Phone Interview. Click on the lick to listen on line or download. - Mik Rimmer / Cross Rhythms - England, UK
With his third album, this 17 year old guitarist from Guatemala displays talent way beyond his years and this virtuoso axe man is starting to catch the eye of the music industry outside of his native country, recently playing with some notable names such as Kansas and Whitecross. Playing music that ranges from rock to jazz fusion, Hedras, who is self taught, shows that he knows how to make his guitar perform acrobatics. There is a full mixture of finger shredding solos, laid back jazz funk and all manner of squeaks and pops emanating from his guitar. In what is a truly diverse offering, even a Scottish bagpipe makes an appearance in the aptly named "Something Different" which harks back to the days of Big Country. The cream of this recording however, is certainly found on tracks where the sound is stripped down to a driving bass and heavy guitar, such as "Writing A History" where Hedras can really let rip over a simple platform. At 12 tracks this CD contains over an hours worth of enjoyable music, providing plenty of inspiration to would be guitar heroes.
- Ian Webber / Rimmerama - England, UK
www.jamtrackcentral.com works with only the best guitarists. We have Guthrie Govan and we have Alex Hutchings. Some might say that we are a bit picky about who we choose to work with. Now we have Hedras Ramos taking care of our new Rock Jam tracks series. Need I say more?
Recorded when he was just 17 years old, this package shows why Hedras Ramos is one of the guitar world's future stars. Our package includes his fantastic instrumental "Insanity of the Atoms", complete with backing track, and two long solos with backing tracks and extended jam tracks. All three come in audio and video formats, with complete Tab available at: http://www.jamtrackcentral.com/cshr1.php
Jan Cyrka
London, UK
- Jan Cyrka, Jam Track Central - London, UK
Artist Twelve: Hedras Ramos (Guatamala)
Hedras was technically the fifth most popular online guitarist, but as Faraz Anwar couldn’t attend due to visa problems he got through – it wouldn’t have mattered if he hadn’t as the online judges all had this astounding young shred maestro through anyway. At only (just!) 17 years of age it was always going to interesting to see if he could pull it off live…
Judges Comments:
Rob Harris: “…good intervallic playing… but where’s the tune!... more chops than a butchers shop!... powerful delivery…”
Phil Hilborne: “… angular piece… not the best tone… strong technique – nice tapping ideas… good variety in the arpeggio sections… very good overall – but a little too Phrygian dominant for my tastes! …”
Martin Goulding: “…nice eintervallic melody… good control and tone… riffage top class… playing is full of colour, flair and technical flamboyance… incredible potential… very impressive and musical use of the full range of techniques …”
Owen Edwards: “…fantastic technique for one so young – absolutely on the same level as world class shred/metal players twice his age… combination of Andy James and Marco Sfogli in his approach… fizzy tone on the rhythm guitars though – but lead cut through great… very confident live performer for his age – don’t think he dropped any notes!…”
Simon Pitt: “…very technically adept and really worked the crowd …”
Stephen Loveday: “…great, and super accurate shred guitar played with real conviction… mad composition – tuneful in places but almost mathematical in it’s structure… this guy I could really work with …”
Simon McBride: Irish Blues/Rock Guitar Virtuoso, Young Guitarist Of The Year Winner, highly acclaimed solo artist
“…superb technique… good stage presence and performance… interacted wellwith the audience …”
So, Hedras pulled it off! All the judges appreciated the undeniable technical command that he has – and even if his chosen style wasn’t to all our tastes there is no denying that there is a new kid on the block in the world of shred guitar!
So there we have it: 12 performances dissected by not only the judges and live audience, but a worldwide audience via the online webcast.
When the judges scores were sorted out it was ultimately down to two players: Danielle Gottardo and Jack Thamerrat.
Jack got it, followed by Hedras Ramos. - Owen Vaughan / Petrucci Forum
Guitarras y Bajos es un concierto que se dedicará enteramente a dichos instrumentos, acompañados de la batería. Con este objetivo, se ha invitado a tres guitarristas, tres bajistas y dos baterías, para que cada uno exponga sus habilidades en el instrumento musical a ejecutar. El evento se llevará a cabo hoy, a las 20:00 horas. En Bad Attitude (4a. calle 5-10, zona 1). Admisión: Q30.
Walter Monsanto. Fue telonero como solista en la clínica de guitarra eléctrica a cargo de Walter Giardino (Rata Blanca) de Argentina en el Conservatorio Nacional de Música y de Pablo G. Soler de la misma nacionalidad.
Hedras Ramos Jr. Es un joven virtuoso guitarrista guatemalteco, autodidacta talentoso de 18 años. Ganó el segundo lugar en la competencia mundial Guitar Idol 2009 de Londres.
Wino Gándara. Empezó a tocar guitarra a finales de sus 17 años cuando estaba en su último año del colegio. Estudiante de la escuela de música Muse. Guitarrista de la banda Mandrágora. - El Periodico, Guatemala City
“Las bandas siguen haciendo los mismos cuatro acordes, y eso es a lo que yo le huyo”, dice este joven guitarrista a Byron Quiñónez, quien lo entrevista.
Seguir leyendo... - Magacin 21 / Siglo XXI - Guatemala City
The young guitarist of 17 of age participated at the Contest GUITAR IDOL in June 2009 in London, UK. He was the only latin american to reach the final stages with a 2nd place. - Nuestro Diario - Guatemala City
Hedras Ramos Jr. 2do Lugar en Concurso Guitar Idol - El Sol de Mixco - Guatemala City
La improvisación del jazz, con los ritmos del blues y el beat y el efecto de la amplificación de instrumentos eléctricos del rock. Así, el joven Hedras Ramos, el virtuoso guitarrista que quedó en el segundo lugar del Guitar Idol 2009, se presenta con la banda Blue Rojo hoy en un concierto de jazz y fusión, tocando música original y algunos cóvers de jazz, blues, rock y fusión. En Proyecto Cultural El Sitio (5a. calle poniente nro. 15, Antigua Guatemala) a las 19:00 horas. La admisión es de Q70.
El proyecto de jazz y rock instrumental BlueRojo, la banda que iba a ser la telonera de Guns ‘n Roses para la gira Chinese Democracy que canceló su visita a Guatemala, será la indicada para presentar un concierto de jazz y fusión con todos sus tonos y gamas. Sus integrantes, Hedras Ramos Jr. (guitarra principal), Helbert Arias (piano), Fernando Martín (batería), Hedras Ramos Sr. (bajo) y Ale Matamoros (segunda guitarra), interpretarán temas propios como Funky Blue, Nostalgium, Paradoxia. Además, Little Wing de Hendrix o Cause we have ended as lovers, de Stevie Wonder. - El Periodico
"New Sounds". It's a 12 song instrumental Rock Guitar driven. (Phil Robertson, Billy Ashbaugh), awesome drummers played on this album. Hedras Ramos Sr. on Bass and Producer as well.
"The Holy Gift of Shred & Holy Distortion" It's Hedras' 2nd delivery. It's a Christmas album, heavy guitars oriented with incredible musicians from Guatemala, USA and Canada.
Stay tune for Hedras' 3rd upcoming album... Due to be released 2nd semester of 2010.

Rising young phenom Guitar Idol from Guatemala with only 17 of age self-taught guitar player and accomplished producer and composer raging from metal to fusion with 2 albums under his belt and a 3rd on the way featuring amazing guest talents as Andy James (UK), Muris Varajic (Bosnia), Billy Ashbaugh (former drummer for N'Sync, Britney Spears, Pat Benatar), his father Hedras Ramos Sr. on bass, Helbert Arias on Keys, Ale Matamoros on Rhythm Guitar, endorsements from great companies from the USA like Halo Guitars, Dean Markley Strings, Seymour Duncan Pickups, N-Tune tuners, instructional video material from awesome British companies like Jam Track Central & Lick Library shows why Hedras Ramos is one of the guitar world's promising future stars.
Hedras began playing at age of 13 and in his young career has opened for legend bands as White Cross, Kansas, Die Toten Hosen (Germany) and recently chosen by the very Axl Rose to open for Guns N' Roses on his "Chinese Democracy Tour" in Guatemala.
Stay tuned for more fresh news on upcoming news on Hedras own model guitar signature build by HALO GUITARS and 3rd new album...