Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | INDIE
In 2006, he self-produced a witty cele bration of sunglasses at night, called "Hatablockas." He returned with "She's Bad," and again with the thought- provoking "One Day." With his independent album, The Hotline, on the way, Acafool hopes to have hit on the horn. - XXL Magazine
Been poppin’ this all morning long! Hot! Naaahh! That’s too weak a word for this cat…
I have to admit that aside from a few artists in the Hip Hop industry I’ve been pretty jaded with the music that’s been dropping in this genre for quite some time. Lacking originality and genuine creativity I’ve been numbed by the week to week releases of the same ol’ same boring and played out sounds… but wow! My eyes have been opened to a new cat on the block my friend, and he goes by the name Acafool!
Jokes to match beats and all of it done in good taste plus it’s oh so thoughtfully put together. Acafool has found a truly unique niche in which to drop his class act into. A place where he can stand apart from the rest of the Hip Hop industry noise. This man has a gift.
Yes. Truly innovative and fun to listen to! Maybe that’s what’s been missing in today’s Hip Hop music. Fun! Well Acafool delivers it in spades. But don’t think that it’s just fun and games… oh no! Acafool matches wits with music and beats too. Delivering the classic southern boom and toe tappin’ rhythmic musical flows Ack, a.k.a. Kervens Joseph, drops what can only be considered a new Hip Hop flavor that both the young and the old will truly appreciate.
With roots in the islands, Acafool wears his origins on his musical sleeve blending in island music flavors with today’s club bangin’ Hip Hop grooves. Remarkable. I love this cat!
If there are any Hip Hop headz out there who want to discover how to properly market an album, keep your eyes on Acafool. He’s got this music marketing thing on lock. With a 40 second song spot in the latest Fast and Furious movie series, “Ride” (written specifically for the movie says Acafool), which apparently won them over due to the high energy and upbeat vibes, Acafool is on an upward swing towards musical success and prowess. Yes. This is one smart Hip Hop head. Nice…
Be sure to check out Acafool when he’s up in your spot and show some love by copping his latest album. It’ll be well worth your dollars.
Label: Dream Chasers Entertainment (Independent)
Genre: Hip Hop
Standout Tracks: Ride, Duweey (D.U.I.), Come From De Islands
Website: www.acafoolinc.com
Catsask Profile: www.catsask.com/Acafool
EPK: www.sonicbids.com/Acafool
Myspace: www.myspace.com/acafoolinc - The Music Biz Buzz with Duss Rodgers
It’s very rare that you fine a hip hop song with a “message” that you can party to. Acafool, the man behind “Hatablockas”, and the “The Fast and Furious” inspired “Let’s Ride”, once again has another club banger with his newest single “Deweey” (D.U.I.), where he is promoting drinking responsibly.
Always one to step outside of the box, Acafool combines a horn heavy track and clever lyrics with an infectious hook that can be heard chanted in the club by everyone who is getting drunk on “Patrennessy”. Throughout the song, Acafool takes you on a trip through drunken nights, and wild parties while keeping the constant message of avoiding D.U.I.’s and driving drunk. Acafool’s camp states, “Acafool’s goal was to create a fun party record, but in the process he created a song with a witty yet serious message that the audience can identify with and hopefully hear and heed the meaning provided,”
Hip hop needs artists like Acafool, who aren’t afraid to step out of the box and deliver something different; a club banger with a message. “Deweey” is another example of why Acafool is considered by many as one of the most creative artists in the South. - multipleeargasm.com (Posted 06 Jan 2010 in Music News, Slider
Tampa, Florida-- Hip Hop artist Acafool has been recording music for years. But three weeks ago, a message he received by Instant Message was one of the bigger thrills of his career.
A producer with the latest "Fast & Furious" movie sequel confirmed a song the Tampa based artist had written months earlier, had been selected for use in the movie.
"For it to be in the film, that's awesome. That's big," Acafool said from his recording studio in Largo.
The fourth installment in the "Fast & Furious" series debuted in theaters nationwide on Friday. The film contains about 40 seconds of Acafool's song called "Ride" which he says was custom written for the movie.
"I think the thing that won them over was that it met the criteria for the movie. It was high energy."
Acafool was among several hundred who got a sneak peak of the movie Thursday during a special screening in Tampa.
"I missed all the dialog in shock over the fact my song was in the movie," he said of the club scene where his music could be heard.
Acafool hopes exposure from the movie will help propel his career and increase his exposure.
Already, fans of the film were requesting autographed copies of his latest CD following the screening.
A DVD, soundtrack CD, and "Ride" music video could all be coming soon.
http://www.wtsp.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=103412 - CBS Channel 10 Tampa, FL
Aca Fool is an iconic hip hop personality who has an electric and humorously charismatic style which has gain him respect on the showmanship side as well as business side of the music industry. It was interesting to hear his interview on Lush Radio Online, his style of professionalism as well as business savvy itself is a unique marketable strategy of expressionism.
Lushy lush informed me that Mr. Aca Fool is good person to know and I was amazed when he recorded a drop for Lush Radio Online and myself on the spot. It was quite shocking, he didn’t hesitate two seconds. I was convinced for sure that Mr. Aca Fool was about getting his networking and business game on as well as having fun doing it. People will be able to tell for sure that Mr. Aca Fool enjoys what he does and does not really consider what he does work.
His honesty and timely antics led me to ask if you weren’t producing the hottest track for sound tracks and keeping the airwaves tuned into your sound what do you think you would be doing now? Aca Fool responded, "If I wasn't in music, I'd definitely be pursuing my other passion which is acting... However, I would be pulling my hair out at my counseling/psychology job because that's what I got my degree in."
Landing such notable contracts as having as his song "Ride" featured on the "Fast And Furious" soundtrack led me to the question of when did you realize that you were going to be successful in the industry? Mr. Aca Fool answered, "It still haven't come to that realization… Guess perception is reality and for me on the inside looking out I feel like I still got a LONG way to go, got alot more noise to make, so I have some great accomplishments under my belt but I'm HARD on myself and my measurement of SUCCESS is a lil bit higher than most people but I'm holding my own in the industry so I'm doing good." Well what obstacles did you overcome? Aca answered, "In this business obstacles come a dime a dozen, and there are so many for me but I'd have to say BUDGET has always been the consistent obstacle for me but I gotta thank GOD, DREAM CHASERS ENT, and MYSELF for consistently finding way's to get through that obstacle and being creative with the BUDGET we have and making moves based on good relationships."
Aca Fool has a very impressive story I asked him what influenced him to stick with it and focus on being a success in the industry? Mr. Aca Fool answered, "Honestly, I look in the mirror alot and ask myself what the heck are you still doing in this business because I HATE roller coaster rides and that's what this business is. However, I have to say my reason for sticking with it is that music comes natural to me and it's something that makes me happy at times and I have genuine people that support my movement and believe in my talent and obviously the potential for success with me is GREAT so quitting isn't an option. It's just important that I try to tap into all avenues of the business that I believe I can garner maximum attention, generate a buzz and make some money." Next I asked well how often do you work on perfecting your craft more, or perfecting you niche? Aca Fool answered, "I'm in the studio right now, working on a song for placement for cable show as well as my new mixtape "My Crazy Summer" and I still gotta engineer other peoples sessions. So I'd say that I'm perfecting my craft and niche EVERYDAY." Sounds like Aca Fool relates to not getting any rest until the job is done and done correctly.
With all of this said I knew how professional Aca Fool was, but do industry insiders sometimes not take you serious because of your professional name Aca Fool? Aca Fool stated, "Initially people don't take me serious, but once they hear me speak and see how I get down in the studio, their perception of me tends to change. I'm far from a fool, so don't let the name fool you." After having a conversation with him precise and methodical diction and conversation with him would not lead anyone to think otherwise.
I also wanted to know in particular who are some the artists or producers that have an influence in his music? And why? Aca Fool answered, "A tribe called Quest, Outkast, NWA, New edition, BBD, Whitney Houston, Slick Rick, Snoop Dog, 2 live crew, Boyz to Men, The Fugees, Hot Boyz, Usher, Dr. Dre, Jermain dupri, Timbaland, biggie, 2 pac, Kanye, T.I, LUDA the list goes on really. All these different artist and producers showed what GOOD MUSIC is." Also Which artist would you especially like to work with? He answered, "Andre 3000, Wyclef and Ice Cube." Definitely they are classic artists in the game holding their own.
What gave you the idea of coming up with that funny sound at the end of your drops? Aca Fool answered, "Ahh The YEEEEEEAAHH!!!!, Lil John inspired that because I was fascinated at how he can say it and not hurt his voice. Everytime I tried, I almost blew out a vocal cord so blame him....lmao." It certainly is an attention grabbing signature piece to his showmanship and it's funny as well.
It was a pleasure having the opportunity to interview you Mr. Aca Fool, go ahead and give them all your shout outs. "God, Shout out to Lushy!!!!, DREAM CHASERS ENT., MY FAMILY, Music Matrix Studio, the haters and a big shout out to MYSELF because some thing definitely wrong wit me, YEAAAAH!!!!!" - www.greenlightcommunity.com
Forget about worshipping Patron or blaming it on the alcohol. Local rapper Acafool wants to make it cool to party like a sensible grown-up. So he wrote a song about it, natch. D.U.I. (Duweey) "promotes responsible drinking and staying hydrated while partying," says a press release about the single. (Click here to listen.)
Duweey's crunk-tastic chorus goes like this: "Bartender give me another cup of that H2O cause I’m so messed up, I don’t want a Duweey." The song goes on to say that, in a nutshell, friends don't let friends drive drunk.
But will leaving the club less than hammered ever be in? Ack, a.k.a. Kervens Joseph, thinks so. "Acafool’s goal was to create a fun party record, but in the process he created a song with a witty yet serious message that the audience can identify with and hopefully hear and heed the meaning provided," the press release states.
If anyone knows how to market a record, it's this guy. In a review of Acafool's July concert at Nova 535, Jay Cridlin reminded us of the shrewd brilliance behind songs like Hata Blockas, the Rays anthem Trop Boys and Let's Ride from the Fast & Furious movie.
Hear Duweey, Let's Ride and more on Acafool's newest project My Crazy Summer. But let's hope things didn't get too crazy, right, Ack?
-- Dalia Colon, tbt* - Tampa Bay Times
'Amazing Race' contestant Jeff Shroeder sports T-shirt promoting Tampa rapper Acafool
We love it when celebrities rock clothing by Tampa Bay residents. Even better when that clothing sends a message. So I was psyched to see Amazing Race contestant Jeff Shroeder in a T-shirt promoting a song by local rapper Acafool. The tune, Duweey (D.U.I.), encourages responsible drinking. Take a listen:
The downside? The shirts aren't for sale to the public.
Deal Diva Dalia
Photo courtesy of Acafool: Jeff Shroeder, right, poses in Las Vegas with Tampa Bay's DJ Mingle Mix.
Posted by Times Editor at 01:28:01 PM on March 8, 2010
in Celebpretty? , Music | Permalink
- tampabay.com
Do Ya Own Thang (Current Single) Duweey (received radio play)Lets Ride (Featured in latest Fast & Furious movie which released 4/3/09 in addition to Radio Play), Acafool (Self Titled LP), Hatablockas (Single off LP - Heavy Radio Rotation), Hell NO (Radio Play), She's Bad (Radio Play/ Video), One Day (Radio Play)
She's Ready (Radio Play), Come From De Islands (Radio Play)

Acafool (pronounced Ak-a-Fool), born and raised in the Little Haiti area of Miami, FL and currently representing Tampa, FL, is the definition of a true artist, one that marches to the beat of a different drum, a man in his own lane, defying both description and logic. Acafool’s talents encompass many facets including singing/rapping, song writing, engineering and producing which has lead to the creation of some of the hottest sounds coming out of the south. Additionally Acafool's creative business ideas have his team Dream Chasers Entertainment moving in all the right directions.
Within his music, Acafool takes his listeners on a musical journey that knows no boundaries, and eagerly pushes the parameters of Hip-Hop, Soul, Pop and R&B. He is rapidly generating interest for the daring, innovative and fresh perspective he takes in his music. While performing invigorating live shows his fans can fully experience Acafool at his best. Whether performing at major events or local clubs, Acafool can't be anyone but himself, a cool and humble brother. This real, genuine quality he possesses has helped him to establish a strong and diverse fan base by serving up his music with the power to enlighten, entertain, educate, and elevate. Instead of all the wars, crime, suffering, stress and strife, wouldn't it be great if from time-to-time, we could all just ACAFOOL...
Acafool is no stranger to the industry, his buzz has stretched across the globe; including landing in XXL Magazine in December 2006 (Show and Prove) and again in July 2008 (10 Florida MC’s on the Rise). Acafool has also been busy at work making major moves, with a 2008 feature on the remix of Hitz Committee / Jive Recording Artist Asia Cruise’s hit single “SELFISH” and “PUT ON – Bay to the Bottom Remix” along with major recording artists Plies, 2 Pistols, Ace Hood and DJ Khaled.
Acafool’s music has taken up permanent residence in the streets, the clubs and on both underground and mainstream radio stations in numerous markets not to mention international attention. His first breakout hit "HATABLOCKAS" (off his self-titled debut album), has garnered him major attention on many powerhouse stations and has made “HATABLOCKAS” a well-known term in the industry and clubs alike.
Since the release of "HATABLOCKAS", Acafool has comforted the hearts of those that have lost someone with “ONE DAY” and heated up the clubs with the bangers "SHE'S BAD" and “SHE’S READY”. His latest release, the hit single "LETS RIDE", (Featured in the movie “Fast & Furious: New Model, Original Parts”) is going worldwide. The self-produced, LETS RIDE is a testament to Acafool’s growth as both an artist as well as a producer. With this project in hand, Acafool continues to grab attention and is currently promoting his latest mix tape release “MY CRAZY SUMMER” which features all original music and includes the hit singles “LETS RIDE” and “DUWEEY”. Acafool’s latest single “DO YA OWN THANG” is tearing up the clubs and the streets……
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