1001 Ways
Basel, Basel-Stadt, Switzerland | INDIE
What an interesting collage of musical sounds… 1001 Ways offers up a dish of digital vibes that oddly touched me in a hell of a funky and disturbing way. Harmonica’s digital drum beats, spastic keyboards and out there vocals with enough synthetic appeal to make one wonder how it all comes together.
A vibe like no other I’ve heard in a long time, these cats offer listeners a journey through an upbeat rave and roll right into a laid back Sade’ish mellow jazz movement with flutes and a mystical radio voice to move us through the oceans of musical madness…
All in all 1001 Ways is just that… 1001 Ways to move, motivate, mellow, magnetize and when you least expect it – blast into your musical mind.
Cool to a fault, these cats are not strangers to great press having received international media coverage on BBC, the New York Post, London to Night, Forbes TV, Asian Voice, India Digest, Culture Times, Pakistan TV, Sirus Radio and they’ve had the pleasure and privilege of working with international artists like: Farafina (Real World), Fathy Salama (producer of “Egypt” for Youssou NÕDour), Omega III (producer of Madonna…), Gypsy Kings, Tony Scott, Buddy Miles, Calvin Owens and more…
Touring the world with their multi-media program “Ghandi” 1001 Ways had the honor of launching The Gandhi Tour at the 10th Earthdance hub event in California on September 15th 2006 with the special guest speaker Dr. Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.
Celebrating Gandhi’s 100 Years of Nonviolence Movement.
Hard working and musically innovative to a fault, 1001 Ways is progressively making their musically golden path in the international independent music world. - The Music biz buzz
Waffenrod – 7. August 2010 „Woodstock forever“
This year 17 national and international
bands and artists will interpret the
Music of Frank Zappa, Neil Young,
Jimi Hendrix, Ten Years After, Jefferson
Airplane, the Beatles, Iron Butterfly,
Steppenwolf, Canned Heat, The Doors,
Cream and Free, and, and many more.
Surprise guest this year
is the group "1001 Ways".
Been present on all continents for over 15 years,
the band name emphasizes the diversity of
there musical creations.
With mystical element in the repertoire
their music stands for a vision
of Peace and tolerance.
..Park City, UT(Hollywood Today)1/30/2010
with impromptu jam sessions in the cozy environment on Main Street... at the House include: Mike Posner, 2AM, 1001 Ways, Club, Letoya Luckett, Jermaine Hall, and Adam Garza. Every year, the impromptu sessions are charged with high energy and provide a welcome retreat as one of the most popular escape spots in town. Upstairs, the SwaggMedia Gift Lounge is also in full swing. Some of the celebs stopping by have included Russell Simmons, America Ferrera, Ryan Gosling and John Legend.... - Hollywood Today
A fusion of world music from five different countries was the highlight of Monday night’s events 1001Ways at the World Performing Arts Festival 2003.
Pakistanis Sher Miandad Qawal and Baloo Khan on the tabla, Syrain Shadi Alashoush on the oud, Swiss Tobias Huber on the violin, Philippine Hilarius Dauag on flute thrilled the audience at the Alhamra Cultural Complex on a pleasant evening.
The most jubilant performance was by Mr Huber (1001Ways), who smiled throughout.
- Daily News 21.10. 2003
Shorty Brown from MTV Australia
abaut 1001Ways
You guys were a blast ,,the icing on the cake,,We love the energy you guys put
out to the world. Thank you for bleesing us with your presense and beautiful music!
Shorty Brown
(New York 4. 11. 04)
- S. Brown MTV Australia
There has never been a festival where music was not the main ingredient of festivities. In the music played at the Rafi Peer Art Festival, one man's music touched a chord with everyone on the opening night. The music was no ordinary one. Nor was the instrument. Strumming the strings of his classical violin was Tobias Huber, a violinist of 1001 ways group from Switzerland. Tobias takes his music as evolved from different roots of music coming from different continents. He comes from one of very eminent music families of Switzerland. He calls himself a great fan of folk music. Tobias brings a message of hope and peace to all people across the ethnic boundaries. While talking to the Nation plus he said, 'The Rafi Peer Art Festival has given a chance to the people of various cultural backgrounds to come together and celebrate peace through music, dance and drama.'
Last year, Tobias, along with his group, came to Pakistan to perform at the Rafi Peer Art Festival. They had received a great deal of applause for their performance. Building on the success of his previous concert here, he has once again jazzed the audience with his unique style of playing violin. He said the situations were a bit different and difficult. The Swiss state government did not like the idea of letting the 1001 Ways group going and performing in Pakistan due to 'the false impression' laid in the minds of Swiss state government officials. 'But I had the support of my city government and they helped me come and perform here,' told Tobias to Nation plus. On the question that how did like performing here, Tobias told, 'I like it here because this is a place where we can experience the exchange of cultures. We must open up our consciousness and give way to dialogue to overcome the catastrophe, whether the catastrophe is in form of cultural devastation or political deluge. And I feel proud of fighting for coming here.
http://www.nation.com.pk/magazines/nationplus/2004/1-dec/page1.htm - The Nation/Plus 3.12.04
Earthdance has announced that the world premier launch of "The Gandhi Tour" with special guest appearance by Arun Gandhi, Founder and President of the The M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence (http://www.gandhiinstitute.org/) and grandson of the late Mahatma Gandhi.
Direct from Switzerland, world fusion ensemble, 1001 Ways, presents "Gandhi", a special multi media program using unreleased archival audio and video footage of Mahatma Gandhi in combination with modern sounds and ancient traditions. The world Premiere of the Gandhi tour is taking place at the hub event (http://www.earthdance.org/sf/) in Northern California.
see at:
http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.jsp?articleId=281474976758378 - Gather News
... key highlight of the concert was the emotional live performance by the World-Beat band, 1001 Ways, and their multi-media programme, featuring a rare recording and footage of Mahatma Gandhi...
- India Digest
Gandhi's Grandson spreads Love, Peace
Cindy Adams:
"global 2008 Gandhi Tour, designed to spread philosophy through music and art"...
http://www.gandhitour.com/press.html - New York Poste
The "Ethno-Pop" group 1001 Ways records music for peace featering Mahatma Gandhi's voice with blessing from family. Tour to follow...
"Multiple organizations involved (right up to the United Nations) in this effort to keep the message of Gandhi alive and in the present spirit"
World Rhythm News / US
http://www.worldrhythmwebzine.com/newsandarticles1001Ways.html - World Rhythm News
"In our time, with terror and wars, it is very important to keep up the hope for peace", says Huber.
Rainbow Spirit News / Germany
http://www.1001ways.ch/Pages/Rainbow-Spirit-Festival-II.html - Rainbow Spirit News
San Francisco, California - September 4, 2006 The 10th anniversary Earthdance Festival
Special Festival Event: World Premier of "The Gandhi Tour" with "1001 Ways" and special guest Arun Gandhi
Direct from Switzerland, world fusion ensemble, 1001 Ways, presents "The Gandhi Tour", a special multi media event using unreleased archival audio and video footage of Mahatma Gandhi. This special production will include both local and international artists and will combine modern sounds with ancient tradition to create a platform where artistry and positive messages unite. The tour will include a special guest appearance by Arun Gandhi, co-founder of the International Institute for Non-Violence (www.gandhiins titute.org) and grandson of the late Mahatma Gandhi. For more information go to: www.1001ways.ch
See at: http://www.bigupradio.com/NewsDetail.jsp?nid=292 - Bigup Radio
Meria With Tobias Huber - Music For Peace
Meet international performer and producer Tobias Huber of 1001 Ways Gandhi www.music4peace.com and www.1001ways.ch as we discuss his awesome music, Earthdance www.earthdance.org and people working for peace (and playing for peace) worldwide. Hear some of the most beautiful music and the original words of Mahatma Gandhi “Gandhi”, “Nahma Om” and more. Dr. Arun Gandhi (see archives) is joining the World Peace Tour which comes to California on September 15th. What is a callabash and the symbology of it?; fighting hunger worldwide; the Gandhi Tour; Music is the international language of love” - enjoy the love in this show!
See at:
http://www.meria.net/2006/independent-art-music/meria-with-tobias-huber-music-for-peace/ - Radio Meria Net
A fusion of world music from five different countries was the highlight of Monday night’s events 1001Ways at the World Performing Arts Festival 2003.
Pakistanis Sher Miandad Qawal and Baloo Khan on the tabla, Syrain Shadi Alashoush on the oud, Swiss Tobias Huber on the violin, Philippine Hilarius Dauag on flute thrilled the audience at the Alhamra Cultural Complex on a pleasant evening.
The most jubilant performance was by Mr Huber (1001Ways), who smiled throughout.
- Daily News 21.10. 2003
Still working on that hot first release.

1001 Ways are truly about global music. They performed at International Festivals around the world and are touring now in the USA, Asia and Europe.
Tobias Huber born in a prestigious Swiss Musician Family (son of Klaus Huber, avant-garde composer) his Grandmother comes from the Django Reinhardt Family (Gypsy Jazz Guitar). He had teachers like Volker Biesenbender (Master-student of Sir Yehudi Menuhin), Mustapha Tettey Addy, Ali Akbar Khan, Zakir Hussein, the Bauls of Bengal and achieved several International Awards like: Int. Music Festival Sanden Netherlands, Int. Music Festival in Vevey Switzerland, Indie-Tunes Song Contest Finalist, top 40 US / Peace Song-writing Award. Since his early years Tobias was inspired of Gandhi's Non-violence actions and worked with cultural peace projects on the United Nations International Day of Peace.
Some of 1001 Ways core members are vocalist Yvonne Guldimann (Hailing from Cameron) and Hilarius Dauag (Hailing from the Philippines), who performs on the ballaphone and various percussion. Together they have recorded the historical CD "Gandhi". It is based on musical and spiritual traditions that are thousands of years old as well as blending modern pop sounds and chill-out elements. The truly exciting aspect of the CD is the combination of there extraordinary music with the rare recording of Mahatma Gandhi's voice (It comes with the blessing of Dr. Arun Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi's grandson). This CD did break borders in all senses.
1001 Ways had international media coverage on BBC, London to Night, Forbes TV, Hollywood Today, International Herald Tribune, Asian Voice, India Digest, Culture Times, Pakistan TV, Sirus Radio... 1001 Ways had worked together with international artists like: Farafina (Real World), Fathy Salama (producer of "Egypt" for Youssou NDour), Omega III (producer of Madonna...), Pras Michel, John Forte (Fugees), Gypsy Kings, Tony Scott, Boddy Miles and Calvin Owens.
Band Members