New York City, New York, United States | INDIE
B Slade, the gospel artist formerly known as Tonex, has new alter ego and a brand new swag, epitomized in his clip for "Get Over You," from his A Brilliant Catastrophe mixtape. All I can say is that I'm in looooove with this track. It's like the spirit of Sylvester, the grand diva herself, invaded B Slade's body and has taken over! Rocking a straight long perm and serving much attitude, the video incorporates clips from the classic 1990 documentary Paris Is Burning. B Slade will definitely be an artist to watch. Expect a full review of A Brilliant Catastrophe soon. Watch the video below:
- K. Clark's Corner
Remember the gospel artist Tonéx? Well, whether you do or you don't, the singer/songwriter/producer/multi-instrumentalist who won Stellar and Gospel Music Awards for his work has flipped the script and is no longer going by his original stage name (his real name is Anthony Charles Williams II), but he now has a new moniker, Brian Slade, and some new music for us to dig our teeth into. Don't expect to hear him singing "Amazing Grace" on his newly released mixtape, A Brilliant Catastrophe, however. Brian Slade will still take you to church with his vocals, but also expect to find him rapping, singing about topics that would make many a deacon blush and delving into disco, like on his cover of Sylvester's signature hit, "You Make Me Feel (Mighty Real)." Although I'm partial to the original, Slade's falsetto is working overtime on this track and he does an exceptional job. Shake your groove thing to this and be sure to download the rest of A Brilliant Catastrophe to hear more. - Soul Bounce
As is rains profusely, I awaken with a smile on my face and two beautiful beings at the other end of my phone discussing a few things. I am on a whole different plateau, because I realize it's 10/01/10, it really is B-Day.. BSlade that is.. as he descends to unleash his beautiful anointing labeled "A Brilliant Catastrophe"
Sitting here in the chamber listening to B Slade's new Album perfectly title " A Brilliant Catastrophe!" And it couldn't be summarized any better. Most of you may know the fearless leader from his previous years as Ton3x, and the new followers under his alter ego BSlade. It's amazing how mow much he embodies this persona and enthralls himself into it in every aspect, an alter ego, or true self?A person like me dare ask?! BSlade is lyrically gifted, and emotes through music which makes you listen and take notice. From his pitch, to his amazing arrangements, and lets not forget his falsetto followed by a run as his showcases his range effortlessly. All while serving you fabulousness, and the TRUTH.
At a first listen, I'm intrigued from the first note, as I play the project's title track called " A Brilliant Catastrophe!" If this in any indication of what the space cadets should expect, were in for a real treat. This track takes you on a journey to the early 90's with a 70's flare where music was real, multi facetted, and the artist actually had something to say. As BSlade slays and sings one of my favorite parts " I like hip hop. I like HIP-HOP ..Keep on moving don't stop by the hands of time....hip-hop: its been suffering.....let's get back to 'real' HIP-HOP…over melodious beats which is simply orgasmic and tantalizing. Music lovers prepare to be abducted and taken on a ride.
Just when you though it started with a bang, I was lucky enough to hear what heaven truly sounds like. BSlade should be prosecuted to the fullest extent, for the way he goes in on the track "Mighty Real!" I was DOA, nothing should ever be this damn good and legal. The way he gives you falsetto, pitch and showcases his range, while making it seam effortless as he channeled Sylvester should be a crime. This remake would make even the harshest critic give a stand ovation. This disco track is truly going to be blasting for years on end, and wait to you get to the 4:16 min mark, I almost ruined my carpet and peed my pants. The " KIDS" are going to gag on this one, perform flips, dips, and tricks, all while losing their pretty little minds. " Feel the spirit, it's in the air, it's everywhere, can't you feel it, you feel the love.." I know I feel it and baby I hope you guys are ready for this Next Level type music, this is strictly for the grown & sexy!
Next Track I was blessed to preview is titled "FREEDOM RING" and it's definitely an important self declaration of what is yours & yours for the taking: Freedom. And just in case you were wondering as he informs you, He doesn't need your approval! This track is like the finalizing chapter of his personal journey, where he is letting you know as he states" I got out.. free at last.. I'm free at last....No more manipulation. move out of my way, b/c I want my Freedom"! This song lyrically speaking sets a precedent on the direction BSlade's current project ventures into, and yes he does take it back to "church" on this cut. Freedom Rings touch bases on a lot of his journeying, and its defiantly not a track for the unintelligent. It makes you actually think about what's going on, and the message he conveys throughout the song, while the haunting lyrics "FREEDOM... Let freedom ring,' is taunting you in the background. this song is going to have quite a few people open there ears and minds & really pay attention!
"Going Away" plunges you into the fearless BSlade innermost thoughts. He doesn't hold back in this song, he spares nothing nor no one, and he leaves no stone untouched. This songs plunges the lyrical content even further as he serves up tangible truths, unfiltered with a nice tall glass of "STFU!" He allows you to access his heart, as he touches basis on his beloved Late father, his separation from church, a skewed inaccurate ideologies tainted w/ judgment, & as he states "I was introduced to this by you, so I'm a product of double standard institute." Decode it for your self, but this lyrical genius is at it again, delivering what he serves up the best.. THE TRUTH... His fans: past, present, and future space cadets will and should appreciate the real bareness of this song. It's stripped, It's unapologetic and it's beautiful, Get into it..
"Well, well, well, the day or reckoning is here.." as his next track "The Great Collapse" starts off. This track is quiet unexpected, and different for me. it's not too often when you have a chance to hear BSlade on a heavy Hip Hop influenced track, yet still keeping his own unique style and flare, all while making it work. He displays how he is a true artist by being a chameleon in the game. A true testament how v - Sean Williams
From the start, this project takes an R. Kelly/ Mint Condition/Erykah Badu (yeah, all that and in that order!) direction with the title track. Then, B. Slade brings a thick, urban gospel jam with “FREEDOM: ring” that will have you on your feet! In light of the rest of the songs, it’s this song of deliverance that sets an overarching theme to the project. By the way, @BSLADE is the Twitter handle for the artist known as Brian Slade, formerly known as gospel vocalist, Tonex, sometimes spelled TON3X.
Since B. Slade’s departure from contemporary gospel music scene, he’s released a series of independent mixtapes showcasing more of his songwriting abilities for mainstream artists. A cursory listen to his mixtapes, however, confirms that he has not turned away from his Christian faith. However, gospel music fans may not have been (and still may not be) ready for his more sensual love songs on the same project.
The songwriting blend of sex and salvation on A Brilliant Catastrophe is familiar in classic American R&B traditions, yet fresh because of B. Slade’s willingness to call on, as well as call out, Christians, specifically to stop the hypocrisy and love themselves so they can love others. The rap, “Mantra of Zenlake,” makes that crystal clear. The confessions of “One Love” and “Blazed” and the sad truths contained in the track, “Going Away,” speak authentically about life in and around the burning spotlight while being public figures in a Christian family. B. Slade takes it one step further into sexual ecstasy in “Tempo” and a lover’s betrayal in “The Details” and “Back.” It’s as honest and complicated as life can be.
Rounding out the project is his cover of Sylvester’s dance classic, “Mighty Real,” a nine-minute bookend to the theme of personal and spiritual freedom. I’m sure Sylvester himself is singing along from the cosmos. And for the ballroom set (look up the terms “ballroom” and “vogue” if uninitiated), he brings the feel-good nu-disco cut, “Get Over You”.
This project is definitely a keeper
- Groove Loves Melody
Sixteen amazing tracks: Prince-like tempo shifts juxtaposed against tribal grooves all wrapped in provocative and honest lyrics. B'Slade insists on making you both think and dance. You will have no choice but to do both.
- Son of Baldwin
OK, I have listened to this project at least 3 times and it is DOPE!!!!!! Tonex is a musical GENIUS!!!!!!! The subject matter will be shocking to many be it his gospel background, but I respect him for being true to his vision. If you are easily offended then this project may not be for you so be forewarned. The vocal arrangements on every single song are ridiculous. I smell a Grammy nomination if it's at all possible for a free mixtape.
Get this right nah!!!!!
- Lalah Hathaway
I've been anticipating this night for weeks. Once I accepted the job of chronicling and investigating the return of Brian Slade, my mouth seemed to water at a chance to revisit not only my admiration of him as a musician, but also my love for his mystery.
I was granted a rare inside-look at his prep for the show. Of course the usuals of costume, hair, and makeup, but there was something that I was sure the public doesn't get to see often and that was the realness of the man behind the music. He likes to get dressed to music being played loudly enough for him to feel. He reads and shares books that have touched his life and mindset. He has a sarcastic, quirky sense of humor that is enhanced by the humor surrounding him. This man is just like any man.
So what, pray tell, is the mystery?
The mystery hits the stage. The persona of Brian Slade switches from mild-mannered home-boy to aggressive takes-no-prisoners glam rock god in an instant. The mystery lies in his inspiration, in his riffs, in his arrangements, and even in his hair!
My God! His hair!!! Reminiscent of the "Unicorns" he sings about. Something about his countenance echoed the lyrics of his song "Unicorn" as well. You could see in his eyes the pangs of life and yet the triumph of self at the same time. You could see how he was misunderstood and yet glorified all the same. The mystery was in his duality.
Something big is on the horizon with B Slade. I aim to be present for its revealing. Stay tuned.
~Arthur Stuart - From The Desk of Arthur Stuart
This is beyond hot! Get ready to turn up the volume on your speakers and reminisce about a time when house and disco music was the soundtrack to your gay club experience; and openly gay singer Sylvester wailed high notes in his signature falsetto that sent club goers into a spiritual frenzy of dance floor ecstasy.
The man re-introducing this sound to a new generation of kids is the musical genius and former gospel sensation Tonex' who now calls himself Brian Slade. 'Get Over You' is one of several tracks that appears on Slade's 'Dawn of The Unicorn' mixtape available on iTunes. Slade has been kind enough to share material from the mix-tape exclusively with loldarian.com.
You may recall watching our exclusive interview with Tonex' last year during his coming out and the fallout from the black church because of his decision.
'Get Over You' showcases a side of Tonex' that many have never seen before, his alter ego Brian Slade, who I happen to believe was there the entire time lurking under the surface.
Slade rocks a beautiful straight perm and flirts with the camera behind a backdrop of pulsating beats infused with clips from the gay classic Paris Is Burning. His comfortability factor with his feminine side and his sexuality is on full display and Slade seems to revel in it. It's enough to make his (closeted) colleagues in the gospel music industry uneasy and green with envy at the same time.
"I was definitely trying to make Sylvester proud with this video. I've never felt so free", Slade tells loldarian.com. A source tells loldarian.com that Slade has been cast to star as Sylvester in an upcoming film based on the late singers life.
Get into the video below! Download 'Going Away' a new track from his new mixtape A Brilliant Catastrophe out October 1 here.
- Living Out Loud with Darian
Gospel and gays go hand in hand, just ask singer B.Slade, who has used his church roots to fuel what is a brilliant body of dance music.
Formerly known as Tonex, the 35 year old Grammy nominated performer left behind a 16 year career in gospel and a pastorship over his late father’s church to be openly gay.
With a sound that’s reminiscent of the legendary disco star Sylvester, his music is definitely worthy of a “hallelu” a la Shangela Laquifa Wadley.
- Logo
* 1994: Silent X: The Self Confrontation
* 1995: Damage
* 1997: Pronounced Toe-Nay (underground release)
* 1999: Personal Jesus (Remixes)
* 2000: Pronounced Toe-Nay (international release)
* 2000: Circu$$
* 2001: Tonéx Presents MSS Dynasty: The Hostile Takeover
* 2002: O2
* 2003: The O'ryn Project: Figure 'O Speech
* 2003: Protranslutionary
* 2003: Oak Park 92105 (underground release)
* 2003: Remyx: Pronounced Ree-Mix
* 2004: Out The Box
* 2005: Ain't Remyx
* 2005: Oak Park 92105 (iTunes release)
* 2006: Oak Park 921'o6
* 2006: Banganyn EP
* 2006: The London Letters
* 2007: Oak Park 921'o6 Japanese Import
* 2007: Stereotype: Steel & Velvet
* 2008: T.Bizzy: The Album
* 2008: Banganyn Remyxes
* 2008: Tonéx Presents T.R.O.N. (The Ryderz of Nureaumerica)
* 2008: The Naked Truth
* 2008: Bapost.o.g.i.c.
* 2008: Rainbow EP
* 2009: TEMET NOSCE Nag Champion Mixtape
* 2009: Unspoken
* 2009: Circu$$ (Exclusive Digital Release, Final Configuration)
* 2009: OakPark 921'06 (Digital Release)
* 2009: Baposto.g.i.c. Mixtape (Digital Tracked Version)
* 2009: Personal Jesus: Remixes (Digital EP)
* 2009: Dancefloor Arsonists: The JACK5ON Magic Tribute Myxtape (MySpace Exclusive)
* 2010: The Parking Lot (iTunes Only Release)
* 2010; A Brilliant Catastrophe (The London Letters Part II)
[edit] Singles
* 1997: "Personal Jesus"
* 1999: "One Sunday Morning"/"For The Life Of Me"
* 1999: "Mad"
* 2000: "Personal Jesus"
* 2002: "Bout A Thang"
* 2002: "That's When"
* 2002: "God Has Not 4Got"
* 2004: "Doesn't Really Matter"
* 2004: "Make Me Over"
* 2004: "Since Jesus Came" / "Todos Juntos"
* 2006: "Banganyn"
* 2006: "Fail U"
* 2007: "Joy"
* 2009: "Blend"
[edit] Awards
GMA Award (formerly known as Dove Awards)
* 2003: Urban Album of the Year for Souljahz's The Fault Is History (Warner Bros.)[14][15]
Stellar Awards
* 2003: Rap/Hip Hop Gospel CD of the Year for O2[16]
* 2005: Artist of the Year for Out The Box[17]
* 2005: Song of the Year for "Make Me Over"[17]
* 2005: Contemporary Male Vocalist of the Year for Out The Box[17]
* 2005: Contemporary CD of the Year for Out The Box[17]
* 2005: Urban/Inspirational Performance of the Year for Out The Box[17]
* 2005: Rap/Hip Hop Gospel CD of the Year for "Thank Q" from Out The Box[17]

B. SLADE (formerly known as) TONEX has released several hundred songs on 24 albums over a span of 14 years, while producing several others for both gospel and secular artists. He has won 7 Stellar Awards, a GMA Award, and received 2 Grammy nominations: one for Best Soul Gospel Album for his 2004 gold album, Out The Box and another in 2009 for Best Urban/Soul Alternative Performance for his single, Blend,
from his 2009 mainstream album, Unspoken.
His musical efforts have been known to blend a smorgasbord of styles, including pop, r&b, jazz, soul, funk, hip hop, rock, latin, electro, punk and trance, and has created a distinct sound and eclectic style of music.
When the annals of the past cross with the endeavors of the future, the many situations and occurrences have a chance to mingle and compare themselves to each other either to determine co-relativity or simply which lessons have been learned. This fellowship usually brings about an other-worldly and yet grounded
reaction. Today, we'll call this cataclysmic result: B. Slade.
A reclusive extrovert, B. Slade has gone through this very same pseudo-scientific formula. He's examined the wiles of his past and analyzed, over-analyzed, and ultra-analyzed how his future would and would not benefit from them. On a musical level, his genius has always remained in tact through the years, but the
confines of the music industry have always stifled his genius from showing its true form, hence the reclusive extroversion.
Having slaved in this musical sweat-shop for years, the enigma developed a new creation in the form of B. Slade; a brash, limber, extravagant, sexy, ultra-ego who's as apologetic as a justified middle-line-backer. His inspiration comes from life, art, sex, and the expressions of each, giving viewers and listeners much more
than their eyes and ears bargained for. Once a timid Dr. Jekyll, B. Slade effortlessly slides into the role of Mr. Hyde with a swerve of the hips, a flip of the hair, and a squall that only an eagle would rival.
Many skeptics were at first unsure of this new image. The doubts were immediately assauged during the first appearance of B. Slade in June 2010, where he was unleashed upon the anxious audience at GreenHouse in New York City. B. Slade's first agenda of the night was to lure the crowd in with a rousing
performance, then make love to their eyes and ears, and finally give them a night cap in the form of The Parking Lot.
The masses were shocked, pleased, and pleasured. There is speculation, however, as to what exactly makes up this concoction known as B. Slade. Is it simply freedom of expression or freedom in oppression? Is he here to lead us or is he simply here to help us lead ourselves? The mystery surrounding his purpose and motive is unclear, but the results are deafening...and
defining. What is to come from B. Slade is unknown, but those who follow have their clues.
On June 9, 2010, he released what would be his final mixtape under Ton3x, the iTunes only release "The Parking Lot". The mixtape was also distributed in NYC that night after what would be his final performance.
Taking on his new persona "B. Slade", he released a brand new mixtape of original material, "A Brilliant Catastrophe" (a sequel to his jazz album, "The London Letters"), which was released on October 1st, 2010, his late father's birthday as a free download.
B. SLADE's appearance has included extremely conservative suits with close cropped hair, outlandish, flamboyant garb with feather boas, fur coats, punk-inspired multi-colored hairstyles, Sanjaya-like headpieces, Stevie Wonder-style dreadlocks and also platform shoes, that brought to mind the "glam" rock
bands of the 1970s and 1980s.
On September 30, 2010, now referred to as B. SLADE, he debuted the song and video "Get Over You" on Youtube. Billed as a "Sylvester Screen Test", the song and video is reminiscent of the late 70's/ early 80's dance and club music scene.
B.SLADE produced the opening song for the hit PARAMOUNT TV Show "One on One", "Off We Go" on Sony Pictures J-LO/Ben Affleck film "Gigli", HBO Films "Prison Song" starring Q-Tip and Mary J. Blige, and produced a song for BET Films original movie "The Walk". The track "The Good Song 2005", a remake of
the song "The Good Song" off of his mainstream debut album Pronounced Toe-Nay, was included on the soundtrack of the movie XXX: State Of The Union starring Ice Cube; he has also been a cast as a member for the upcoming motion picture "Player's School" (www.Myspace.Com/PlayersSchool &
www.PlayersSchoolMovie.Com), which is slated to co star: Tom Green; Michael Colyar; Paul Wall, Buckeey,Serious,Smiley & Pumpkin (Flavor of Love/Charm School); Kurtis Blow & D.L. Hughley & Bobby Lee. The movie is being Produced & Directed by Benjamin Jimerson-Phillips.
B.SLADE(TM) has been seen on various BET programs, CNN, INSIDER, ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT, TBN, NBC, CBS, ABC, Motow