Si es para que lo compartas libremente, si tiene licencias que te permiten postearlo en la red, enviarlo, subirlo, bajarlo, alterarlo, tocarlo en la radio, haz lo que quieras con esta version Gltich extrema de la cancion Quemalo a cargo de phantoma y la real academia del sonido, que con su sonido salsero se tomo Bogotá…
yes it is to be shared freely, yes you have licenses that allow you to post it on the net, send, upload, download, alter it, touching it on the radio, do whatever you want with this version of the song Gltich Extreme “Quemalo!” by Phantoma and Royal Academy of Sound, the sound of salsa that was taken Bogotá … - La Real Academia del Sonido
Still working on that hot first release.

connector ... synthesizers, drum machines, microphones, amplifiers, the laptops, interfaces, I ...
Phantoma starts on the cyberpunk concept of 'portable music', where you carry your recording studio in a backpack and share at any time radical digital.