats is either too simple or too abstract." He continues to talk about how bad distribution and recording companies are. And listening to this time machine moment, it's noteworthy how little has changed and how that little got rather worse than better.
But maybe we should take a step back and discuss who this Dutch dude is: part of Equilibrium, the group with Celph Titled and Majik Most who blew into the scene with "Farenheit 813" and "Windows 98." With the latter using the Windows signature start up sound. What spun the rumor that Gates was threatening them with a lawsuit. He didn't. The guys made that up for some extra attention. The 12" came out when having a vinyl record was still a big thing and when there was no CD-R alternative. Heck, chances were that you were good when you got a 12" out. What also explains the incredible number and talent of guests that's on this album. Be it on the previously mentioned "The Hook" that features Apathy, Majik Most, C-Rayz Walz, Celph Titled and louis logic, or be it on "It Gets Worse" with Windnbreeze, Alaska, Cryptic One and Vast Aire.
Dutch is in many ways a bad mouth, spending many songs not saying much. Like the battle verses on "Crush Your Interlude" or "The Ego Has Landed", both over very early 90s beat. But the best song on here is "BusStopBuildingBlock," which in many ways is a tribute to The Nonce. A group that must have influenced Dutch, also considering that he specifically gives Yusef Afloat a R.I.P. in the credits. The flow is very much like theirs, the 'bus stop' rhetoric similar too and the beat by westcoast can-we-please-give-this-man-his-deserved props Deeskee fits the vibe perfectly. Making this song a homage, even if it wasn't meant to be. Deeskee actually did more songs on here: the humorous "Just Me & My Walkman", the interlude "Take A Break", the not quite thrilling "Pipe Dreams" and the friendly "My Own Shit". So Dutch and Deeskee are actually - and quite surprisingly - quite the dream team.
Other producers on this record include J.J. Brown (on the excellent "Dr. Ama" amongst other songs), J.Rawls, Celph Titled, Benefit, previously mentioned Deeskee, Ayentee, Main and Dutch himself. Who's actually quite a dope producer, as shown on Interludes like "October 1st" and "Went To A Whole Different Planet". As well as some unreleased material that hopefully eventually surfaces. The beats Dutch selected though are very related in vibe, and the numerous producers are not what's holding this album back. While the songs themselves are actually really good, you can tell that they were not recorded with one release in mind. It's a compilation of tracks by one artist and thus it's kinda hard to really get a feel for the album. And then there's also a "1995 Equilibrium Answering Machine Tape Freestyle Disaster" that also does little for the audience.
But even with these few and not that important dampers, the record is actually really good. It comes out late and it runs the risk of becoming one of those unnecessary sleeper hits. But you're in the know now. There's no excuse to not check this out.
Review - tadah - Urbansmarts.com
Project: Reach
Domination | 2006
Here, Dutch VonEpp Ziegler put an instant smile on our faces in 2004 with his fresh and way too underrated debut album 'Junk Planet 2000', with tracks made according to a mid-school code. In between 'Junk Planet' and the upcoming project 'Romanticisizing' ànd a new album entitled 'Music 2 Sleep To' (both on Domination Rec), this small-voiced Equilibrium member, better known as DutchMassive, releases a mix of some of his (and others) finest, dreamiest and jazziest music.
Inspired by life, ('I rhyme like I’m sponsored by life') the things that surround him or just regular daily events ('Hot tub tonight, I be sinkin in it'), Dutch raps with no compromises, talking bluntly about his feelings and habits without any glamorizing, even saying sorry that he’s not workin as much as he should've been in 'My Apology' ('I promise progress'), where he tackles the sax-loop of MF Doom’s beat to King Gheedorah’s 'Next Levels' and a magnificent piano-laced 9th Wonder cut. Inspired also, by the music of Jay Dee, to whom he made the 'Seasoned Emcee' tribute; 'Forget a revolution, I’m motivated by life and stay focused on making good music', Dutch raps. Another musical influence is clearly Digable Planets, evidence of this is the re-make of their hit 'Ninth Wonder', which knits nicely into the fairy-tale jazz that is displayed throughout this mix tape. On the side, Dutch rhymes over some of his own creations such as 'Evaporate' and 'Positive Contact'. Even DutchMassive’s first MPC beat ever ('2nd October') is featured on here, as well as two classic cuts from 'Junk Planet'; 'Me & My Walkman' and 'BusStopBuildingBlock'. Furthermore Dutch’s producer friends bring some hotness; two Surreal bangers (the intimate, dark and moody 'Life Lines' and 'The American Dream') or the excellent Jazz Addix production ànd feature on 'Love'.
Straight-up boombap is represented with 'Earthly Relief' (feat Will WiIdoss) and the unforgettable outro '64 Bars' by Celph Titled, who’s dropping trademark 'I don’t give a fuck'-lines like 'I be buccaneering ya main arteries ya fuckin queer', 'She got an Applebum so why the fuck do we need Bonita for?' and 'I’m Iceberg but not Slim, more of that type of shit that sunk the Titanic', accompanied with Premier beats. 'Project: Reach' will get you right in the mood for Dutchmassive’s highly anticipated, upcoming projects. This is feel-good hip-hop that makes the listener glow from the tip of the toe to the front of your head while settin your mind at ease instantly through luscious moodiness and a funky drap of buttery boombap. - Platform8470 - HipHopZine -
+ Equilibrium - 12" bronx science [1997/1998]
"Fahrenheit 813" & "Windows 98" B/W
"Critical Conditions" (f/Boogiemonsters)
+ Araknophobix - "Phantasmagoria" CD [1999]
"Telepathic Ambush 2.0" (f/ Maleko, Celph Titled,
Raj & DutchMassive)
+ Equilibrium - 12" Atomik [2000]
"Do That" b/w "Hold Something"
+ Various Artists - "Aberfoyle Springs Compilation"
CD - HipHopHotSpot.Com Inc. [2001]
"Fallout" - Dutchmassive (f/ CelphTitled & Walkmen)
+ Walkmen (Tino Vega) - 12" Bronx Science [2001]
"Tropic States" (f/ Murdock, R.K. , Vocab,
DutchMassive, Celph Titled and Prime)
+ DutchMassive - 12" Gameplan [2002]
"Evaporate" & "Soul Search" prod by J. Rawls
(f/ PackFM) b/w "The Hook" (f/ Apathy,
MajikMost, C-Rayz Walz, CelphTitled, & LouisLogic)
+ PackFM - "Featured Material - Volume 2" [2002]
"soul search" prod by J.Rawls (f/ DutchMassive)
+ Film Soundtrack:"Kingston High" DVD/VHS [2003]
"Do That" by Equilibrium, plays at beginning of end
+ Apathy - "It's the Bootleg, Muthafuckas! Volume 1
double CD Demigodz Entertainment [2003]
DutchMassive "The Hook" (f/ Apathy, Majikmost,
C- Rayz Walz, Celph Titled & Louis Logic)
+ Dutchmassive - 12" Freshchest [2004]
"The Ego Has Landed" b/w "It Gets Worse" (feat.
Hanger 18, Majik Most, Cryptic One & Vast Aire)
& "Revaporate" (f/ Majikmost & Celph Titled)
+ Dutchmassive "JunkPlanet" Cd & 2xlp [2004]
(Classic debut Solo album in stores worldwide)
+ DJ Primetime - The Formula Vol. 2 - hosted by
Vinnie Paz - Mix CD [2004]
Dutchmassive - "revaporate" (f/ Majikmost &
+ Muneshine - "Flawless" [2005]
Natural Resource (f/ Dutchmassive) - "N.L.B"(RMX)
+ Dutchmassive - "Project: REACH" - Domination
Recordings [2006]
+ Celph Titled - The Gatalog: A Collection Of Chaos
(4 Disc's) [2006]
"Pit of the Flame" (f/ Celph Titled, Dutchmassive
& Majikmost) & "Critical Conditions" (original mix)
"Blood Rush" (f/ Dutchmassive & Buff1)
+ ST/MIC - "Life's Work" - Domination Records [2007]
"Love Was Complicated Yesterday"
(f/Dutchmassive & Jazz Addixx) &
"Love Is Complicated Tomorrow"
(f/ Dutchmassive & Unknown)
+ TAKE - "Earthtones & Concrete" - Innercurrent
records [2007] "Dream Suite" (f/ Dutchmassive)
Produced by TAKE
RAWKUS RECORDS [2007] - Sophomore Solo
album released digitally for Rawkus 50
+ MAJIK MOST - YOU GOT JOKES!?! - Domination
Recordings [2008]
"Back on the map" (f/ Dutchmassive & CelphTitled)
+ Muneshine - "Big man on Campus" [2008]
"Get it on" (f/ Fresh Daily & Dutchmassive) -
produced by Mudd
+ "THE DRUMLOVE EP" - Save The Empire [2008]
Instrumental EP - produced by DUTCHMASSIVE
+ Mishoo The Drumkit "Born in the land of a thousand hills" EP [2009]
"I won't stop" (feat. Dutchmassive) - produced by Comfort Fit

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