Harrison, Ohio, United States | INDIE
Dec. 2005-Jan. 2006---fizzgig's "You Can't Have Me" continues its run on the Top 35 Radio Playlist of UK National Station Kerrang 105.2 FM Radio, currently at 18, but having placed as high as 16. fizzgig shares the list with such notables as Coldplay, Foo Fighters, Greenday, Blink 182, The Strokes, The White Stripes, etc.
You Can't Have Me hits in the Top 30 College Charts in the UK...hits as well as other UK commercial radio networks & clubs including:
Radio CCAD Middlesborough
IBFM Student Radio Lancashire
Nexus Etc. Southamton
The Pitz Club Milton Keynes
The Church & The Gloucester Brighton
Old Dairy/Moorman Tavern London
Phoenix Coventry
Pink Toothbrush Rayleigh
UCA Radio - University of Paisley
Opium Lounge Romford Essex
CFX Plymouth
Utopia FM Uni Sunderland
ATRFM Birmingham
KCC Live Liverpool
HCR1386AM Halesowen,W.Midlands
Garage ULU London
Blast Off, Civic Hall Wolverhampton
Purple Radio Durham
ETC-FM Edinburgh
The Castle Oldham
Cardiff Newport Meze
Edwards No. 8 Gallows Birmingham
Xpression FM Exeter university
LCR1350AM Loughborough
The Sugar Mill Krazyhorse
Solar1287 ST Helens College
Time Tunnel Derby
Scandals, EQ, Villa Bournemouth
Indie Room @the Fez Reading
fizzgig Muisc Has Been Heard On These U.S. Radio Stations:
XM National Satellite Radio / Channel 52
97.3 Cincinnati, Ohio
103.5 WZIF / Lexington, Ky.
WEBN / 102.7 Cincinnati, Ohio
KBCQ Roswell, NM
KFMI Eureka, CA
KVTI Tacoma, WA
WALV Cleveland, TN
KLBQ El Dorado, AR
WCIR Beaver, WV
WIFX Whitesburgh, KY
KIXY San Angelo, TX
KHYS Abilene, TX
KYEE Alamogordo, NM
WXTQ Athens, OH
KGLI Sioux City, IA
KMGJ Grand Jct., CO
KJCK Junction City, KS
KKCK Marshall, MN
WMXO Olean, NY
KSCQ Silver City, NM
WVIQ St. Croix, V.I.
KROG Medford, OR
KATW Lewiston, ID
WKPQ Hornell, NY
KKBJ Bemidji, MN
ARCN Radio Athens, OH
ZRock 103 Lexington, Ky.
WGRE Greencastle, IN
WONB Toledo, OH
Channel Z Rock Cincinnati, OH
WCIR Rock 103 Beckley, W.Va
Internet Radio and TV:
fizzgig's video-"You Can't Have Me" on eaTV's Top Ten Most Wanted request list for 14 weeks and counting...Dec.2005 to the present.
- Kerrang 105.2 FM Radio Top 35 Playlist
“It is unanimous. We cannot tell you,” 26-year-old singer/secondary “it is 4 a.m.” van driver Garry Zink of Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati-based Fizzgig said. “There are people who know what it means, but we will never verify that they are right.”
His brother, 22-year-old singer/guitarist/sleeper-in-the-back-of-the-van-after-drink-some-beers, Matt Zink said, “There is no reason for it. Mainly, it is for mystique.”
Then there is opinion of the ever-sarcastic emotional support/primary van driver/singer/guitarist, 25-year-old Evan Brass. He said, “It is to make people wonder.”
But what are we wondering about? The name: Fizzgig.
It is really the only thing they absolutely will not talk about. Everything else is an open book.
“We are a power pop and rock band,” said 26-year-old navigator/shotgun rider/drummer Mike Paolucci. “It is really guitar-driven with a lot of melody. It sounds very rock onstage.” Having been compared to Weezer, this almost-Ohio-based group is very proud of their roots.
“We [Brass and Paolucci] are originally from Richwood,” Garry said. And Garry and Matt are from Elsmere, “which is around the corner of Florence,” he continued. “We say we are from Cincinnati, but we are Kentucky boys.”
Other things they are proud of? Their new album, due out early 2006. “We currently are in the studio, working on our new album,” Garry said. “It is 92% completed.”
After the album is done, Garry said, “Then we intend to do a lot of touring, including going over to England. We want to win the hearts of as many devoted rock fans as possible. Then we can quit our day jobs and do this full-time.”
They do have other goals, too. Garry said, laughing, “We also want Mike to learn how to spin a drum stick properly—he just threw one across the room.”
But what is the appeal? What makes Fizzgig so good? Brass said, “We think our music is good, damn it. We like it.” More seriously, he continued, “We offer different things than what is on the radio. We are more positive—our music is about all the good things in life. It is full of good melodies, and good music.”
What is some other good music they can relate to and are influenced by? Here are the basics: Weezer, Smashing Pumpkins, Green Day, Foo Fighters, and Ash. Then there are the not-so-basics: “the entire decade of the 90’s, including the bad parts,” said Garry; “your mom,” said Brass; and “all of the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and early 2000’s,” said Paolucci.
Perhaps Garry summed it all up best when he said, “Every song you hear, whether it is a good one or a bad one, influences you. Whether it is in a good way or a bad way, it still influences you. Everything in life influences you.”
Then there is Brass’s writing process, which is sort of in the same vein. Here is Garry’s take on it: “Evan presents an idea to the band, then we play through it, we make some changes, and play it 4000 times.” He added, jokingly, “We have a secretary who keeps count. Her name is Barbara.”
Things are almost like that, according to Brass. “My process runs the gamut. Whole ideas come to me—sometimes it is in the shower, when I am taking a dump. Other times, I will get three notes, and struggle over what comes next. Like, three months later, I will get inspired. Some songs have taken me over a year to write.” He continued, “I enjoy writing songs. I want to give something to the universe of songs. They can come from any emotion; I try to focus on how I can touch and reach people.”
How does Brass try to do that? “I see the radio as so negatively-based. I see a need for positive music. We are a bunch of happy fellas; hopefully that comes across in the music.”
But what about good music—what is that? According to Matt, it is “what you can connect with, in any way, any emotion. It is like a soundtrack to your life.”
Brass had a bit of a different take. He said, “Any music that can touch someone in any way, anything that can move you. It is about communicating.”
Paolucci’s ideas differ from that: “It is any song with a catchy melody that you enjoy. It does not have to be complex.”
Again, Garry summed it up best: “What is good music? That is like asking, ‘What is good food?’” He laughed, and said, “The usual response to that is, what are you in the mood for? If you want to solve world hunger, you listen to U2. Sometimes you want to listen to an angry/life-hating song. Sometimes you want something ridiculous like ‘My Lovely Lady Lumps.’ Sometimes you want Aqua, or opera. I do not know why you would want Aqua, but sometimes, nothing else will do.”
For more information about Fizzgig, visit www.myspace.com/fizzgig. - Krysti Hessler
The pop rock group Fizzgig, opening the Blessid Union of Souls show at Regents Hall, recieves a standing ovation from the crowd at the end of their performance. Members of the band spent the next hour inside the entry vestible to Regents Hall signing autographs and sell cds and band merchandise. - NKU Review
fizzgig-(self-titled release) from Rock Midgets / Dan Jones / www.rock midgets.com
Sometimes you just have to hold your hands up and admit no matter how much a genre has been pilfered to within an inch of a life, a band can still stand out by simply perfecting the tried and tested formula.
Ohio's Fizzgig are by no means attempting to reinvent the pop-punk wheel, or indeed even give a fresh spin on it, but their debut LP is so perfectly crafted, full of summery melodies and tales of the broken hearted, that it's scientifically impossible to dislike. First single 'You Can't Have Me' encompasses everything that Fizzgig are so good at, containing glorious choruses that Yellowcard would desperately kill their grammy to write, which all build to towards a climax that's reminiscent of prime Weezer. Occasionally the bands quality filter seems to break down - take 'Best Friend' or 'Don't Know Why', neither of which come close to matching the quality hooks on offer elsewhere - but the likes of 'Sympathy' and 'Angela' easily have enough about them to once again elevate the piece effortlessly above the average.
If and when Fizzgig make it huge, which on this evidence they so easily could, they may well attract the same hostile detractors as Yellowcard and Fall Out Boy, but you doubt they'll concern themselves with that for one second as they've got far more important things to agonize about... like inevitable girl trouble.
Rating: 4/5 by Dan Jones
Kerrang Magazine Review of fizzgig's Euro ep release in the UK
Written by Paul Travers:
KKK (out of five)
Chewy debut from silly Monikered pop punks. Fizzgig might have one of the worst band names ever but thankfully their musical output isn't quite as crap. The opener "Sympathy", it is in fact
utterly splendid, falling as it does somewhere between the power-pop perfection of
Weezer & the more ramshackle Presidents Of The USA. Big simplistic riffs & infectious hooks are the order of the day but where half the tracks here are pulled
from the same tasty vein there are at least 3 that smell like filler.
It's a ratio that's far too high for a seven track min-album, but there's
still enough sparkly goodness in the songs that do shine to make this a promising
Fizzgig - Sympathy EP (European UK Release) (Craig)
Fizzgig is a name that could be rolling off people¹s tongues in the next few months. I have to be honest, I hadn't heard much of their work before I got my hands on a copy of this album, which I believe will be released in the UK and Europe soon, yes I was lucky enough to get my hands on it. Well, where does one start? They seem to have a traditional Rock/ Alternative sound, heavy drums and loud guitars, but it's all a pleasant sounding sound, going to blow your mind away, sort of Green Day-ish. I do think that a few tracks from this 7 track EP will be turned into rock anthems down at the local antipodean pubs. My favourite tracks off the EP have to be ³You Can¹t Have Me², this track has an amazing catchy tune that could be fizzing in your head all day long, its the kind of track that if its the last song you heard before heading to work it will be with you all day long - it could well be one of the hits of the summer. I also enjoyed ³Sympathy², again the tune could be stuck with you all day but the well written lyrics and the cool tones of the guitars and drums keeps you humming
away, the guitar solo in the middle reminds me a bit of Queen in their hey day. Fizzgig, given the support and encouragement they deserve, could well and truly be fizzing their way to the top of the charts.
Emily Slowly / Manchester Music Magazine -review of "SYMPATHY" * joint single of the week *
:: Fizzgig ::
06 March 2006 / 3 Trk CD :: ProperMusic
By Emily Slowly
OK, the name's shit. But Fizzgig have drummed up one helluva storming collection of three songs. The hammered down chords of “Sympathy” call out like the original hits of Split Enz, moulded into a thoroughly bout of powerful post punk, by way of the new school of melodic pop as played out by Ash. It’s a great track, but “Angela” is the favourite. A soaring, fuzzed out love song, with giddy peaks, exciting crescendos and an undeniably large EMO influence. They’re from Cincinnati and they’re absolutely brilliant. They could be dangerously massive. The name has to go though..
MMMM ½ /Resources: www.fizzgigonline.com
Wessex Scene --- http://www.wessexscene.co.uk/article.php?sid=1349
Fizzgig: ‘You Can’t Have Me’ - Despite sounding like a
Swedish detergent, Fizzgig are a four-man band from
Cincinnati in the United States and ‘You Can’t Have
Me’ is their debut UK single. Regularly described as
power pop, they evoke memories of Sum 41 with their
style tinged with rock. It is an upbeat track that may
have you singing along to the chorus before listening
- Reviews by Various Listed Critics
Members of Fizzgig get schooled here at NKU
By Kyle Burch
Published: Wednesday, February 26, 2003
As members of the band Fizzgig, NKU students Evan Brass and Garry Zink have accomplished many things. They have released two CD's, performed in several states across the U.S., and, in 1999, finished as one of the top 16 bands in a national contest held by Rolling Stone Magazine.
Brass and Zink, along with NKU graduate Dan Schwartz and Eastern Kentucky University graduate Mike Paolucci, have been playing together for nine years, and they have successfully made their mark as one of the best local bands in the tri-state area.
Brass, a classical guitar major, and Zink, a marketing major, met at a church group in 1994 while still in high school. They teamed up with friends Schwartz and Paolucci and started practicing soon after, but they hit one little snag.
"We didn't have our drivers' licenses yet," explained Zink. "Our parents had to drive us to practice."
The band played for the first time, at a church talent show. "We were pretty bad," said Brass, "Garry had to learn three chords just to be able to play the songs." After the show they realized the excitement of playing on stage, and continued to practice.
Nine years worth of practice later, the four are still together, only now, instead of playing for fellow students at a talent show, people pay to see them perform almost every weekend.
Fizzgig released their first album "Orange" in 1999 and attention began coming their way. "We started playing shows in different bars and clubs around town after that," said Brass, "and started working with a manager who got us involved in this contest."
Fizzgig entered into the Rolling Stone/Ernie Ball Battle of the Bands concert, and was chosen as finalists out of 5000 bands from the U.S. and Canada. The band traveled to perform in Dallas, Texas, where they finished fifth place overall in the entire nation.
"Before the contest, we were really just having a lot of fun playing shows," said Brass. "After that, though, we really started to realize that we might be able to succeed with this."
Fizzgig has also won the University of Louisville's Battle of the Bands in 2000 and 2001, and their music has appeared on the "Our Music" compilation CD, released in late 2000. They also plan to be in a battle of the bands at NKU next month.
Fizzgig, who has played with almost every band on the Cincinnati music scene, can be seen performing around campus on occasion. They have put on two shows in front of the University Center on campus, and played at Regents Hall last year with Blessid Union of Souls. - NKU Student Paper
fizzgig lands seven songs in the "Most Played List" on XM Satellite Radio...including the top spin spot for "You Can't Have Me".
The seven fizzgig songs appearing on XM Radio Most Played List are:
1. You Can't Have Me
2. Sympathy
3. In It
4. Friday Night
5. Best Friends
6. Angela
7. Don't Know Why - XM Radio - Billy Zero, PD
Fizzgig returns to play at UK
By Liza Goldenberg
They’re not your perpetual angst-ridden band, and to be quite honest, they make no apologies about it. They’re Fizzgig, a quartet of all-American boys, singing all-American anthems in hopes of living the American dream. Hailing from Northern Kentucky, Fizzgig’s sound is something they call “Metallison,” or a mix between Metallica and Hanson.
Childhood friends, they started the band in 1994 and since then have slowly ascended in the music industry, finding a great amount of success on radio stations across the country. Quirky, light hearted and lively, Fizzgig performs in such a way that not only defines their music style, but also their offstage personalities. Their music is their recipe for success. With a strong combination of beat, melody and harmony, their upbeat-melody-guitar rock with a dash of punk for good measure are highlighted by even stronger vocals from the members of the band. Their anthems are based on life lessons, but rather than focusing on the negative aspect, as so many of their peers do, they find the silver lining in the situations they write about.
The music business is, in fact, a business, and what makes Fizzgig so incredible is the nature of their involvement with the band. Not only are they the talent, but they also take an active part in the business relations that are critical to their success. Because of this dedication, Fizzgig is able to maintain the focus necessary to truly find a place in the music industry. Needless to say, their place is secure. The music industry has welcomed Fizzgig with open arms, and with that has come tremendous respect from their peers.
Despite their national recognition, Lexington is a new frontier for Fizzgig. They are just now finding their audience here in town, having recently played a show at the Dame and now an April 30 show at UK, benefiting St. Jude.
So often we have artists on the cusp of stardom come through Lexington, and this time they are fellow Kentuckians. Going to their show will no doubt give you the opportunity to catch a band that will one day soon make the Bluegrass quite proud.
The members of Fizzgig are Mike Paolucci, Evan Brass, Garry Zink, and Matt Zink.
Fizzgig is always looking for new friends. Check out their myspace site at www.myspace.com/fizzgig or check out their main website at www.fizzgigonline.com for more details about their upcoming show in Lexington.
This article was originally posted on April 28, 2005 - The Independent Wildcat Weekly
Fizzgig - You Can't Have Me
Buy a copy of Fizzgig - You Can't Have Me here.
Find out more about Fizzgig here
Fizzgig - You Can't Have Me
Thu Dec 1 06:54:14 2005
Rated 10 out of 13 [details]
Fizzgig have been called one of America's most exciting new bands; they have already completed a sell out tour on our fine shores but now they release their debut single over here, "You Can't Have Me".
You Can't Have Me is a fine piece of pop punk guaranteed to capture the hearts of Bowling For Soup fans, it's full of catchy lyrics and edgy but melodic guitar riffs and a cracking drumbeat.
Star Tonight follows the same principle, although this song has a stronger beat and is faster paced. But in true punk pop tradition you know they chorus the second time it comes round. This is the type of song you can imagine coming across even better live with the crowd going wild.
The final song on this release is In It, it's a CD Rom only track, which seems odd as there isn't a video to accompany it. Still it's a well-put together piece of power pop and well worth a listen.
Track Listing
01 - You Can't Have Me
02 - Star Tonight - Room Thirteen - Tara Couper
Our short film, EXPLODED, is going to be featured in Sunday's Underneath Cincinnati at the Mockbee, 203 W. McMicken. Underneath Cincinnati is a quarterly film festival (four years running!) that features short works....
EXPLODED was written, edited and directed by Kendall Bruns and Josh Flowers as part of Cincinnati's 2005 48 Hour Film Project. It went on to win two awards, "Audience Choice Runnerup" and "Best Music". The short features Aaron Maas, Rian Heist, Betty Anderson, Nancy Glier, Erin Schauer, Richard Alcorn, Scott Spaulding, Mick Telkamp and music by Fizzgig. - Infinity Productions Press Release
Think of the damn amusing (and double platinum) eccentric band Weezer. Similar in Power Pop nature, local group Fizzgig has already scored a huge presence in the U.K. and Japan. With a name like Fizzgig, which refers to a furry, sharp-toothed, alien-like creature from Jim Henson's film The Dark Crystal, one would expect some quirky comments from Evan Brass and Matt Zink. Maybe barking. But they're lighthearted on this chilly, cheerful spring evening fit for a Muppet.
A full-time musician, singer/guitarist Brass wears a normal army-green shirt decorated with not-so-normal pink guitars and guns. Zink (guitar, vocals) has deep, mischievous brown eyes. It appears that he's about to bust out laughing. He often does rather than giving up info and he's not easy to crack. Rather, he shrugs, letting Brass do the talking.
But I get a little bit out of him. Zink followed in his older brother's (bassist Garry Zink) footsteps. Along with Brass, Zink has no day job, although the other two band members, Phil McKenzie (bass) and Kevin Finkelmeier (drums), work full time. Zink assures me, "Oh, they'll probably lose their jobs soon."
The original Fizzgig baby started back in 1994. Brass is the last of the original members (Zink came in three years ago). McKenzie and Finkelmeier were recently added. They've played only two shows with the new lineup, but they seem energized, smiling, all teeth.
Reset, their 2008 CD, is three years in the making. Recorded locally, it was later mixed and mastered in England. The resulting feel is one of punchy guitars and smooth vocals that could be likened to Northern Ireland Pop band Ash or Knoxville's reunion-bent Superdrag. It'll bust out the kid in your sorry, 9-to-5 ass.
Brass explains, "Band members leaving. Running out of money. Running into delay after delay after delay ... but now that it's done, it's like a huge weight has been lifted off our shoulders and we can be a real band again, focusing on playing shows and writing new music."
Then we pause while Brass and Zink swap sandwiches. Zink takes a bite of the new one and gives a "thumbs-up" on the switch.
Cementing Fizzgig's sound, a mix of kicking energy and slick, upbeat vocals, Reset has already been playing on London radio. Fizzgig tours the U.K. extensively nearly every year.
"Our manager's from there and their radio reaches across the entire country," Brass says.
Now, there's also Japan to consider. Soon, Reset will be released by Japan's Powerpop Academy, a label that already released a Fizzgig compilation CD this past December, one that proved the sound was nice enough and mean enough to reel in the listeners.
Brass says, "Our music has heavier guitars, but nicer vocals. There are no screamers in the band. I try to make nice melodies. When I play, it's like the fun side of Rock & Roll, instead of the 'lonely, feel my pain' side."
A soft-sharp mix with a beat that's booty-shaking friendly. Wonder how it feels? Picture a show, any show. See that adult woman in the front row wearing Etnies with her hands raised, her hair in pigtails, going crazy with moves, bounce-dancing like a creature from the fucking moon? That about pegs it.
"I think that Reset is a good evolution and maturation of the sound we were always going for," Brass says. "I'll probably keep the fire burning with this band as long as I can."
- City Beat / C.A. MacConnell | Posted 04/23/2008
"Fizzgig" - 7 song European ep CD -
fizzgig video - "You Can't Have Me"

Fizzgig is an original Pop Rock band from Cincinnati Ohio.
4 friends united by music, it's easy to see the charisma on stage when they play, and the positive attitude is a welcome change in a sea of emo/hardcore bands.
Their songs have won praise for being melodic and catchy and have gained them success in England and Japan. Fizzgig has gone on 2 European tours, and has plans to return to Europe and Debut in Japan later this year.
Their latest album "Reset" was released in 2008 under the Powerpop label in Japan, and Proper music in England. They are currently working on a new album and already have new songs to listen to and download on their myspace: